Healthcare Projected To Cost Near $50 Trillion Over Next Ten Years

Govt getting in healthcare caused a sky rocket in cost. Just like everything else the govt touches.
Why cant we get govt out of healthcare completely? Cash prices are cheap and would only get cheaper.
Orrr we could pass an amendment so the govt actually has the power for medicare for all.
I dont see either happening. You rubes love the govt abusing its power.
Cash only healthcare. Wow, you are soooooooooooo smart. I guess for have $250k for that heart surgery.

First off, without government health care, the cost of a heart surgery will be much cheaper.

Second, I would much rather have a $250,000 bill, than be dead because I was put on a waiting list like gov-care countries.

Third, before left-wingers screwed up our insurance, I had a $67 a month catastrophic insurance police, that easily covered a $250K heart surgery.

You keep looking at the prices of surgery here, as if these prices are cash prices. They are not.

The prices you are looking at today, are the prices caused by left-wing government regulation and interference in the market.

The dumbest of idiots, looks at a sickness caused by ingesting poison into their system, and thinks the solution is more poison.

Similarly, the dumbest of left-wingers looks at how screwed up the health care market is, because of left-wing ideology, and things the solution is even more left-wing ideology.

Socialism doesn't work. Never has. Never will.
There is no reason heart surgery will be cheaper. No country has a waiting list for life threatening illness. I'm sure your catastrophic insurance paid for almost nothing and you'd have a lot of out of pocket. The right has no answer to our costs. Many countries have single payer systems with much lower costs and higher ranked care.
Of course I have thrown in the towel. After watching the rubes fall for the GOP's hoax for the past nine years, I have given up.

The submissive piss drinking cucks will NEVER wake up. Ever.
Again, America had a choice between single payer (Democrats), something that is not single payer (Republicans), and do nothing (Libertarians).

How should the cucks have acted?

"something that is not single payer (Republicans)"

You still don't get it. The Republicans NEVER offered up "something that is not single payer".


That is why the Democrats will win the healthcare issue. This is what I have been trying to drive home in your head.

What you fail to understand is that we lived the republican health care plan already. reagan implemented it on us and we suffered from it for many decades.

That is all the republicans have and will ever have. That is what they believe health care should be for our nation. That is why they don't have anything.
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And that does nothing to drive down costs.
Ambulance services are provided by your local city, paid for with local tax dollars. So, obviously, government monopoly is not driving down the cost.


You're talking about 9-11. There's a very big difference between 9-11 and an ambulance.

Ambulances are privately owned and operated. It's their job to take people to a hospital.

9-11 is public owned and operated. It's their job to save people's lives at the scene of an emergency. It's not their job to take people to the hospital.
Govt getting in healthcare caused a sky rocket in cost. Just like everything else the govt touches.
Why cant we get govt out of healthcare completely? Cash prices are cheap and would only get cheaper.
Orrr we could pass an amendment so the govt actually has the power for medicare for all.
I dont see either happening. You rubes love the govt abusing its power.
Cash only healthcare. Wow, you are soooooooooooo smart. I guess for have $250k for that heart surgery.

First off, without government health care, the cost of a heart surgery will be much cheaper.

Second, I would much rather have a $250,000 bill, than be dead because I was put on a waiting list like gov-care countries.

Third, before left-wingers screwed up our insurance, I had a $67 a month catastrophic insurance police, that easily covered a $250K heart surgery.

You keep looking at the prices of surgery here, as if these prices are cash prices. They are not.

The prices you are looking at today, are the prices caused by left-wing government regulation and interference in the market.

The dumbest of idiots, looks at a sickness caused by ingesting poison into their system, and thinks the solution is more poison.

Similarly, the dumbest of left-wingers looks at how screwed up the health care market is, because of left-wing ideology, and things the solution is even more left-wing ideology.

Socialism doesn't work. Never has. Never will.
There is no reason heart surgery will be cheaper. No country has a waiting list for life threatening illness. I'm sure your catastrophic insurance paid for almost nothing and you'd have a lot of out of pocket. The right has no answer to our costs. Many countries have single payer systems with much lower costs and higher ranked care.

