"Here I am not a negro but a human being for the first time in my life."

Here is a man who was lionised wherever he went in the world but could not live freely in his own country. He sang in my home town once and people queued for days in order to see him. I love this picture.

RIP Comrade.

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Communists-------playing the RACE ACTIVIST card for decades in order to form a collection of what they call USEFUL IDIOTS for political purposes. The RUSSIANS were long time supporters of RACE ACTIVISTS, not because they like blacks but because they found that activists could easily be manipulated and used.
Communists-------playing the RACE ACTIVIST card for decades in order to form a collection of what they call USEFUL IDIOTS for political purposes. The RUSSIANS were long time supporters of RACE ACTIVISTS, not because they like blacks but because they found that activists could easily be manipulated and used.
Accepting your logic for a moment. Would it not have been better for the US to have treated Robeson and all black people as Americans rather than second class citizens ?
Do you not think that he might struggle to see the benefits of living in the US when there were so many restrictions on how he had to live his life ?
Accepting your logic for a moment. Would it not have been better for the US to have treated Robeson and all black people as Americans rather than second class citizens ?
Do you not think that he might struggle to see the benefits of living in the US when there were so many restrictions on how he had to live his life ?
He came back and lived in the US----

THE US is and was even then far better than living in communist land.
He came back and lived in the US----

THE US is and was even then far better than living in communist land.
That is such a sweeping statement. I would agree that for white people America was markedly better than life in the Soviet Union. But how can you consider that it was better for Black folks ?

We could list all the freedoms that Black folk were denied by White America but for example -

He couldnt live here he wanted
He couldnt fuck who he wanted
He couldnt marry who he wanted
She couldnt sit at the counter
She couldnt sit at the front of the bus
She couldnt read the same books that white folks could.

Now you are very vocal about mask mandates and other perceived infringments on your freedoms. But you gloss over the list of things in this post. And that is a very small example. I understand that relics of Jim Crow are turning up still.

How would you feel living under such an oppressive regime ?
He couldnt live here he wanted
He couldnt fuck who he wanted
He couldnt marry who he wanted
She couldnt sit at the counter
She couldnt sit at the front of the bus
She couldnt read the same books that white folks could.

And when it came time to choose, he left the USSR and came back to America.

We should list some freedoms denied to Russians.
Couldn't move to America.

That is such a sweeping statement. I would agree that for white people America was markedly better than life in the Soviet Union. But how can you consider that it was better for Black folks ?

We could list all the freedoms that Black folk were denied by White America but for example -

He couldnt live here he wanted
He couldnt fuck who he wanted
He couldnt marry who he wanted
She couldnt sit at the counter
She couldnt sit at the front of the bus
She couldnt read the same books that white folks could.

Now you are very vocal about mask mandates and other perceived infringments on your freedoms. But you gloss over the list of things in this post. And that is a very small example. I understand that relics of Jim Crow are turning up still.

How would you feel living under such an oppressive regime ?
I prefer to sit in the back of buses, so I don't get the front of the bus nonsense. Blacks had to sit in the back, but whites were forced to sit in the FRONT. Whites couldn't live where they wanted either under Jim Crow or marry who they wanted either or fuck who they wanted supposedly but I seem to recall that their were lots of mixed race kids so fucking whoever was happening and I remember mixed marriages so again---mixed marriages happened.

Who is "SHE".... If it is Rosa Parks----think again. I know the background on that made up bitch's bus ride.
I prefer to sit in the back of buses, so I don't get the front of the bus nonsense. Blacks had to sit in the back, but whites were forced to sit in the FRONT. Whites couldn't live where they wanted either under Jim Crow or marry who they wanted either or fuck who they wanted supposedly but I seem to recall that their were lots of mixed race kids so fucking whoever was happening and I remember mixed marriages so again---mixed marriages happened.

Who is "SHE".... If it is Rosa Parks----think again. I know the background on that made up bitch's bus ride.
You do not make a convincing case. Are you saying that Jim Crow laws were for the benefit of Black people ? Or that the oppression was just and proportionate ?

have a proper think about this . Is it not possible that Robeson visited countruies where he was treated as a human being and he thought that was pretty good ?
And when it came time to choose, he left the USSR and came back to America.

We should list some freedoms denied to Russians.
Couldn't move to America.

I dont understand the point you make. Shouldnt you applaud him for coming back to the US to fight for freedom ?
If everybody had left then you would not have had the civil rights movement and the US would not have moved forward from the stain of slavery and Jim Crow.
I prefer to sit in the back of buses, so I don't get the front of the bus nonsense. Blacks had to sit in the back, but whites were forced to sit in the FRONT. Whites couldn't live where they wanted either under Jim Crow or marry who they wanted either or fuck who they wanted supposedly but I seem to recall that their were lots of mixed race kids so fucking whoever was happening and I remember mixed marriages so again---mixed marriages happened.

Who is "SHE".... If it is Rosa Parks----think again. I know the background on that made up bitch's bus ride.
Rosa Parks is one of millions forced to give up her seat for a white man. Who do you have to give your seat for ?
I dont understand the point you make. Shouldnt you applaud him for coming back to the US to fight for freedom ?
If everybody had left then you would not have had the civil rights movement and the US would not have moved forward from the stain of slavery and Jim Crow.

I dont understand the point you make.

Because you're an idiot.

Your point was the Soviet Union was better because America was racist.
But he left the Soviet Union and returned to America.
Are you saying he made the wrong decision?
And yet he could not marry a white woman or live in a white area. He coudnt even borrow a book from a white library. Tell me about how great America was under jim crow.

Your shithole country wouldn't even allow him on your shores. You and your racist fuck buddies need to stay on your shitty little island and leave the free people alone.
So you're a black Englishman?

Fucking with my bookmarks again,,,,,LOL
I dont understand the point you make.

Because you're an idiot.

Your point was the Soviet Union was better because America was racist.
But he left the Soviet Union and returned to America.
Are you saying he made the wrong decision?
I think I know what point I am making and it isnt that the Soviet Union is better or worse that America.That is what you are trying to reduce it to.

The thread title is Robesons view having visited the Soviet Union.

You might want to reflect on the observation and realise that not everybody was well served by the US constitution and that other perspectives exist.

I would also throw in the experience of Black GIs in the 2nd world war. The Nazi regime that they were fighting as not really different to the country they were fighting for. Hitler hated Blacks as well.

Conservatives hark back to a period of White Supremacy as a sort of golden age in American history and it patently wasnt.

You could argue that the US did not approach the aspirations of its constitution until the Civil Rights Act was passed. The period up till then is not one to be celebrated.
Your shithole country wouldn't even allow him on your shores. You and your racist fuck buddies need to stay on your shitty little island and leave the free people alone.
You are ignorant Mavin. Mr Robeson travelled and worked extensively in the UK. he was feted wherever he went and appeared to sell out crowds in Wrexham where my Grandparents were able to see him perform.
An event that is still remembered in the Town.
I think I know what point I am making and it isnt that the Soviet Union is better or worse that America.That is what you are trying to reduce it to.

The thread title is Robesons view having visited the Soviet Union.

Right. His view was that the Soviet Union was better than the US.

His belief was so deep and rock solid that he came home to the US and died here in 1976.

He must have been stupid, right?
Your shithole country wouldn't even allow him on your shores. You and your racist fuck buddies need to stay on your shitty little island and leave the free people alone.

That's the point that we Americans made in 1776, and again in 1812. But some of them, like Tainted Tommy, are just too damn stupid to get the point.

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