Her Power Is Growing: Palin Racks Up Two More Wins

Why is it nobody can dispute her record I put out and by specifics?


- “Hockey mom”: true for a few years

- “PTA mom”: true years ago when her first-born was in elementary school, not since

- “NRA supporter”: absolutely true

- social conservative: mixed. Opposes gay marriage, BUT vetoed a bill that would have denied benefits to employees in same-sex relationships (said she did this because it was unconsitutional).

- pro-creationism: mixed. Supports it, BUT did nothing as Governor to promote it.

- “Pro-life”: mixed. Knowingly gave birth to a Down’s syndrome baby BUT declined to call a special legislative session on some pro-life legislation.

- “Experienced”: Some high schools have more students than Wasilla has residents. Many cities have more residents than the state of Alaska.

- No legislative experience other than City Council. Little hands-on supervisory or managerial experience; needed help of a city administrator to run town of about 5,000.

- political maverick: not at all

- gutsy: absolutely!

- open & transparent: ??? Good at keeping secrets. Not good at explaining actions.

- has a developed philosophy of public policy: no

- “a Greenie”: no. Turned Wasilla into a wasteland of big box stores and disconnected parking lots. Is pro-drilling off-shore and in ANWR.

- fiscal conservative: not by my definition!

- pro-infrastructure: No. Promoted a sports complex and park in a city without a sewage treatment plant or storm drainage system. Built streets to early 20th century standards.
- pro-tax relief: Lowered taxes for businesses, increased tax burden on residents.

- pro-small government: No. Oversaw greatest expansion of city government in Wasilla’s history.

- pro-labor/pro-union. No. Just because her husband works union doesn’t make her pro-labor. I have seen nothing to support any claim that she is pro-labor/pro-union.

"After the 2008 election, Hickel’s Anchorage Daily News article eviscerated Palin’s race baiting on the campaign trail.

“Palin became the spokesperson for the divisive voices in American politics. She dismissed the greatness of our immigrant heritage, indeed of today’s Alaska, where in Anchorage alone nearly 100 languages are spoken in the homes of the children in our public schools.”
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Why is it nobody can dispute her record I put out and by specifics?

Answer: Because the Obamarrhoidal twits FEAR all the essentials that Sarah Palin stands for GLORIFY the traditional values that made and make America GREAT. Whilst the Obamarrhoidal "BLAME AMERICA FIRST" and "APOLOGIZE FOR instead of PRAISE AMERICA" gang of unAmerican goons cringe when their perfidious agenda is exposed to the light of day.

Hey Gaut, if you hate President Barack Obama so much, why are you a registered Democrat and card-carrying ACLU member?
Why is it nobody can dispute her record I put out and by specifics?

Because the truth is painful and worthless to them. They prefer going with the rhetoric such as "her fat butt" (real mature Sara G) and minimizing what she has done by saying that she no longer does it (such as PTA Pres)...

They refuse to stop talking about her but when it comes time to talk about her with facts and not BS, they become silent.

It speaks volumes of them and their lacki of factual knowledge and lack of desire to learn something.

And thus why they continue to spew crap and state it as fact.

SaraG...you are pathetic with your worthless factless posts on this board. You are likely a lonely woman (maybe even a man) with nothing better to do than make fun of people that have so many more accomplishments in life than you do.
Why is it nobody can dispute her record I put out and by specifics?

Answer: Because the Obamarrhoidal twits FEAR all the essentials that Sarah Palin stands for GLORIFY the traditional values that made and make America GREAT. Whilst the Obamarrhoidal "BLAME AMERICA FIRST" and "APOLOGIZE FOR instead of PRAISE AMERICA" gang of unAmerican goons cringe when their perfidious agenda is exposed to the light of day.

Hey Gaut, if you hate President Barack Obama so much, why are you a registered Democrat and card-carrying ACLU member?

A democrat is not allowed to have their own thinking?
They must love whatever asshole the majority chooses to be in the WH?
you really need a special kind of logic to be able to polish the palin.

Well that one's easy: Would she be as popular if she looked like Kay Bailey Hutchison, a conservative with a ton of experience and the same values? Nah, Kay doesn't have a hot booty.

Gee, I wonder if her populatoiry has anything to do with those on the left that refuse to stop talking about her.

Jeez. You jerks are clueless. Completely clueless.
bwahaha, melt down in progress, time for another "i leave this board" thread?
Why is it nobody can dispute her record I put out and by specifics?