Yes they do.

N.H.S. Overwhelmed in Britain, Leaving Patients to Wait

You must be living in a bubble, or just don't care to know the truth.

Measuring and Comparing Health Care Waiting Times in OECD Countries | READ online

Why would the OECD bother to institute research on wait times, if they were not a problem?

And even in the few countries where wait times are short... again, is it worth smashing the middle class with 50% taxes? The French are saying no.
Govt getting in healthcare caused a sky rocket in cost. Just like everything else the govt touches.
Why cant we get govt out of healthcare completely? Cash prices are cheap and would only get cheaper.
Orrr we could pass an amendment so the govt actually has the power for medicare for all.
I dont see either happening. You rubes love the govt abusing its power.
Cash only healthcare. Wow, you are soooooooooooo smart. I guess for have $250k for that heart surgery.

First off, without government health care, the cost of a heart surgery will be much cheaper.

Second, I would much rather have a $250,000 bill, than be dead because I was put on a waiting list like gov-care countries.

Third, before left-wingers screwed up our insurance, I had a $67 a month catastrophic insurance police, that easily covered a $250K heart surgery.

You keep looking at the prices of surgery here, as if these prices are cash prices. They are not.

The prices you are looking at today, are the prices caused by left-wing government regulation and interference in the market.

The dumbest of idiots, looks at a sickness caused by ingesting poison into their system, and thinks the solution is more poison.

Similarly, the dumbest of left-wingers looks at how screwed up the health care market is, because of left-wing ideology, and things the solution is even more left-wing ideology.

Socialism doesn't work. Never has. Never will.
There is no reason heart surgery will be cheaper. No country has a waiting list for life threatening illness. I'm sure your catastrophic insurance paid for almost nothing and you'd have a lot of out of pocket. The right has no answer to our costs. Many countries have single payer systems with much lower costs and higher ranked care.

Ranked how? Ranked by how socialized they are? Yes. Ranked on the quality of care? No, they don't. You are wrong. By any measure of the quality of the health care, the US has the best care in the world. If you get cancer, you have a better chance of surviving cancer in the US, than anywhere else in the world.

Further, I would argue that having a free market capitalist system would reduce costs. The cost of nearly everything that isn't heavily regulated by the government, goes down in cost. Computers, high speed internet, an unlimited number of other examples.

Even in health care... the cost of lasik eye surgery has drastically declined in price, and the only difference between that and any other surgery, is that Lasik Eye surgery is that, it's entirely private and not controlled by government policies.

I would also point to Medical tourism as proof of concept. What hospitals do patients who go abroad for medical care, go to? The capitalist free-market pay-for-service hospitals. Hospitals abroad that are not taxed, regulated, and controlled, are able to provide high quality for a lower price. Again, not shocking to the right-wing people on this forum, but denied ignorantly by the left-wing.

It is far more foolish to deny what has overwhelming evidence, than someone's opinions, who can't even admit Canadians are waiting years for care, when Canadians come to the US routinely for care.... care they pay for.

You need to stop spouting your disproved talking points, and just admit you are a partisan hack, uninterested in what is best for the country, and just are a greed a-hole that doesn't want to pay for what they want.
No. They get no services.

But, doctor gets no patients.

Have you ever negotiated a single time in your entire life?


They already had the surgery and now won’t pay. So the surgeon charges those who will pay more to make up for it.

That's not entirely true.

Sometimes the hospital will eat the cost, and write it off as a tax deduction.

But usually the sell it to a debt collect to recoup the cost.

And other times, the people eventually pay. I went to the hospital without insurance, and I got this nifty thing called "a bill". Then I paid the bill. I paid $50 to $100 a month over 3 years, and paid it all.

But this line of reasoning is always baffling to me.

You are complaining because some people who refuse to pay the bill, end up causing the hospital to charge everyone else more money.
That is the essenses of your complain.

How is that worse than national health care, where now absolutely NO ONE pays the their own bill, and the entire cost is poured out on the tax payers?

Why do you think that in every country with government-health care, that the middle class pays 50% in taxes? They are paying for everyone who doesn't pay their bill.

