Hello.....I told you this would happen......Exponents don't lie

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die
Youre obviously not worried about poor americans. They are the ones getting hit the hardest. They are the ones with underlying conditions due to inadequate health care. So you claim to be a progressive but you think like these dumbasses that say let the virus kill who it may while we go to work? No I wont shut up and yes I will die when its my time.

So you think poor people are better off losing 5% of GDP, their jobs, and more likely than not no unemployment check. Because a few thousand of them might die? We're a nation of 320 million

Yes just like people die so we can go faster on the highway, people will have to die so we can stay open for flu season

Welcome to being an adult

Again you don't take care of poor people as a society, you have to let them work so they can stay afloat. You can't shut down everything on them, we do not have a social safety net that would make this quarantine in any way moral.

You are concerned for your own yuppie bullshit, not poor people. Fuck off you pretend progressive ****. You're not even a liberal. You want orwellian measures over the flu
So you think (and you are ok with it) only a few thousand will die and that those few thousand and their families prefer death over getting unemployment? What makes you think its just going to be a few thousand? You do realize there are more than a few thousand poor americans with underlying health issues right? What experience do you have with being poor? I grew up poor so I think I can speak better to their mindset than you.

Tens of thousands could die, it isn't substantively different than flu season. Where are you going to draw the line? If it's here again the flu is worthy.

Again same concept with our highways

Allowing sugary drinks to be sold



It's a free country before this I would have hoped the flu couldn't bring us to our knees and just give up all our rights. Talking about apps to track us and federalized healthcare records with NO PUBLIC OPTION. Insanity

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die

The irony of some yuppy **** with his head so far up his own ass he imagines this quartine is good for poor people....Just insanity. You have no right to tell the poor they can't work in a society where you don't take care of them.

If this shutdown lasts too long, everybody goes down.
The media and Congress are rather insulated from hardships the shutdown causes.
Young people splitting rent with 2 others are not insulated.

I would love to get the country back to how it was when I was young, if you wanted to work, you could get a job or 2.

Housing used to cost 1 week's work or less, now it's 150-200% of that. I finally figured out what happened, decades of corrupt government. The boiling frogs we are.
Thats not true. Everybody is definitely not going down if the shut down lasts longer. Whats going to happen is things are going to change. People will find ways to work and work safely. For example I work from home one week and then I go in one week with PPE on. Its a pain in the ass but its better than dying or bringing something back and killing a parent or two.

Now NOT EVERYBODY.. But close to about 1/3 of the currently employed will be gone or furloughed and if you THINK that's not gonna affect the REMAINING businesses -- you're deluded.

When commercial real estate starts to crash FIRST -- the whole thing comes tumbling down..
So your plan is to kill off 1/3 of currently employed and you think that will be better?

A small percentage of that 1/3 is what COVID-19 is expected to maybe kill.
Keeping the shutdown on will kill more and make a very high percentage suffer for no reason.

It's already being used as a lever to strip liberties and rights guaranteed by The Constitution.

And everybody just goes bleating along.
Will someone ever have intestinal fortitude enough to get up and tell the truth. This entire event is an agreement between the democrats and the Chinese to economically destroy this country. The Chinese provided a flu and the democrats contributed the hysteria.

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die

The irony of some yuppy **** with his head so far up his own ass he imagines this quartine is good for poor people....Just insanity. You have no right to tell the poor they can't work in a society where you don't take care of them.

If this shutdown lasts too long, everybody goes down.
The media and Congress are rather insulated from hardships the shutdown causes.
Young people splitting rent with 2 others are not insulated.

I would love to get the country back to how it was when I was young, if you wanted to work, you could get a job or 2.

Housing used to cost 1 week's work or less, now it's 150-200% of that. I finally figured out what happened, decades of corrupt government. The boiling frogs we are.
Thats not true. Everybody is definitely not going down if the shut down lasts longer. Whats going to happen is things are going to change. People will find ways to work and work safely. For example I work from home one week and then I go in one week with PPE on. Its a pain in the ass but its better than dying or bringing something back and killing a parent or two.

