Here Is The Report On Russia and 2016 Election

Rt published stuff......Now how many people in US even read rt......Can ya smell the desperation.....
I believe this thread is the first time I have addressed this particular conspiracy nut. I wonder why it is so upset?

I believe you've used your smart ass comments to others and you have hit me before.
I left my own innocent opinion and did that mean you have to AGREE NOoOOOOO, but just because you don't fkn agree doesn't mean you have to act like a fkn prick and say conspiracy NUTJOB etc.....

and THAT WASN'T THE FIRST TIME YOU'VE SAID THAT TO ME...................... so I have had it with your ignorance. So I bit your ass right back.

You're a pussy. I simply told you that you are a conspiracy nut. You are. You know this already.
Libtards are pussies, pussy.
Best retort by a retard ever.
Truth hurts you retards.
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.
What were the top 5 things that came out f the emails that made you come to your opinion?

I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?

Answered MANY times already. Stop pretending try that you haven't heard the answer.

No one has answered that question because I never asked it before. Dumbass.
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.
What were the top 5 things that came out f the emails that made you come to your opinion?

I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?

Answered MANY times already. Stop pretending try that you haven't heard the answer.

No one has answered that question because I never asked it before. Dumbass.
Libtards are worried about someone finding out that their scum candidate was more crooked than anyone, they are just pissed the truth got out.
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.

Thank the Russians for their exposure of Hillary's corruption and work to make sure they can't do it again.
You mean Hillary's conspiracies. Corruption is based on scandals. For there to be a scandal, there has to be guilt, charges and a guilty verdict.

Like proven racism.
Like having an illegal foundation and using it to pay bribes and lawsuits.
Like Donald Trump.

Sometimes I really think you believe the idiotic things you say.
On 6 August, RT published an English language video called “Julian Assange Special: Do WikiLeaks Have the E-mail That’ll Put Clinton in Prison?” and an exclusive interview with Assange entitled “Clinton and ISIS Funded by the Same Money.” RT’s most popular video on Secretary Clinton, “How 100% of the Clintons’ ‘Charity’ Went to…Themselves,” had more than 9 million views on social media platforms. RT’s most popular English language video about the President-elect, called “Trump Will Not Be Permitted To Win,” featured Assange and had 2.2 million views.
ty, I remember both of those RT stories were posted here by a few of our trolls....and rightwingers repeating them as if they were true...
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.
What were the top 5 things that came out f the emails that made you come to your opinion?

I don't remember a lot of them, the only one I remember is that the DNC conspired against Sanders. Are you going to argue that the emails pointed to nothing? If that is what you are going to say then how did they throw the election?

Answered MANY times already. Stop pretending try that you haven't heard the answer.

No one has answered that question because I never asked it before. Dumbass.
Libtards are worried about someone finding out that their scum candidate was more crooked than anyone, they are just pissed the truth got out.


Someday they'll get it , and some never will.
Nothing can be done about it now but Putin needs to be put in his place by 2020. He probably thinks he runs and owns us now. I really don't like the idea of Putin thinking he can influence us.
Where is the report on obuthole spending our money to influence Israel's election? So Putin copied obuthole, stupid libtards.

Did we hack Israel?
No Obama sent tons of money ILLEGALLY I might add , to his opponent. It is AGAINST US law to do that.

What law was broken?

Is it legal to secretly use taxpayer money to undermine a foreign election?

What was illegal in this? Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

So the connecting of the dots goes like this. Obama’s State Department gives OneVoice money. OneVoice trains student activists. Later, OneVoice strikes up a partnership with V15, which is aided by a former Obama campaign hand. V15, a voter mobilization project, wants to "disrupt the status quo." The status quo in this case is Netanyahu.

Next, there is a matter of the blog’s tense. "Has been sending" says the action is continuing. In this case, the money stopped flowing in 2014, before elections were called in Israel.

