Healthcare Projected To Cost Near $50 Trillion Over Next Ten Years

As with any policy, the numbers must be crunched.

Have you taken the time to look for the existence of such analysis?
I have not. I’m listening to the national conversation and ideas from our leaders and I have looked into things they talk about but have yet to see an in depth analysis. I hope somebody has one done and then starts referring to it. Biggest problem that the Left has is speaking to how they pay for their agenda items.
It's very simple. Single payer healthcare is paid for with higher taxes. At the same time, you and your employer have no more annual insurance payments.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

No, it's worse. It culls our options down to one and puts government in charge of it. It's not THAT much worse, but it's not better. And we desperately need better.
Gee, if only the Republicans puked up something better in the past six decades...

Sadly, they haven't. Instead, Trump and they have been massively hoaxing the Rube Herd into believing they have something in their empty pockets.

So single payer is inevitable.

I always wonder what you're up to with these threads. You keep saying you're not in favor of socializing health care, but you seem to have no interest at all in taking steps to avoid it. It sounds like you're actually a fan of single payer and you're just gloating.

I get wanting to rub the Republicans noses in it. They've fucked up, over and over again. I've never felt like they were trustworthy defenders of free markets, and they've proven me right. But I still don't get your angle here. Are you trying to provoke them into proposing something better? What gives?
That's exactly what I am trying to do. I am trying to wake the Rube Herd up to the fact they have been hoaxed, and to start holding Trump and the GOP accountable for their lies and bullshit.

It's time for the rubes to stop being such submissive little cucks and start demanding to see the Trump/Republican solution.

Trump is a fucking coward and a liar. He has no plan. Even if he had a plan, he doesn't have the balls to submit it to public scrutiny and criticism.

If the cucks don't start holding their side's feet to the fire, they are more responsible for single payer healthcare being inevitable than the Democrats are.

I'm sick of pseucocons being so fucking stupid and gullible.
I've used Google to find some of my past posts. Here's one:
You should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy all your other insurance.

With all your other insurance, you have maximum leverage. You should have that same leverage over your health care.

But you don't, because you dumbasses have made yourselves hostages to your own health care! And then, under Obama, you turned control of your health over to the government even more!

You should get a paycheck from your employer, and then pick up a phone and negotiate with a constellation of health insurance companies, selecting the options you want for yourself and your family. Just like you do with your life insurance, your home insurance, and your auto insurance.

Instead, you are hostage to whatever your employer provides you. It's a take it or leave it proposition. And if you lose your job, you lose your health insurance. Or if you quit one job because you got a better job somewhere else, you don't get to carry your old insurance to your new job. At your new job, you are a hostage all over again, and you don't get long term customer discounts like you do with all other insurance. You don't get a bundle deal.

And because you can't call any health insurance company in the country, you have an unnatural dependence on employer-sponsored health insurance. The idea of eliminating employer-sponsored health insurance terrifies you because the current government regulations are rigged to make you totally alone with no leverage without employer-sponsored health insurance.

You are slaves to the government, and don't even know it. You keep demanding your servitude be more and more embedded into your lives. And now you want to force Christians to buy your birth control pill for you!

You're not just retards, you are fucking assholes.

Does that sound like someone who supports single payer or Obamacare?
Here's another one:

I can pick up the telephone and call any auto, home, or life insurance company in the United States.

I can't do that for health insurance.

Trump's EO does not fix that.

Until that happens, Americans will not have the maximum bargaining leverage they need with health insurance companies. And we will continue to be fucked up the ass.

The United States government is the biggest player in the health insurance market, and they get to write the rules for their private sector competitors!

The United States government is preventing you from being able to call any health insurance company you wish.

The United States government, in partnership with labor unions, is forcing you to be a hostage to the single choice offered to you by your employer.

How's that been working for ya?
Govt getting in healthcare caused a sky rocket in cost. Just like everything else the govt touches.
Why cant we get govt out of healthcare completely? Cash prices are cheap and would only get cheaper.
Orrr we could pass an amendment so the govt actually has the power for medicare for all.
I dont see either happening. You rubes love the govt abusing its power.
Quit pretending you have any idea what you are talking about.
The Republican Party has been hoaxing you all for a very long time. They sold us down the river to socialized medicine decades ago. They are complicit in this.

And so is Trump. Trump has always been an advocate for single payer, and he still is. It's even in his book.

You've been hoaxed, cucks. Time to wake up.
Mitch Mc just said on Fox TV that " as long as I am majority leader it ought to be Medicare for None.
So we need to decide if we want medical security in our old age or not.
Govt getting in healthcare caused a sky rocket in cost. Just like everything else the govt touches.
Why cant we get govt out of healthcare completely? Cash prices are cheap and would only get cheaper.
Orrr we could pass an amendment so the govt actually has the power for medicare for all.
I dont see either happening. You rubes love the govt abusing its power.
Quit pretending you have any idea what you are talking about.
Then prove me wrong, faggot
Even when Republicans say they favor being able to sell health insurance "across state lines", they are hoaxing you.

Selling insurance "across state lines" is not the same thing as being able to sell insurance across the entire country like home, auto, and life insurance companies can.

Health insurance companies own our politicians on both sides of the aisle.