Now NOT EVERYBODY.. But close to about 1/3 of the currently employed will be gone or furloughed and if you THINK that's not gonna affect the REMAINING businesses -- you're deluded.

When commercial real estate starts to crash FIRST -- the whole thing comes tumbling down..
It will cascade in unforeseen ways. :(

The STATES -- especially the BIG BLUE ones are looking right into BANKRUPTCY RIGHT NOW from bleeding tax revenue and having a shaky bond rating/financials to START with.... It's gonna be more of an EXPLOSION than a cascade if we wait too long..

Everyone seems to know this but Asclep...
I think its a question of priorities. I grew up poor. My train of thought tends to favor people over profits. I dont care if a business fails. I know someone will take their place and the government will spend big money to keep their pet giant companies in business. I dont fall for all the gloom and doom coming from those that fuck over the poor all in an attempt to please their share holders. Seems to me all the smart doctors advise caution over worrying about the economy. That will take care of itself. The economy will always come back. Thats unless everyone is dead of the virus and we are too weak to stave off a probable military attack.

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die

The irony of some yuppy **** with his head so far up his own ass he imagines this quartine is good for poor people....Just insanity. You have no right to tell the poor they can't work in a society where you don't take care of them.

If this shutdown lasts too long, everybody goes down.
The media and Congress are rather insulated from hardships the shutdown causes.
Young people splitting rent with 2 others are not insulated.

I would love to get the country back to how it was when I was young, if you wanted to work, you could get a job or 2.

Housing used to cost 1 week's work or less, now it's 150-200% of that. I finally figured out what happened, decades of corrupt government. The boiling frogs we are.
Thats not true. Everybody is definitely not going down if the shut down lasts longer. Whats going to happen is things are going to change. People will find ways to work and work safely. For example I work from home one week and then I go in one week with PPE on. Its a pain in the ass but its better than dying or bringing something back and killing a parent or two.

Now NOT EVERYBODY.. But close to about 1/3 of the currently employed will be gone or furloughed and if you THINK that's not gonna affect the REMAINING businesses -- you're deluded.

When commercial real estate starts to crash FIRST -- the whole thing comes tumbling down..
It will cascade in unforeseen ways. :(

The STATES -- especially the BIG BLUE ones are looking right into BANKRUPTCY RIGHT NOW from bleeding tax revenue and having a shaky bond rating/financials to START with.... It's gonna be more of an EXPLOSION than a cascade if we wait too long..

Everyone seems to know this but Asclep...
I think its a question of priorities. I grew up poor. My train of thought tends to favor people over profits. I dont care if a business fails. I know someone will take their place and the government will spend big money to keep their pet giant companies in business. I dont fall for all the gloom and doom coming from those that fuck over the poor all in an attempt to please their share holders. Seems to me all the smart doctors advise caution over worrying about the economy. That will take care of itself. The economy will always come back. Thats unless everyone is dead of the virus and we are too weak to stave off a probable military attack.

We live in a capitalist society, your view only makes sense with a robust social safety net we don't have

unemployment caps at 275$ a week in florida

You're choosing a few people who will really die from pre existing conditions over the millions who need to make money and live pay check to paycheck. Ur an asshole

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die

The irony of some yuppy **** with his head so far up his own ass he imagines this quartine is good for poor people....Just insanity. You have no right to tell the poor they can't work in a society where you don't take care of them.

If this shutdown lasts too long, everybody goes down.
The media and Congress are rather insulated from hardships the shutdown causes.
Young people splitting rent with 2 others are not insulated.

I would love to get the country back to how it was when I was young, if you wanted to work, you could get a job or 2.

Housing used to cost 1 week's work or less, now it's 150-200% of that. I finally figured out what happened, decades of corrupt government. The boiling frogs we are.
Thats not true. Everybody is definitely not going down if the shut down lasts longer. Whats going to happen is things are going to change. People will find ways to work and work safely. For example I work from home one week and then I go in one week with PPE on. Its a pain in the ass but its better than dying or bringing something back and killing a parent or two.

