Here is a prediction for a lost Republican Seat in the Senate

Daryl Hunt

Your Worst Nightmare
Oct 22, 2014
This is my prediction. I made it almost 2 years ago. It appears it just might become a reality.

We all know that Hickenlooper has almost zero chance of getting the nod for Democratic Presidential Nomination. But there is another job for him and it looks like he is considering it. He may drop out soon and go after the Senate Seat that Senator Corey Gardner (R) has now. Gardner is up for reelection in 2020. Colorado is considered a swing state. And Gardner is weak, very weak right now. The Hick would be a very strong candidate.

Gardner noted he was weak even though he denounced Trump for the 2016 election. That denouncement got him over the hump. Now he's very, very weak. What does he do? He climbs on the Trump Train hoping that will be enough to pull him out of the soup. The bad news for that is, Trump's popularity in Colorado overall is right up there with a Root Canal. Herpes beats Trump out for popularity. Okay, I will admit, Hillary rated just above herpes which still beats out Trump and a root canal. The Dems know all they have to do is present a decent person and Gardner is gone unless Gardner does some very fancy running or the Sun goes Nova.

Since the Hick seems to want to move to the DC area, there is a good chance he might to as a Senator which would forge his way for a later run at President when his name gets better known.
This is my prediction. I made it almost 2 years ago. It appears it just might become a reality.

We all know that Hickenlooper has almost zero chance of getting the nod for Democratic Presidential Nomination. But there is another job for him and it looks like he is considering it. He may drop out soon and go after the Senate Seat that Senator Corey Gardner (R) has now. Gardner is up for reelection in 2020. Colorado is considered a swing state. And Gardner is weak, very weak right now. The Hick would be a very strong candidate.

Gardner noted he was weak even though he denounced Trump for the 2016 election. That denouncement got him over the hump. Now he's very, very weak. What does he do? He climbs on the Trump Train hoping that will be enough to pull him out of the soup. The bad news for that is, Trump's popularity in Colorado overall is right up there with a Root Canal. Herpes beats Trump out for popularity. Okay, I will admit, Hillary rated just above herpes which still beats out Trump and a root canal. The Dems know all they have to do is present a decent person and Gardner is gone unless Gardner does some very fancy running or the Sun goes Nova.

Since the Hick seems to want to move to the DC area, there is a good chance he might to as a Senator which would forge his way for a later run at President when his name gets better known.

Is he a good, little , gun grabbing POS such yourself?
This is my prediction. I made it almost 2 years ago. It appears it just might become a reality.

We all know that Hickenlooper has almost zero chance of getting the nod for Democratic Presidential Nomination. But there is another job for him and it looks like he is considering it. He may drop out soon and go after the Senate Seat that Senator Corey Gardner (R) has now. Gardner is up for reelection in 2020. Colorado is considered a swing state. And Gardner is weak, very weak right now. The Hick would be a very strong candidate.

Gardner noted he was weak even though he denounced Trump for the 2016 election. That denouncement got him over the hump. Now he's very, very weak. What does he do? He climbs on the Trump Train hoping that will be enough to pull him out of the soup. The bad news for that is, Trump's popularity in Colorado overall is right up there with a Root Canal. Herpes beats Trump out for popularity. Okay, I will admit, Hillary rated just above herpes which still beats out Trump and a root canal. The Dems know all they have to do is present a decent person and Gardner is gone unless Gardner does some very fancy running or the Sun goes Nova.

Since the Hick seems to want to move to the DC area, there is a good chance he might to as a Senator which would forge his way for a later run at President when his name gets better known.

Good another Senate seat, great. Heck with tramp, we have to win the Senate, so he can become lame. Definitely need to get Mitch out, but there are a lot of mitches, just winning the Senate will change things.
Colorado is filled with wetbacks, faggots and hippie California rejects. They should have no problem getting a Dem in there.
Colorado should be sick of Hickenlooper like the rest of the country is sick of Clintons and Bushes. Give Trump a congress that will work with him and watch America soar.
This is my prediction. I made it almost 2 years ago. It appears it just might become a reality.

We all know that Hickenlooper has almost zero chance of getting the nod for Democratic Presidential Nomination. But there is another job for him and it looks like he is considering it. He may drop out soon and go after the Senate Seat that Senator Corey Gardner (R) has now. Gardner is up for reelection in 2020. Colorado is considered a swing state. And Gardner is weak, very weak right now. The Hick would be a very strong candidate.

Gardner noted he was weak even though he denounced Trump for the 2016 election. That denouncement got him over the hump. Now he's very, very weak. What does he do? He climbs on the Trump Train hoping that will be enough to pull him out of the soup. The bad news for that is, Trump's popularity in Colorado overall is right up there with a Root Canal. Herpes beats Trump out for popularity. Okay, I will admit, Hillary rated just above herpes which still beats out Trump and a root canal. The Dems know all they have to do is present a decent person and Gardner is gone unless Gardner does some very fancy running or the Sun goes Nova.

Since the Hick seems to want to move to the DC area, there is a good chance he might to as a Senator which would forge his way for a later run at President when his name gets better known.
They will gain one in Alabama when we vote Democrat Jones out.
Colorado should be sick of Hickenlooper like the rest of the country is sick of Clintons and Bushes. Give Trump a congress that will work with him and watch America soar.

Or give him a congress that will ignore his illegal activities. I think I'll go with the one that holds a President to task.
This is my prediction. I made it almost 2 years ago. It appears it just might become a reality.

We all know that Hickenlooper has almost zero chance of getting the nod for Democratic Presidential Nomination. But there is another job for him and it looks like he is considering it. He may drop out soon and go after the Senate Seat that Senator Corey Gardner (R) has now. Gardner is up for reelection in 2020. Colorado is considered a swing state. And Gardner is weak, very weak right now. The Hick would be a very strong candidate.

Gardner noted he was weak even though he denounced Trump for the 2016 election. That denouncement got him over the hump. Now he's very, very weak. What does he do? He climbs on the Trump Train hoping that will be enough to pull him out of the soup. The bad news for that is, Trump's popularity in Colorado overall is right up there with a Root Canal. Herpes beats Trump out for popularity. Okay, I will admit, Hillary rated just above herpes which still beats out Trump and a root canal. The Dems know all they have to do is present a decent person and Gardner is gone unless Gardner does some very fancy running or the Sun goes Nova.

Since the Hick seems to want to move to the DC area, there is a good chance he might to as a Senator which would forge his way for a later run at President when his name gets better known.
They will gain one in Alabama when we vote Democrat Jones out.

I wasn't using wishful thinking. I was using hard cold fact. Gardner is a goner and both parties know it. And it may not even take someone with the name recognition of Hick to get that job done. It's like saying that Moscow Mitch is a shoein because he's a republican. He's a goner as well. This isn't party partisan wishful thinking. it's pretty well forgone conclusions.

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