Here comes the blame game.. Obama blames congress for Solyndra and pipeline

So basically Obama is saying......
"The pipeline problems we are seeing is the Republican's fault because they want it built"
"That's right, the Republicans are trying to get this done without the usual delays and opportunities for other members and the Senate to attach other spending measures to the bill...and that is outrageous...not how things are normally done".
OMG I just read the whole article and my head is spinning faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist.

What a lying *)%$#@*+^$@ mother&^%$*@#$%^& almost like trucker! Holy toledo what a scumbucket!
Yeah, he's in OK taking credit for the section being built that did not require his authorization.... couple that with his admonishments that increased supplies will not lower prices, yet reduced consumption (demand) will and you have either a colossally dishonest or a colossally stupid man.

Anyhoo.. if supply doesn't affect prices, why's he now taking credit for keystone? This guy's fucked up.
Yeah, he's in OK taking credit for the section being built that did not require his authorization.... couple that with his admonishments that increased supplies will not lower prices, yet reduced consumption (demand) will and you have either a colossally dishonest or a colossally stupid man.

Anyhoo.. if supply doesn't affect prices, why's he now taking credit for keystone? This guy's fucked up.

He's not stupid, as he managed to get elected to the highest office in the land. That leaves..........
It was me, unless it wasn't.

[ame=]Obama Takes Credit, Then Shifts Blame on Solyndra - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, he's in OK taking credit for the section being built that did not require his authorization.... couple that with his admonishments that increased supplies will not lower prices, yet reduced consumption (demand) will and you have either a colossally dishonest or a colossally stupid man.

Anyhoo.. if supply doesn't affect prices, why's he now taking credit for keystone? This guy's fucked up.

And when he got here to Oklahoma, here was the message to him from our four largest independent producers.

Energy chiefs' message: Actions, not words, will determine energy future |

"The paradigm shift in American oil and gas exploration and production is the brightest spot in our struggling economy. Keeping it going requires understanding of some critical business realities:

Approval of the entire Keystone XL pipeline should happen now — not after the election. Yes, we are pleased TransCanada decided to build a critical section of the project from Cushing to the Gulf Coast. We note that this section doesn't require State Department approval. However, America's greatest benefit will come when we can transport oil from our best energy partner, Canada, and oil-rich North Dakota and Montana........

.........The newfound abundance of oil and gas in America creates for the first time in 50 years the opportunity to break OPEC's headlock on the American economy and reinvigorate America's industrial foundation.

Mr. President, your words suggest you want the economic benefits American natural gas and oil can deliver. We hope your actions follow suit — to date they have not."
Awesome fucking post,kwc57....we have offshore oil in GA off savannah,and #1,its staying here...#2...getting refined here...#3..consumed here.
Yeah, he's in OK taking credit for the section being built that did not require his authorization.... couple that with his admonishments that increased supplies will not lower prices, yet reduced consumption (demand) will and you have either a colossally dishonest or a colossally stupid man.

Anyhoo.. if supply doesn't affect prices, why's he now taking credit for keystone? This guy's fucked up.

And when he got here to Oklahoma, here was the message to him from our four largest independent producers.

Energy chiefs' message: Actions, not words, will determine energy future |

"The paradigm shift in American oil and gas exploration and production is the brightest spot in our struggling economy. Keeping it going requires understanding of some critical business realities:

Approval of the entire Keystone XL pipeline should happen now — not after the election. Yes, we are pleased TransCanada decided to build a critical section of the project from Cushing to the Gulf Coast. We note that this section doesn't require State Department approval. However, America's greatest benefit will come when we can transport oil from our best energy partner, Canada, and oil-rich North Dakota and Montana........

.........The newfound abundance of oil and gas in America creates for the first time in 50 years the opportunity to break OPEC's headlock on the American economy and reinvigorate America's industrial foundation.

Mr. President, your words suggest you want the economic benefits American natural gas and oil can deliver. We hope your actions follow suit — to date they have not."

I do belive WE have more resources than the ME...I think it's time we used it to club OPEC over the head and neuter them with US in charge.
Why cant he own anything. Its always someone else fault

Obama tries to spread blame on Solyndra, Keystone
Damn. Our POTUS is of such weak character that he cannot take the responsibility for anything.


Truman would be ashamed. "The buck stops here".

What a lack of character out POTUS has. *cringe*

Really, that should be an RNC ad for the election - the blame. Problem is, the ads can't be longer than a minute.
Truman said 'The Buck Stops Here"

Obama says "It's not my buck. It's someone else's buck."
Doesn't matter either way. This guy could kill Osama Bin Laden..and you still wouldn't vote for him..

Oh wait.

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