Now NOT EVERYBODY.. But close to about 1/3 of the currently employed will be gone or furloughed and if you THINK that's not gonna affect the REMAINING businesses -- you're deluded.

When commercial real estate starts to crash FIRST -- the whole thing comes tumbling down..
So your plan is to kill off 1/3 of currently employed and you think that will be better?

AGAIN -- Had you FOUGHT your TDS and tuned into the briefings --- you'd KNOW -- the AVERAGE AGE of deaths in most countries are about 80 years old... You're WAAAAY the fuck behind on this..

THose folks are not "employed"... In FACT -- THEY should remained quarantined and let EVERYONE CAREFULLY go back to work...
Whats really bad is how do you figure out if you just have cold or you have the virus? Someone like me, I will know instantly because I never get sick, so I will just assume I have it.

If you listen to the WH briefings you'd know.. Symptoms for a cold and Covid differ GREATLY.. For covid -- not much nasal discharge if at ALL.. Also a spiky fever that isn't a feature of a cold. And a SEVERE sore throat or headaches...

There's a chart in most doctor's offices showing diff between colds and flus..
I cant stand listening to the bullshit that predominates the briefings. I don't want to hear a campaign rally. I want to hear facts. I don't want to hear half baked assumptions and transparently false positivity. I want to hear facts. I dont want to hear how beautiful the tests are. I want to know specifically when they will be available. If I want to listen to some bullshit I can go to my local used car dealer for that.

Then you're NOT listening to the CDC/NIH/SurgGen briefings and it's your ignorance to be proud of..
I only listen to the doctors. However, as soon as I hear Drumpf my eyes glaze over and I turn the channel so I end up missing some things.

The LEAD SPOKEPEOPLE at those briefings ARE the doctors in charge of NIH/CDC/FEMA and the f'ing surgeon general... It's no wonder you're so behind on what's being done..
Are the doctors saying everybody should just go back to work?

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die

The irony of some yuppy **** with his head so far up his own ass he imagines this quartine is good for poor people....Just insanity. You have no right to tell the poor they can't work in a society where you don't take care of them.

If this shutdown lasts too long, everybody goes down.
The media and Congress are rather insulated from hardships the shutdown causes.
Young people splitting rent with 2 others are not insulated.

I would love to get the country back to how it was when I was young, if you wanted to work, you could get a job or 2.

Housing used to cost 1 week's work or less, now it's 150-200% of that. I finally figured out what happened, decades of corrupt government. The boiling frogs we are.
Thats not true. Everybody is definitely not going down if the shut down lasts longer. Whats going to happen is things are going to change. People will find ways to work and work safely. For example I work from home one week and then I go in one week with PPE on. Its a pain in the ass but its better than dying or bringing something back and killing a parent or two.

Now NOT EVERYBODY.. But close to about 1/3 of the currently employed will be gone or furloughed and if you THINK that's not gonna affect the REMAINING businesses -- you're deluded.

When commercial real estate starts to crash FIRST -- the whole thing comes tumbling down..
It will cascade in unforeseen ways. :(

The STATES -- especially the BIG BLUE ones are looking right into BANKRUPTCY RIGHT NOW from bleeding tax revenue and having a shaky bond rating/financials to START with.... It's gonna be more of an EXPLOSION than a cascade if we wait too long..

Everyone seems to know this but Asclep...
I think its a question of priorities. I grew up poor. My train of thought tends to favor people over profits. I dont care if a business fails. I know someone will take their place and the government will spend big money to keep their pet giant companies in business. I dont fall for all the gloom and doom coming from those that fuck over the poor all in an attempt to please their share holders. Seems to me all the smart doctors advise caution over worrying about the economy. That will take care of itself. The economy will always come back. Thats unless everyone is dead of the virus and we are too weak to stave off a probable military attack.