Because the truth is painful and worthless to them. They prefer going with the rhetoric such as "her fat butt" (real mature Sara G) and minimizing what she has done by saying that she no longer does it (such as PTA Pres)...

They refuse to stop talking about her but when it comes time to talk about her with facts and not BS, they become silent.

It speaks volumes of them and their lacki of factual knowledge and lack of desire to learn something.

And thus why they continue to spew crap and state it as fact.

SaraG...you are pathetic with your worthless factless posts on this board. You are likely a lonely woman (maybe even a man) with nothing better to do than make fun of people that have so many more accomplishments in life than you do.

So typical when someone has obviously lost the game: Project assumptions about the winner(s) that you obviously have no way of actually knowing.
Why is it nobody can dispute her record I put out and by specifics?

Because the truth is painful and worthless to them. They prefer going with the rhetoric such as "her fat butt" (real mature Sara G) and minimizing what she has done by saying that she no longer does it (such as PTA Pres)...

They refuse to stop talking about her but when it comes time to talk about her with facts and not BS, they become silent.

It speaks volumes of them and their lacki of factual knowledge and lack of desire to learn something.

And thus why they continue to spew crap and state it as fact.

SaraG...you are pathetic with your worthless factless posts on this board. You are likely a lonely woman (maybe even a man) with nothing better to do than make fun of people that have so many more accomplishments in life than you do.

So typical when someone has obviously lost the game: Project assumptions about the winner(s) that you obviously have no way of actually knowing.

All SaraG gives out are assumptionsa. Facts were listed in this thread and she ignored them and threw out assumptiuons.

Your post is inaccurate about me.

Whatever. Enjoy.
Why is it nobody can dispute her record I put out and by specifics?

Answer: Because the Obamarrhoidal twits FEAR all the essentials that Sarah Palin stands for GLORIFY the traditional values that made and make America GREAT. Whilst the Obamarrhoidal "BLAME AMERICA FIRST" and "APOLOGIZE FOR instead of PRAISE AMERICA" gang of unAmerican goons cringe when their perfidious agenda is exposed to the light of day.

Hey Gaut, if you hate President Barack Obama so much, why are you a registered Democrat and card-carrying ACLU member?

Hey Cujo, If I wasn't acquainted with your posts I would STILL be able to correctly categorize you as an Obamarrhoidal twit simply on the basis of your latest post to me.

The ONLY thing that I'm not certain about you is if you are an ABNORMAL Obamarrhoidal twit. I'm conducting a new policy called: We ask, Queers tell.

So.....howzaboutit ?
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Why is it nobody can dispute her record I put out and by specifics?

I asked why one of the listed accomplishments was considered an accomplishment. Did you answer me, or do you concede that it's bullshit?

You try to punch a hole in one of dozens as opposed to discuss the validity of the dozens.

Speaks volumes of your worthless contribution to this board

There are many I'm willing to question. This is the first one. Why is it listed as an accomplishment?

Why is it on the list?

If you can't defend it, say so. So far no can defend it. If no one can justify it as an accomplishment, then we know the list is a lie. It's then just a matter of deciding how big a lie the list is.
Why is it nobody can dispute her record I put out and by specifics?

Because the truth is painful and worthless to them. They prefer going with the rhetoric such as "her fat butt" (real mature Sara G) and minimizing what she has done by saying that she no longer does it (such as PTA Pres)...

They refuse to stop talking about her but when it comes time to talk about her with facts and not BS, they become silent.

It speaks volumes of them and their lacki of factual knowledge and lack of desire to learn something.

And thus why they continue to spew crap and state it as fact.

SaraG...you are pathetic with your worthless factless posts on this board. You are likely a lonely woman (maybe even a man) with nothing better to do than make fun of people that have so many more accomplishments in life than you do.

It's not a list of accomplishments. It's a comically inflated resume peppered with bullshit.
Why is it nobody can dispute her record I put out and by specifics?

I asked why one of the listed accomplishments was considered an accomplishment. Did you answer me, or do you concede that it's bullshit?

You try to punch a hole in one of dozens as opposed to discuss the validity of the dozens.

Speaks volumes of your worthless contribution to this board

You were JUST complaining that they were completely silent about her accomplishments. Now he wants to talk about one of them and you're still complaining?

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