So which is worse, you paying your own health insurance premiums? Or 50% in taxes?

You really think people are paying $25,000 a year in health insurance premiums? I don't think so. Average health insurance premiums yearly, is just about $3,000 a year.

5% of the median wage is $2,500. Sanders dishonestly proposed a 6% tax increase on the middle class. That wouldn't cover it.

One of the big universal care groups proposed an estimated 12% tax to cover universal health care in the US.
That would be $6,000 a year in taxes, which is double what health insurance currently costs.

But in reality, that wouldn't be enough to cover it either. Again, we know this from Europe. 5-year-survival rates are lower in Europe, and yet they have much higher taxes to cover health care expenses than we do.

That is the reality.
Every single payer system I have seen is much lower cost than ours.

So I just gave you the math, and clearly the math... not your opinion.... but math suggests that it will be expensive.

There is no evidence of a single country anywhere on this planet, that had a reduction in health care costs, from moving to a socialized system.

There is plenty of evidence that they reduce the quality of care, to reduce cost. If you are ok with having a lower chance of survival, there are plenty of free-clinics in the US, to choose from. Or you can disappear from a VA waiting list, if you like. That always saves costs.

18 Veterans Died on Secret VA Waiting List

But hey... the VA is cheaper care, yes? That's the goal.
There are lots of countries with lower costs and higher ranked care than us.

In regards to Andylusions linkt to the article "18 Veterans Died on Secret VA Waiting List", that's a drop in the bucket compared to the number of Americans who die because of NO ACCESS TO health care:

Study: 45,000 Deaths Per Year Due to Lack of Health Insurance

The USA quite noteably has the highest rate of maternal death in child birth and the highest infant mortality rate in the first world. This is why reproductive health care MUST be mandatory for all health insurance policies sold and employers should not be able to dictate what is covered in their employees healthcare coverage on the basis of religion. And yet these same people are screaming about the deaths of babies via abortion.
Govt getting in healthcare caused a sky rocket in cost. Just like everything else the govt touches.
Why cant we get govt out of healthcare completely? Cash prices are cheap and would only get cheaper.
Orrr we could pass an amendment so the govt actually has the power for medicare for all.
I dont see either happening. You rubes love the govt abusing its power.
Cash only healthcare. Wow, you are soooooooooooo smart. I guess for have $250k for that heart surgery.

First off, without government health care, the cost of a heart surgery will be much cheaper.

Second, I would much rather have a $250,000 bill, than be dead because I was put on a waiting list like gov-care countries.

Third, before left-wingers screwed up our insurance, I had a $67 a month catastrophic insurance police, that easily covered a $250K heart surgery.

You keep looking at the prices of surgery here, as if these prices are cash prices. They are not.

The prices you are looking at today, are the prices caused by left-wing government regulation and interference in the market.

The dumbest of idiots, looks at a sickness caused by ingesting poison into their system, and thinks the solution is more poison.

Similarly, the dumbest of left-wingers looks at how screwed up the health care market is, because of left-wing ideology, and things the solution is even more left-wing ideology.

Socialism doesn't work. Never has. Never will.
There is no reason heart surgery will be cheaper. No country has a waiting list for life threatening illness. I'm sure your catastrophic insurance paid for almost nothing and you'd have a lot of out of pocket. The right has no answer to our costs. Many countries have single payer systems with much lower costs and higher ranked care.

Ranked how? Ranked by how socialized they are? Yes. Ranked on the quality of care? No, they don't. You are wrong. By any measure of the quality of the health care, the US has the best care in the world. If you get cancer, you have a better chance of surviving cancer in the US, than anywhere else in the world.

Further, I would argue that having a free market capitalist system would reduce costs. The cost of nearly everything that isn't heavily regulated by the government, goes down in cost. Computers, high speed internet, an unlimited number of other examples.

Even in health care... the cost of lasik eye surgery has drastically declined in price, and the only difference between that and any other surgery, is that Lasik Eye surgery is that, it's entirely private and not controlled by government policies.