We live in a capitalist society, your view only makes sense with a robust social safety net we don't have

unemployment caps at 275$ a week in florida

You're choosing a few people who will really die from pre existing conditions over the millions who need to make money and live pay check to paycheck. Ur an asshole
This is one of the weaknesses of a capitalistic society. It has no robust safety net.....unless some rich persons company is going to go bankrupt.

I could live off $275 a week if all I did was stay in the house. The real issue is that the people at the top who stand to lose from this cant even imagine doing that. It makes them shit their pants.

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die
Youre obviously not worried about poor americans. They are the ones getting hit the hardest. They are the ones with underlying conditions due to inadequate health care. So you claim to be a progressive but you think like these dumbasses that say let the virus kill who it may while we go to work? No I wont shut up and yes I will die when its my time.

So you think poor people are better off losing 5% of GDP, their jobs, and more likely than not no unemployment check. Because a few thousand of them might die? We're a nation of 320 million

Yes just like people die so we can go faster on the highway, people will have to die so we can stay open for flu season

Welcome to being an adult

Again you don't take care of poor people as a society, you have to let them work so they can stay afloat. You can't shut down everything on them, we do not have a social safety net that would make this quarantine in any way moral.

You are concerned for your own yuppie bullshit, not poor people. Fuck off you pretend progressive ****. You're not even a liberal. You want orwellian measures over the flu
So you think (and you are ok with it) only a few thousand will die and that those few thousand and their families prefer death over getting unemployment? What makes you think its just going to be a few thousand? You do realize there are more than a few thousand poor americans with underlying health issues right? What experience do you have with being poor? I grew up poor so I think I can speak better to their mindset than you.

Tens of thousands could die, it isn't substantively different than flu season. Where are you going to draw the line? If it's here again the flu is worthy.

Again same concept with our highways

Allowing sugary drinks to be sold



It's a free country before this I would have hoped the flu couldn't bring us to our knees and just give up all our rights. Talking about apps to track us and federalized healthcare records with NO PUBLIC OPTION. Insanity
How do you know it isnt substantially different than the flu season? You need to be telling all the doctors that keep saying this is an unknown that they are wrong.

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die
Youre obviously not worried about poor americans. They are the ones getting hit the hardest. They are the ones with underlying conditions due to inadequate health care. So you claim to be a progressive but you think like these dumbasses that say let the virus kill who it may while we go to work? No I wont shut up and yes I will die when its my time.

So you think poor people are better off losing 5% of GDP, their jobs, and more likely than not no unemployment check. Because a few thousand of them might die? We're a nation of 320 million

Yes just like people die so we can go faster on the highway, people will have to die so we can stay open for flu season

Welcome to being an adult

Again you don't take care of poor people as a society, you have to let them work so they can stay afloat. You can't shut down everything on them, we do not have a social safety net that would make this quarantine in any way moral.

You are concerned for your own yuppie bullshit, not poor people. Fuck off you pretend progressive ****. You're not even a liberal. You want orwellian measures over the flu
So you think (and you are ok with it) only a few thousand will die and that those few thousand and their families prefer death over getting unemployment? What makes you think its just going to be a few thousand? You do realize there are more than a few thousand poor americans with underlying health issues right? What experience do you have with being poor? I grew up poor so I think I can speak better to their mindset than you.

Tens of thousands could die, it isn't substantively different than flu season. Where are you going to draw the line? If it's here again the flu is worthy.

Again same concept with our highways

Allowing sugary drinks to be sold



It's a free country before this I would have hoped the flu couldn't bring us to our knees and just give up all our rights. Talking about apps to track us and federalized healthcare records with NO PUBLIC OPTION. Insanity
How do you know it isnt substantially different than the flu season? You need to be telling all the doctors that keep saying this is an unknown that they are wrong.
He-he, Asslips - The Thing that wouldn't go away. Hilarious!

