Here Comes the Gay Mafia

Again Fox News takes an isolated incident in a foreign country and tries to make it into an issue worth a fight in America.

For the sole purpose of improving ratings amongst the extremists.

But will it work? We have this board's members as a gauge of it's impact on enough extremists to find out.
Again Fox News takes an isolated incident in a foreign country and tries to make it into an issue worth a fight in America.

For the sole purpose of improving ratings amongst the extremists.

But will it work? We have this board's members as a gauge of it's impact on enough extremists to find out.
Read the article. The "extremists" are the queers in the government and their pals who pass these laws. You want everyone to think this is an isolated case and won't happen in America. It already has.
When you have to find a single story out of Malta.................................
Are we becoming a big enough voice protesting against the extremism of the haters who are out searching for troublle?

People who don't discriminate against others may not be the majority on this board, but we could become an equal voice!
Read the article. The "extremists" are the queers in the government and their pals who pass these laws. You want everyone to think this is an isolated case and won't happen in America. It already has.
Is your hating gaining you anything?
Remember Larry Craig with the 'wide stance' when seated on a toilet?
Remember how he posed to be just like you on hating gays, etc.?
Are we becoming a big enough voice protesting against the extremism of the haters who are out searching for troublle?

People who don't discriminate against others may not be the majority on this board, but we could become an equal voice!
The haters searching for trouble are the queers. Anyone who opposes the queer agenda must be punished.
Is your hating gaining you anything?
Remember Larry Craig with the 'wide stance' when seated on a toilet?
Remember how he posed to be just like you on hating gays, etc.?
I'm not the hater. I'm posting an article about hateful queers that want to punish an innocent person for the crime of choosing his sexual identity. What the fuck is wrong with you?
That's probably the best way to respond to this nonsense! The OP is only involved in tearing down any progress the world has made on acceptance of the personal preferences of others.
Bullshit. This man made a personal preference and the queers can't accept it and want to punish him. Your twisted logic isn't working today.
Another example of the iron fist of the queer mafia.
The Rainbow Mafia has been coercing, threatening & committing violence against anyone that stands in their way for many decades.

They forced the APA to change homosexuality from the rightful designation of a mental illness & now control the narrative.

Are we becoming a big enough voice protesting against the extremism of the haters who are out searching for troublle?

People who don't discriminate against others may not be the majority on this board, but we could become an equal voice!
They are discriminating against the guy because he said he turned away from queers. That's ok with you.
Bullshit. This man made a personal preference and the queers can't accept it and want to punish him. Your twisted logic isn't working today.
Cool. Now do Saudi Arabia where gayz are beheaded. While looking can you find out about the falcon? I was promised a falcon!
Cool. Now do Saudi Arabia where gayz are beheaded. While looking can you find out about the falcon? I was promised a falcon!
I don't give a damn about Muslims beheading queers. You're off topic, Mr. Moderator. Go fuck with some naive college kids.

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