Here is the question atheists can't answer...

God doesn't "send" people anywhere, they choose for themselves where they want to go after they die.

If you choose in this life to be with God, then after death your choice to be with God will be honored for all eternity.

If you choose in this life to reject God, then after death your choice to reject God will be honored for all eternity.

But I am good, if Jesus died on the cross to save sinners..

Why can't I talk to God and take the place of misinformed non believers in hell?
Because you can't, and stop saying you will. All you're doing is confusing people.

How am I confusing people?

I am not dead yet...
If God is the creator, he took a billion years to decide what he wanted to create. He made a lot of mistakes and slowly worked out which creatures would survive and which would become extinct.

If man was created in his image, God waited billions of years to decide what that image would be
God exists outside time and space. He is simultaneously existing at the creation of the universe, and at the end of the universe, and all points between.

Do you believe in an eternal Hell? Would that mean God created me knowing I would not believe in him and would end up in Hell for eternity? Lovely fellow. :p

Even without a hell, if God knows the past, present, and future, and he created me as I am, and he is in control of what happens in my life, then he created me to be a person who would not believe. ;)

Oh, and that would also mean there is no free will, what I've always been told is a basic underpinning of Christianity. How can there be choice if God knows what happens?
You have a choice whether to have faith in God and you know it. I'm not going to be drawn into a sophomoric discussion about pre-destination.

Sophomoric, huh? :)

So you say that God is outside of time, exists at all moments, created me, created all the good things in my life, yet any discussion about the fact that such logic leads to the conclusion that God intended every person to end up exactly where they end up is not worth your time? Got it.

How about the ridiculousness of a single human lifetime being sufficient to judge someone for eternity?
You do not know where you're ending up, so you have a choice where to go. To believe otherwise is fatalism, which is a poison that will lead to pessimism and despair.
God doesn't "send" people anywhere, they choose for themselves where they want to go after they die.

If you choose in this life to be with God, then after death your choice to be with God will be honored for all eternity.

If you choose in this life to reject God, then after death your choice to reject God will be honored for all eternity.
Then don't cry about Isis burning someone to death. If he's a Christian he'll go to heaven in 5 minutes but if he's not a Christian he'll just keep on burning for eternity
You're not even engaging in a good faith discussion. Perhaps I'm wasting my time with you.
Or perhaps you are wasting your time clinging to your ancient Baal cult... You know the worst part about what you cultists do is? You cheapen life. Life is truly wonderful. Yet y'all run around trying to convince everyone that the world is an awful place. That life sucks. That they are flawed. But if you just join my cult everything will be better when you die. It's really fucking twisted.


When did i e ver say ir yo u believe in God life would be better?

Life is always os a pain in the ass..

But believing in the man upstairs..makes it a little more bearable then not believing in nothing.

Belief in God seems a little easier after a 6 pack.....
But I am good, if Jesus died on the cross to save sinners..

Why can't I talk to God and take the place of misinformed non believers in hell?
Because you can't, and stop saying you will. All you're doing is confusing people.

How am I confusing people?

I am not dead yet...
If God is the creator, he took a billion years to decide what he wanted to create. He made a lot of mistakes and slowly worked out which creatures would survive and which would become extinct.

If man was created in his image, God waited billions of years to decide what that image would be
God exists outside time and space. He is simultaneously existing at the creation of the universe, and at the end of the universe, and all points between.

Do you believe in an eternal Hell? Would that mean God created me knowing I would not believe in him and would end up in Hell for eternity? Lovely fellow. :p

Even without a hell, if God knows the past, present, and future, and he created me as I am, and he is in control of what happens in my life, then he created me to be a person who would not believe. ;)

Oh, and that would also mean there is no free will, what I've always been told is a basic underpinning of Christianity. How can there be choice if God knows what happens?
You have a choice whether to have faith in God and you know it. I'm not going to be drawn into a sophomoric discussion about pre-destination.

Sophomoric, huh? :)

So you say that God is outside of time, exists at all moments, created me, created all the good things in my life, yet any discussion about the fact that such logic leads to the conclusion that God intended every person to end up exactly where they end up is not worth your time? Got it.

How about the ridiculousness of a single human lifetime being sufficient to judge someone for eternity?
You do not know where you're ending up, so you have a choice where to go. To believe otherwise is fatalism, which is a poison that will lead to pessimism and despair.

