Her Movie must be as Bad as She is’

The climate may be getting hot, but AOC’s new movie is most definitely not.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has a new documentary out, “To The End.” And if movie theaters are paying attention to ticket sales, they’ll realize it’s already run to the end.
The flick opened on Dec. 9 at 120 theaters. But since then, it’s made just $9,667, according to BoxOfficeMoJo.

That’s $80.55 per screen.
And let’s say the tickets are $16.25, as they are at Regal Theaters. That would equate to fewer than 600 people who actually saw it.
Needless to say that this Movie must be as bad as shw is!
As usual, it is a handful of liberal/progressive loud mouths who think that if they speak louder and louder then their voice is worth more voices than just their one. In the end, one is just one.
That cute shell covers a dump truck full of crazy. I far prefer lower level looks and a Soul to what that wretched witch offers.
You need to enjoy women for their appearance and ignore what’s underneath.

So are blacks lazy? Can't run a country? There is so much racist crap on your media it's ridiculous.
What media says "blacks are lazy" or "can't run a country"? I don't see it. And "Republicans" don't believe that either, racists believe that, and they can be found everywhere.
probably true, since the GOP base is overwhelmingly racist or at least brainwashed functionally racist.... I know let's cut taxes on the rich and blame blacks and Browns for the worst upward mobility and inequality and homelessness that we have after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, dingbat dupes.
What's racist is you loons thinking black people are too stupid to get an id to vote.
I’ve tried that. What’s inside always seems to come out at some point and then i feel like I want to strangle them.
You’re thinking too much. You need to be more superficial, like me.
Democrats know the pandemic is not over and are waiting for it on Netflix or streaming....zzzzz. GOP dupes wouldn't go see anything that doesn't agree with their garbage ridiculous GW hoax crap...
Your excuses are pethetic.
She should have stripped nude. That likely would sell tickets.
As someone who has been discriminated against due to their outward appearance my entire life (full facial birthmark); that’s a hard sell for me
Sorry to hear that, but I can’t help that I like the female form. I suspect it’s hard wired.
Democrats know the pandemic is not over and are waiting for it on Netflix or streaming....zzzzz. GOP dupes wouldn't go see anything that doesn't agree with their garbage ridiculous GW hoax crap...
Top Gun Maverick has made $718 million so far this year.

Apparently not everyone is a snowflake pussy like you.
Lol. Wife? WTF?
Yep. Very contentedly married for going on nine years now. Eleventh anniversary of our first date coming up the first week of 2023.

I’m guessing you’re not a fan of marriage. That’s your right, obviously; but the search for a wife was the only reason I ever dated.
Top Gun Maverick has made $718 million so far this year.

Apparently not everyone is a snowflake pussy like you.
Experts now say that the GOP anti vax bs cost 250,000 extra deaths, conservatively. And way to keep the pandemic going with only 40% now boosted, enjoy the next variant, brainwashed functional morons. Only three or 400 dying a day is just great.... GOP garbage propaganda is a never ending catastrophe...
Of course there is no need for any of that crap except for pure misinformation from your thieving heroes. All it is is another strategy to cut Democratic votes with garbage BS for the Dupes....
No you loons think they are too dumb to get an id. That is the most racist and disrespectful thing you could do.

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