Heather Heyer ‘Murdered While Protesting Against Hate’

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“If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention,” read Heyer’s last public post on Facebook.

RUCKERSVILLE, Va. ― The woman who was killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday when a car plowed into a group of anti-racist demonstrators was a 32-year-old paralegal who was passionate about social justice.

Heather Heyer’s mother, Susan Bro, told HuffPost that her daughter attended Saturday’s rally because she “was about bringing an end to injustice.”

“Heather was not about hate, Heather was about stopping hatred,” Bro said through tears. “Heather was about bringing an end to injustice. I don’t want her death to be a focus for more hatred, I want her death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion.”

According to The Associated Press, Heyer was struck as she was crossing the street. At least 19 others were injured in the crash, some critically, said police.

Heather Heyer 'Murdered While Protesting Against Hate' In Charlottesville, Friends Say

She must be remembered.
Read down to "passionate about social justice". Thank god she's gone.

Go fuck yourself maggot.

“If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention,” read Heyer’s last public post on Facebook.

RUCKERSVILLE, Va. ― The woman who was killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday when a car plowed into a group of anti-racist demonstrators was a 32-year-old paralegal who was passionate about social justice.

Heather Heyer’s mother, Susan Bro, told HuffPost that her daughter attended Saturday’s rally because she “was about bringing an end to injustice.”

“Heather was not about hate, Heather was about stopping hatred,” Bro said through tears. “Heather was about bringing an end to injustice. I don’t want her death to be a focus for more hatred, I want her death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion.”

According to The Associated Press, Heyer was struck as she was crossing the street. At least 19 others were injured in the crash, some critically, said police.

Heather Heyer 'Murdered While Protesting Against Hate' In Charlottesville, Friends Say

She must be remembered.
Read down to "passionate about social justice". Thank god she's gone.

Go fuck yourself maggot.

moderator does this post contain content ???

It contained all the content his post warranted. Thanking God an innocent women died is just about one of the worst things I've read from that particular poster. He's a sick fuck as well.
When I first heard about the Antifuck's death, it filled me with such schadenfreudic joy I grabbed a handful of paper towels, retired to my bedroom and did "what comes naturally" to us guys. Putting down extreme leftist criminal, violent filth is no different than putting down a rabid dog.....except with leftists, it's more deserved.

You masturbate to murder? You're a bit of a sick fuck, aren't you?

Just a "bit?" Dude's a full blown psychopath. I hope he's being carefully watched. What a sick, disgusting conservative piece of shit.

I was using understatement for effect.

His reaction is abhorrent.

“If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention,” read Heyer’s last public post on Facebook.

RUCKERSVILLE, Va. ― The woman who was killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday when a car plowed into a group of anti-racist demonstrators was a 32-year-old paralegal who was passionate about social justice.

Heather Heyer’s mother, Susan Bro, told HuffPost that her daughter attended Saturday’s rally because she “was about bringing an end to injustice.”

“Heather was not about hate, Heather was about stopping hatred,” Bro said through tears. “Heather was about bringing an end to injustice. I don’t want her death to be a focus for more hatred, I want her death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion.”

According to The Associated Press, Heyer was struck as she was crossing the street. At least 19 others were injured in the crash, some critically, said police.

Heather Heyer 'Murdered While Protesting Against Hate' In Charlottesville, Friends Say

She must be remembered.
Read down to "passionate about social justice". Thank god she's gone.

Go fuck yourself maggot.

“If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention,” read Heyer’s last public post on Facebook.

RUCKERSVILLE, Va. ― The woman who was killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday when a car plowed into a group of anti-racist demonstrators was a 32-year-old paralegal who was passionate about social justice.

Heather Heyer’s mother, Susan Bro, told HuffPost that her daughter attended Saturday’s rally because she “was about bringing an end to injustice.”

“Heather was not about hate, Heather was about stopping hatred,” Bro said through tears. “Heather was about bringing an end to injustice. I don’t want her death to be a focus for more hatred, I want her death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion.”

According to The Associated Press, Heyer was struck as she was crossing the street. At least 19 others were injured in the crash, some critically, said police.

Heather Heyer 'Murdered While Protesting Against Hate' In Charlottesville, Friends Say

She must be remembered.
Read down to "passionate about social justice". Thank god she's gone.

Go fuck yourself maggot.

moderator does this post contain content ???

