Here Are 16 Times Obama Promised No "Boots On The Ground" In Syria

Ben Carson agrees with the President's move...

"I think it's a good idea, I actually agree with that," Carson said. "But I think that that's only a small part of it, we need to have a much bigger plan when it comes to battling the global jihadist -- because they have big ideas about what they want to do to us and to our way of life."

IOW, a typical neocon who wants even more entanglement.

Ben Carson: Syria plan would focus on Putin -
16 times...

...We've been reminded politicians lie for a living.

...We've been reminded there's no law saying a politician can't lie.

...We've been reminded the world is dynamic and shit happens.
2) Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

BEFORE: "The fall of Assad would be a significant blow to Iran's ambitions. On those grounds alone, we should be seeking to help the people of Syria bring him down. ... Finally, the nations in the region see Syria as a test of our continued willingness to lead in the Middle East. If we prove unwilling to provide leadership, they will conclude that we are no longer a reliable security partner, and will decide to take matters into their own hands. ... The most powerful and influential nation in the world cannot ask smaller, more vulnerable nations to take risks while we stand on the sidelines. We have to lead because the rewards of effective leadership are so great."

-- Speech to Brooking Institution, April 25, 2012

AFTER: "While I have long argued forcefully for engagement in empowering the Syrian people, I have never supported the use of U.S. military force in the conflict. And I still don't. I remain unconvinced that the use of force proposed here will work. The only thing that will prevent Assad from using chemical weapons in the future is for the Syrian people to remove him from power."

-- Remarks at Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Sept. 4, 2013

3) Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

BEFORE: "Right now we need to develop a clear, practical plan to go in, locate the weapons, secure or destroy them, and then get out. We might work in concert with our allies, but this needs to be an operation driven by the mission, not by a coalition. The United States should be firmly in the lead to make sure the job is done right."

-- Congressional record, June 20, 2013

AFTER: "I think a military attack is a mistake. For two reasons. One because I think the administration is proceeding with the wrong objective, and two, because they have no viable plan for success. They are beginning from the wrong objective because this attack is not based on defending U.S. national security. ... I don't think that's the job of our military to be defending amorphous international norms. There are many other steps we can do to express strong disapproval to Assad's murderous conduct, But I don't think it's the job of the military."

-- Transcript of Cruz interview on ABC's "This Week," Sept. 8, 2013

This might come up in the next debate.
16 times...

...We've been reminded politicians lie for a living.

...We've been reminded there's no law saying a politician can't lie.

...We've been reminded the world is dynamic and shit happens.
No president has ever lied as much as Obama in policy matters. He reverses himself all the time because his decisions suck and his policies are failures. Then when the failure is obvious he lies and says it's someone else's fault. The "red line" is a good example.
Yet despite Obama's record of obvious and blatant lies the left only wants to chant "Bush lied, people died."
What reason can you give why Obama deserves a pass on all his lies while Bush is constantly tarred with the tag "Bush lied people died"?
Putin puts boots on the ground in Syria.......Republicans taunt Obama that he is weak

Obama puts boots on the ground in Syria.....Republicans whine....but you said you wouldn't
Ridiculous aren't they?

I have a simple question for Republicans

You want boots on the ground in Syria or not?

Absolutely not. Nor aircraft including drones. Let Putin handle it. Obama doesn't have a plan nor does he know which side he's on.
He did when he killed Osama bin ladin bitch!

As if a schmuck like you knows what's going on. Lol. It's going as good as can be expected.

You remember bush handed Obama a shitty war and economy, right? You want the party that fucked up in the first place back?

As far as the economy, I really don't recall the economy being all that bad under Bush. Most folks at least worked a 40 hour work week and there were far fewer part time jobs back then. A pound of hamburger wasn't $5.00 under Bush's watch. Middle Class income was greater. I just don't recall a bad economy under Bush.
Obama meant his own boots won't be on the ground anywhere near Syria.
Ridiculous aren't they?

I have a simple question for Republicans

You want boots on the ground in Syria or not?

Absolutely not. Nor aircraft including drones. Let Putin handle it. Obama doesn't have a plan nor does he know which side he's on.
He did when he killed Osama bin ladin bitch!

As if a schmuck like you knows what's going on. Lol. It's going as good as can be expected.

You remember bush handed Obama a shitty war and economy, right? You want the party that fucked up in the first place back?

Are you certain that he's dead? Really certain? I'm not. Yes, not only do I want that Party back, so does the American taxpayer want it back.

Osama is dead. He is now registered to vote as a Democrat in Chicago.
What's worse? Election fraud where the GOP stole the entire election or a couple dead people voting? Do you think those dead people changed the outcome? Get real.

