Here is Paul Ryan mopping the floor with Barack Obama.

Here is Paul Ryan mopping the floor with Barack Obama.

You are on crack.
For those of you who do not know Paul Ryan--here is a good video with him taking on Barack Obama's fuzzy math over Obamacare.

Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube

Here is a little about Paul Ryan's upbringing:

Paul Ryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is why Paul Ryan is the perfect VP choice.

"If you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama.

At times Obama looked perplexed as if he was learning something and at other times he looked pissed as if he took opposition as an insult.....

I cannot wait until the debates....

Democrats and progressives always claim republicans offer no solution or ideas - well wait an see Obamafuck and Biden do nothing but blame during the debates while Romney and Ryan offer solutions.....

Oh really?

What solutions?

So far all I hear are empty promises.

then you should stop listening to Obama.
HOLY SHEEPSHIT...The Ryan VP pick was Romney sticking his finger in Obama's chest and saying, bring it punk.

To which democrat voters responded by asking for four more beers.

Four more beers! Obama buys Budweiser for Iowa State Fair voters |

I guess four beers is either necessary or preferable to four more years.

Obama is going to have to promise them free beer for the next 4 years--in order for them to forget the misery of the last 4 years he's been in office. That will have to be about a case of beer a day--LOL
Here is Paul Ryan mopping the floor with Barack Obama.

You are on crack.

You're in denial.

Not at all. Ryan is the prime example of the worst of the GOP. He is a Crazy Christian Fundamentalist Idealogue follower of that fruitcake Ayn Rand. He has been totally bought and paid for by the Koch brothers. If his handlers hadn't ran him in that hick part of Wisconsin he wouldn't have even made it into congress. His rise to budget chairman was managed through the influence of his billionare benefactors. He is a fraud.

Ryan is fucking EVIL and crazy. He needs to be stepped on like a cocaroach.
Here is Paul Ryan mopping the floor with Barack Obama.

You are on crack.

You're in denial.

Not at all. Ryan is the prime example of the worst of the GOP. He is a Crazy Christian Fundamentalist Idealogue follower of that fruitcake Ayn Rand. He has been totally bought and paid for by the Koch brothers. If his handlers hadn't ran him in that hick part of Wisconsin he wouldn't have even made it into congress. His rise to budget chairman was managed through the influence of his billionare benefactors. He is a fraud.

Ryan is fucking EVIL and crazy. He needs to be stepped on like a cocaroach.

That "hick" part of Wisconsin is a primarily democratic party voting area, in fact Obama won that district by a wide margin, as did Kerry, Gore and Clinton.

Another piece of evidence that the left hates the working class.
Here is Paul Ryan mopping the floor with Barack Obama.

You are on crack.

You're in denial.

Not at all. Ryan is the prime example of the worst of the GOP. He is a Crazy Christian Fundamentalist Idealogue follower of that fruitcake Ayn Rand. He has been totally bought and paid for by the Koch brothers. If his handlers hadn't ran him in that hick part of Wisconsin he wouldn't have even made it into congress. His rise to budget chairman was managed through the influence of his billionare benefactors. He is a fraud.

Ryan is fucking EVIL and crazy. He needs to be stepped on like a cocaroach.

thank you for proving my point.
For those of you who do not know Paul Ryan--here is a good video with him taking on Barack Obama's fuzzy math over Obamacare.

Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube

Here is a little about Paul Ryan's upbringing:

While growing up, Ryan and his family often went on hiking and skiing trips in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.[7][14] Since Ryan shares his first name with his father, he was given the nickname, "P.D." (for Paul Davis), but it was often mistaken for "Petey", which Ryan disliked.[15] When Ryan was 16, his father died of a heart attack in bed and Ryan found him there. According to Ryan, his father, grandfather and great-grandfather all died from heart attacks at ages 55, 57, and 59 respectively, inspiring his later interest in health and exercise.[14] After his father's death, Ryan's grandmother, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, moved in with his family and he helped care for her.[4] His father’s death provided Ryan with Social Security benefits until his 18th birthday, which he saved to pay for his education at Miami University of Ohio.[15][16]
As a junior at Joseph A. Craig High School in Janesville, Ryan was elected class president, which made him prom king and gave him his first political position, a seat on the school board representing his high school.[4] He competed in track, was on his high school's ski and varsity soccer teams and played basketball in a Catholic recreational league,[17][18][19] as well as being a member of several academic clubs and the Model United Nations.[17][4] After his sophomore year he worked the grill at McDonald's.[4]
Paul Ryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is why Paul Ryan is the perfect VP choice.

"If you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama.

The truth is, a monkey could wipe the floor with Obama because he lies about EVERYTHING. And when you lie, you're going to get tripped up and destroyed by the facts/truth. And that's exactly what happened when Ryan owned Obama on national television that day...
Many economists have dissected Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan's numbers as bullshit - smoke and mirrors.

The truth will be more evident during the next couple months.
that e Obmans, how many times has Obamacare been revised 2, 3? about once a year, hmmmm *sniff* *sniff* smells like bullshit in Obamacare.
Here is Paul Ryan mopping the floor with Barack Obama.

You are on crack.

You're in denial.

Not at all. Ryan is the prime example of the worst of the GOP. He is a Crazy Christian Fundamentalist Idealogue follower of that fruitcake Ayn Rand. He has been totally bought and paid for by the Koch brothers. If his handlers hadn't ran him in that hick part of Wisconsin he wouldn't have even made it into congress. His rise to budget chairman was managed through the influence of his billionare benefactors. He is a fraud.

Ryan is fucking EVIL and crazy. He needs to be stepped on like a cocaroach.

This is what true liberals think and why the make commercial accusing people of killing others. It's unbelievable, but hey after all Huggy was a republican....BWAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
Here is Paul Ryan mopping the floor with Barack Obama.

You are on crack.

You're in denial.

Not at all. Ryan is the prime example of the worst of the GOP. He is a Crazy Christian Fundamentalist Idealogue follower of that fruitcake Ayn Rand. He has been totally bought and paid for by the Koch brothers. If his handlers hadn't ran him in that hick part of Wisconsin he wouldn't have even made it into congress. His rise to budget chairman was managed through the influence of his billionare benefactors. He is a fraud.

Ryan is fucking EVIL and crazy. He needs to be stepped on like a cocaroach.

Only an idiot asshole like you would even attempt to deny that everything Ayn Rand warned about has come to fruition. If there was ANY doubt on any level of that at all, it was completely erased when Rahm Emanual said "Never let a good crisis go to waste". He admitted that they create the crisis to take more power and control.

But since you have the IQ of a cockroach (and the civility of one as well), I wouldn't expect you to understand. You just sit down and let the adults run the country....
Like how did a man who spent his whole life freeloading off the taxpayers (Ryan) become a multimillionaire?

Many economists have dissected Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan's numbers as bullshit - smoke and mirrors.

The truth will be more evident during the next couple months.
For those of you who do not know Paul Ryan--here is a good video with him taking on Barack Obama's fuzzy math over Obamacare.

Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube
Very revealing how the video suddenly stops just when Obama puts Lyin' Ryan in his place. As I remember, Lyin Ryan just sat there sheepishly nodding his head yes repeatedly as Obama corrected all his bullshit. Obama would talk and the C-SPAN camera would flash to Lyin' Ryan nodding his head up and down, Obama would talk some more and the C-SPAN camera would turn to Lyin' Ryan again and he would nod his head yes some more time after time. As I recall Obama straightened Lyin' Ryan out about taking the $500 million out of Medicare Advantage, which Lyin' Ryan agreed with Obama was ineffective in improving their healthcare, and applying it to the Medicare doughnut-hole, so we know that Lyin' Ryan knows he is lying when he says Obama is stealing $500 million from Medicare.

