Here Are 6 Republicans Who Took Bribes From Clinton To ‘Destroy Trump’

Where are the Wilkileaks emails supporting this conspiracy....NO ONE shows them in full and expect us to just believe them??

Hope McCain is getting his ass ready for the devil's dick.

Ninth circle of hell reserved for those guilty of treachery.
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Trump is president. He's destroying the country. That doesn't seem to bother white wingers.
Oh, another post blaming white people. They have absolutely nothing.

It should bring us decent feelings that they still don't know they keep losing elections.

It is that obvious that the will be using the race card shit again.

I hope so. Hopefully the backlash is big enough this time around that they get it.
Where are the Wilkileaks emails supporting this conspiracy....NO ONE shows them in full and expect us to just believe them??


Same thing with Russia. Go figure.
BIG DIFFERENCE, we have 3 investigative committees run by Republicans, and a special Counsel also run by a republican, that are looking in to counter intelligence and crimes that may have been committed....much of the evidence details by Mueller have to be with held, until they decide to prosecute....

outside of that, the Republican committee heads are preventing their hearings from being public, to protect the President....

if it were up to the Democrats, all the Russian hearings would be PUBLIC, just like watergate...

it is YOUR PARTY that is keeping the evidence SECRET in Congress....cuz THEY are the ones that don't want YOU to know.... and it ain't cuz the trump campaign is peachy clean, if it were, the Republicans would let the public view this....and not hide it in closed hearings....

but we do have LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of evidence that PROVES the Russian gvt did indeed interfere with our elections, like these facebook ads, and twitter bots, and fake news stories planted and then promulgated...the hackings, the recorded surveillance, etc etc etc

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