Here is what I want to know from Democrats at USMB....

What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Yeah, everything FREE FREE FREE, Free stuff for everyone, free education, free condoms, free food, free gas, free housing, free TV, free obozo phones.

You dumb shit, someone has to pay for all the free shit. and there aren't enough evil rich people to cover the cost even if we take 100% of what they have and what they earn.
Hyperbole much?

Education benefits the whole country. Healthy citizens benefits the country

We have paid for FREE education for all for over a century. We are a better country because of it


We are?

The Unites States pays more per capita for education than any other industrialized country on earth, yet we only have mediocre results to show for it. I don't see our education system making us a better country.

You prefer Ignorance?

Don't like how we compare to other industrialized countries then block funding for advanced education
YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Yeah, everything FREE FREE FREE, Free stuff for everyone, free education, free condoms, free food, free gas, free housing, free TV, free obozo phones.

You dumb shit, someone has to pay for all the free shit. and there aren't enough evil rich people to cover the cost even if we take 100% of what they have and what they earn.
Hyperbole much?

Education benefits the whole country. Healthy citizens benefits the country

We have paid for FREE education for all for over a century. We are a better country because of it


We are?

The Unites States pays more per capita for education than any other industrialized country on earth, yet we only have mediocre results to show for it. I don't see our education system making us a better country.

You prefer Ignorance?

Don't like how we compare to other industrialized countries then block funding for advanced education

If it doesn't work with primary education, what makes you think advanced education would be any different?

The definition of insanity is............
I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country

But I also think there is no way in hell that his proposals could be implemented by our fractured Congress

Hillary has the best understanding of what Washington is like today and how to get things done. Hillary's proposals are not as far reaching as Sanders but are more achievable

What's so great about someone that isn't the parent of a kid being forced to pay the taxes that funds what the kid's own parents won't do?
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Then let Bernie and the Democrats pay for it.

And let's make anyone who supports war pay for it
No, you asserted the richest were paying more of the total fed tax,

And they absolutely are.

I hate to have to keep pointing this out... I guess it must be because we've heard it repeated so often we assume it must be true.... RICH people do not pay income taxes! They don't have to earn incomes anymore because they are RICH. Their wealth generates more wealth for them and it can do so without earning taxable income because... funny thing... people are interested in using their wealth and willing to pay them for that opportunity.

Top income earners pay income taxes. That's who the left means by "the rich" but these are certainly not rich people... oh, they may be "rich" by some people's standards but they are not really the uber-wealthy. Mostly, this category is the small business entrepreneur who is building and growing a business and trying to become wealthy. The Left wants to close that door so that NO ONE can ever become wealthy and we all have to line up for the government soup.

They don't have to earn incomes anymore because they are RICH.

Lots of rich people do earn income. The very richest have more interest, dividends and capital gains than salary income.

Their wealth generates more wealth for them and it can do so without earning taxable income because...

There are things they can do to minimize taxable income and taxes, but many still have a lot of income and pay a lot of taxes.
What's so great about someone that isn't the parent of a kid being forced to pay the taxes that funds what the kid's own parents won't do?
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Then let Bernie and the Democrats pay for it.

And let's make anyone who supports war pay for it

No, we all need to pay for our military because in our US Constitution, the federal government is supposed to protect it's citizens; nothing in there about sending them to college.
Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Yeah, everything FREE FREE FREE, Free stuff for everyone, free education, free condoms, free food, free gas, free housing, free TV, free obozo phones.

You dumb shit, someone has to pay for all the free shit. and there aren't enough evil rich people to cover the cost even if we take 100% of what they have and what they earn.
Hyperbole much?

Education benefits the whole country. Healthy citizens benefits the country

We have paid for FREE education for all for over a century. We are a better country because of it


We are?

The Unites States pays more per capita for education than any other industrialized country on earth, yet we only have mediocre results to show for it. I don't see our education system making us a better country.

You prefer Ignorance?

Don't like how we compare to other industrialized countries then block funding for advanced education

If it doesn't work with primary education, what makes you think advanced education would be any different?

The definition of insanity is............


Our education system has managed to produce a workforce making us the most powerful economy on earth

How do you think producing a less educated populace will make us more competitive?
YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Yeah, everything FREE FREE FREE, Free stuff for everyone, free education, free condoms, free food, free gas, free housing, free TV, free obozo phones.

You dumb shit, someone has to pay for all the free shit. and there aren't enough evil rich people to cover the cost even if we take 100% of what they have and what they earn.
Hyperbole much?

Education benefits the whole country. Healthy citizens benefits the country

We have paid for FREE education for all for over a century. We are a better country because of it


We are?

The Unites States pays more per capita for education than any other industrialized country on earth, yet we only have mediocre results to show for it. I don't see our education system making us a better country.
Not quite true
The 10 Nations That Spend The Most On Their Students

Of course, how would we ever distrust a source called The :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Here, this is what's called a news source:

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Then let Bernie and the Democrats pay for it.

