Here is the question atheists can't answer...

But I am good, if Jesus died on the cross to save sinners..

Why can't I talk to God and take the place of misinformed non believers in hell?
Because you can't, and stop saying you will. All you're doing is confusing people.

How am I confusing people?

I am not dead yet...
If God is the creator, he took a billion years to decide what he wanted to create. He made a lot of mistakes and slowly worked out which creatures would survive and which would become extinct.

If man was created in his image, God waited billions of years to decide what that image would be
God exists outside time and space. He is simultaneously existing at the creation of the universe, and at the end of the universe, and all points between.

Do you believe in an eternal Hell? Would that mean God created me knowing I would not believe in him and would end up in Hell for eternity? Lovely fellow. :p

Even without a hell, if God knows the past, present, and future, and he created me as I am, and he is in control of what happens in my life, then he created me to be a person who would not believe. ;)

Oh, and that would also mean there is no free will, what I've always been told is a basic underpinning of Christianity. How can there be choice if God knows what happens?
You have a choice whether to have faith in God and you know it. I'm not going to be drawn into a sophomoric discussion about pre-destination.

Sophomoric, huh? :)

So you say that God is outside of time, exists at all moments, created me, created all the good things in my life, yet any discussion about the fact that such logic leads to the conclusion that God intended every person to end up exactly where they end up is not worth your time? Got it.

How about the ridiculousness of a single human lifetime being sufficient to judge someone for eternity?
You do not know where you're ending up, so you have a choice where to go. To believe otherwise is fatalism, which is a poison that will lead to pessimism and despair.

OK, but choice can only exist if there is a possibility of more than one outcome.
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Again, this fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That science has yet to determine the origin of the universe doesn’t mean ‘god’ is the ‘answer.’

God is the only answer...


Unless they have a personal relationship they will never understand
Kind of hard to have a personal relationship with a being that can't be seen, or heard

For you, not for me. Look if you don't believe that's your choice, it's my choice to believe. Now run along and bother someone else. You're an annoying twatwaffle

Serious question here. Did you consciously choose to believe? I did not make a conscious decision not to believe.

I would guess that most people never make a conscious decision to believe or not. They simply do or do not, based on their personalities and the evidence and arguments that have been presented to them.
Again, this fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That science has yet to determine the origin of the universe doesn’t mean ‘god’ is the ‘answer.’

God is the only answer...


Unless they have a personal relationship they will never understand
Kind of hard to have a personal relationship with a being that can't be seen, or heard

For you, not for me. Look if you don't believe that's your choice, it's my choice to believe. Now run along and bother someone else. You're an annoying twatwaffle

Serious question here. Did you consciously choose to believe? I did not make a conscious decision not to believe.

I would guess that most people never make a conscious decision to believe or not. They simply do or do not, based on their personalities and the evidence and arguments that have been presented to them.

I was born into it for the most part but I suspect I'd still find my to Him if I hadn't been. This is all much to complex to have happened by accident
Curiosity is many times a burden; about existence itself, an unnecessary one to those with reality to cope with.

Questioning existence is a necessary function of coping with reality.

How is it even possible to cope with reality without attempting to understand it?
I had thus far failed to note my prime question on the subject of the God concept: if there was, and possibly is, a God, why worship it? Why fear it? Why even think of it? It's become obvious that ignoring it has no ill effects on people, as it is obvious that loving it does not get you any favors. Whether one believes, or not, life hands us all the very same pains and joys.
This is what I mean. I think if someone truly believed they were going to a heaven and others were not, they would only be capable of feeling sorrow for anyone who mocked or doubted them. Even the slightest hint of being annoyed tells me you are getting defensive and to me that makes me doubt that even you believe what you are saying.
And this is what I mean. Most Christians would feel sorry for another. To broad brush all just for the actions of a loud-mouthed few is wrong regardless if they are theist or atheist.
As an atheist, I really don't care whether others believe in a god- any god. Most of my friends do in one fashion or another.

For the most part, my lack of belief in god is as much of a part of my life as my lack of playing golf is. I am rarely challenged by people who condemn me for not playing golf, but for some reason some people get their nose bent out of joint because I don't believe in their god. Or any god.

I don't start threads attacking god believers- but I do respond to threads by those who attack me for not believing in their fairy tales.
As an atheist, I really don't care whether others believe in a god- any god. Most of my friends do in one fashion or another.

For the most part, my lack of belief in god is as much of a part of my life as my lack of playing golf is. I am rarely challenged by people who condemn me for not playing golf, but for some reason some people get their nose bent out of joint because I don't believe in their god. Or any god.......
Good on you for being neutral on this issue. Just like some people believe golf is the world's greatest game and will talk endlessly on it, I'm not going to argue with them about it since I have little interest in golf.....other than an occasional game of putt-putt and having spent a couple of times going to the driving range to drunkenly attempt to hit the little cart picking up the balls. Why would I jump into an argument about golf vs all other games in the world unless I had an interest?

....I don't start threads attacking god believers...
Good on you, but obviously more than a few atheists and theists love taking shots across each other's bow.

.....but I do respond to threads by those who attack me for not believing in their fairy tales.
...and you just negated your own argument by admitting you are more than willing to take personal any discussion on religion, atheism, theism, etc and jump into the fray. ;)
This is what I mean. I think if someone truly believed they were going to a heaven and others were not, they would only be capable of feeling sorrow for anyone who mocked or doubted them. Even the slightest hint of being annoyed tells me you are getting defensive and to me that makes me doubt that even you believe what you are saying.
And this is what I mean. Most Christians would feel sorry for another. To broad brush all just for the actions of a loud-mouthed few is wrong regardless if they are theist or atheist.
Mocking? Annoyed? Being defensive?; against what? Broadbrush? All I asked was why worship God, even if there were no doubt it/he/she exists.
....I don't start threads attacking god believers...
Good on you, but obviously more than a few atheists and theists love taking shots across each other's bow.

