Heckler Calls Jerry Nadler ‘Loser’ at Mueller Report Press Conference

That's a sure sign the Dims are losing the public relations battle.

Heckler Calls Jerry Nadler 'Loser' at Mueller Report Press Conference

A heckler called House Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) a “loser” during a Sunday evening press conference in New York City.

WHO? man you trumpets are so hard up.

The only hard up people I see are Dems. After all they swore up and down the Mueller report would show Trump colluded with the Russians.


Now lets just see what Nadler will do. Talk about idiots.

Well the Dims ran on impeaching Trump, but now Pelosi says no way.

Her reasoning? She says that she does not want to divide America, after trying to do just that on running on impeaching Trump.

These idiots truly are brain dead.

lol.... no, the (D)s didn't run on 'impeaching trump'. one or 2 incoming freshmen reps used that word. (D)s ran on issues.... particularly healthcare ie protecting & strengthening the ACA. a lot of people got scared & faced a real possibility that they would lose it without the (R)s having anything AT ALL to replace it that was as good or better. that was one hell of a wake up call.

Ah yes, you live under a rock.

I get it.

sure - i bet you think the (D)s in the house haven't been writing up bills & pushing them fwd? poor poor poorly educated you.
That's a sure sign the Dims are losing the public relations battle.

Heckler Calls Jerry Nadler 'Loser' at Mueller Report Press Conference

A heckler called House Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) a “loser” during a Sunday evening press conference in New York City.

WHO? man you trumpets are so hard up.

The only hard up people I see are Dems. After all they swore up and down the Mueller report would show Trump colluded with the Russians.


Now lets just see what Nadler will do. Talk about idiots.

Well the Dims ran on impeaching Trump, but now Pelosi says no way.

Her reasoning? She says that she does not want to divide America, after trying to do just that on running on impeaching Trump.

These idiots truly are brain dead.

The First Sentence ["Well the Dims ran on impeaching Trump, but now Pelosi says no way"] is a Damn Lie.

A few Democrats ran on that message, but the vast majority of us knew Trump was inept, incompetent and divisive and could be defeated in 2020. We've known the Republican's cannot govern a diverse nation, and were in fact more interested in having power and feathering their nest and corporate America; not We the People.

Then, when SNAFU became the new normal in the White House, it became clear trump was going to be a one term president.

In 2018 several novice pols won seats in the Congress, and indiscretion made headlines. At no point did The Speaker give any indication that the majority parity was interested in impeachment [before the '18 election was out of the question, Ryan held all the cards]. And, if Trump has been impeached before Jan. of 2019, Pence would become President and possibly serve a decade in the White House.

More lies, democrats who are running in 2020 still steadfastly, and erroneously, insist Trump is still guilty and will prove it once the report is in their hands.

It's all they have.

What else is there? Their only other tactic is to offer a wonderful new health care system. Keep in mind that this is the same talking heads that gave us Obamacare and said that it would solve all of our problems. The ink is not even dry and they want another health care plan?. LOL.

Then there is the Green New Deal that will create $93 trillion in debt and limit our freedoms to travel by car or plane and will force us all to modify our houses to be carbon free.

What a sorry bunch. Why not go back to championing murdering a fetus in the third trimester?
Let me repeat.

2,800 subpoenas were issued and 500 witness interviews, no collusion.

Libs, run a better candidate next time, you pieces of garbage.
That's a sure sign the Dims are losing the public relations battle.

Heckler Calls Jerry Nadler 'Loser' at Mueller Report Press Conference

A heckler called House Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) a “loser” during a Sunday evening press conference in New York City.

WHO? man you trumpets are so hard up.

The only hard up people I see are Dems. After all they swore up and down the Mueller report would show Trump colluded with the Russians.


Now lets just see what Nadler will do. Talk about idiots.

Well the Dims ran on impeaching Trump, but now Pelosi says no way.

Her reasoning? She says that she does not want to divide America, after trying to do just that on running on impeaching Trump.