And let's make anyone who supports war pay for it

No, we all need to pay for our military because in our US Constitution, the federal government is supposed to protect it's citizens; nothing in there about sending them to college.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it mention empire building around the globe

Has nothing to do with a common defense
Yeah, everything FREE FREE FREE, Free stuff for everyone, free education, free condoms, free food, free gas, free housing, free TV, free obozo phones.

You dumb shit, someone has to pay for all the free shit. and there aren't enough evil rich people to cover the cost even if we take 100% of what they have and what they earn.
Hyperbole much?

Education benefits the whole country. Healthy citizens benefits the country

We have paid for FREE education for all for over a century. We are a better country because of it


We are?

The Unites States pays more per capita for education than any other industrialized country on earth, yet we only have mediocre results to show for it. I don't see our education system making us a better country.

You prefer Ignorance?

Don't like how we compare to other industrialized countries then block funding for advanced education

If it doesn't work with primary education, what makes you think advanced education would be any different?

The definition of insanity is............


Our education system has managed to produce a workforce making us the most powerful economy on earth

How do you think producing a less educated populace will make us more competitive?

We already have more people in college than we need. Why do you think those liberal colleges charge so much anyway? It's called supply and demand. The higher the demand and shorter the supply, the higher the cost of anything.

And if you really believe that our workforce is the most powerful, why change it? It must be working fine according to you.
And let's make anyone who supports war pay for it

Why do you have it in your stupid liberal head that people "support war?" I mean... really... honestly.... do you think there are Republicans who get a boner whenever someone talks about there might be a war? Like it's some kind of sick twisted turn on for us?

I hate wars! I wish we didn't ever have to have them! But the reality of life is, there are times when war is necessary and has to be fought. It's not something pleasant... we don't look forward to it... it's not what we want to happen... but sometimes it needs to happen. You like to live with your head buried in the sand and a bouquet of daisies stuck in your ass like some kind of free love flower power hippie from the 1960s.
YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Then let Bernie and the Democrats pay for it.

And let's make anyone who supports war pay for it

No, we all need to pay for our military because in our US Constitution, the federal government is supposed to protect it's citizens; nothing in there about sending them to college.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it mention empire building around the globe

Has nothing to do with a common defense

Really, so what was the last empire we've ever built?
Workers don't create wealth, they create work.

well, if they save their salary or buy assets with it they are creating or perhaps accumulating wealth but more importantly they are getting paid the free market price for their labor contribution to the economy. And, the employer is getting paid the free market price for his contribution to the economy.

Liberals lack the IQ to understand the free market so want to intervene at the point of gun in 1000 ways so that people get paid the liberal price rather than the free market price.

I'm not sure if it's lack of IQ or lack of common sense. I think liberals lack the latter.

What is poverty? Poverty is not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty? Having enough money.

How does one get money? Obtaining a job in which they pay you money in exchange for work.

What if one is working and still not making enough money for themselves? Work more hours or if your job doesn't allow that, get a second job on the weekends. If that doesn't work, learn a trade or skill that pays better money.

See, it's all common sense really. Well..........common sense and a lot of work. I think of things like this when I go to industrial areas and pass by company after company with huge HELP WANTED signs on their lawns that seem to stay there for months on end.
No, you asserted the richest were paying more of the total fed tax,

And they absolutely are.

I hate to have to keep pointing this out... I guess it must be because we've heard it repeated so often we assume it must be true.... RICH people do not pay income taxes! They don't have to earn incomes anymore because they are RICH. Their wealth generates more wealth for them and it can do so without earning taxable income because... funny thing... people are interested in using their wealth and willing to pay them for that opportunity.

Top income earners pay income taxes. That's who the left means by "the rich" but these are certainly not rich people... oh, they may be "rich" by some people's standards but they are not really the uber-wealthy. Mostly, this category is the small business entrepreneur who is building and growing a business and trying to become wealthy. The Left wants to close that door so that NO ONE can ever become wealthy and we all have to line up for the government soup.

They don't have to earn incomes anymore because they are RICH.

Lots of rich people do earn income. The very richest have more interest, dividends and capital gains than salary income.

Their wealth generates more wealth for them and it can do so without earning taxable income because...

There are things they can do to minimize taxable income and taxes, but many still have a lot of income and pay a lot of taxes.

Again... Interest gains and capital gains are not earned income and are not effected by the earned income tax rates. Those are people using the wealth they already have to create more wealth because people are willing to pay them to use their wealth. You can jack up those tax rates here and all you will accomplish is more wealth going to other countries where it doesn't exist because they need the money. If you close up that avenue, they will simply put their money in tax-free securities and municipal bonds. You're not going to stop that because you'd devastate most major cities in America and banks would have no money to lend.