I like it! kind of a Shakespearean approach to eternal damnation!
As a kid of thirty-two, I had decided that God's image means of the same physical substance (recently described as DNA). At forty-two, I had decided that there is no physical substance in God, there was only theory. At fifty-two and a half, I decide that God was irrelevant to life's success, and only the creativity of one's self is all that a man's life needs. At sixty-four, and a half, I decided that in philosophy there is no such thing as true and false, or right and wrong, there is only opinion, which is always temporary until another comes along.
True salvation of the soul is in the waving of analysis, and the acceptance of a peaceful mind. But being at peace does nothing to save the world; it just saves one's self. And I am in desperate need of saving the world. Saul for President!!!!

If you are in desperate need of saving the world, perhaps you should question existence. One cannot find the answers to what they do not seek.

..And what so terrific about that? Who wouldn't feel perfectly comfortable laying down in green pastures doing and thinking nothing?

That doesn't sound like peace to me, it sounds like giving up.

Just saying....
God doesn't "send" people anywhere, they choose for themselves where they want to go after they die.

If you choose in this life to be with God, then after death your choice to be with God will be honored for all eternity.

If you choose in this life to reject God, then after death your choice to reject God will be honored for all eternity.

But I am good, if Jesus died on the cross to save sinners..

Why can't I talk to God and take the place of misinformed non believers in hell?
Because you can't, and stop saying you will. All you're doing is confusing people.

How am I confusing people?

I am not dead yet...
If God is the creator, he took a billion years to decide what he wanted to create. He made a lot of mistakes and slowly worked out which creatures would survive and which would become extinct.

If man was created in his image, God waited billions of years to decide what that image would be
God exists outside time and space. He is simultaneously existing at the creation of the universe, and at the end of the universe, and all points between.

Do you believe in an eternal Hell? Would that mean God created me knowing I would not believe in him and would end up in Hell for eternity? Lovely fellow. :p

Even without a hell, if God knows the past, present, and future, and he created me as I am, and he is in control of what happens in my life, then he created me to be a person who would not believe. ;)

Oh, and that would also mean there is no free will, what I've always been told is a basic underpinning of Christianity. How can there be choice if God knows what happens?
You have a choice whether to have faith in God and you know it. I'm not going to be drawn into a sophomoric discussion about pre-destination.

Sophomoric, huh? :)

So you say that God is outside of time, exists at all moments, created me, created all the good things in my life, yet any discussion about the fact that such logic leads to the conclusion that God intended every person to end up exactly where they end up is not worth your time? Got it.

How about the ridiculousness of a single human lifetime being sufficient to judge someone for eternity?
As a kid of thirty-two, I had decided that God's image means of the same physical substance (recently described as DNA). At forty-two, I had decided that there is no physical substance in God, there was only theory. At fifty-two and a half, I decide that God was irrelevant to life's success, and only the creativity of one's self is all that a man's life needs. At sixty-four, and a half, I decided that in philosophy there is no such thing as true and false, or right and wrong, there is only opinion, which is always temporary until another comes along.
True salvation of the soul is in the waving of analysis, and the acceptance of a peaceful mind. But being at peace does nothing to save the world; it just saves one's self. And I am in desperate need of saving the world. Saul for President!!!!

If you are in desperate need of saving the world, perhaps you should question existence. One cannot find the answers to what they do not seek.

..And what so terrific about that? Who wouldn't feel perfectly comfortable laying down in green pastures doing and thinking nothing?

That doesn't sound like peace to me, it sounds like giving up.

Just saying....
I don't think of saving the world by saving souls; the world cannot be saved with that approach. I meant to save the world by putting America on the right track. All I need is to find the fountain of youth, a large box of cash, and a tolerant personality; Aye me bucko, now there's the rub!
How about the ridiculousness of a single human lifetime being sufficient to judge someone for eternity?

If a person has a predilection for deception and they do not repent after 30 or 40 or 100 years then the odds are that they have made evil a deliberate choice and would never repent and develop a love for truth even if they lived forever.

If you were God how long would you wait around for a single seed to sprout that never has shown any signs of life before you would move on to plant some more and tend to the many that did come to life?
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I don't think of saving the world by saving souls; the world cannot be saved with that approach. I meant to save the world by putting America on the right track. All I need is to find the fountain of youth, a large box of cash, and a tolerant personality; Aye me bucko, now there's the rub!
This world is finite, souls are eternal. So, saving one soul is infinitely more important than saving the entire world.
I don't think of saving the world by saving souls; the world cannot be saved with that approach. I meant to save the world by putting America on the right track. All I need is to find the fountain of youth, a large box of cash, and a tolerant personality; Aye me bucko, now there's the rub!
This world is finite, souls are eternal. So, saving one soul is infinitely more important than saving the entire world.

