Here Is The Report On Russia and 2016 Election

We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian influence campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency.
From the OP link:

Moscow’s influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations—such as cyber activity—with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or “trolls.”
We have a handful or two of those trolls here on this site....
We assess Russian intelligence services collected against the US primary campaigns, think tanks, and lobbying groups they viewed as likely to shape future US policies. In July 2015, Russian intelligence gained access to Democratic National Committee (DNC) networks and maintained that access until at least June 2016.

  • The General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) probably began cyber operations aimed at the US election by March 2016. We assess that the GRU operations resulted in the compromise of the personal e-mail accounts of Democratic Party officials and political figures. By May, the GRU had exfiltrated large volumes of data from the DNC.
Russia’s state-run propaganda machine—comprised of its domestic media apparatus, outlets targeting global audiences such as RT and Sputnik, and a network of quasi-government trolls—contributed to the influence campaign by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences.

I remember going after SassyIrishLass for citing Sputnik as evidence of her bullshit.
On 6 August, RT published an English language video called “Julian Assange Special: Do WikiLeaks Have the E-mail That’ll Put Clinton in Prison?” and an exclusive interview with Assange entitled “Clinton and ISIS Funded by the Same Money.” RT’s most popular video on Secretary Clinton, “How 100% of the Clintons’ ‘Charity’ Went to…Themselves,” had more than 9 million views on social media platforms. RT’s most popular English language video about the President-elect, called “Trump Will Not Be Permitted To Win,” featured Assange and had 2.2 million views.
It's amazing, Trump has finally conceded that the Russians were involved in hacking the DNC... people here are still arguing whether they actually did or not until they see the evidence! Holy shit people... Trump was one of the biggest people to oppose the idea that the Russians did it, and you still won't believe it until YOU see the evidence? Trump has even said that the evidence shouldn't be released publicly... you won't take your own candidate's word for it?
It remains, as ever, an axiom of conventional wisdom that the use of propaganda as a means of social and ideological control is distinctive of totalitarian regimes. Yet the most minimal exercise of common sense would suggest a different view: that propaganda is likely to play at least as important a part in democratic societies (where the existing distribution of power and privilege is vulnerable to quite limited changes in popular opinion) as in authoritarian societies (where it is not). It is arguable that the success of business propaganda in persuading us, for so long, that we are free from propaganda is one of the most significant propaganda achievements of the twentieth century.

Alex Carey
Taking the Risk Out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom and Liberty (1995)
It's amazing, Trump has finally conceded that the Russians were involved in hacking the DNC... people here are still arguing whether they actually did or not until they see the evidence! Holy shit people... Trump was one of the biggest people to oppose the idea that the Russians did it, and you still won't believe it until YOU see the evidence? Trump has even said that the evidence shouldn't be released publicly... you won't take your own candidate's word for it?
Who gives a fuck about Trump?
It's amazing, Trump has finally conceded that the Russians were involved in hacking the DNC... people here are still arguing whether they actually did or not until they see the evidence! Holy shit people... Trump was one of the biggest people to oppose the idea that the Russians did it, and you still won't believe it until YOU see the evidence? Trump has even said that the evidence shouldn't be released publicly... you won't take your own candidate's word for it?
Who gives a fuck about Trump?

You're about as sharp as a marble aren't you? The proof is there. Period. Eat your words.
Every conspiracy the ruskies put out there..... Trump was the first repeating and promoting the conspiracies with his tweets and at his rallies.
It's amazing, Trump has finally conceded that the Russians were involved in hacking the DNC... people here are still arguing whether they actually did or not until they see the evidence! Holy shit people... Trump was one of the biggest people to oppose the idea that the Russians did it, and you still won't believe it until YOU see the evidence? Trump has even said that the evidence shouldn't be released publicly... you won't take your own candidate's word for it?
Who gives a fuck about Trump?

You're about as sharp as a marble aren't you? The proof is there. Period. Eat your words.
No proof. Just accusations.
It's amazing, Trump has finally conceded that the Russians were involved in hacking the DNC... people here are still arguing whether they actually did or not until they see the evidence! Holy shit people... Trump was one of the biggest people to oppose the idea that the Russians did it, and you still won't believe it until YOU see the evidence? Trump has even said that the evidence shouldn't be released publicly... you won't take your own candidate's word for it?
Who gives a fuck about Trump?

You're about as sharp as a marble aren't you? The proof is there. Period. Eat your words.
No proof. Just accusations.

:lmao::lmao::lmao: Ask Comrade Trump... he's the one now saying that the intelligence agencies shouldn't publicly release the proof.
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.
What were the top 5 things that came out f the emails that made you come to your opinion?
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.
What were the top 5 things that came out f the emails that made you come to your opinion?

I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.
What were the top 5 things that came out f the emails that made you come to your opinion?

I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?

Answered MANY times already. Stop pretending try that you haven't heard the answer.
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.
What were the top 5 things that came out f the emails that made you come to your opinion?

I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?
I remember they were all ZOMG, BOMBSHELLS.

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