Heavenly Father of Heavenly God?


Active Member
Jul 1, 2016
If a father has a daughter being held as a hostage of kidnapping who is being daily raped by her kidnapper(s), would he sit around and be concerned about those who are living La Vida Loca? If a father has an underage son who gangs and thugs are accosting everyday, would he sit around and tell him to clean up his room? If a father had a daughter who was being sexually taunted by guys at her school would he never call the school principal? If a father had a child who was being severely threatened by local 'underground' high crime members, would he call the police, and if the police would not look into the matter for their OWN fear, would he stay in the same location? If a father had his child being beaten daily by local bullies, would he tell his child to learn how to defend himself? What does a father do?
And if a father had a child who was living alone but still had neighbors, would he be only concerned for his child's personal space without giving any thought to the neighbor's daily lifestyle? what would a father do? How does a father think and feel?
And if a father had a child who was living alone but still had neighbors, would he be only concerned for his child's personal space without giving any thought to the neighbor's daily lifestyle? what would a father do? How does a father think and feel?
How does a loving father provide for his child?
If a father had a child who kept telling the father that some strange expensive large automobile keeps rolling past their apartment and neighborhood although they are only barely making ends meet and rent being 500 dollars a month, would the father say it was normal?
What if an expensive Middle eastern Car was daily seen parked in an apartment building where the other cars were not foreign made?
You will call Him Abba. It means Daddy. He loves us more than humans are capable of understanding. He will provide for His children for eternity. He never takes His eyes off of you. He dances over you with pride. He is the perfect Father, and He has a place set for you at His table.

Jesus called Him Abba. Only once did He call Him God. That was when He was being judged in our place on the cross.
What would Omar Mateen's father have done if Omar expressed his overly burdened stress levels towards the nightclub Pulse in Orlando?
You will call Him Abba. It means Daddy. He loves us more than humans are capable of understanding. He will provide for His children for eternity. He never takes His eyes off of you. He dances over you with pride. He is the perfect Father, and He has a place set for you at His table.

Jesus called Him Abba. Only once did He call Him God. That was when He was being judged in our place on the cross.
Maybe He wants me at the dinner table right now?
What would it mean if His Table was soon appearing? Well, that would mean that the lions who were supposed to lay down with the sheep, the adders which were supposed to tickle the hands of the babes, the elderly which were supposed to have sat under the shades of the trees while the kids played on the streets, the people who were to watch the weapons be turned into ploughshares, the people who were supposed to learn something else besides war, and alot of others would have had their blessings stripped from them before ever even enjoying them.
What would it mean if His Table was soon appearing? Well, that would mean that the lions who were supposed to lay down with the sheep, the adders which were supposed to tickle the hands of the babes, the elderly which were supposed to have sat under the shades of the trees while the kids played on the streets, the people who were to watch the weapons be turned into ploughshares, the people who were supposed to learn something else besides war, and alot of others would have had their blessings stripped from them before ever even enjoying them.
And on top of that, every Jehovah's Witness would not have seen their hopes come true...
Remember, the devil can LIE about Jesus' return also.. he can say it is happening NOW.
the very first belief of a LIE was with the devil... He believed his OWN LIE...
So what IS hell? And WHAT is the Lake of Fire??? Well, maybe the devil believes it is going to be a place where dead bodies will be in forever...
So what IS hell? And WHAT is the Lake of Fire??? Well, maybe the devil believes it is going to be a place where dead bodies will be in forever...
Would God ever destroy any Creation of His that never disobeyed? Can the place of Hell or the Lake of Fire disobey God?
So what IS hell? And WHAT is the Lake of Fire??? Well, maybe the devil believes it is going to be a place where dead bodies will be in forever...
Would God ever destroy any Creation of His that never disobeyed? Can the place of Hell or the Lake of Fire disobey God?
Then it would be safe to say that He could destroy any part of His Universe for any reason He has...
If God is The Eternal God and hell burns eternally, does Hell and God have the same time span for Life?
If a father has a daughter being held as a hostage of kidnapping who is being daily raped by her kidnapper(s), would he sit around and be concerned about those who are living La Vida Loca? If a father has an underage son who gangs and thugs are accosting everyday, would he sit around and tell him to clean up his room? If a father had a daughter who was being sexually taunted by guys at her school would he never call the school principal? If a father had a child who was being severely threatened by local 'underground' high crime members, would he call the police, and if the police would not look into the matter for their OWN fear, would he stay in the same location? If a father had his child being beaten daily by local bullies, would he tell his child to learn how to defend himself? What does a father do?

