Hello.....I told you this would happen......Exponents don't lie

Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
Actually it's going to help very much. Very very much if the WHO is at all responsible and wants their
money spigot turned back on.

Why didn't WHO officials listen to Taiwan when they warmed the WHO, before anyone else, about the Covid 19 virus?
Because Taiwan is not recognized by China and doesn't exist according to Xi Jinping and the boys in Beijing
So the WHO, as a lapdog to China, ignored reports by 'Taiwan quite possibly at China's behest.
Therefor the WHO is responsible, to a very large degree, for this world wide pandemic.

So, if nothing else by Trump withholding money from the WHO, this issue becomes news and information
like this presented here gets out and everyone sees just how corrupt, soulless and dangerous China is, and by
extension, their little lap dogs in the WHO.

And then hopefully the WHO will clean their house out and this will never happen again. I"m glad
I could educate you. WHO ‘refused to act’ on Taiwan’s virus alert
Last edited:
2 ways out- a vaccine or herd immunity. Once it broke containment, those are options we had, and have.

They both suck, but stopping it isn't going to happen. I've been of that belief since late February....
Of course youre not going to stop it without a vaccine or immunity. However the spread could have been considerably slowed down if action had been taken earlier.

I seriously doubt that.

You arent that bright so you doubting that fact is not relevant to reality.


Tell ya what, you just go ahead and "call up and order some food" here in about 18 mos if this shutdown continues much longer.

You're gonna get the 3 tones. "We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed."
and he dies from starvation. He won't get it.
You should have told Drumpf this while he was running around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax. His wasting time has killed untold thousands. His pathetic lack of leadership and absence of a national plan for mitigation is only dwarfed by his pathetic attempt to step into the leadership role now that he thinks its over.
Assfaceias the finger pointer strikes again. Amazing how you turn a Chinese virus partisan. You’re a loser.
That was the incompetent fuckup in the white house that made it partisan. He was the one that called it a dem hoax you fuckup follower.
Is that because the WHO said it was not transmittable from human to human? Obviously not a hoax but to shut a country down one needs more evidence. Is it his fault that Europe is fucked too?
The WHO was saying there was evidence of human to human transmission in mid-January.
On the 24th they said the opposite, at least their head did. Also they said not to wear masks until recently.

With just a few seconds of searching, this is what the WHO said on the 24th of January.

"As of 24 January 2020, human-to-human transmission has been confirmed largely in Wuhan city, but also some other places in China and internationally."

It appears you're rather incorrect.

And you think those links are relevant because?
Because we just pulled $800Mn of funding. We would not do that if the WHO was doing its job.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
they had no evidence of it, right? so they had none.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
Actually it's going to help very much.

Why didn't WHO officials listen to Taiwan when they warmed the WHO, before anyone else, about the Covid 19 virus?
Because Taiwan is not recognized by China and doesn't exist according to Xi Jinping and the boys in Beijing
So the WHO, as a lapdog to China, ignored reports by 'Taiwan.
Therefor the WHO is responsible, to a very large degree, for this world wide pandemic.

So if nothing else by Trump withholding money from the WHO this issue becomes news and information like
this presented here gets out and everyone sees just how corrupt, soulless and dangerous China is, and by extension, their little lap dogs in the WHO.

And then hopefully the WHO will clean their house out and this will never happen again. I"m glad
I could educate you.

Ah. So the WHO becomes more dependent on China for funding is going to result in them becoming less beholden to their interests.

That’s some conservative logic for you. Always seems to have it backwards.
You should have told Drumpf this while he was running around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax. His wasting time has killed untold thousands. His pathetic lack of leadership and absence of a national plan for mitigation is only dwarfed by his pathetic attempt to step into the leadership role now that he thinks its over.
Assfaceias the finger pointer strikes again. Amazing how you turn a Chinese virus partisan. You’re a loser.
That was the incompetent fuckup in the white house that made it partisan. He was the one that called it a dem hoax you fuckup follower.
Is that because the WHO said it was not transmittable from human to human? Obviously not a hoax but to shut a country down one needs more evidence. Is it his fault that Europe is fucked too?
The WHO was saying there was evidence of human to human transmission in mid-January.
On the 24th they said the opposite, at least their head did. Also they said not to wear masks until recently.

