Here is something all Americans can get behind...and it's good for our country.

Let's all throw away our labels. Let's forget about White and Black. Let's forget about Liberalism and Conservatism. It's just that simple.

What we all want is a safe country. What we all want is a prosperous country. What we want is a stable country.

Can we stop deciding on who to vote on because of one issue? So and so believes in abortions so I will vote for him/her. I want a female president so I will not vote for a man, but any woman. Politicians are all crooked so I will vote for someone who is not political.

Where is that going to get us? In a quagmire.

Let's find the right leader in one who is honest, a patriot, and has a proven record of getting things done. Forget the race, party or idealogue. Let's all start looking for someone we can all get behind, black or white, liberal or conservative does not who is honest and can be depended upon.

Do you think that could be possible?

We had that. You hated the guy.
Obama? Yeah, it was close to hate, He was no patriot. He went all over the world apologizing for us. When he did do something, it generally excluded whites. And, when it came to what was good for the country just turned out to be what was for his own personal agenda even it could not be afforded by many Americans who had to pay too much for healthcare.

You clearly won't know what you seek when you see it. Lost cause.
I thought exactly what you are saying. But I have come to the point that he is dealing with his own psychosis instead of saying, "I am going to rise against the asssaults and assault no one. If the media wants to crucify me...go ahead and try.

What makes you think you could do what he is trying to do and get it done working that way? This isn't about idealism, this is a bloody, in the gutter fighting. Doesn't matter whether you want to take it there or not if the other side is dragging you into it. And is it HIS psychosis, or is it just a reflection of the psychotic other side you are seeing? Bottom line: you have no idea the fight he has taken on until you walk a mile in his shoes.

He is working harder on his own image than that of our nation.

And what has been under the most attack since he's gotten into the race? What do the polls reflect? What do the media critique and criticize? And what do others here on the board judge him by? Yes, his image. Ther media knows that the nation judges him less by what he actually does and gets done and more by how they SEE HIM DOING IT. It is all a game of image.
Let's all throw away our labels. Let's forget about White and Black. Let's forget about Liberalism and Conservatism. It's just that simple.

What we all want is a safe country. What we all want is a prosperous country. What we want is a stable country.

Can we stop deciding on who to vote on because of one issue? So and so believes in abortions so I will vote for him/her. I want a female president so I will not vote for a man, but any woman. Politicians are all crooked so I will vote for someone who is not political.

Where is that going to get us? In a quagmire.

Let's find the right leader in one who is honest, a patriot, and has a proven record of getting things done. Forget the race, party or idealogue. Let's all start looking for someone we can all get behind, black or white, liberal or conservative does not who is honest and can be depended upon.

Do you think that could be possible?

We had that. You hated the guy.
Obama? Yeah, it was close to hate, He was no patriot. He went all over the world apologizing for us. When he did do something, it generally excluded whites. And, when it came to what was good for the country just turned out to be what was for his own personal agenda even it could not be afforded by many Americans who had to pay too much for healthcare.
you forgot about him facilitating the murder of thousand of mexican nationals and at least one American LEO to push his agenda
Apparently Americans got behind that concept while y'all weren't looking and they elected a guy with no ties to the political quagmire. The problems with kumbaya lefties is that don't even realize that they are politically biased and all they want is life under the tyrannical rule of the democrat party. Look around you kumbaya idiots, Trump ain't your enemy, you are.
Let's all throw away our labels. Let's forget about White and Black. Let's forget about Liberalism and Conservatism. It's just that simple.

What we all want is a safe country. What we all want is a prosperous country. What we want is a stable country.

Can we stop deciding on who to vote on because of one issue? So and so believes in abortions so I will vote for him/her. I want a female president so I will not vote for a man, but any woman. Politicians are all crooked so I will vote for someone who is not political.

Where is that going to get us? In a quagmire.

Let's find the right leader in one who is honest, a patriot, and has a proven record of getting things done. Forget the race, party or idealogue. Let's all start looking for someone we can all get behind, black or white, liberal or conservative does not who is honest and can be depended upon.

Do you think that could be possible?
I certainly support the concept and appreciate you bringing something positive to the board.