Finally, the allegation that the money was spent to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for the election is based on speculation. Yes, Obama sent money to OneVoice, a group that promoted a two-state solution. And yes that group partnered with a different group V15 that wanted Netanyahu defeated. But there is no paper trail that the money given to OneVoice was spent on an electoral ground game. It would be naive to ignore that OneVoice’s policy positions mesh well with V15’s voter mobilization, but that’s different from saying that American taxpayer dollars were spent by V15.

We know hacking is illegal.
There is no credible evidence the DNC was hacked, NO ONE actually investigated the server or computers. NO ONE. The info came because someone ran a scam email on Podesta.
Did we hack Israel?
No Obama sent tons of money ILLEGALLY I might add , to his opponent. It is AGAINST US law to do that.

What law was broken?

Is it legal to secretly use taxpayer money to undermine a foreign election?

What was illegal in this? Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

So the connecting of the dots goes like this. Obama’s State Department gives OneVoice money. OneVoice trains student activists. Later, OneVoice strikes up a partnership with V15, which is aided by a former Obama campaign hand. V15, a voter mobilization project, wants to "disrupt the status quo." The status quo in this case is Netanyahu.

Next, there is a matter of the blog’s tense. "Has been sending" says the action is continuing. In this case, the money stopped flowing in 2014, before elections were called in Israel.

Finally, the allegation that the money was spent to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for the election is based on speculation. Yes, Obama sent money to OneVoice, a group that promoted a two-state solution. And yes that group partnered with a different group V15 that wanted Netanyahu defeated. But there is no paper trail that the money given to OneVoice was spent on an electoral ground game. It would be naive to ignore that OneVoice’s policy positions mesh well with V15’s voter mobilization, but that’s different from saying that American taxpayer dollars were spent by V15.

We know hacking is illegal.
There is no credible evidence the DNC was hacked, NO ONE actually investigated the server or computers. NO ONE. The info came because someone ran a scam email on Podesta.

There's plenty of credible evidence. Your just choosing to ignore it.
It's amazing, Trump has finally conceded that the Russians were involved in hacking the DNC... people here are still arguing whether they actually did or not until they see the evidence! Holy shit people... Trump was one of the biggest people to oppose the idea that the Russians did it, and you still won't believe it until YOU see the evidence? Trump has even said that the evidence shouldn't be released publicly... you won't take your own candidate's word for it?
Go ahead quote where Trump said any such thing.
No Obama sent tons of money ILLEGALLY I might add , to his opponent. It is AGAINST US law to do that.

What law was broken?

Is it legal to secretly use taxpayer money to undermine a foreign election?

What was illegal in this? Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

So the connecting of the dots goes like this. Obama’s State Department gives OneVoice money. OneVoice trains student activists. Later, OneVoice strikes up a partnership with V15, which is aided by a former Obama campaign hand. V15, a voter mobilization project, wants to "disrupt the status quo." The status quo in this case is Netanyahu.

Next, there is a matter of the blog’s tense. "Has been sending" says the action is continuing. In this case, the money stopped flowing in 2014, before elections were called in Israel.

Finally, the allegation that the money was spent to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for the election is based on speculation. Yes, Obama sent money to OneVoice, a group that promoted a two-state solution. And yes that group partnered with a different group V15 that wanted Netanyahu defeated. But there is no paper trail that the money given to OneVoice was spent on an electoral ground game. It would be naive to ignore that OneVoice’s policy positions mesh well with V15’s voter mobilization, but that’s different from saying that American taxpayer dollars were spent by V15.

We know hacking is illegal.
There is no credible evidence the DNC was hacked, NO ONE actually investigated the server or computers. NO ONE. The info came because someone ran a scam email on Podesta.

There's plenty of credible evidence. Your just choosing to ignore it.
AGAIN for the slow and stupid NO ONE from law Enforcement or the Intelligence agencies were ALLOWED access to the server or computers AT ALL. hey can not have any actual evidence with out that acess. Or do you believe they used magic?
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.