I would also point to Medical tourism as proof of concept. What hospitals do patients who go abroad for medical care, go to? The capitalist free-market pay-for-service hospitals. Hospitals abroad that are not taxed, regulated, and controlled, are able to provide high quality for a lower price. Again, not shocking to the right-wing people on this forum, but denied ignorantly by the left-wing.

It is far more foolish to deny what has overwhelming evidence, than someone's opinions, who can't even admit Canadians are waiting years for care, when Canadians come to the US routinely for care.... care they pay for.

You need to stop spouting your disproved talking points, and just admit you are a partisan hack, uninterested in what is best for the country, and just are a greed a-hole that doesn't want to pay for what they want.
I've corrected you on this before. The cost of lasik is actually going up.
The average cost of LASIK surgery performed the United States in 2017 was $2,088 per eye, according to a report prepared for All About Vision by a leading vision care industry analytics company.

This is slightly higher than the average price for LASIK performed in the U.S. in 2016, which was $2,059 per eye.
Govt getting in healthcare caused a sky rocket in cost. Just like everything else the govt touches.
Why cant we get govt out of healthcare completely? Cash prices are cheap and would only get cheaper.
Orrr we could pass an amendment so the govt actually has the power for medicare for all.
I dont see either happening. You rubes love the govt abusing its power.
Cash only healthcare. Wow, you are soooooooooooo smart. I guess for have $250k for that heart surgery.

First off, without government health care, the cost of a heart surgery will be much cheaper.

Second, I would much rather have a $250,000 bill, than be dead because I was put on a waiting list like gov-care countries.

Third, before left-wingers screwed up our insurance, I had a $67 a month catastrophic insurance police, that easily covered a $250K heart surgery.

You keep looking at the prices of surgery here, as if these prices are cash prices. They are not.

The prices you are looking at today, are the prices caused by left-wing government regulation and interference in the market.

The dumbest of idiots, looks at a sickness caused by ingesting poison into their system, and thinks the solution is more poison.

Similarly, the dumbest of left-wingers looks at how screwed up the health care market is, because of left-wing ideology, and things the solution is even more left-wing ideology.

Socialism doesn't work. Never has. Never will.
There is no reason heart surgery will be cheaper. No country has a waiting list for life threatening illness. I'm sure your catastrophic insurance paid for almost nothing and you'd have a lot of out of pocket. The right has no answer to our costs. Many countries have single payer systems with much lower costs and higher ranked care.

Yes they do.

N.H.S. Overwhelmed in Britain, Leaving Patients to Wait

You must be living in a bubble, or just don't care to know the truth.

Measuring and Comparing Health Care Waiting Times in OECD Countries | READ online

Why would the OECD bother to institute research on wait times, if they were not a problem?

And even in the few countries where wait times are short... again, is it worth smashing the middle class with 50% taxes? The French are saying no.
Your first link doesn't seem to mention anyone dying from a wait. Your second link doesn't even compare to the US.
Not sure what insurance you have, but plenty comes out of my pocket with emergency care or surgeries.
Does it change if you find a doctor that charges less, or are you only required to pay the same amount every time?
Be honest, you do realize that your plan would literally deny care to millions of poor and lower class citizens right? You know they can’t afford long term care, cancer treatment, or complicated surgery. You really want to just leave them to die?

We can take care of them the same way we take care of the rest of the poor. Trying to do that with insurance is stupid. Insurance is not welfare.
So now your talking about a single payer system right? You want to have a tiered system so the poor and middle class gets subsidized via tax payer funds and the rich have to pay for themselves... is that right?
Ok, let’s say it does that to doctors, fine... my point still stands regarding the effects on the poor and middle class. Care to address that?
Yes. I did. I don't understand why you think this is any different than any other issue.

If you pull into a McDonald's drive-thru and order a Big Mac, you pay for it before they give it to you. No pay, no Big Mac.

Big Macs are cheap. Why? Because nobody will buy that shit if it costs $10. What happens to McDonald's if NOBODY is willing (or able) to pay $10 for a Big Mac?

None of you seem to understand basic economics.

Except for we aren’t talking about deep fried lard and cheap meat we are talking about human lives, pain and suffering.
Lots of alternatives to that Big Mac. Death the alternative to life saving surgery. You clearly don’t understand economics...
The alternative to paying for one doctor is death? Not another doctor?