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die

The irony of some yuppy **** with his head so far up his own ass he imagines this quartine is good for poor people....Just insanity. You have no right to tell the poor they can't work in a society where you don't take care of them.

If this shutdown lasts too long, everybody goes down.
The media and Congress are rather insulated from hardships the shutdown causes.
Young people splitting rent with 2 others are not insulated.

I would love to get the country back to how it was when I was young, if you wanted to work, you could get a job or 2.

Housing used to cost 1 week's work or less, now it's 150-200% of that. I finally figured out what happened, decades of corrupt government. The boiling frogs we are.
Thats not true. Everybody is definitely not going down if the shut down lasts longer. Whats going to happen is things are going to change. People will find ways to work and work safely. For example I work from home one week and then I go in one week with PPE on. Its a pain in the ass but its better than dying or bringing something back and killing a parent or two.

Now NOT EVERYBODY.. But close to about 1/3 of the currently employed will be gone or furloughed and if you THINK that's not gonna affect the REMAINING businesses -- you're deluded.

When commercial real estate starts to crash FIRST -- the whole thing comes tumbling down..
It will cascade in unforeseen ways. :(

The STATES -- especially the BIG BLUE ones are looking right into BANKRUPTCY RIGHT NOW from bleeding tax revenue and having a shaky bond rating/financials to START with.... It's gonna be more of an EXPLOSION than a cascade if we wait too long..

Everyone seems to know this but Asclep...
I think its a question of priorities. I grew up poor. My train of thought tends to favor people over profits. I dont care if a business fails. I know someone will take their place and the government will spend big money to keep their pet giant companies in business. I dont fall for all the gloom and doom coming from those that fuck over the poor all in an attempt to please their share holders. Seems to me all the smart doctors advise caution over worrying about the economy. That will take care of itself. The economy will always come back. Thats unless everyone is dead of the virus and we are too weak to stave off a probable military attack.

We live in a capitalist society, your view only makes sense with a robust social safety net we don't have

unemployment caps at 275$ a week in florida

You're choosing a few people who will really die from pre existing conditions over the millions who need to make money and live pay check to paycheck. Ur an asshole
This is one of the weaknesses of a capitalistic society. It has no robust safety net.....unless some rich persons company is going to go bankrupt.

I could live off $275 a week if all I did was stay in the house. The real issue is that the people at the top who stand to lose from this cant even imagine doing that. It makes them shit their pants.

That's not how bills work....

And good for you, you're really really poor? What are you trying to say? lol

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die
Youre obviously not worried about poor americans. They are the ones getting hit the hardest. They are the ones with underlying conditions due to inadequate health care. So you claim to be a progressive but you think like these dumbasses that say let the virus kill who it may while we go to work? No I wont shut up and yes I will die when its my time.

So you think poor people are better off losing 5% of GDP, their jobs, and more likely than not no unemployment check. Because a few thousand of them might die? We're a nation of 320 million

Yes just like people die so we can go faster on the highway, people will have to die so we can stay open for flu season

Welcome to being an adult

Again you don't take care of poor people as a society, you have to let them work so they can stay afloat. You can't shut down everything on them, we do not have a social safety net that would make this quarantine in any way moral.

You are concerned for your own yuppie bullshit, not poor people. Fuck off you pretend progressive ****. You're not even a liberal. You want orwellian measures over the flu
So you think (and you are ok with it) only a few thousand will die and that those few thousand and their families prefer death over getting unemployment? What makes you think its just going to be a few thousand? You do realize there are more than a few thousand poor americans with underlying health issues right? What experience do you have with being poor? I grew up poor so I think I can speak better to their mindset than you.

Tens of thousands could die, it isn't substantively different than flu season. Where are you going to draw the line? If it's here again the flu is worthy.

Again same concept with our highways

Allowing sugary drinks to be sold



It's a free country before this I would have hoped the flu couldn't bring us to our knees and just give up all our rights. Talking about apps to track us and federalized healthcare records with NO PUBLIC OPTION. Insanity
How do you know it isnt substantially different than the flu season? You need to be telling all the doctors that keep saying this is an unknown that they are wrong.