With just a few seconds of searching, this is what the WHO said on the 24th of January.

"As of 24 January 2020, human-to-human transmission has been confirmed largely in Wuhan city, but also some other places in China and internationally."

It appears you're rather incorrect.

And you think those links are relevant because?
Because we just pulled $800Mn of funding. We would not do that if the WHO was doing its job.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
they had no evidence of it, right? so they had none.

The WHO was saying since mid Jan there was evidence of human to human transmission.
You should have told Drumpf this while he was running around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax. His wasting time has killed untold thousands. His pathetic lack of leadership and absence of a national plan for mitigation is only dwarfed by his pathetic attempt to step into the leadership role now that he thinks its over.
Assfaceias the finger pointer strikes again. Amazing how you turn a Chinese virus partisan. You’re a loser.
That was the incompetent fuckup in the white house that made it partisan. He was the one that called it a dem hoax you fuckup follower.
Is that because the WHO said it was not transmittable from human to human? Obviously not a hoax but to shut a country down one needs more evidence. Is it his fault that Europe is fucked too?
The WHO was saying there was evidence of human to human transmission in mid-January.
On the 24th they said the opposite, at least their head did. Also they said not to wear masks until recently.

With just a few seconds of searching, this is what the WHO said on the 24th of January.

"As of 24 January 2020, human-to-human transmission has been confirmed largely in Wuhan city, but also some other places in China and internationally."

It appears you're rather incorrect.

And you think those links are relevant because?
Because we just pulled $800Mn of funding. We would not do that if the WHO was doing its job.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
they had no evidence of it, right? so they had none.

The WHO was saying since mid Jan there was evidence of human to human transmission.
so they had no human to human contact to report, right?
You should have told Drumpf this while he was running around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax. His wasting time has killed untold thousands. His pathetic lack of leadership and absence of a national plan for mitigation is only dwarfed by his pathetic attempt to step into the leadership role now that he thinks its over.
Assfaceias the finger pointer strikes again. Amazing how you turn a Chinese virus partisan. You’re a loser.
That was the incompetent fuckup in the white house that made it partisan. He was the one that called it a dem hoax you fuckup follower.
Is that because the WHO said it was not transmittable from human to human? Obviously not a hoax but to shut a country down one needs more evidence. Is it his fault that Europe is fucked too?
The WHO was saying there was evidence of human to human transmission in mid-January.
On the 24th they said the opposite, at least their head did. Also they said not to wear masks until recently.

With just a few seconds of searching, this is what the WHO said on the 24th of January.

"As of 24 January 2020, human-to-human transmission has been confirmed largely in Wuhan city, but also some other places in China and internationally."

It appears you're rather incorrect.

And you think those links are relevant because?
Because we just pulled $800Mn of funding. We would not do that if the WHO was doing its job.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
they had no evidence of it, right? so they had none.

The WHO was saying since mid Jan there was evidence of human to human transmission.
so they had no human to human contact to report, right?

Did you read what I just wrote? It seems to answer your question.
You should have told Drumpf this while he was running around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax. His wasting time has killed untold thousands. His pathetic lack of leadership and absence of a national plan for mitigation is only dwarfed by his pathetic attempt to step into the leadership role now that he thinks its over.
Assfaceias the finger pointer strikes again. Amazing how you turn a Chinese virus partisan. You’re a loser.
That was the incompetent fuckup in the white house that made it partisan. He was the one that called it a dem hoax you fuckup follower.
Is that because the WHO said it was not transmittable from human to human? Obviously not a hoax but to shut a country down one needs more evidence. Is it his fault that Europe is fucked too?
The WHO was saying there was evidence of human to human transmission in mid-January.
On the 24th they said the opposite, at least their head did. Also they said not to wear masks until recently.

With just a few seconds of searching, this is what the WHO said on the 24th of January.

"As of 24 January 2020, human-to-human transmission has been confirmed largely in Wuhan city, but also some other places in China and internationally."