These idiots truly are brain dead.

The First Sentence ["Well the Dims ran on impeaching Trump, but now Pelosi says no way"] is a Damn Lie.

A few Democrats ran on that message, but the vast majority of us knew Trump was inept, incompetent and divisive and could be defeated in 2020. We've known the Republican's cannot govern a diverse nation, and were in fact more interested in having power and feathering their nest and corporate America; not We the People.

Then, when SNAFU became the new normal in the White House, it became clear trump was going to be a one term president.

In 2018 several novice pols won seats in the Congress, and indiscretion made headlines. At no point did The Speaker give any indication that the majority parity was interested in impeachment [before the '18 election was out of the question, Ryan held all the cards]. And, if Trump has been impeached before Jan. of 2019, Pence would become President and possibly serve a decade in the White House.

More lies, democrats who are running in 2020 still steadfastly, and erroneously, insist Trump is still guilty and will prove it once the report is in their hands.

It's all they have.

What else is there? Their only other tactic is to offer a wonderful new health care system. Keep in mind that this is the same talking heads that gave us Obamacare and said that it would solve all of our problems. The ink is not even dry and they want another health care plan?. LOL.

Then there is the Green New Deal that will create $93 trillion in debt and limit our freedoms to travel by car or plane and will force us all to modify our houses to be carbon free.

What a sorry bunch. Why not go back to championing murdering a fetus in the third trimester?

A post ^^^ reminiscent of soothsayers of the past, those who predict the future by magical means.

In short, a crock of bullshit. The PPACA is here to stay. What works will remain and what does not will be shit canned or repaired.

Green and renewable energy are the future, and either China or Japan will be the leaders and profit from the arrogant ignorance of Climate Change Deniers; those who today laugh at solar and wind and co-generation of energy.
WHO? man you trumpets are so hard up.

The only hard up people I see are Dems. After all they swore up and down the Mueller report would show Trump colluded with the Russians.


Now lets just see what Nadler will do. Talk about idiots.

Well the Dims ran on impeaching Trump, but now Pelosi says no way.

Her reasoning? She says that she does not want to divide America, after trying to do just that on running on impeaching Trump.

These idiots truly are brain dead.

The First Sentence ["Well the Dims ran on impeaching Trump, but now Pelosi says no way"] is a Damn Lie.

A few Democrats ran on that message, but the vast majority of us knew Trump was inept, incompetent and divisive and could be defeated in 2020. We've known the Republican's cannot govern a diverse nation, and were in fact more interested in having power and feathering their nest and corporate America; not We the People.

Then, when SNAFU became the new normal in the White House, it became clear trump was going to be a one term president.

In 2018 several novice pols won seats in the Congress, and indiscretion made headlines. At no point did The Speaker give any indication that the majority parity was interested in impeachment [before the '18 election was out of the question, Ryan held all the cards]. And, if Trump has been impeached before Jan. of 2019, Pence would become President and possibly serve a decade in the White House.

More lies, democrats who are running in 2020 still steadfastly, and erroneously, insist Trump is still guilty and will prove it once the report is in their hands.

It's all they have.

What else is there? Their only other tactic is to offer a wonderful new health care system. Keep in mind that this is the same talking heads that gave us Obamacare and said that it would solve all of our problems. The ink is not even dry and they want another health care plan?. LOL.

Then there is the Green New Deal that will create $93 trillion in debt and limit our freedoms to travel by car or plane and will force us all to modify our houses to be carbon free.

What a sorry bunch. Why not go back to championing murdering a fetus in the third trimester?

A post ^^^ reminiscent of soothsayers of the past, those who predict the future by magical means.

In short, a crock of bullshit. The PPACA is here to stay. What works will remain and what does not will be shit canned or repaired.

Green and renewable energy are the future, and either China or Japan will be the leaders and profit from the arrogant ignorance of Climate Change Deniers; those who today laugh at solar and wind and co-generation of energy.
What the hell is the PPACA?

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