Debunking The Conservative Media's 2014 Voter Fraud Horror Stories
I think we should allow Obama to admit he made a mistake and change his strategy. I only hope he doesn't take some half ass approach to the problem. If we are going to boot U.S. troops in harms way go in with overwhelming force and destroy the evil pricks don't dick around.

With that I would agree. I find it hilarious that cons want to use this as an issue as most have been begging for us to put troops in harms way. I just don't want to see us do this just because it seems like we should. If putting boots on the ground is not going to result in a massive change over there, then it's not worth it.

You guys keep claiming that and yet many of us have been saying we have no business in Syria for years

There is a mixed bag of views on both sides. Yes, there are some conservatives who believe we should stay the Hell out of Syria, but more support ground troops. The same is true on the other side of the fence. There are some Dems who support a ground war but most believe we should stay out.
You know... like if you like your doctor.... so on and so forth....

Here Are 16 Times Obama Promised No "Boots On The Ground" In Syria | Zero Hedge
Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

Show me someone who NEVER changes their mind and I'll show you a dumbass.

That being said, I don't approve of putting boots on the ground in combat again unless the current President ( whoever they may be now and in the future ) is wearing those boots and carrying a weapon and getting his ass shot at too.

You want people to go fight some other nation's wars --- you first Mr. President.
I have a simple question for Republicans

You want boots on the ground in Syria or not?

Absolutely not. Nor aircraft including drones. Let Putin handle it. Obama doesn't have a plan nor does he know which side he's on.
He did when he killed Osama bin ladin bitch!

As if a schmuck like you knows what's going on. Lol. It's going as good as can be expected.

You remember bush handed Obama a shitty war and economy, right? You want the party that fucked up in the first place back?

Are you certain that he's dead? Really certain? I'm not. Yes, not only do I want that Party back, so does the American taxpayer want it back.

Osama is dead. He is now registered to vote as a Democrat in Chicago.
What's worse? Election fraud where the GOP stole the entire election or a couple dead people voting? Do you think those dead people changed the outcome? Get real.

Debunking The Conservative Media's 2014 Voter Fraud Horror Stories
We get it. If it's YOUR side doing it, it's no big deal.
The way that Hussein Obama is going to wiggle out of his lie to the American people that there will no boots on the ground in Syria is require that the troops wear tennis shoes.
We know he's a f*ing liar. It seems to be a necessary trait to run for office as a Democrat.

like when Bush said he'd run a humble foreign policy?

and lied about WMD's in iraq..... ???
If Bush lied, Clinton lied several years before.

See post #89, hack.

Psst.....The whole premise of the thread is a hack attack.

i know that... but the winger o/p doesn't.

or maybe he does. who can tell when dealing with that level of ignorance and trolling.
We know he's a f*ing liar. It seems to be a necessary trait to run for office as a Democrat.

like when Bush said he'd run a humble foreign policy?

and lied about WMD's in iraq..... ???
If Bush lied, Clinton lied several years before.

See post #89, hack.

except that i'm not interested in rightwingnut lies and misrepresentations.

now crawl back into your little wingnut hole.
We know he's a f*ing liar. It seems to be a necessary trait to run for office as a Democrat.

like when Bush said he'd run a humble foreign policy?

and lied about WMD's in iraq..... ???
If Bush lied, Clinton lied several years before.

See post #89, hack.

except that i'm not interested in rightwingnut lies and misrepresentations.

now crawl back into your little wingnut hole.
No, you're not interested in the truth.
The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley.
― Robert Burns, Collected Poems of Robert Burns

Truly, it doesn't matter if the man stated 1,600 times that he wouldn't send our servicemen to fight on the ground in Syria. The fact is that each time he made the statement, one or more high or low level details -- those pertaining to the situation in Syria, ISIS/ISIL, Assad, Syrian Rebels, Russia, and the rest of the world that is affected by it -- were different than they are now. If it were today sunny, and you asserted that you won't ever wear a raincoat and it next month rained, would you stand in the rain getting soaked and look like a wet dog, or would you don a raincoat?

Domestic and foreign policy matters are fluid. They issue from the actions of highly unpredictable, sometimes capricious humans. A good leader sets a tack in accordance with the conditions as they present themselves. No matter how calm the seas now, if a maelstrom appears in the water, only a foolish captain, rather than plot a new course, would stay the course and sail into it. About the only thing more supercilious than holding against him taking the replotted course, is deriding him for doing so and insisting that he sail into the whirlpool.

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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