It appears you're rather incorrect.

And you think those links are relevant because?
Because we just pulled $800Mn of funding. We would not do that if the WHO was doing its job.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
they had no evidence of it, right? so they had none.

The WHO was saying since mid Jan there was evidence of human to human transmission.
so they had no human to human contact to report, right?

Did you read what I just wrote? It seems to answer your question.
not before january 21
No dumbass. If he had stood up there as a real leader he would have issued a presidential advisory from the beginning to take this shit seriously and to practice social distancing. As it turned out the real leaders had to step up state by state while he played with his little dick claiming it was a dem hoax.

You are talking trash.

Even South Korea thought they have it "under control" and now they have realized their early measurements didn't work at last.

The spreading might slow with some measurements but the measurements to "kill or discard" the virus do not exist. And even vaccines might not fully work same as it's happening with Flu shots.

You just want to release your anger, your frustrations and your impotence when you see president Trump still is very popular and loved by millions.

Before you continue with your rant of superfluous messages, think that your candidate Biden has a mental disability and he is not the right person to lead the country. By now, president Trump still is the best option for the next presidential administration.
Ah. So the WHO becomes more dependent on China for funding is going to result in them becoming less beholden to their interests.
In a completely unintended turn you are correct in a mistaken and ignorant sort of way.

The WHO will become less beholden to China IF the rest of the world sees how utterly corrupt and venal
they are and demands they, the WHO, reforms itself, and disengages itself from China's money suckles.

Any money from the USA to this corrupt and dangerous organization (as this pandemic proves) should absolutely be tied to the WHO demonstrating they have reformed itself and aren't doing the bidding
of Xi Jinping anymore. And unless the rest of the West, and nations like Japan, follow suit China wins
and the WHO will remain a hopelessly flawed failure.

80% of WHO's budget comes from voluntary sources (over five billion dollars in 2016-17).
If that source dries up then the WHO is forced to reform it's corrupt ways. The U.S. Government and the World Health Organization.
What other leverage do we have to demand reform? And what are we getting for our money if the WHO simply looks the other way because it would displease China to tell the truth and report facts?

Zip, zero, zilch, nada! And that's such a bright and sensible way to go in your opinion? What a genius
solution you advocate!

That’s some conservative logic for you. Always seems to have it backwards.
How ironically stupid you are! Amazing. The answer you seem to like is to keep
giving heroin to an addict. That makes so much sense. :icon_rolleyes:
Last edited:
You should have told Drumpf this while he was running around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax. His wasting time has killed untold thousands. His pathetic lack of leadership and absence of a national plan for mitigation is only dwarfed by his pathetic attempt to step into the leadership role now that he thinks its over.
Assfaceias the finger pointer strikes again. Amazing how you turn a Chinese virus partisan. You’re a loser.
That was the incompetent fuckup in the white house that made it partisan. He was the one that called it a dem hoax you fuckup follower.
Is that because the WHO said it was not transmittable from human to human? Obviously not a hoax but to shut a country down one needs more evidence. Is it his fault that Europe is fucked too?
The WHO was saying there was evidence of human to human transmission in mid-January.
On the 24th they said the opposite, at least their head did. Also they said not to wear masks until recently.

With just a few seconds of searching, this is what the WHO said on the 24th of January.

"As of 24 January 2020, human-to-human transmission has been confirmed largely in Wuhan city, but also some other places in China and internationally."

It appears you're rather incorrect.

And you think those links are relevant because?
Because we just pulled $800Mn of funding. We would not do that if the WHO was doing its job.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
they had no evidence of it, right? so they had none.

The WHO was saying since mid Jan there was evidence of human to human transmission.
so they had no human to human contact to report, right?