It contained all the content his post warranted. Thanking God an innocent women died is just about one of the worst things I've read from that particular poster. He's a sick fuck as well.

selective deleting --LOL

go figure

When I first heard about the Antifuck's death, it filled me with such schadenfreudic joy I grabbed a handful of paper towels, retired to my bedroom and did "what comes naturally" to us guys. Putting down extreme leftist criminal, violent filth is no different than putting down a rabid dog.....except with leftists, it's more deserved.
I read this, why didn't this ugly vile puerile poster get run over, instead of this poor innocent child?I shame myself, nobody deserves that. Nobody.
Good riddance, one less Antifa pig with whom to share the atmosphere. With the past year of epidemic, nationwide violence & death threats by liberal filth, didn't they expect that people were going to get pissed and have a bloody pushback? Since violence is the only language liberals understand, it's beautiful when it get reflected back at them. These subhumans brought it on themselves.
the war between the fascists and neo nazis rages on
The fascist are the neo nazis. Nazi's were fascist. The new nazi's are fascist too. The war is between the anti-fascist and the fascist. The guys with the Nazi flags and t shirts are the Nazi's aka fascist.


it is well known that you socialists act like fascists
FU you stupid uneducated dunce. Tenets of fascism are in liberal and conservation ideologies. You don't understand the foundations, developments, and scope of fascism.You just mimic what you have been told.
Dumb ass is arguing that people wearing nazi t shirts and flying nazi flags are not fascist.

I NEVER MENTIONED FASCISM YOU STUPID, STRAW-MAN C*NT!!! With their epidemic of murderous, bloodthirsty violence on the part of LIBERAL FASCISTS over the past year, I'm simply saying I don't see pond-life like you as human! Why can't you get that?
It's hilarious to watch butthurt snowflakes punks like you melt down and show yourselves as the losers you are.
'Heather Heyer’s mother, Susan Bro, told HuffPost that her daughter attended Saturday’s rally because she “was about bringing an end to injustice.”'

And bringing about an end to injustice starts with bringing about the end of the Trump ‘administration.’
Good riddance, one less Antifa pig with whom to share the atmosphere. With the past year of epidemic, nationwide violence & death threats by liberal filth, didn't they expect that people were going to get pissed and have a bloody pushback? Since violence is the only language liberals understand, it's beautiful when it get reflected back at them. These subhumans brought it on themselves.
"Good riddance, one less Antifa pig with whom to share the atmosphere" <<<<< This, ladies and gentlemen, is an example of an Alt-Right trumpanzee.

“If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention,” read Heyer’s last public post on Facebook.

RUCKERSVILLE, Va. ― The woman who was killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday when a car plowed into a group of anti-racist demonstrators was a 32-year-old paralegal who was passionate about social justice.

Heather Heyer’s mother, Susan Bro, told HuffPost that her daughter attended Saturday’s rally because she “was about bringing an end to injustice.”

“Heather was not about hate, Heather was about stopping hatred,” Bro said through tears. “Heather was about bringing an end to injustice. I don’t want her death to be a focus for more hatred, I want her death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion.”

According to The Associated Press, Heyer was struck as she was crossing the street. At least 19 others were injured in the crash, some critically, said police.

Heather Heyer 'Murdered While Protesting Against Hate' In Charlottesville, Friends Say

She must be remembered.
Sadly....this looks like the same exact cock and bull story over Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.
The left has their Steven Spielbergs from Hollywood to produce these headshots of victims so the media can swoon over them.
The fact is, this woman was out there running with a bunch of Antifa assholes and some 20 year old kid rammed into a bunch of them.
If she had stayed home or just stayed the hell out of this crap she'd still be alive.
Another Alt-Right trumpanzee, ladies and gentlemen.
Good riddance, one less Antifa pig with whom to share the atmosphere. With the past year of epidemic, nationwide violence & death threats by liberal filth, didn't they expect that people were going to get pissed and have a bloody pushback? Since violence is the only language liberals understand, it's beautiful when it get reflected back at them. These subhumans brought it on themselves.

Another "It was the big bad mean libruls fault that the right wing cretins became so violent!!! It was their fault! Not ours!!!"


Reap what you sow....
You lefties have been on a rampage since the beginning of the BLM movement.
Did you really think you could continue with this behavior and there wouldnt be a backlash?
As far as I'm concerned Trump supporters have shown great restraint in the face of your continuous violent attacks.

Cause and effect.....
And yet another Alt-Right trumpanzee chimes in. This is what they are, ladies and gentlemen.
The mayor of Charlottesville is a graduate of UC Berkeley. Talk about being a batshit crazy Libtard.

No wonder the police were told to stand down.

“If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention,” read Heyer’s last public post on Facebook.

RUCKERSVILLE, Va. ― The woman who was killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday when a car plowed into a group of anti-racist demonstrators was a 32-year-old paralegal who was passionate about social justice.

Heather Heyer’s mother, Susan Bro, told HuffPost that her daughter attended Saturday’s rally because she “was about bringing an end to injustice.”

“Heather was not about hate, Heather was about stopping hatred,” Bro said through tears. “Heather was about bringing an end to injustice. I don’t want her death to be a focus for more hatred, I want her death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion.”

According to The Associated Press, Heyer was struck as she was crossing the street. At least 19 others were injured in the crash, some critically, said police.