I'm not going to count on you if it comes time for me to lead an army to defend our nation and our physical beings.
...If you aren't a Muslim who will kill me or a Christian who says I'll go to hell, I'll leave you alone.....
What will you do to them if they are? Harass them? Assault them? Try to have laws passed to round them up and send them to reeducation camps?
How about the ridiculousness of a single human lifetime being sufficient to judge someone for eternity?

If a person has a predilection for deception and they do not repent after 30 or 40 or 100 years then the odds are that they have made evil a deliberate choice and would never repent and develop a love for truth even if they lived forever.
No, even the Nazis could have repented, and one actually did.Hans Frank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How about the ridiculousness of a single human lifetime being sufficient to judge someone for eternity?

If a person has a predilection for deception and they do not repent after 30 or 40 or 100 years then the odds are that they have made evil a deliberate choice and would never repent and develop a love for truth even if they lived forever.
No, even the Nazis could have repented, and one actually did.Hans Frank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He converted to Roman Catholicism.

You know, those people who worship an edible triune mangod and seek spiritual life from a lifeless cracker that can neither see hear or talk.

You guys never cease to amaze me.

You go on and on about turning to God and repentance and then to show God and everyone just how sorry you are for your sins you do the exact opposite of what the law of God demands and worship the lifeless work of human hands as if it was a living god that could grant eternal life to all those who eat it.

Have you never even tried to think rationally?

You love God so much and you are so sorry for your sins that you have made openly defying his law, sin, an expression of your devotion..

What you are doing is so loud I can't hear a single word you say.
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I didn't make up the story, even Eisenstein knew their was a God, just not a personal one..

You should read Einstein's personal biography this long 3 day's like 600 pages long..

A fascinating book read it around 2009
A lot of smart theists that doesn't prove anything, just like the fact athiests are very intelligent.

Einstein believed there was a God but he didn't prove it.

I understand the logic behind the idea there must be a creator but there really doesn't have to be one.

And Einstein isn't celebrated for his religious beliefs
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Again, this fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That science has yet to determine the origin of the universe doesn’t mean ‘god’ is the ‘answer.’

God is the only answer...


Unless they have a personal relationship they will never understand
Kind of hard to have a personal relationship with a being that can't be seen, or heard
How did we get here?
Damned if I know

Where did God come from?
God is God. He has no beginning and no end. That's why he's God.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Then why can't matter have always been here? Matter cannot be created or destroyed
At least that's what we think.

We do have an innate hubris as human beings.
I think that there are processes in the universe that we are incapable of ever understanding.

My dog will never understand algebra. She is incapable because her brain is not physiologically suited for such thought.
It is not a stretch by any means to assume we as humans do not possess the intellectual and/or sensory capability needed to explain absolutely everything in the universe
At least that's what we think.

We do have an innate hubris as human beings.
I think that there are processes in the universe that we are incapable of ever understanding.

My dog will never understand algebra. She is incapable because her brain is not physiologically suited for such thought.
It is not a stretch by any means to assume we as humans do not possess the intellectual and/or sensory capability needed to explain absolutely everything in the universe
You're correct about my dog and algebra, but if dogs evolve a higher brain capacity, they may eventually understand algebra.

A Boy and His Dog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Same goes for human beings. ;)
If God is the creator, he took a billion years to decide what he wanted to create. He made a lot of mistakes and slowly worked out which creatures would survive and which would become extinct.

If man was created in his image, God waited billions of years to decide what that image would be
God exists outside time and space. He is simultaneously existing at the creation of the universe, and at the end of the universe, and all points between.

Twilight zone

The biblical God who created the earth and filled it with creatures in six days and then took the seventh day off to admire what he had done is not supported by facts

If God is the creator, he did a lot of experimenting. He started with simple creatures and gradually got more complex. The earth and universe he created did not cooperate with his experiments in life. Cold spells, drought, volcanos, meteors...all raised havoc with his creations. Some survived, some didn't
He even had to experiment with man, gradually developing his most intelligent creature
If God is the creator, he is not done by a long shot
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A lot of smart theists that doesn't prove anything, just like the fact athiests are very intelligent.

Einstein believed there was a God but he didn't prove it.

I understand the logic behind the idea there must be a creator but there really doesn't have to be one.

And Einstein isn't celebrated for his religious beliefs
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Again, this fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That science has yet to determine the origin of the universe doesn’t mean ‘god’ is the ‘answer.’

God is the only answer...


Unless they have a personal relationship they will never understand
Kind of hard to have a personal relationship with a being that can't be seen, or heard

For you, not for me. Look if you don't believe that's your choice, it's my choice to believe. Now run along and bother someone else. You're an annoying twatwaffle

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