Did you read what I just wrote? It seems to answer your question.
not before january 21
They were saying there was evidence of this Jan 14 and said it is not surprising given histories with similar pathogens.
You should have told Drumpf this while he was running around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax. His wasting time has killed untold thousands. His pathetic lack of leadership and absence of a national plan for mitigation is only dwarfed by his pathetic attempt to step into the leadership role now that he thinks its over.
Assfaceias the finger pointer strikes again. Amazing how you turn a Chinese virus partisan. You’re a loser.
That was the incompetent fuckup in the white house that made it partisan. He was the one that called it a dem hoax you fuckup follower.
Is that because the WHO said it was not transmittable from human to human? Obviously not a hoax but to shut a country down one needs more evidence. Is it his fault that Europe is fucked too?
The WHO was saying there was evidence of human to human transmission in mid-January.
On the 24th they said the opposite, at least their head did. Also they said not to wear masks until recently.

With just a few seconds of searching, this is what the WHO said on the 24th of January.

"As of 24 January 2020, human-to-human transmission has been confirmed largely in Wuhan city, but also some other places in China and internationally."

It appears you're rather incorrect.

And you think those links are relevant because?
Because we just pulled $800Mn of funding. We would not do that if the WHO was doing its job.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
they had no evidence of it, right? so they had none.

The WHO was saying since mid Jan there was evidence of human to human transmission.
so they had no human to human contact to report, right?

Did you read what I just wrote? It seems to answer your question.
not before january 21
They were saying there was evidence of this Jan 14 and said it is not surprising given histories with similar pathogens.
How do you explain their mantra of telling everyone that masks are not needed?
You should have told Drumpf this while he was running around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax. His wasting time has killed untold thousands. His pathetic lack of leadership and absence of a national plan for mitigation is only dwarfed by his pathetic attempt to step into the leadership role now that he thinks its over.
Assfaceias the finger pointer strikes again. Amazing how you turn a Chinese virus partisan. You’re a loser.
That was the incompetent fuckup in the white house that made it partisan. He was the one that called it a dem hoax you fuckup follower.
Is that because the WHO said it was not transmittable from human to human? Obviously not a hoax but to shut a country down one needs more evidence. Is it his fault that Europe is fucked too?
The WHO was saying there was evidence of human to human transmission in mid-January.
On the 24th they said the opposite, at least their head did. Also they said not to wear masks until recently.

With just a few seconds of searching, this is what the WHO said on the 24th of January.

"As of 24 January 2020, human-to-human transmission has been confirmed largely in Wuhan city, but also some other places in China and internationally."

It appears you're rather incorrect.

And you think those links are relevant because?
Because we just pulled $800Mn of funding. We would not do that if the WHO was doing its job.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
they had no evidence of it, right? so they had none.

The WHO was saying since mid Jan there was evidence of human to human transmission.
so they had no human to human contact to report, right?

Did you read what I just wrote? It seems to answer your question.
not before january 21
They were saying there was evidence of this Jan 14 and said it is not surprising given histories with similar pathogens.
Hard to feel sorry for them when they do stupid shit like this:

This picture is from a tourist site in China, and it was the very first weekend after the ban had been lifted.
Fucking dumbshits:

Hard to feel sorry for them when they do stupid shit like this:

This picture is from a tourist site in China, and it was the very first weekend after the ban had been lifted.
Fucking dumbshits:

View attachment 323791
they don't care like I don't care. I'm not afraid of viruses. why are you? I'm more scared of sixteen year old drivers on highways.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
Actually it's going to help very much.

Why didn't WHO officials listen to Taiwan when they warmed the WHO, before anyone else, about the Covid 19 virus?
Because Taiwan is not recognized by China and doesn't exist according to Xi Jinping and the boys in Beijing
So the WHO, as a lapdog to China, ignored reports by 'Taiwan.
Therefor the WHO is responsible, to a very large degree, for this world wide pandemic.

So if nothing else by Trump withholding money from the WHO this issue becomes news and information like
this presented here gets out and everyone sees just how corrupt, soulless and dangerous China is, and by extension, their little lap dogs in the WHO.

And then hopefully the WHO will clean their house out and this will never happen again. I"m glad
I could educate you.

Ah. So the WHO becomes more dependent on China for funding is going to result in them becoming less beholden to their interests.

That’s some conservative logic for you. Always seems to have it backwards.

China already owns them.

Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
Actually it's going to help very much.