Heather Heyer 'Murdered While Protesting Against Hate' In Charlottesville, Friends Say

She must be remembered.
Read down to "passionate about social justice". Thank god she's gone.
And yet another Alt-Right trumpanzee saying "thank god she's gone".....this is what they are, folks.
When I first heard about the Antifuck's death, it filled me with such schadenfreudic joy I grabbed a handful of paper towels, retired to my bedroom and did "what comes naturally" to us guys. Putting down extreme leftist criminal, violent filth is no different than putting down a rabid dog.....except with leftists, it's more deserved.
So...it's all sexual release thru living your violence vicariously thru other pasty fat boys, eh?
Good riddance, one less Antifa pig with whom to share the atmosphere. With the past year of epidemic, nationwide violence & death threats by liberal filth, didn't they expect that people were going to get pissed and have a bloody pushback? Since violence is the only language liberals understand, it's beautiful when it get reflected back at them. These subhumans brought it on themselves.
the war between the fascists and neo nazis rages on
The fascist are the neo nazis. Nazi's were fascist. The new nazi's are fascist too. The war is between the anti-fascist and the fascist. The guys with the Nazi flags and t shirts are the Nazi's aka fascist.


it is well known that you socialists act like fascists
FU you stupid uneducated dunce. Tenets of fascism are in liberal and conservation ideologies. You don't understand the foundations, developments, and scope of fascism.You just mimic what you have been told.
Dumb ass is arguing that people wearing nazi t shirts and flying nazi flags are not fascist.

I NEVER MENTIONED FASCISM YOU STUPID, STRAW-MAN C*NT!!! With their epidemic of murderous, bloodthirsty violence on the part of LIBERAL FASCISTS over the past year, I'm simply saying I don't see pond-life like you as human! Why can't you get that?
Facists aren't liberal. They are far rightwing totalitarians.
Good riddance, one less Antifa pig with whom to share the atmosphere. With the past year of epidemic, nationwide violence & death threats by liberal filth, didn't they expect that people were going to get pissed and have a bloody pushback? Since violence is the only language liberals understand, it's beautiful when it get reflected back at them. These subhumans brought it on themselves.

Another "It was the big bad mean libruls fault that the right wing cretins became so violent!!! It was their fault! Not ours!!!"


Reap what you sow....
You lefties have been on a rampage since the beginning of the BLM movement.
Did you really think you could continue with this behavior and there wouldnt be a backlash?
As far as I'm concerned Trump supporters have shown great restraint in the face of your continuous violent attacks.

Cause and effect.....
And yet another Alt-Right trumpanzee chimes in. This is what they are, ladies and gentlemen.

Dont start shit and there won't be any....tuna breath.
Good riddance, one less Antifa pig with whom to share the atmosphere. With the past year of epidemic, nationwide violence & death threats by liberal filth, didn't they expect that people were going to get pissed and have a bloody pushback? Since violence is the only language liberals understand, it's beautiful when it get reflected back at them. These subhumans brought it on themselves.

Another "It was the big bad mean libruls fault that the right wing cretins became so violent!!! It was their fault! Not ours!!!"


Reap what you sow....
You lefties have been on a rampage since the beginning of the BLM movement.
Did you really think you could continue with this behavior and there wouldnt be a backlash?
As far as I'm concerned Trump supporters have shown great restraint in the face of your continuous violent attacks.

Cause and effect.....
And yet another Alt-Right trumpanzee chimes in. This is what they are, ladies and gentlemen.

Dont start shit and there won't be any....tuna breath.
Awwwwww...you've been triggered again.....that seems to be awfully easy for you Alt-Right trumpanzees.
Good riddance, one less Antifa pig with whom to share the atmosphere. With the past year of epidemic, nationwide violence & death threats by liberal filth, didn't they expect that people were going to get pissed and have a bloody pushback? Since violence is the only language liberals understand, it's beautiful when it get reflected back at them. These subhumans brought it on themselves.

Another "It was the big bad mean libruls fault that the right wing cretins became so violent!!! It was their fault! Not ours!!!"


Reap what you sow....
You lefties have been on a rampage since the beginning of the BLM movement.
Did you really think you could continue with this behavior and there wouldnt be a backlash?
As far as I'm concerned Trump supporters have shown great restraint in the face of your continuous violent attacks.

Cause and effect.....
And yet another Alt-Right trumpanzee chimes in. This is what they are, ladies and gentlemen.

Dont start shit and there won't be any....tuna breath.
Awwwwww...you've been triggered again.....that seems to be awfully easy for you Alt-Right trumpanzees.

Things are great in my life,what would I have to be triggered over?
I'm retired and my bank stocks have tripled since Trump was elected and the 401k's are on fire!!

On top of that dems are losing elections at a prolific rate...
I'd still be dancing in the street if I hadn't got so tired after all the winning....
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