Hell exists -- I lived there for fourteen years

My mother is still hurting me even though I'm now 54 years old. I can't put to one side all the shit she did to me, and I am still angry at my father for letting her do it to me.
Didn't read this until now. Yes..I can definetly relate. But I don't hate God. He made me strong, bullheaded, stubborn, wise, and able to take care of myself when I finally had enough and left home at 17. Made lots of mistakes, but I learned on my own without being beaten and molested, verbally and physically abused at every opportunity. And yeah...when I die..I don't want daddy meeting me at the end of the white tunnel. I want my dogs there.
My mother hit me and broke my things, then I'd go to school and the bullies made my life miserable.

You think God wouldn't send anyone to hell?

Think again.

I was a kid who'd done nothing wrong and God allowed me to live in hell for fourteen years.

Are you ruined, or are you strong?
My mother hit me and broke my things, then I'd go to school and the bullies made my life miserable.

You think God wouldn't send anyone to hell?

Think again.

I was a kid who'd done nothing wrong and God allowed me to live in hell for fourteen years.
Sorry to hear that. Do you have any sort of relationship with your Mother now?
My mother killed herself. For many years afterwards I was plagued by visions of her burning in hell. She was too damn selfish to take into consideration how much she'd hurt me if she killed herself. I lit candles for her in church, paying $1 per candle. Eventually, I stopped. I figured if she's in hell there's no way I'm getting her out even if I buy a whole warehouse full of candles.
That's rough, if people knew how much they hurt those close to them, they wouldn't kill themselves.
My mother hit me and broke my things, then I'd go to school and the bullies made my life miserable.

You think God wouldn't send anyone to hell?

Think again.

I was a kid who'd done nothing wrong and God allowed me to live in hell for fourteen years.
My old man was a lil crazy ....but he was a decent man
His mother my grandmother ....my mother and father would tell me stories of how rotten she was when my dad was a kid ...crazy woman ...threw him out onto the streets at age 12 ...my dad said he lived down by the east river with the bums and got a job baggin and delivering grocies ....he said he was happiest living with the bums .....my grandfather eventually went to bring him home ...he loved his father....I loved em both

I would yell at him You're lying thats sweet old women who gives me kisses an slips 10s in my pocket YOU LIE PAPA! Lol

Nope it was true

She was so fucked up but what a cook lol ....what she did to my aunts ...tortured them ...

My dad an grandma were closer when they were older

Forgive her man
"Forgiveness" is mostly pointless in my world view. I personally find the easiest way not to become a wound collector is to simply focus on today, tomorrow, next week, next year. Spend as little mental time in the past as possible, good or bad. Sure there have been a lot of bad people and bad things in my past, but nothing there is ever going to change. The future I can shape.
having to undo their sins is more cruel than the sin ... to remove the darkness. to even keep the darkness from growing.

that is though the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - a child put behind the 8-ball by their parent is a most enduring challenge not often appreciated by those w/ a wholesome upbringing or most of society in general.


isn't that what changed in the 60s - say what you want that was a generational revolution against the church and pater familiartus.
My mother hit me and broke my things, then I'd go to school and the bullies made my life miserable.

You think God wouldn't send anyone to hell?

Think again.

I was a kid who'd done nothing wrong and God allowed me to live in hell for fourteen years.
Funny how life goes. I had a fantasy life the 1st 40 yrs. Pure hell ever since. I thought I was invincible to life's tragedies. Well I was F wrong. I think life tends to balance out over the years.

Look at this damned pandemic. A lot of fantasy lives have been shattered by a pandemic meteor out of nowhere.

My friend had the same kind of young life as you. Now he throws 100 dollar bills at them at reunions. He said something very curious to me."Without the people who made it hard in my youth, my adulthood would not have been as happy or successful."
My mother hit me and broke my things, then I'd go to school and the bullies made my life miserable.

You think God wouldn't send anyone to hell?

Think again.

I was a kid who'd done nothing wrong and God allowed me to live in hell for fourteen years.
Sorry to hear this. Luckily I had parents who were loving and compassionate and never hurt me, my sister, or my brother.
Ditto. You really don't know how good of parents you have until you are older when you see a lot didn't and the damage. You thought good parents were mostly normal when you were a kid. Boy that was naive.
Thanks for your encouraging words.