One of the first things which needs to be done to move toward a "free market solution" is the repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Act.
The GOP understands what a free market is no more than the Democrats do.
Gee, if only the Republicans puked up something better in the past six decades...

Sadly, they haven't. Instead, Trump and they have been massively hoaxing the Rube Herd into believing they have something in their empty pockets.

So single payer is inevitable.
So, you want single payer?

Nope. I made that very clear on page one. See post 20.

However, I am a realist. And the reality is that the GOP and Trump have NOTHING. They have been massively hoaxing the Rube Herd.

So single payer is inevitable.
I didn't see your plan in post 20.

All you said was this:

Here's the thing.

I am opposed to single payer healthcare. I totally agree that the more government meddles with healthcare, the more they cause costs to go up.

But none of that means fuck-all since the Republicans have NEVER stepped up to the plate to offer a solution. It is through their inaction, and the acceptance of the Rube Herd to go along with that inaction, that makes single payer inevitable.

And the fact is that single payer will probably end up being cheaper than going on the way we are going. Not as cheap as the ideas I have outlined on this forum countless times, but cheaper than Trump's fake, non-existent plan and the Republicans' fake, non-existent plan.
...Translation? YOU WANT SINGLE PAYER!!!

Gee, if only the Republicans puked up something better in the past six decades...

Sadly, they haven't. Instead, Trump and they have been massively hoaxing the Rube Herd into believing they have something in their empty pockets.

So single payer is inevitable.
So, you want single payer?

Nope. I made that very clear on page one. See post 20.

However, I am a realist. And the reality is that the GOP and Trump have NOTHING. They have been massively hoaxing the Rube Herd.

So single payer is inevitable.
I didn't see your plan in post 20.

You asked if I wanted single payer, dipshit. I responded that I made it clear way back in post 20 that I did not.

All caught up now?

All you said was this:

Here's the thing.

I am opposed to single payer healthcare. I totally agree that the more government meddles with healthcare, the more they cause costs to go up.

But none of that means fuck-all since the Republicans have NEVER stepped up to the plate to offer a solution. It is through their inaction, and the acceptance of the Rube Herd to go along with that inaction, that makes single payer inevitable.

And the fact is that single payer will probably end up being cheaper than going on the way we are going. Not as cheap as the ideas I have outlined on this forum countless times, but cheaper than Trump's fake, non-existent plan and the Republicans' fake, non-existent plan.
...Translation? YOU WANT SINGLE PAYER!!!

Wow. You have serious comprehension problems. Nothing I can do about that.

SCIENTIST: An extinction level event comet is headed toward earth.

BOOTNEY: You want us all to die!
Even when Republicans say they favor being able to sell health insurance "across state lines", they are hoaxing you.

Selling insurance "across state lines" is not the same thing as being able to sell insurance across the entire country like home, auto, and life insurance companies can.

Health insurance companies own our politicians on both sides of the aisle.

One of the first things which needs to be done to move toward a "free market solution" is the repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Act.
So your free-market solution is to remove an exemption from the anti-free market anti-trust laws?

I would prefer making health insurance illegal all together. All health care must be paid in cash or by credit. Health insurance has allowed providers to charge whatever the hell they want without price competition. So, they are free to waste and do shit that is unnecessary, because the tab will get picked up, regardless.

Even when Republicans say they favor being able to sell health insurance "across state lines", they are hoaxing you.

Selling insurance "across state lines" is not the same thing as being able to sell insurance across the entire country like home, auto, and life insurance companies can.

Health insurance companies own our politicians on both sides of the aisle.

One of the first things which needs to be done to move toward a "free market solution" is the repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Act.
So your free-market solution is to remove an exemption from the anti-free market anti-trust laws?

I would prefer making health insurance illegal all together. All health care must be paid in cash or by credit. Health insurance has allowed providers to charge whatever the hell they want without price competition. So, they are free to waste and do shit that is unnecessary, because the tab will get picked up, regardless.

The McCarran-Ferguson Act allowed insurance companies to set up little fiefdoms around the country where they would not be in free market competition with each other.

You claim to be Libertarian and yet you want to make health insurance illegal.

It never fails. Sooner or later, Libertarians reveal themselves to be very confused individuals.
SCIENTIST: An extinction level event comet is headed toward earth.

BOOTNEY: You want us all to die!
No, it's more like this:

SCIENTIST: An extinction level event comet is headed toward earth.

ME: Some people are saying that if we chop off our own dicks, we will survive.

SCIENTIST: Well, I don't know about that, but I don't see any other

ME: You think we should chop off our own dicks?

SCIENTIST: An extinction level event comet is headed toward earth.

BOOTNEY: You want us all to die!
No, it's more like this:

SCIENTIST: An extinction level event comet is headed toward earth.

ME: Some people are saying that if we chop off our own dicks, we will survive.

SCIENTIST: Well, I don't know about that, but I don't see any other

ME: You think we should chop off our own dicks?

I have merely stated a fact to you. To wit, single payer health insurance is inevitable. Mostly owing to the fact the Republicans and Trump have been hoaxing the Rube Herd and have provided ZERO solutions to the problem of skyrocketing healthcare costs for at least SIX DECADES.

Just because I report the facts to you does not mean I support that outcome.

All caught up now?

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