Because even if you take Italian death rates the closest thing we have on record is the flu

It's much closer to that than polio or small pox, the next step up

THen you go to what we would call plagues. We're talking about a cold/flu, that's it.

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die

The irony of some yuppy **** with his head so far up his own ass he imagines this quartine is good for poor people....Just insanity. You have no right to tell the poor they can't work in a society where you don't take care of them.

If this shutdown lasts too long, everybody goes down.
The media and Congress are rather insulated from hardships the shutdown causes.
Young people splitting rent with 2 others are not insulated.

I would love to get the country back to how it was when I was young, if you wanted to work, you could get a job or 2.

Housing used to cost 1 week's work or less, now it's 150-200% of that. I finally figured out what happened, decades of corrupt government. The boiling frogs we are.
Thats not true. Everybody is definitely not going down if the shut down lasts longer. Whats going to happen is things are going to change. People will find ways to work and work safely. For example I work from home one week and then I go in one week with PPE on. Its a pain in the ass but its better than dying or bringing something back and killing a parent or two.

Now NOT EVERYBODY.. But close to about 1/3 of the currently employed will be gone or furloughed and if you THINK that's not gonna affect the REMAINING businesses -- you're deluded.

When commercial real estate starts to crash FIRST -- the whole thing comes tumbling down..
It will cascade in unforeseen ways. :(

The STATES -- especially the BIG BLUE ones are looking right into BANKRUPTCY RIGHT NOW from bleeding tax revenue and having a shaky bond rating/financials to START with.... It's gonna be more of an EXPLOSION than a cascade if we wait too long..

Everyone seems to know this but Asclep...
I think its a question of priorities. I grew up poor. My train of thought tends to favor people over profits. I dont care if a business fails. I know someone will take their place and the government will spend big money to keep their pet giant companies in business. I dont fall for all the gloom and doom coming from those that fuck over the poor all in an attempt to please their share holders. Seems to me all the smart doctors advise caution over worrying about the economy. That will take care of itself. The economy will always come back. Thats unless everyone is dead of the virus and we are too weak to stave off a probable military attack.

We live in a capitalist society, your view only makes sense with a robust social safety net we don't have

unemployment caps at 275$ a week in florida

You're choosing a few people who will really die from pre existing conditions over the millions who need to make money and live pay check to paycheck. Ur an asshole
This is one of the weaknesses of a capitalistic society. It has no robust safety net.....unless some rich persons company is going to go bankrupt.

I could live off $275 a week if all I did was stay in the house. The real issue is that the people at the top who stand to lose from this cant even imagine doing that. It makes them shit their pants.

That's not how bills work....

And good for you, you're really really poor? What are you trying to say? lol
Sounds like youre living above your means which is dumb. If you have bills you should have at least 6 months saved up in case you lose your job. Dont you study finance?

Of course I'm poor financially. I wont be rich unless I am a billionaire. A million doesnt buy what it used to.

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die

The irony of some yuppy **** with his head so far up his own ass he imagines this quartine is good for poor people....Just insanity. You have no right to tell the poor they can't work in a society where you don't take care of them.

If this shutdown lasts too long, everybody goes down.
The media and Congress are rather insulated from hardships the shutdown causes.
Young people splitting rent with 2 others are not insulated.

I would love to get the country back to how it was when I was young, if you wanted to work, you could get a job or 2.

Housing used to cost 1 week's work or less, now it's 150-200% of that. I finally figured out what happened, decades of corrupt government. The boiling frogs we are.
Thats not true. Everybody is definitely not going down if the shut down lasts longer. Whats going to happen is things are going to change. People will find ways to work and work safely. For example I work from home one week and then I go in one week with PPE on. Its a pain in the ass but its better than dying or bringing something back and killing a parent or two.