.....but I do respond to threads by those who attack me for not believing in their fairy tales.
...and you just negated your own argument by admitting you are more than willing to take personal any discussion on religion, atheism, theism, etc and jump into the fray. ;)

I negated nothing.

No more than I would negate being a peaceful person, by defending myself if I were attacked in the streets.

To go further- I don't start threads attacking anti-semites and racists- but I am glad to respond to the bigots who attack people because of their religion or their skin color.

Just as I am fine with responding to the bigots who attack me for not sharing their belief in fairy tales.
Mocking? Annoyed? Being defensive?; against what? Broadbrush? All I asked was why worship God, even if there were no doubt it/he/she exists.
The fact you feel defensive about a general comment I made to another poster is interesting. Do you always feel this way when someone says something like "To broad brush all just for the actions of a loud-mouthed few is wrong regardless if they are theist or atheist"?
I negated nothing....
Disagreed. You claimed one thing then did the opposite.

Well I clearly disagree with you.

Don't attack me for not believing in your fairy tales, and I won't respond.
Don't walk up to me in the street and slap me in the face and I won't kick your ass.

Want to talk about how great your fairy tales are to each other- I am fine with that.
.....Don't attack me for not believing in your fairy tales, and I won't respond.
Don't walk up to me in the street and slap me in the face and I won't kick your ass.

Want to talk about how great your fairy tales are to each other- I am fine with that.
ROFL. Nice straw man argument. Man, you really turned wimpish. When did I ever attack anyone for (or not) believing in "fairy tales"?

What "fairy tales" are you projecting on me?
.....Don't attack me for not believing in your fairy tales, and I won't respond.
Don't walk up to me in the street and slap me in the face and I won't kick your ass.

Want to talk about how great your fairy tales are to each other- I am fine with that.
ROFL. Nice straw man argument. Man, you really turned wimpish. When did I ever attack anyone for (or not) believing in "fairy tales"?

What "fairy tales" are you projecting on me?

I never said that you did.

I was explaining my position- the 'you' I speak of was any rhetorical 'you'- if you want to believe that it is you- that is okay.

This thread is a challenge to me as an atheist by someone who is upset that I don't believe in his fairy tales. I am up to responding to that challenge. I don't know why that offends you.
I never said that you did.

I was explaining my position- the 'you' I speak of was any rhetorical 'you'- if you want to believe that it is you- that is okay.

This thread is a challenge to me as an atheist by someone who is upset that I don't believe in his fairy tales. I am up to responding to that challenge. I don't know why that offends you.
Nice dance.

So a lack of education in English writing is your excuse. Okay.

Hence my point; you took personally a general statement. Should I take it personally that you specifically addressed me with your false accusation "Don't attack me for not believing in your fairy tales"? No, I shouldn't, because only a fucking moron believes that what other people think on an anonymous Internet forum matters. When I say something moderate to a far Righty, I'm called a fucking Lefty. When I say something moderate to a far Lefty, I'm a fucking Righty. Should I let that matter? No, because only a spineless wimp would worry about it.
So in the mind of an atheist (correct me if I am wrong) "natural selection" is their god.

You are wrong. Atheism is a lack of belief in any god (or a belief that there is no god, depending on the definition). If natural selection is a person's god, they are not an atheist. Calling natural selection an atheist's god is just a way to try to make atheism into a type of religion IMO.
You're pleased with what you said above?

What that tells me is that you really had no defense for the gist of my post, so you looked for something to pick at and divert the discussion.

I know atheism does not believe in any god. I used the word 'god' in a context I was hoping the reader would understand.

Now go back to my post and explain how "nature" can be so clever, yet so mindless, thoughtless, and without feeling all at the same time. (Post #131 So in the mind of an atheist (correct me if I am wrong) "natural selection" is their god. Somehow, some strange way "natural selection" which according to Dawkins has no will, no plan, no real intelligence --- still given that "decided" now is a good time to start hearing. So mindless "natural selection" by chance began the unimaginable process of creating the physiological makeup of what it would take to create hearing. And some of us in the classroom yelled out --- "Yeah, Right!" : 0 )
I had thus far failed to note my prime question on the subject of the God concept: if there was, and possibly is, a God, why worship it? Why fear it? Why even think of it? It's become obvious that ignoring it has no ill effects on people, as it is obvious that loving it does not get you any favors. Whether one believes, or not, life hands us all the very same pains and joys.

You sure do not ask for much, do you?

"Give me 75 good years of pleasure and peace and you can do whatever you want with me the next trillion years."

What a martyr.
It is not a stretch by any means to assume we as humans do not possess the intellectual and/or sensory capability needed to explain absolutely everything in the universe


From that, it strikes me that you have not learned much of anything.
It is not a stretch by any means to assume we as humans do not possess the intellectual and/or sensory capability needed to explain absolutely everything in the universe


From that, it strikes me that you have not learned much of anything.

I'm intelligent enough not to let hubris cloud my estimation of the limits of the human brain.

As I said my dog is physically incapable of the intellect required to do algebra. Our brains are physical biologic constructs and every physical biologic construct has its limits

If you deny that then you have not learned much

Limitations of human brain mean we may never understand the secrets of universe, says Britain's top scientist

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