Here Is The Report On Russia and 2016 Election

Anyone surprised to see the RWNJ traitors siding against their own country, yet again? Me neither.

Harry Dresden Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong about these traitors who hate their own country so much, they're happy about espionage to sabotage our republic.

I wonder how soon we learn that King Twitler paid Pooting.

What difference does it make. Joe Biden just proclaimed Trump to be the President. Get over it.

Yes. We know. Don't you think you should move on?

I'm not the one pissing on my toes here.

Of course you are. You and Trump want to live the rest of your lives as though it's November 9th. Let's get on with governing. How about demanding that your new POTUS put America first and direct his dopey Twitter account at Putin.


Actually he has already done more before taking office officially than any past President. He has commitments from Ford, Carrier, Sony, that tool company, and some others concerning returning jobs and creating new jobs. I'd say he's been very busy. The Russian hacking is nothing new. Our own government interferes in the affairs of other nations all the time. Hell, they lie to you all the time. According to our own government, our body count in Viet Nam accounted for more dead than was ever born there. We tapped the German Prime Minister's phone. We effectively had the Libyan leader murdered. Our hands are not lily white.

What difference does it make. Joe Biden just proclaimed Trump to be the President. Get over it.

Yes. We know. Don't you think you should move on?
Says the crybaby not moving on. Hillary would have lost without any help from Russia, she is that bad.

You say that as if you know it for a fact. How nice.

Less than 100,000 votes in three states. That's the margin.
I do, Hillary is a crooked lying hag.

Yeah...yeah. That is what you are supposed to say. Well done. She's a patriot. A public servant. A terrible candidate.

Let's look forward, though, shall we? Let's hold Trump accountable like good Americans should. Whaddya say?
O please, summarize it on a 3x5 card so I can deal with it. I don't have time for this.

I just read most of that bullshit report. The CIA, FBI and NSA concluded internet "TROLLS" were hired by Putin to discredit Crooked Hillary. :p

What difference does it make. Joe Biden just proclaimed Trump to be the President. Get over it.

Yes. We know. Don't you think you should move on?

I'm not the one pissing on my toes here.

Of course you are. You and Trump want to live the rest of your lives as though it's November 9th. Let's get on with governing. How about demanding that your new POTUS put America first and direct his dopey Twitter account at Putin.


Actually he has already done more before taking office officially than any past President. He has commitments from Ford, Carrier, Sony, that tool company, and some others concerning returning jobs and creating new jobs. I'd say he's been very busy. The Russian hacking is nothing new. Our own government interferes in the affairs of other nations all the time. Hell, they lie to you all the time. According to our own government, our body count in Viet Nam accounted for more dead than was ever born there. We tapped the German Prime Minister's phone. We effectively had the Libyan leader murdered. Our hands are not lily white.

Please stop. You are killing me with stupid.
Anyone surprised to see the RWNJ traitors siding against their own country, yet again? Me neither.

Harry Dresden Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong about these traitors who hate their own country so much, they're happy about espionage to sabotage our republic.

I wonder how soon we learn that King Twitler paid Pooting.
The left is the anti American scum. I hate Russia, always have. The Clintons were in bed with communist China when Mr. Lewinsky was president, and Hillary is owned by Muslim countries, who are the traitors? Traitor bitch.
What difference does it make. Joe Biden just proclaimed Trump to be the President. Get over it.

Yes. We know. Don't you think you should move on?

I'm not the one pissing on my toes here.

Of course you are. You and Trump want to live the rest of your lives as though it's November 9th. Let's get on with governing. How about demanding that your new POTUS put America first and direct his dopey Twitter account at Putin.


Actually he has already done more before taking office officially than any past President. He has commitments from Ford, Carrier, Sony, that tool company, and some others concerning returning jobs and creating new jobs. I'd say he's been very busy. The Russian hacking is nothing new. Our own government interferes in the affairs of other nations all the time. Hell, they lie to you all the time. According to our own government, our body count in Viet Nam accounted for more dead than was ever born there. We tapped the German Prime Minister's phone. We effectively had the Libyan leader murdered. Our hands are not lily white.