Now NOT EVERYBODY.. But close to about 1/3 of the currently employed will be gone or furloughed and if you THINK that's not gonna affect the REMAINING businesses -- you're deluded.

When commercial real estate starts to crash FIRST -- the whole thing comes tumbling down..
It will cascade in unforeseen ways. :(

The STATES -- especially the BIG BLUE ones are looking right into BANKRUPTCY RIGHT NOW from bleeding tax revenue and having a shaky bond rating/financials to START with.... It's gonna be more of an EXPLOSION than a cascade if we wait too long..

Everyone seems to know this but Asclep...
I think its a question of priorities. I grew up poor. My train of thought tends to favor people over profits. I dont care if a business fails. I know someone will take their place and the government will spend big money to keep their pet giant companies in business. I dont fall for all the gloom and doom coming from those that fuck over the poor all in an attempt to please their share holders. Seems to me all the smart doctors advise caution over worrying about the economy. That will take care of itself. The economy will always come back. Thats unless everyone is dead of the virus and we are too weak to stave off a probable military attack.

We live in a capitalist society, your view only makes sense with a robust social safety net we don't have

unemployment caps at 275$ a week in florida

You're choosing a few people who will really die from pre existing conditions over the millions who need to make money and live pay check to paycheck. Ur an asshole
This is one of the weaknesses of a capitalistic society. It has no robust safety net.....unless some rich persons company is going to go bankrupt.

I could live off $275 a week if all I did was stay in the house. The real issue is that the people at the top who stand to lose from this cant even imagine doing that. It makes them shit their pants.

That's not how bills work....

And good for you, you're really really poor? What are you trying to say? lol
Sounds like youre living above your means which is dumb. If you have bills you should have at least 6 months saved up in case you lose your job. Dont you study finance?

Of course I'm poor financially. I wont be rich unless I am a billionaire. A million doesnt buy what it used to.

I'm fine

My income isn't effected

I just happen to know how much florida unemployment caps. lol

Again idk why you're making this personal or assuming I was. Maybe know your place you pauper? What the fuck?

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die
Youre obviously not worried about poor americans. They are the ones getting hit the hardest. They are the ones with underlying conditions due to inadequate health care. So you claim to be a progressive but you think like these dumbasses that say let the virus kill who it may while we go to work? No I wont shut up and yes I will die when its my time.

So you think poor people are better off losing 5% of GDP, their jobs, and more likely than not no unemployment check. Because a few thousand of them might die? We're a nation of 320 million

Yes just like people die so we can go faster on the highway, people will have to die so we can stay open for flu season

Welcome to being an adult

Again you don't take care of poor people as a society, you have to let them work so they can stay afloat. You can't shut down everything on them, we do not have a social safety net that would make this quarantine in any way moral.

You are concerned for your own yuppie bullshit, not poor people. Fuck off you pretend progressive ****. You're not even a liberal. You want orwellian measures over the flu
So you think (and you are ok with it) only a few thousand will die and that those few thousand and their families prefer death over getting unemployment? What makes you think its just going to be a few thousand? You do realize there are more than a few thousand poor americans with underlying health issues right? What experience do you have with being poor? I grew up poor so I think I can speak better to their mindset than you.

Tens of thousands could die, it isn't substantively different than flu season. Where are you going to draw the line? If it's here again the flu is worthy.

Again same concept with our highways

Allowing sugary drinks to be sold



It's a free country before this I would have hoped the flu couldn't bring us to our knees and just give up all our rights. Talking about apps to track us and federalized healthcare records with NO PUBLIC OPTION. Insanity
How do you know it isnt substantially different than the flu season? You need to be telling all the doctors that keep saying this is an unknown that they are wrong.

Because even if you take Italian death rates the closest thing we have on record is the flu

It's much closer to that than polio or small pox, the next step up

THen you go to what we would call plagues. We're talking about a cold/flu, that's it.
So in other words you are putting all your eggs in the basket of hope that we have tested everyone that has passed and they didnt have the virus? Gotta go to work tomorrow. Good night.

