Hello from Buffalo!


Religious views: Freedom
Jan 23, 2013
Hi there! I am a political science/international studies student; working as a computer technician--with plans on moving on to law school after I finish my diplomas. I'm extremely interested in politics, especially being part of the pre-911 generation, I remember how life in this country used to be before those attacks.

I'm a traveler, versed in three languages. I love to compare and contrast different cultures. That's why I have such a love and loyalty for this great nation--what we have built here, no one has, nor has ever existed but in this great nation. This is the only country on the planet that has a population of every single nation in the world represented and protected by the law just like every other American.

My interest in politics stems from the idea of trying to make this country even better. America is the pinnacle of society *from what the eye sees* but my main issue is that this country is losing it's path. We're living in a post George Bush jr. era where the media has the last say, trust and legitimacy hold no merit any longer.

enough about me though :p I'm just looking for a place to practice what I study and to learn from other people as well. looking forward to checking out some debates!!!
Spent a bit of time in Buffalo this weekend. Nice town if you can ignore all the empty houses...
Welcome to USMB! I hope you've had all of your shots.
hi there! I am a political science/international studies student; working as a computer technician--with plans on moving on to law school after i finish my diplomas. I'm extremely interested in politics, especially being part of the pre-911 generation, i remember how life in this country used to be before those attacks.

I'm a traveler, versed in three languages. I love to compare and contrast different cultures. That's why i have such a love and loyalty for this great nation--what we have built here, no one has, nor has ever existed but in this great nation. This is the only country on the planet that has a population of every single nation in the world represented and protected by the law just like every other american.

My interest in politics stems from the idea of trying to make this country even better. America is the pinnacle of society *from what the eye sees* but my main issue is that this country is losing it's path. We're living in a post george bush jr. Era where the media has the last say, trust and legitimacy hold no merit any longer.

Enough about me though :p i'm just looking for a place to practice what i study and to learn from other people as well. Looking forward to checking out some debates!!!

Hi there! I am a political science/international studies student; working as a computer technician--with plans on moving on to law school after I finish my diplomas. I'm extremely interested in politics, especially being part of the pre-911 generation, I remember how life in this country used to be before those attacks.

I'm a traveler, versed in three languages. I love to compare and contrast different cultures. That's why I have such a love and loyalty for this great nation--what we have built here, no one has, nor has ever existed but in this great nation. This is the only country on the planet that has a population of every single nation in the world represented and protected by the law just like every other American.

My interest in politics stems from the idea of trying to make this country even better. America is the pinnacle of society *from what the eye sees* but my main issue is that this country is losing it's path. We're living in a post George Bush jr. era where the media has the last say, trust and legitimacy hold no merit any longer.

enough about me though :p I'm just looking for a place to practice what I study and to learn from other people as well. looking forward to checking out some debates!!!
Welcome to USMB, voltayer. Hope you enjoy the boards.
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