I am not going to continue having a discussion with you if you are going to continue to deliberately confuse the issues.

Starvation is not the alternative to the Big Mac. Death is not the alternative to not using the expensive-ass doctor who thinks he is God.

Doctors are never going to be cheap as long as it costs them Hundreds of thousands of dollars to get licensed and they risk lawsuits in the millions if they have a bad day at work. Like I said before you’re acting like this is a simple supply/demand thing but it is much more complicated.
Govt getting in healthcare caused a sky rocket in cost. Just like everything else the govt touches.
Why cant we get govt out of healthcare completely? Cash prices are cheap and would only get cheaper.
Orrr we could pass an amendment so the govt actually has the power for medicare for all.
I dont see either happening. You rubes love the govt abusing its power.
Cash only healthcare. Wow, you are soooooooooooo smart. I guess for have $250k for that heart surgery.

First off, without government health care, the cost of a heart surgery will be much cheaper.

Second, I would much rather have a $250,000 bill, than be dead because I was put on a waiting list like gov-care countries.

Third, before left-wingers screwed up our insurance, I had a $67 a month catastrophic insurance police, that easily covered a $250K heart surgery.

You keep looking at the prices of surgery here, as if these prices are cash prices. They are not.

The prices you are looking at today, are the prices caused by left-wing government regulation and interference in the market.

The dumbest of idiots, looks at a sickness caused by ingesting poison into their system, and thinks the solution is more poison.

Similarly, the dumbest of left-wingers looks at how screwed up the health care market is, because of left-wing ideology, and things the solution is even more left-wing ideology.

Socialism doesn't work. Never has. Never will.
There is no reason heart surgery will be cheaper. No country has a waiting list for life threatening illness. I'm sure your catastrophic insurance paid for almost nothing and you'd have a lot of out of pocket. The right has no answer to our costs. Many countries have single payer systems with much lower costs and higher ranked care.

Ranked how? Ranked by how socialized they are? Yes. Ranked on the quality of care? No, they don't. You are wrong. By any measure of the quality of the health care, the US has the best care in the world. If you get cancer, you have a better chance of surviving cancer in the US, than anywhere else in the world.

Further, I would argue that having a free market capitalist system would reduce costs. The cost of nearly everything that isn't heavily regulated by the government, goes down in cost. Computers, high speed internet, an unlimited number of other examples.

Even in health care... the cost of lasik eye surgery has drastically declined in price, and the only difference between that and any other surgery, is that Lasik Eye surgery is that, it's entirely private and not controlled by government policies.

I would also point to Medical tourism as proof of concept. What hospitals do patients who go abroad for medical care, go to? The capitalist free-market pay-for-service hospitals. Hospitals abroad that are not taxed, regulated, and controlled, are able to provide high quality for a lower price. Again, not shocking to the right-wing people on this forum, but denied ignorantly by the left-wing.

It is far more foolish to deny what has overwhelming evidence, than someone's opinions, who can't even admit Canadians are waiting years for care, when Canadians come to the US routinely for care.... care they pay for.

You need to stop spouting your disproved talking points, and just admit you are a partisan hack, uninterested in what is best for the country, and just are a greed a-hole that doesn't want to pay for what they want.
I've corrected you on this before. The cost of lasik is actually going up.
The average cost of LASIK surgery performed the United States in 2017 was $2,088 per eye, according to a report prepared for All About Vision by a leading vision care industry analytics company.

This is slightly higher than the average price for LASIK performed in the U.S. in 2016, which was $2,059 per eye.

So, no, you didn't "correct" me on this issue. Allow me to correct your false statement.


Prior to 1999, getting conventional eye surgery was over $2500 per eye.
Today the price is typically under $1,000.

The reason the "average" cost of Lasik is over $2,000 isn't because prices have gone up for conventional eye surgery, it's because higher quality custom Lasik surgery is now available. These newer, custom surgeries are, as is typical of newer better things, more expensive. Even so..... even custom lasik has come down in price from the nearly $2,600 per eye that was common before.