Aside from the fact that you can certainly multiply any official numbers by at least ten when they come out of China, you simply cannot beat the exponent of increase when it comes to this little bio-demon.

A single mishap in one community defeats 999 successful preventions and will continue to do so all day long until the entire populace has been exposed. Covid-19 wins....I said this already. You have an option....stay home and starve to death or accept the fact that exponsure is inevitable. I'm not trying to sound insensitive I'm trying to knock some sense into the liberal nonsense that some super group effort can prevail.....IT CANNOT. There is no such thing as a late response. With this thing it was already too late with patient zero.

Gavin Newsome is an ass splinter numbskul....but he's getting this one thing right.... instead of talking about how to extend the shutdown he's talking about how to restart the economy with the new normal.... YES...this is the conversation that we must have. Going to work will not just be punching in....it will be getting your temp checked also. Eating out will feature waiters and waitresses with PPE not just staff uniforms...all grocery stores will have cashiers behind plexiglass shields...so on and so forth.

God willing the warm weather will make some kind of impact....it seems to discourage the spread. I wonder if the ultraviolet frequencies are effective...they are more prevalent in warm weather because the light ray angles are more direct.

Stay healthy if you can.


Sweden hasn't shut down....

This is all media fabricated on terrible assumptions with no statistical backing

Looks like a new strain of the flu to me. It's a corona virus, we know what those are.

People need to stop pretending like this is an apocolypse. There is no reason not to shut down every year for flu season if you're going to let this rile you up.
Obviously another retarded Drumpfbot. You ever see the flu kill this many people this quickly? Can you even imagine how many people would dead right now if we hadnt shut down?

Or just a sane progressive who is worried about poor americans not yuppie concerns?

You want us to all lock ourselves away for a few months and eat huge losses in GDP?

OK boomer

Shut the fuck up and die
Youre obviously not worried about poor americans. They are the ones getting hit the hardest. They are the ones with underlying conditions due to inadequate health care. So you claim to be a progressive but you think like these dumbasses that say let the virus kill who it may while we go to work? No I wont shut up and yes I will die when its my time.

So you think poor people are better off losing 5% of GDP, their jobs, and more likely than not no unemployment check. Because a few thousand of them might die? We're a nation of 320 million

Yes just like people die so we can go faster on the highway, people will have to die so we can stay open for flu season

Welcome to being an adult

Again you don't take care of poor people as a society, you have to let them work so they can stay afloat. You can't shut down everything on them, we do not have a social safety net that would make this quarantine in any way moral.

You are concerned for your own yuppie bullshit, not poor people. Fuck off you pretend progressive ****. You're not even a liberal. You want orwellian measures over the flu
So you think (and you are ok with it) only a few thousand will die and that those few thousand and their families prefer death over getting unemployment? What makes you think its just going to be a few thousand? You do realize there are more than a few thousand poor americans with underlying health issues right? What experience do you have with being poor? I grew up poor so I think I can speak better to their mindset than you.

Tens of thousands could die, it isn't substantively different than flu season. Where are you going to draw the line? If it's here again the flu is worthy.

Again same concept with our highways

Allowing sugary drinks to be sold



It's a free country before this I would have hoped the flu couldn't bring us to our knees and just give up all our rights. Talking about apps to track us and federalized healthcare records with NO PUBLIC OPTION. Insanity
How do you know it isnt substantially different than the flu season? You need to be telling all the doctors that keep saying this is an unknown that they are wrong.

Because even if you take Italian death rates the closest thing we have on record is the flu

It's much closer to that than polio or small pox, the next step up

THen you go to what we would call plagues. We're talking about a cold/flu, that's it.

This bug deserves it's own category.
How about reaper flu?

Might as well get everyone back to work and let the disease run its course, then.
I never left work, I've just kept going about my life the way I always have. I've seen all the weird behavior at stores, and my stocks are all down, but I have not seen evidence that the covid flu is any worse than any other year of the flu.

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