Why didn't WHO officials listen to Taiwan when they warmed the WHO, before anyone else, about the Covid 19 virus?
Because Taiwan is not recognized by China and doesn't exist according to Xi Jinping and the boys in Beijing
So the WHO, as a lapdog to China, ignored reports by 'Taiwan.
Therefor the WHO is responsible, to a very large degree, for this world wide pandemic.

So if nothing else by Trump withholding money from the WHO this issue becomes news and information like
this presented here gets out and everyone sees just how corrupt, soulless and dangerous China is, and by extension, their little lap dogs in the WHO.

And then hopefully the WHO will clean their house out and this will never happen again. I"m glad
I could educate you.

Ah. So the WHO becomes more dependent on China for funding is going to result in them becoming less beholden to their interests.

That’s some conservative logic for you. Always seems to have it backwards.

China already owns them.

How does that change now?
You should have told Drumpf this while he was running around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax. His wasting time has killed untold thousands. His pathetic lack of leadership and absence of a national plan for mitigation is only dwarfed by his pathetic attempt to step into the leadership role now that he thinks its over.
Assfaceias the finger pointer strikes again. Amazing how you turn a Chinese virus partisan. You’re a loser.
That was the incompetent fuckup in the white house that made it partisan. He was the one that called it a dem hoax you fuckup follower.
Is that because the WHO said it was not transmittable from human to human? Obviously not a hoax but to shut a country down one needs more evidence. Is it his fault that Europe is fucked too?
The WHO was saying there was evidence of human to human transmission in mid-January.
On the 24th they said the opposite, at least their head did. Also they said not to wear masks until recently.

With just a few seconds of searching, this is what the WHO said on the 24th of January.

"As of 24 January 2020, human-to-human transmission has been confirmed largely in Wuhan city, but also some other places in China and internationally."

It appears you're rather incorrect.

And you think those links are relevant because?
Because we just pulled $800Mn of funding. We would not do that if the WHO was doing its job.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
they had no evidence of it, right? so they had none.

The WHO was saying since mid Jan there was evidence of human to human transmission.
so they had no human to human contact to report, right?

Did you read what I just wrote? It seems to answer your question.
not before january 21
They were saying there was evidence of this Jan 14 and said it is not surprising given histories with similar pathogens.

You should have told Drumpf this while he was running around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax. His wasting time has killed untold thousands. His pathetic lack of leadership and absence of a national plan for mitigation is only dwarfed by his pathetic attempt to step into the leadership role now that he thinks its over.
Assfaceias the finger pointer strikes again. Amazing how you turn a Chinese virus partisan. You’re a loser.
That was the incompetent fuckup in the white house that made it partisan. He was the one that called it a dem hoax you fuckup follower.
Is that because the WHO said it was not transmittable from human to human? Obviously not a hoax but to shut a country down one needs more evidence. Is it his fault that Europe is fucked too?
The WHO was saying there was evidence of human to human transmission in mid-January.
On the 24th they said the opposite, at least their head did. Also they said not to wear masks until recently.

With just a few seconds of searching, this is what the WHO said on the 24th of January.

"As of 24 January 2020, human-to-human transmission has been confirmed largely in Wuhan city, but also some other places in China and internationally."

It appears you're rather incorrect.

And you think those links are relevant because?
Because we just pulled $800Mn of funding. We would not do that if the WHO was doing its job.
Neither of those articles back up your assertion that the WHO was saying there was no human to human transmission on Jan 24.

This point has been very mischaracterized by a lot of people in the anti-WHO camp. Not that the WHO is blameless, there's plenty of that go around. But defunding the WHO isn't going to help anyone.
they had no evidence of it, right? so they had none.

The WHO was saying since mid Jan there was evidence of human to human transmission.
so they had no human to human contact to report, right?

Did you read what I just wrote? It seems to answer your question.
not before january 21
They were saying there was evidence of this Jan 14 and said it is not surprising given histories with similar pathogens.

yep, consistent with what I posted, January 22 WHO issued the statement.

22 January 2020

WHO mission to China issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan but more investigation was needed to understand the full extent of transmission.

Not sure your point? You confirmed my statement. thanks I guess.

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