Please stop. You are killing me with stupid.
You're own stupidity should have killed you long ago, scumbag.
The Crooked Hillary supporters are using almost all logical fallacies possible in regards to the "Russia Hacked The Election Process" false narrative. That CIA, FBI, NSA bullshit report seems to be written under consultation with Crooked Hillary, Podesta, and a science fiction screenplay writer working on the latest stupid Star Wars movie.
Did anyone else see this coming? Here's what Trump had to say:

“Whether it is our government, organizations, associations or businesses we need to aggressively combat and stop cyberattacks. I will appoint a team to give me a plan within 90 days of taking office,” Trump said. “The methods, tools and tactics we use to keep America safe should not be a public discussion that will benefit those who seek to do us harm. Two weeks from today I will take the oath of office and America’s safety and security will be my number one priority.”

Trump declares hacking had ‘no effect on the outcome of the election’

So the same fucking guy that was taunting the U.S. intelligence agencies and saying they had no proof... now all of a sudden thinks it is unwise to share publicly the proof of the hack? Sounds to me like he's seen how damaging the proof is and he doesn't want the public to see it.
Gee CIA wont make it public either.......DNC dont want to cooperate.....perhaps you should talk to your side and have them show the public.....lets see the evidence.....think we been saying that all along

Trump supporters demanding evidence. It's so much fun!
Evidence being withheld is funner isnt it get to claim whatever ya want

If I translated this ^^ garbage correctly, you have just described EXACTLY the MO of the lying cheating right.

How about you finish the 5th grade before you post again?
Where is the report on obuthole spending our money to influence Israel's election? So Putin copied obuthole, stupid libtards.

Did we hack Israel?
No Obama sent tons of money ILLEGALLY I might add , to his opponent. It is AGAINST US law to do that.

What law was broken?

Is it legal to secretly use taxpayer money to influence a foreign election?

Yep - Just as King Twitler was caught doing.
Where is the report on obuthole spending our money to influence Israel's election? So Putin copied obuthole, stupid libtards.

Did we hack Israel?
No Obama sent tons of money ILLEGALLY I might add , to his opponent. It is AGAINST US law to do that.

What law was broken?

Is it legal to secretly use taxpayer money to undermine a foreign election?

What was illegal in this? Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

So the connecting of the dots goes like this. Obama’s State Department gives OneVoice money. OneVoice trains student activists. Later, OneVoice strikes up a partnership with V15, which is aided by a former Obama campaign hand. V15, a voter mobilization project, wants to "disrupt the status quo." The status quo in this case is Netanyahu.

Next, there is a matter of the blog’s tense. "Has been sending" says the action is continuing. In this case, the money stopped flowing in 2014, before elections were called in Israel.

Finally, the allegation that the money was spent to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for the election is based on speculation. Yes, Obama sent money to OneVoice, a group that promoted a two-state solution. And yes that group partnered with a different group V15 that wanted Netanyahu defeated. But there is no paper trail that the money given to OneVoice was spent on an electoral ground game. It would be naive to ignore that OneVoice’s policy positions mesh well with V15’s voter mobilization, but that’s different from saying that American taxpayer dollars were spent by V15.

We know hacking is illegal.
Yes. We know. Don't you think you should move on?

I'm not the one pissing on my toes here.

Of course you are. You and Trump want to live the rest of your lives as though it's November 9th. Let's get on with governing. How about demanding that your new POTUS put America first and direct his dopey Twitter account at Putin.


Actually he has already done more before taking office officially than any past President. He has commitments from Ford, Carrier, Sony, that tool company, and some others concerning returning jobs and creating new jobs. I'd say he's been very busy. The Russian hacking is nothing new. Our own government interferes in the affairs of other nations all the time. Hell, they lie to you all the time. According to our own government, our body count in Viet Nam accounted for more dead than was ever born there. We tapped the German Prime Minister's phone. We effectively had the Libyan leader murdered. Our hands are not lily white.

Please stop. You are killing me with stupid.
You're own stupidity should have killed you long ago, scumbag.

Awwww. Poor snowflake has been triggered. My bad.
Wonder why the DNC were so afraid of turning their server over to the FBI? Is there or was there something on the server that would cause an FBI investigation of voter fraud or treason?

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