Thank the Russians for their exposure of Hillary's corruption and work to make sure they can't do it again.
You mean Hillary's conspiracies. Corruption is based on scandals. For there to be a scandal, there has to be guilt, charges and a guilty verdict.

Like proven racism.
Like having an illegal foundation and using it to pay bribes and lawsuits.
Like Donald Trump.

You mean Hillary's conspiracies.

No, I mean Hillary's corruption.

For there to be a scandal, there has to be guilt, charges and a guilty verdict.

Scandal: an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage. DERP!
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.

Thank the Russians for their exposure of Hillary's corruption and work to make sure they can't do it again.

What corruption?

You missed the WikiLeaks? They were in the news. You should look them up.
Nothing can be done about it now but Putin needs to be put in his place by 2020. He probably thinks he runs and owns us now. I really don't like the idea of Putin thinking he can influence us.
Clearly, he owns Trump.
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.

Thank the Russians for their exposure of Hillary's corruption and work to make sure they can't do it again.
You mean Hillary's conspiracies. Corruption is based on scandals. For there to be a scandal, there has to be guilt, charges and a guilty verdict.

Like proven racism.
Like having an illegal foundation and using it to pay bribes and lawsuits.
Like Donald Trump.

You mean Hillary's conspiracies.

No, I mean Hillary's corruption.

For there to be a scandal, there has to be guilt, charges and a guilty verdict.

Scandal: an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage. DERP!

An accusation is NOT an action or an event. The accusation would have to be true for it to be a scandal.

The REAL scandal is the amount of money Republicans spent over 30 years going after the Clintons and finding nothing.
What law was broken?

Is it legal to secretly use taxpayer money to undermine a foreign election?

What was illegal in this? Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

So the connecting of the dots goes like this. Obama’s State Department gives OneVoice money. OneVoice trains student activists. Later, OneVoice strikes up a partnership with V15, which is aided by a former Obama campaign hand. V15, a voter mobilization project, wants to "disrupt the status quo." The status quo in this case is Netanyahu.

Next, there is a matter of the blog’s tense. "Has been sending" says the action is continuing. In this case, the money stopped flowing in 2014, before elections were called in Israel.

Finally, the allegation that the money was spent to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for the election is based on speculation. Yes, Obama sent money to OneVoice, a group that promoted a two-state solution. And yes that group partnered with a different group V15 that wanted Netanyahu defeated. But there is no paper trail that the money given to OneVoice was spent on an electoral ground game. It would be naive to ignore that OneVoice’s policy positions mesh well with V15’s voter mobilization, but that’s different from saying that American taxpayer dollars were spent by V15.

We know hacking is illegal.
There is no credible evidence the DNC was hacked, NO ONE actually investigated the server or computers. NO ONE. The info came because someone ran a scam email on Podesta.
You said:
AGAIN for the slow and stupid NO ONE from law Enforcement or the Intelligence agencies were ALLOWED access to the server or computers AT ALL. hey can not have any actual evidence with out that acess. Or do you believe they used magic?

You don't know that. You're just guessing or hoping.

There's plenty of credible evidence. Your just choosing to ignore it.
AGAIN for the slow and stupid NO ONE from law Enforcement or the Intelligence agencies were ALLOWED access to the server or computers AT ALL. hey can not have any actual evidence with out that acess. Or do you believe they used magic?
You said:
AGAIN for the slow and stupid NO ONE from law Enforcement or the Intelligence agencies were ALLOWED access to the server or computers AT ALL. hey can not have any actual evidence with out that acess. Or do you believe they used magic?

Why would you think that? Of course they asked for help from the FBI and the CIA and whoever else. Democrats are NOT Russian minions.

Most of our intelligence agencies have deep and close ties to the military for obvious reasons. Trump already said he likes American soldiers that weren't ever captured. Who says that? And now he disparages our intelligence agencies. They didn't have anywhere near this type of unity on the threat of Iraq before the US invaded Iraq.