No wonder you dishonest CON$ edited out Obama's reply!!! This is a perfect example of how the Right are not just liars, but premeditated liars. It is not by accident that they always leave the most important information out, lying to the level of ignorance of their audience, knowing their audience is too stupid to know what is missing and lazy to find out what is missing for themselves. Isn't it interesting that not a single CON$ervoFascist is the least bit curious about what Obama said to Lyin' Ryan after the video ended!!!!
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Like how did a man who spent his whole life freeloading off the taxpayers (Ryan) become a multimillionaire?

Many economists have dissected Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan's numbers as bullshit - smoke and mirrors.

The truth will be more evident during the next couple months.

Like how did a man who spent his whole life freeloading off the taxpayers (Obama, Pelosi, Reid) become a multimillionaire?
I can't wait for the Ryan/Biden debates..... what a blood bath.

LMAO! Great point! Can you imagine that drunk, incompetent, buffoon Biden trying to match witts with Ryan? Good grief, blood bath is the perfect adjective!
For those of you who do not know Paul Ryan--here is a good video with him taking on Barack Obama's fuzzy math over Obamacare.

Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube
Very revealing how the video suddenly stops just when Obama puts Lyin' Ryan in his place. As I remember, Lyin Ryan just sat there sheepishly nodding his head yes repeatedly as Obama corrected all his bullshit. Obama would talk and the C-SPAN camera would flash to Lyin' Ryan nodding his head up and down, Obama would talk some more and the C-SPAN camera would turn to Lyin' Ryan again and he would nod his head yes some more time after time. As I recall Obama straightened Lyin' Ryan out about taking the $500 million out of Medicare Advantage, which Lyin' Ryan agreed with Obama was ineffective in improving their healthcare, and applying it to the Medicare doughnut-hole, so we know that Lyin' Ryan knows he is lying when he says Obama is stealing $500 million from Medicare.

No wonder you dishonest CON$ edited out Obama's reply!!! This is a perfect example of how the Right are not just liars, but premeditated liars. It is not by accident that they always leave the most important information out, lying to the level of ignorance of their audience, knowing their audience is too stupid to know what is missing and lazy to find out what is missing for themselves.

Actually, NONE of that happened at all. You are LYING through your teeth. I watched the entire thing, and Obama almost immediately moved on because he knew he had been exposed.

I hate when you liberal assholes lie through your fucking teeth.
For those of you who do not know Paul Ryan--here is a good video with him taking on Barack Obama's fuzzy math over Obamacare.

Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube
Very revealing how the video suddenly stops just when Obama puts Lyin' Ryan in his place. As I remember, Lyin Ryan just sat there sheepishly nodding his head yes repeatedly as Obama corrected all his bullshit. Obama would talk and the C-SPAN camera would flash to Lyin' Ryan nodding his head up and down, Obama would talk some more and the C-SPAN camera would turn to Lyin' Ryan again and he would nod his head yes some more time after time. As I recall Obama straightened Lyin' Ryan out about taking the $500 million out of Medicare Advantage, which Lyin' Ryan agreed with Obama was ineffective in improving their healthcare, and applying it to the Medicare doughnut-hole, so we know that Lyin' Ryan knows he is lying when he says Obama is stealing $500 million from Medicare.

No wonder you dishonest CON$ edited out Obama's reply!!! This is a perfect example of how the Right are not just liars, but premeditated liars. It is not by accident that they always leave the most important information out, lying to the level of ignorance of their audience, knowing their audience is too stupid to know what is missing and lazy to find out what is missing for themselves.

Actually, NONE of that happened at all. You are LYING through your teeth. I watched the entire thing, and Obama almost immediately moved on because he knew he had been exposed.

I hate when you liberal assholes lie through your fucking teeth.
Want to put money on it you lying POS????

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