The BEST option is to stop this silly War on The Rich and encourage them to create wealth. When they do that, people spend money and people make money and taxes are generated as a result of a robust economic condition. Buildings and factories have to be constructed, people have to be hired to do that... new equipment has to be purchased, people have to make those things, sell those things, maintain those things.... it's how stuff works in the real world. This constantly droning and conspiring against "The Rich" is kind of like nailing yourself in the head with a large hammer.
They weren't passing anti middle class policies like the Republicans. They weren't giving tax breaks to the rich which means they weren't shifting the tax burden more onto us.

When did Republicans ever shift the tax burden to the middle-class?

I'll challenge you right here and right now:

As a middle-class working man, I can easily list several expenses that I have to pay for thanks to the Democrat party and in particular, DumBama. I want you to show me one......just one expense I had to suffer under Republican leadership.

The truth of the matter is that under Democrat control, the wealthy and middle-class get screwed, because their money is transferred to the so-called poor, or otherwise those that don't feel like working.

The Republicans (and mostly the conservatives) are all for the middle-class. If there was never an Obama, nor a Democrat led Congress, I would be doing so much better today financially.
When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

Gov Rick Snyder gave corporations tax breaks and now says he has to raise our taxes to fix the roads. Because we don't have any money he says. That's a great example

When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

When did the corporations get huge tax breaks from Bush?
After the Bush tax cuts, the rich were paying a bigger chunk, the opposite of your claim.
When the rich get richer and the middle class and below get poorer, the rich will pay more of the tax burden..... it is a progressive tax system.... if the rich are successful in acquiring more income, while the others acquire less of the pie, it's only natural for their share of the taxes paid in dollars, go earn more income, you pay more income tax in dollars, even if your tax rate does not change, and even if your tax rate goes down....

Yes, it's called penalizing success and rewarding failure. How's that working out for us so far? And if you think that's a good social system, then why don't you try doing the same with your children and see how they turn out.
Ray, even if we had a flat rate income tax, if the rich became richer, with more income, they would pay more in 'dollars'' in income tax.....

Would that be ''punishing them"?

of course not.

And if the middle class man earned more in income, with the same flat rate tax, he too would pay more in ''dollars'' in income tax.

And visa/versa, if the rich man earned less income, he would pay less in tax dollars, same with the middle class guy.

Going back to what Todd was saying....about the rich paying a higher share of the tax dollars paid....with no tax rates changed, he is paying more in tax dollars because he earned more, while the guy from the middle was earning less income, therefore paying less in tax dollars.

This is WHY the richer people are paying more of the total tax dollars collected, and the middle class guy or less are paying less of the total share of taxes, i.e. because they are earning less of the total income.

It's a good position to be in....the rich guy's....he is earning more income/money each year, while all the rest of the citizens on average, are earning less in income.

Who gives a flying hoot if the rich guy is paying a larger share of the taxes collected, and the rest have less of a share of the taxes collected, when your share as the rich guy is larger because you are earning in income, boo coos more than you previously did?

You in plural, as the rich guys, are doing well, while the others are doing crappy!!!

That's all it means when someone mentions and uses the cliche or term of, ''The rich are paying a larger share of the taxes collected....''

It only means the rich guys are doing good and are getting paid more, while others are not.
Actually it was both, but it all started with putting Democrat voters in homes of their own. You can't sell bad securities unless you have those bad securities to begin with.

uh, no, guy, it was the banks lying about the value of those mortgages that was the problem. the thing was, it wasn't poor people buying modest houses in the inner city which was the problem. It was Republicans buying McMansions they couldn't afford in the hope of flipping them in five years that caused the collapse.

But you keep taking it up the ass from the rich.

And I thought your big eared leader reformed healthcare. That's what he said he was going to do with Commie Care. Oh gee, I guess like all the other things he said, it was all a lie.

Gee, I honestly hope you never get so sick that an insurance company decides its cheaper to let you die. While it would be Karma, it would still be wrong.

What we should have done was go to single payer like every other country has.

And what labor laws do we need reformed? Like what? Barack Castro had two years to do that; same with the banks.

Well, first, we need a Living Wage Law. we could start there.

We could start there, but then end up with more companies moving out of the country or depending on robots to replace human workers.

Singler payer? Your leader had his chance, and he blew it. Don't blame that on Republicans.

Banks don't lie about the value of mortgages, only government can do that. Banks don't rate securities as to how secure they really are. Your government does.
We could start there, but then end up with more companies moving out of the country or depending on robots to replace human workers.

Yeah, I've heard that song before. It's bullshit. Time we started smacking down these assholes.

Banks don't lie about the value of mortgages, only government can do that. Banks don't rate securities as to how secure they really are. Your government does.

Actually, technically, securities are rated by Standards and Poors, Moodies and a lot of other private companies... but that's okay, you're learning.

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