And this idea that Trump wants to slim down the CIA? I suspect he wants to go through and get rid of anyone who ever said anything negative about him. We know he's revenge driven.

The report never said anything about affecting the outcome of the election. Trump wrote publicly that the report came to the conclusion that the Russians had no effect on the election. A flat out lie to our collective faces.

Trump needs to set his ego aside and go after the Russians for attacking the foundation of our democracy. But instead, he attacks the intelligence agencies where people put their lives in danger to protect the country.

This is the man Republicans elected as president, defend and stand behind. What are we to think?
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Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.

Thank the Russians for their exposure of Hillary's corruption and work to make sure they can't do it again.
You mean Hillary's conspiracies. Corruption is based on scandals. For there to be a scandal, there has to be guilt, charges and a guilty verdict.

Like proven racism.
Like having an illegal foundation and using it to pay bribes and lawsuits.
Like Donald Trump.

You mean Hillary's conspiracies.

No, I mean Hillary's corruption.

For there to be a scandal, there has to be guilt, charges and a guilty verdict.

Scandal: an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage. DERP!

An accusation is NOT an action or an event. The accusation would have to be true for it to be a scandal.

The REAL scandal is the amount of money Republicans spent over 30 years going after the Clintons and finding nothing.

Exactly. The exposure of Hillary's and the DNC's corruption was too much for the voters.
Meh, it's the butthurt left shooting the messenger. The fact is that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt assholes who should not be in positions of power. Whoever leaked the emails should be thanked.

Thank the Russians for their exposure of Hillary's corruption and work to make sure they can't do it again.
You mean Hillary's conspiracies. Corruption is based on scandals. For there to be a scandal, there has to be guilt, charges and a guilty verdict.

Like proven racism.
Like having an illegal foundation and using it to pay bribes and lawsuits.
Like Donald Trump.

You mean Hillary's conspiracies.

No, I mean Hillary's corruption.

For there to be a scandal, there has to be guilt, charges and a guilty verdict.

Scandal: an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage. DERP!

An accusation is NOT an action or an event. The accusation would have to be true for it to be a scandal.

The REAL scandal is the amount of money Republicans spent over 30 years going after the Clintons and finding nothing.

Exactly. The exposure of Hillary's and the DNC's corruption was too much for the voters.

What corruption?

The uncertified and illegal foundation?
Using Foundation money for buying stuff?
Not paying bills?
Losing a lawsuit over racism?
Using foundation money for bribes and paying off lawsuits?

OK, that's what Trump did. What did Hillary do? And please, don't come up with that uranium nonsense. That horse has been beaten to death even after it was debunked.
U.S. intelligence agencies: Putin ordered intervention in presidential election
Source: The Washington Post

By Greg Miller January 6 at 3:53 PM

Russia carried out a comprehensive cyber campaign to upend the U.S. presidential election, an operation that was ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin and aspired to help elect Donald Trump by discrediting his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, U.S. intelligence agencies concluded in a report released Friday.

The report depicts Russian interference as unprecedented in scale, saying that Moscows assault represented a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort beyond previous election-related espionage.

The campaign was ordered by Putin himself and initially sought primarily to undermine public faith is the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electoral prospects. But as the campaign proceeded, Russia developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump and repeatedly sought to elevate him by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him.

The document represents an extraordinarily direct and detailed account of a longstanding United States' adversarys multi-pronged intervention in a fundamental pillar of American democracy.

Read more: U.S. intelligence agencies: Putin ordered intervention in presidential election

Their goal was to undermine the US election process, so it does make sense to attack the Administration in power. Especially one that is easy to hack as proven by Hillary herself. As someone running for office, Trump had the least bearing in this whole thing. If The Dems have such weak security that they give up their password, they deserved to lose. Call it karma and just bad campaigning by Hillary

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