Lets hope it can happen.
at this point , it cant happen. When you have a group of people who think its ok to do anything to another group of peple because they are bad/inferior, then compromise is nothing but surrender.
Do you think that could be possible?
Nope, no time soon. The "sides" are too entrenched.
You may be right. If you are, what does our future have in store for us?
My wild-ass guess is that we'll continue to see wild swings back and forth in elections as each increasingly binary party continues to fool itself into thinking that a victory means it has a "mandate" and over-shoots, stupidly ushering the other back in.

This will be compounded by the continued general decay of our culture.

What will that look like in 20 years? Mediocrity, I'd guess. Just as some would like, as payback.

In twenty years? We will make the civil war look like a labor day picnic
Let's all throw away our labels. Let's forget about White and Black. Let's forget about Liberalism and Conservatism. It's just that simple.

What we all want is a safe country. What we all want is a prosperous country. What we want is a stable country.

Can we stop deciding on who to vote on because of one issue? So and so believes in abortions so I will vote for him/her. I want a female president so I will not vote for a man, but any woman. Politicians are all crooked so I will vote for someone who is not political.

Where is that going to get us? In a quagmire.

Let's find the right leader in one who is honest, a patriot, and has a proven record of getting things done. Forget the race, party or idealogue. Let's all start looking for someone we can all get behind, black or white, liberal or conservative does not who is honest and can be depended upon.

Do you think that could be possible?

decades early for the right to give up pointing fingers and calling names ...
Both right and left are pointing fingers and name calling. It's GOT TO END.

It will end one of two ways:

1) we return to God and become civilized people again

2) we put bullets in each other
Let's all throw away our labels. Let's forget about White and Black. Let's forget about Liberalism and Conservatism. It's just that simple.

What we all want is a safe country. What we all want is a prosperous country. What we want is a stable country.

Can we stop deciding on who to vote on because of one issue? So and so believes in abortions so I will vote for him/her. I want a female president so I will not vote for a man, but any woman. Politicians are all crooked so I will vote for someone who is not political.

Where is that going to get us? In a quagmire.

Let's find the right leader in one who is honest, a patriot, and has a proven record of getting things done. Forget the race, party or idealogue. Let's all start looking for someone we can all get behind, black or white, liberal or conservative does not who is honest and can be depended upon.

Do you think that could be possible?

It has already happened.


He was elected by republicans, democrats, independents and even people who usually don't even vote.

Trump is honest (really, compare him to other presidents! The rest has been created by the MSM), he is certainly a patriot, maybe the greatest in living presidential history, and he has a proven track record, maybe the best, in actually getting real things done. He wants one thing only, to rebuild this nation's economy, jobs, military, infrastructure and energy.

Is he failing? No, but all he has gotten is resistance and obstruction from every side. And the real question you have to ask is WHY WOULD ANYONE, the Democrats, the Deep State, the Old Guard Republicans, the MSM, radical factions of society be opposed to any of that?

BECAUSE EACH OF THEM WOULD HAVE TO GIVE UP SOME OF THE POWER AND CONTROL they have fought to gain for themselves. That is more important to them than the nation.

And THERE you have your "SWAMP," the very thing Trump must work within and sadly, depend on, in his battle to drain the very thing that feeds the problems of the country in the first place.
I thought exactly what you are saying. But I have come to the point that he is dealing with his own psychosis instead of saying, "I am going to rise against the asssaults and assault no one. If the media wants to crucify me...go ahead and try. I will continue to find the right people that can turn this country around. I am not sure if he is the one any longer. He is working harder on his own image than that of our nation.

He was never the one sadly. He is just what we have right now
Let's all throw away our labels. Let's forget about White and Black. Let's forget about Liberalism and Conservatism. It's just that simple.

What we all want is a safe country. What we all want is a prosperous country. What we want is a stable country.

Can we stop deciding on who to vote on because of one issue? So and so believes in abortions so I will vote for him/her. I want a female president so I will not vote for a man, but any woman. Politicians are all crooked so I will vote for someone who is not political.

Where is that going to get us? In a quagmire.

Let's find the right leader in one who is honest, a patriot, and has a proven record of getting things done. Forget the race, party or idealogue. Let's all start looking for someone we can all get behind, black or white, liberal or conservative does not who is honest and can be depended upon.

Do you think that could be possible?

We had that. You hated the guy.

The guy that told us to shut up while he tried to control more of our lives? No thank you.

Whomever leads us needs to believe we can govern ourselves and inspire us to do so.

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