Here Comes Obama

Obama's torpedoing Joe because he wants his transgender wife to be the nominee.
Your link is partially accurate in what Obama is saying. Joe isn't connecting. And the Axelrod quote is also on track. For example, Joe tried to make a contrast to himself and Trump in the debate when he said he's leave it up to the DOJ whether to investigate Trump."

Maybe 12 years or more that would have made sense, but maybe not. Not many of us are left who remember what Nixon did. Not many people remember that the gop failed to show any connection between Obama and the IRS auditing 501c's. If Biden wants to make a contrast, he's gonna have to mention Trump by name. Trump's blurred the line between right and wrong. People can't supply that line by themselves, and they need it drawn for them, today.

And the rest of the clowns in the car were unelectable to begin with.
The entire issue exposes just how corrupt the practice of US foreign aid was under the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief.

It is entirely possible that MORE THAN HALF of US foreign aid during the Cocksucker Administration was KICKED BACK to both Dems and "Republicans" who only cared that the Cocksucker kept the truth about 911

It was a lazy link in the OP, but the OP's link DID link to the article Hoonhoot was commenting on. And here's the quote

He told Patrick earlier this year that it was likely “too late” for him to secure “money and talent” if he jumped in the race. Occasionally, he can be cutting. With one candidate, he pointed out that during his own 2008 campaign, he had an intimate bond with the electorate, especially in Iowa, that he no longer has. Then he added, “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”
Waiting for Obama

And it's true. The sentences Joe is stringing together aren't hindered by dementia. It's just that the language he uses doesn't connect with his listeners. And it's not just his comments about Trump. He should be telling people Liz Warren has as much a chance against Trump as McGovern had against Nixon, and then explain and that isn't just because Nixon and Trump were crooks, it was because of what McGovern and Warren stood for.
The more Joe Biden campaigns, the lower his numbers go...

There is a NEGATIVE CORRELATION..... more exposure = less support
It was a lazy link in the OP, but the OP's link DID link to the article Hoonhoot was commenting on. And here's the quote

He told Patrick earlier this year that it was likely “too late” for him to secure “money and talent” if he jumped in the race. Occasionally, he can be cutting. With one candidate, he pointed out that during his own 2008 campaign, he had an intimate bond with the electorate, especially in Iowa, that he no longer has. Then he added, “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”
Waiting for Obama

And it's true. The sentences Joe is stringing together aren't hindered by dementia. It's just that the language he uses doesn't connect with his listeners. And it's not just his comments about Trump. He should be telling people Liz Warren has as much a chance against Trump as McGovern had against Nixon, and then explain and that isn't just because Nixon and Trump were crooks, it was because of what McGovern and Warren stood for.

Not lazy at all. Obama made a comment about Biden that will stick, regardless of the context.

Biden is a weak candidate. They are all weak candidates.
It was a lazy link in the OP, but the OP's link DID link to the article Hoonhoot was commenting on. And here's the quote

He told Patrick earlier this year that it was likely “too late” for him to secure “money and talent” if he jumped in the race. Occasionally, he can be cutting. With one candidate, he pointed out that during his own 2008 campaign, he had an intimate bond with the electorate, especially in Iowa, that he no longer has. Then he added, “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”
Waiting for Obama

And it's true. The sentences Joe is stringing together aren't hindered by dementia. It's just that the language he uses doesn't connect with his listeners. And it's not just his comments about Trump. He should be telling people Liz Warren has as much a chance against Trump as McGovern had against Nixon, and then explain and that isn't just because Nixon and Trump were crooks, it was because of what McGovern and Warren stood for.

Not lazy at all. Obama made a comment about Biden that will stick, regardless of the context.

Biden is a weak candidate. They are all weak candidates.
The dems have bad candidates. In 92 it worked for them when HW scared off the opposition, but a recession hit, and HW was out of touch. And it worked when Hillary was out of touch with her vote to authorize force. It didn't work in 16, and Biden was too old to begin with. They'll run Warren and lose at least 40 states.

but your link was to a comment on another article. ^

Former President Obama reportedly told a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate that his former Vice President Joe Biden doesn't have what it takes to win the Oval Office.

Obama, 58, has remained relatively quiet during the first part of the Democratic primary; however, he has met with many of the candidates privately. In one particular meeting, the former president took a dig at his own vice president, according to Politico.

"With one candidate, he pointed out that during his own 2008 campaign, he had an intimate bond with the electorate, especially in Iowa, that he no longer has. Then he added, 'And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden,'" Ryan Lizza reported.

The former president's dig stands in stark contrast to the relationship Biden has depicted during his campaign. Biden, who has repeatedly stated that he doesn't want Obama's endorsement because whoever wins the primary "should win it on their own merits,” has frequently referenced his time working within the Obama White House.

The former vice president cites the Obama administration's record on healthcare as well as on the economy frequently. However, he has also been faced at times with difficult questions from his time in office. During multiple presidential debates this fall, Biden took heat from rival candidates for both relying on Obama's legacy when it suits him and for distancing himself from it when it was more beneficial for him.

There is a precedent for former presidents to hold out endorsing their second-in-command’s subsequent White House bids. Ronald Reagan did not endorse George H. W. Bush's candidacy in 1988 until it was clear who the GOP nominee would be. Then, there was the 1968 Democratic presidential campaign in which Lyndon B. Johnson declined to offer a robust endorsement of Hubert Humphrey until a little more than a month before the general election.


What a back stabber....a real piece of shit! Whatever you think of Biden he was always a loyal soldier to Obama. This is the current demonRAT left.

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