I'm baffled that people like you, really think that you can say completely bogus crap, and think you can dupe people into believing these lies.

Do people like you, think somehow the rest of us do not have access to google?

Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at 11.41.53 PM.png

Do you really think we can't punch in 'how much does lasik cost', and not see the advertisements for $220 an eye?

Can you please stop trying to deceive everyone?
It’s crazy how much is spent on healthcare but good to understand as it is a much needed service. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the cost estimations for Medicare for all an additional 35 trillion over 10 years on top of current costs?
No, the $35 trillion is the total cost. Medicare For All would replace all current costs.
How is that possible? Medicare for all would theoretically mean millions more people would be going to the doctor so overall costs would dramatically go up. What is going to balance that out?
Our current system is one of the most expensive in the world.
Agreed, my question is how Medicare for all fixes that and brings costs down.
About one third the cost of our healthcare is the health INSURANCE industry... they do not provide one ounce of actual medical care.... they push paper.

At hospitals and doctor's offices, they have the expense of negotiating the prices with hundreds of different health insurance policies, from work based group policies to individual plans...

a Hospital like a Mayo clinic could have well over 100 different health insurance plans, all with a hundred different prices negotiated for thousands of different medical procedures... It's almost an industry of itself, with the staff needed in Billing etc, which also adds to our health care costs, without a single dime, going to our actual medical care.

With a single payer plan, it is one Insurance company... Medicare, with one single set of prices for all the different medical procedures.
It’s crazy how much is spent on healthcare but good to understand as it is a much needed service. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the cost estimations for Medicare for all an additional 35 trillion over 10 years on top of current costs?
No, the $35 trillion is the total cost. Medicare For All would replace all current costs.
How is that possible? Medicare for all would theoretically mean millions more people would be going to the doctor so overall costs would dramatically go up. What is going to balance that out?
Our current system is one of the most expensive in the world.
Agreed, my question is how Medicare for all fixes that and brings costs down.
About one third the cost of our healthcare is the health INSURANCE industry... they do not provide one ounce of actual medical care.... they push paper.

At hospitals and doctor's offices, they have the expense of negotiating the prices with hundreds of different health insurance policies, from work based group policies to individual plans...

a Hospital like a Mayo clinic could have well over 100 different health insurance plans, all with a hundred different prices negotiated for thousands of different medical procedures... It's almost an industry of itself, with the staff needed in Billing etc, which also adds to our health care costs, without a single dime, going to our actual medical care.

With a single payer plan, it is one Insurance company... Medicare, with one single set of prices for all the different medical procedures.

That's all interesting.....

The one thing you seem to be missing is that Medicare and Medicaid suck.

Medicare and Medicaid reduce costs by flat out not paying the full cost of care. This is why, the Mayo Clinic (ironic since you are the one who cited the Mayo Clinic), has in the past simply refused medicare and medicaid patients.....

Why the Mayo Clinic is refusing to see Medicare patients

And even now that they resumed taking them.....

Mayo Clinic will prioritize private insurance patients over Medicare, Medicaid

Citing tighter profit margins, the chief executive of the Mayo Clinic recently told his employees that the prestigious health system will prioritize the care of privately insured patients over those on Medicare and Medicaid.

That bold pronouncement by Dr. John Noseworthy — made in a speech to employees late last year — reflects the growing unease among hospital executives who are watching profits shrink due to steady increases in the number of government-insured patients. Medicaid, whose enrollment has increased dramatically under the Affordable Care Act, traditionally pays hospitals significantly less than commercial insurers.
All this talk about how having Medicare for all is so great, and private insurance is so bad.... and yet hospitals and clinic refuse medicare and medicaid, not private insurance.

When you make this bogus claim that medicare for all will be cheaper, all of that is based on the fact that Medicare and Medicaid do not pay the full cost of care.

Well if you eliminate private care, Medicare will have to drastically increase how much it pays out, because hospitals and Clinics without private patients making up the loss of money on Medicare patients will end up going all cash, or going out of business.

You system would never work. This is one of the reasons why you keep pushing for medicare for all over the past 2 decades, and the people you elect to office, when confronted with the facts, end up backing away from it.

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