I feel better today. It's my birthday, I am 55.
Happy Birthday! I hope you've had a good one. You're still just a young fella, I'm 59, MOST days I feel like I'm about 49 or 50. Some days, like today, I DO feel my age, maybe a bit older. But congratulations on hitting the big 55, here's to your NEXT 55!
Sorry to hear this. Luckily I had parents who were loving and compassionate and never hurt me, my sister, or my brother
Dude, you're full of shit and transferring your identity worse than a child molester.
When you're 18 or so, you've got to leave your father and mother as the Bible commands, get out on your own, with a job or career, find your own girlfriend / boyfriend / relationship, get married.

Kids can dress themselves on time in the morning don't need all the grooming at the hands of overly solicitous helicopter parents who will not let go no matter what.
Sorry to hear this. Luckily I had parents who were loving and compassionate and never hurt me, my sister, or my brother
Dude, you're full of shit and transferring your identity worse than a child molester.
When you're 18 or so, you've got to leave your father and mother as the Bible commands, get out on your own, with a job or career, find your own girlfriend / boyfriend / relationship, get married.

Kids can dress themselves on time in the morning don't need all the grooming at the hands of overly solicitous helicopter parents who will not let go no matter what.
???????????????????????????????????????? WTF are you talking about?
Sorry to hear this. Luckily I had parents who were loving and compassionate and never hurt me, my sister, or my brother
Dude, you're full of shit and transferring your identity worse than a child molester.
When you're 18 or so, you've got to leave your father and mother as the Bible commands, get out on your own, with a job or career, find your own girlfriend / boyfriend / relationship, get married.

Kids can dress themselves on time in the morning don't need all the grooming at the hands of overly solicitous helicopter parents who will not let go no matter what.
I LEFT home at 19 to go to college, then lived with a friend of mine for a year, then with a girlfriend for a few years. After which I lived with my father because he needed some financial help.
WTF are you talking about?
All the parents in town belong to a brotherhood or sisters sorority or something like that, they will not pay kids more than a pittance of a wage no matter what. Children of "people of the district" in the U.S. have to be 30 or 40 before they are allowed to leave their parents house. It's a Communist Party gun-banning cult that requires an adult appreciation of sex, drugs and alcohol as an absolute bar to being allowed to live independently.
WTF are you talking about?
All the parents in town belong to a brotherhood or sisters sorority or something like that, they will not pay kids more than a pittance of a wage no matter what. Children of "people of the district" in the U.S. have to be 30 or 40 before they are allowed to leave their parents house. It's a Communist Party gun-banning cult that requires an adult appreciation of sex, drugs and alcohol as an absolute bar to being allowed to live independently.
I've NEVER heard of this and obviously have never BEEN a part of something like this. It sounds like sheer lunacy to me, and something Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics would embrace.
I used my mother's notebook to write a Christmas play. My mother said I shouldn't have used her notebook and burned my play in the fireplace.

I used clay to make a scale model of every planet in the solar system. I strung it up on a string in my room. My mother yanked the string down.

I was into Ronald Reagan so I drew up a list of every state and how many delegates voted for Reagan and how many voted for Ford. When the convention was over I taped it to my wall. My mother ripped it in half and tore it down.

My father and mother would have arguments late at night. My mother would scream at the top of her lungs. Then, to hurt my father's feelings, she would come in my room and hit me.

I have to conclude that even if my mother didn't go to hell for killing herself she went to hell for all the hurtful shit she did to me.

My mother is still hurting me even though I'm now 54 years old. I can't put to one side all the shit she did to me, and I am still angry at my father for letting her do it to me.

Also, I'm angry at God. Almost all the bad things that have happened to me is because my personality is defective due to the shitty things my mother did to me. I've prayed and prayed and God kept allowing these bad things to happen. I got so angry I stopped going to Mass. I was a bad example for my children and now they don't go to Mass either.

Despite what my mother did to me, I'm the one who paid for her grave so that she could have a nice memorial plaque. Had I not done that, she'd be in an unmarked grave forever.
I hear all that, but it seems that in order for you to have peace for the rest of your life, maybe you have to let the past go. My brother lives in the past and believes our parents ruined his life and to this day he still brings up bad memories about our childhood. We are both in our 60s and our parents are both gone. Just consider forgiving your mother and father, not for them but for your sake.

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