God is our father and friend. And a father here in our world makes for example such things:

Manchmal fragt man mich nach dem Sinn des Lebens.
Ey Mann, wo kommst Du her, wo willst Du hin?
Ist das ganze Gewusel nicht vergebens, nicht ver-geb-ens?
Nein, es gibt einen guten Grund, dass ich hier bin!
Ich bin der Korkenzieher, der Glühbirnenreindreher
Ich bin der Sonntag früh am Morgen Brötchenholengeher
Ich bin der Sackhüpfer und der Abflußentstopfer
Ich bin der Nasenspray in Kindernasen Tropfer
Ich bin der Zöpfeflechter, ich bin der Mückenfänger
Ich bin der Antragsteller, ich bin der Behördengänger,
Ich bin der Troubadour, der die zartesten Liebeslieder singt
Und der das Altglas zum Altglascontainer bringt.
Ich bin der Beichtvater, der Trostpflasteraufkleber,
Ich bin der Suppenauslöffler und der Taschengeldgeber.
Ich bin der Kopf hoch Sager, der Tränenabwischer,
Ich bin der Zahnspangen aus dem Mülleimer Fischer.
Ich bin Beziehungskitter, ich bin der Friedensrichter,
Ich bin Positivdenker und der Streitigkeitenschlichter.
Und wenn sich schluchzend alles wieder versöhnt in den Armen liegt,
Bin ich derjen’ge, der dafür den Ärger kriegt.
Manchmal scheint mir der Kosmos ganz erklärlich,
Fühl ich mich mit dem Weltengetriebe verzahnt,
Dann erkenn ich: Ich bin völlig unentbehrlich, un-ent-behr-lich,
In den großen Weltenplan fest eingeplant:
Denn ich bin der Chauffeur, ich bin der Müllsortierer,
Ich bin der Lückenbüßer und diene als Spielverlierer.
Ich bin der Büchsenöffner, denn ich kann am besten
Den Geschmack abgelauf’ner Lebensmittel testen.
Ich bin der Abholer, der vor dem Bahnhofsteher,
Ich bin der Händchenhalter und der mit zum Zahnarzt Geher
Ich bin das Hausschwein, das von allen Tellern die Reste auffrißt,
Damit für alle morgen schönes Wetter ist.
Ich bin das Ekelpaket, ich bin Besuchsverjager,
Der an der Haustür: „Tut mir leid, ist nicht zu Hause“- Sager
Ich bin verantwortlich für jede Art von Dichtung
An jedem Wasserhahn und in jeder Stilrichtung.
Ich bin der Bodyguard, der Gute Nacht Küsser,
Ich bin der Dödel, ich bin der zum Elternabend Müsser.
Ich bin gutartig, gutaussehend, gut gelaunt und hab’ Geduld,
Und wenn man einen Schuld’gen braucht, dann hab’ ich Schuld.

‘s war schön mit euch zu plaudern und zu lachen
Und bin ich jetzt auch erledigt und geschlaucht,
Ich könnt’ noch stundenlang so weitermachen, wei-ter-ma-chen,
Doch ich muß gehn - versteht - ich werd’ zu Haus gebraucht.

Denn ich bin Fiebermesser, ich bin der Drachentöter,
Ich bin Erziehungsberechtigter und Schockschwerenöter.
Ich bin der Hauptverdächtige, der Blitzableiter,
Ich bin der Spaßvogel, der Harmonieverbreiter.
Ich bin der Hobbychirurg, ich bin Schadensbegrenzer,
Ich bin der hauptamtliche Veits- und Eiertänzer,
Ich bin es, der im letzten Augenblick das Steuer herumreißt
Und wenn’s drauf ankommt auch die Nabelschnur durchbeißt.

Ich bin der Herzensbrecher, ich bin der Blumenpflücker,
Ich bin der Lockendreher und ich bin der Möbelrücker.
Ich mach’ den Nacktputzer und den Kartoffelschäler,
Ich mach den Bauchtänzer und den Märchenerzähler.
Ich bin der Rückenkrauler, ich bin der Schlafbewacher,
Ich bin ein zuverläss’ger als letzter das Licht Ausmacher.
Ich mach dir Eber, Elch und Hengst und Hirsch und wenn es dir gefällt,
Mach ich für dich auch die kleinste Boy-Group der Welt.

Reinhard Mey
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I'm sorry but what exactly would 'their worm never dies' mean? And how would I fit into this whole picture of things with Eternity and Today? How would my mom and family fit into this whole schema of things? How does the Lake of Fire, Hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth, worms that never die, Heaven, being as the Angels of Heaven, and all else after Today have anything to do with me? What the heck am I supposed to do with eternal things when I have a hard enough time getting past today without fainting from what is going on all around the world? You wanna know something? I was at a local supermarket today and I asked several many people how they felt towards the transgender restroom bill. NONE of them knew what I was talking about.

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