Hell in a Handbasket...


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Pacific Northwest
An 8 year old boy rapes 10 year old girl in elementary school. His 10 year old sister held her down while the 8 year old raped her.

Two students allegedly sexually assault 10-year-old at local elementary school

Police were called and escorted the family to the hospital where a rape exam was conducted.

The medical paperwork confirms her wounds are consistent with sexual assault.

“I’m not just blaming the kids, I blame the teachers that are supposed to protect our kids when they’re at school.” said the mother.

Two students allegedly sexually assault 10-year-old at local elementary school | KFOR.com

WTF? Where were the teachers and where in the hell did an 8 year old get the idea to rape another child while his sister held her down?

Their parents need to be investigated immediately. The school needs to reevaluate their policy. :mad:
“I’m not just blaming the kids, I blame the teachers that are supposed to protect our kids when they’re at school.” said the mother.

I am blaming the kids, and their idiot parents, as well as the school (to a level).
We've had a bad one here, not as bad as that, but still bad.
The little bastard was trying to touch up a load of ten year old kids and, after a short time and a serious warning, he tried the same with a few grade 7 and 8 girls.
He was booted out.
Why do I blame the parents?
That little bastard's mother knew what was what and allowed it to continue. If that had been my lad, I would have given him a serious talking to and, if that didn't work, a damn good slapping.

Note - before some daft twat starts talking about Muslims; he's Christian, the high school principal is Catholic.
Yep. Our world has gone to hell.

The good ole days are gone.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E88RUqyjts]Grandpa Tell Me Bout The Good Old Days - YouTube[/ame]
How does an eight year old even think about this ?

He needs his ass beat bad....really bad.

And his sister needs the same.
“I’m not just blaming the kids, I blame the teachers that are supposed to protect our kids when they’re at school.” said the mother.

I am blaming the kids, and their idiot parents, as well as the school (to a level).
We've had a bad one here, not as bad as that, but still bad.
The little bastard was trying to touch up a load of ten year old kids and, after a short time and a serious warning, he tried the same with a few grade 7 and 8 girls.
He was booted out.
Why do I blame the parents?
That little bastard's mother knew what was what and allowed it to continue. If that had been my lad, I would have given him a serious talking to and, if that didn't work, a damn good slapping.

Note - before some daft twat starts talking about Muslims; he's Christian, the high school principal is Catholic.

I totally blame the parents. There is no way one kid thought of rape , let alone two, without some parental involvement. Whether they are or were abused or allowed to watch porn? I can't even figure why they would even know about forcing themselves on another child, at the age of 8.

I also blame the school, this should have never happened in school.
The US government legalized torture and killed a teenager without charges. What do you expect? "The good ol' days"? When were those? When pleasant townsfolk could gather for a fun Christian hangin'?
CaféAuLait;9113482 said:
I did not meant to put this in politics, I thought I put in it current events. Apologies, Mods.

Actually I think this belongs in politics, it's just another stark example of our decaying society that liberalism has brought. The sense of entitlement is seeping down to the youngest of children and they think they can take anything they want. That being said I will bet that a proper investigation will show that these kids are being abused, more than likely at home.
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The US government legalized torture and killed a teenager without charges. What do you expect? "The good ol' days"? When were those? When pleasant townsfolk could gather for a fun Christian hangin'?

Torture and murder during war have been going on since the inception of war. Bush and Obama did not invent either.

Heck, in 1950 and later the Brits were "raping men anally, using knives, broken bottles, rifle barrels, snakes and scorpions. A favourite technique was to hold a man upside down, his head in a bucket of water, while sand was rammed into his rectum with a stick. Women were gang-raped by the guards".

The British devised a special tool which they used to crush and then rip off testicles "They used pliers to mutilate women's breasts. They cut off inmates' ears and fingers and gouged out their eyes. They dragged people behind Land Rovers until their bodies disintegrated. Men were rolled up in barbed wire and kicked around the compound.

Deny the British empire's crimes? No, we ignore them | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

Torture, murder and rape have always happened in war time. Most people like to pretend Bush invented it or Obama invented the use of drones. Its BS.

When was the last time you heard of an 8 year old raping someone? This has nothing to do with torture or war.
CaféAuLait;9113114 said:
An 8 year old boy rapes 10 year old girl in elementary school. His 10 year old sister held her down while the 8 year old raped her.

Two students allegedly sexually assault 10-year-old at local elementary school

Police were called and escorted the family to the hospital where a rape exam was conducted.

The medical paperwork confirms her wounds are consistent with sexual assault.

“I’m not just blaming the kids, I blame the teachers that are supposed to protect our kids when they’re at school.” said the mother.

Two students allegedly sexually assault 10-year-old at local elementary school | KFOR.com

WTF? Where were the teachers and where in the hell did an 8 year old get the idea to rape another child while his sister held her down?

Their parents need to be investigated immediately. The school needs to reevaluate their policy. :mad:

They were probably just practicing for the festivities and ambiance of Harvey Milk Day in schools next week: http://www.usmessageboard.com/curre...to-celebrate-jerry-sandusky-s-equivalent.html
This isn't a political issue. Anyone playing politics with this, you are the problem causing this.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... schools gone to Hell inna handbasket...

... ever since dey took prayer an' Pledge of Allegience outta the schools...

... didn't such stuff happen when dey started the school day with a prayer anna Pledge...

... only after.

Best way to solve the problem...

... is putta prayer anna Pledge back inna schools...

... if dem lefty loopy lib'rals would allow it.":mad:
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This kid rapist is permanently damaged goods. People fail to realize that some are truly born bad, and that cases like this have happened before. Counseling will not fix this, and in a society that seeks justice this kid would be put out of his and society's misery, for good. Shoot him like a rabid dog.

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