Here is what I want to know from Democrats at USMB....

lmao....the last time a bush was in office...we got 5000 dead and 30,000 families ruined all so the 5 American oil companies can start pumping. We get screwed on the prices too! And thats not even counting the other sides deaths. Lol, Ya wanna talk about the lies we were told to to us to git us in that crap?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
George W. Bush didn't just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse.

What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

That's not to say there aren't plenty of weeds. In 2008, the Center for Public Integrity completed a project in which they went over the public statements by eight top Bush administration officials on the topic of Iraq, and found that no fewer than 935 were false, including 260 statements by President Bush himself. But the theory on which the White House operated was that whether or not you could fool all of the people some of the time, you could certainly scare them out of their wits. That's what was truly diabolical about their campaign.
I, personally, remember that scare campaign crystal clear. I was a New Yorker during 911 and his entire administration. The papers were propagandist in posting pictures of clouds with the caption "WMDs Down There" on the front pages, multiple times on multiple local papers. Bush and his cronies were on the media whipping up people into a frenzy weekly talking about it's red now, then orange, it never got to green. Whenever things were getting politically sticky for them, some goon like Rumsfeld or another would go on air scaring the public talking about color codes.

Remember Bush'n'co saying "we gotta get 'em over there before they get us over here." It was pure BS, and it was dispicable. The ENTIRE administration should be under the jail.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
a lot of profit was made by the Clinton foundation---------whats your point?

My point is you are outright lying

If the Clinton foundation was making illegal profits, I can assure you that our Republucan Congress would be all over it

stand by, its coming. So is Hillary's indictment.

Republicans have been predicting her indictments for 25 years

Nope, only reporting on her criminal activities. Disclosing classified data is a serious crime, she will not survive this one. Is Biden ready?

She didn't disclose anything. Who do you claim she released it to?

she sent classified data on an unsecure private server, that is a violation of the law.

I held a top secret clearance for years, if I did that I would be in jail today.
George W. Bush didn't just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse.

What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

That's not to say there aren't plenty of weeds. In 2008, the Center for Public Integrity completed a project in which they went over the public statements by eight top Bush administration officials on the topic of Iraq, and found that no fewer than 935 were false, including 260 statements by President Bush himself. But the theory on which the White House operated was that whether or not you could fool all of the people some of the time, you could certainly scare them out of their wits. That's what was truly diabolical about their campaign.
I, personally, remember that scare campaign crystal clear. I was a New Yorker during 911 and his entire administration. The papers were propagandist in posting pictures of clouds with the caption "WMDs Down There" on the front pages, multiple times on multiple local papers. Bush and his cronies were on the media whipping up people into a frenzy weekly talking about it's red now, then orange, it never got to green. Whenever things were getting politically sticky for them, some goon like Rumsfeld or another would go on air scaring the public talking about color codes.

Remember Bush'n'co saying "we gotta get 'em over there before they get us over here." It was pure BS, and it was dispicable. The ENTIRE administration should be under the jail.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

then so should both Clintons, all the dems who voted to authorize and fund the war, the UN, the leaders of the EU, the king of Saudi Arabia, and everyone else who bought into flawed intel.

Or, are you claiming that bush was such a brilliant leader that he fooled the entire world? I thought you said he was an idiot, it cant be both.
lmao....the last time a bush was in office...we got 5000 dead and 30,000 families ruined all so the 5 American oil companies can start pumping. We get screwed on the prices too! And thats not even counting the other sides deaths. Lol, Ya wanna talk about the lies we were told to to us to git us in that crap?

you mean the lies that every prominent democrat told, that the UN told, that every nation in Europe told, that Saudi Arabia told? those "lies" ?

We agree that the Iraq war was a stupid waste of money and lives, but they all believed the bad intel, Bush did not make it up. Or, are you saying that Bush was such a brilliant orator that he fooled the entire world? I thought you said he was an idiot. Cant be both.
Bush doctored his intelligence to support his war plans. Just because others trusted him does not make them equally culpable

bullshit, the dems in congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. Nothing was doctored.
lmao....the last time a bush was in office...we got 5000 dead and 30,000 families ruined all so the 5 American oil companies can start pumping. We get screwed on the prices too! And thats not even counting the other sides deaths. Lol, Ya wanna talk about the lies we were told to to us to git us in that crap?

you mean the lies that every prominent democrat told, that the UN told, that every nation in Europe told, that Saudi Arabia told? those "lies" ?

We agree that the Iraq war was a stupid waste of money and lives, but they all believed the bad intel, Bush did not make it up. Or, are you saying that Bush was such a brilliant orator that he fooled the entire world? I thought you said he was an idiot. Cant be both.
Bush doctored his intelligence to support his war plans. Just because others trusted him does not make them equally culpable

bullshit, the dems in congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. Nothing was doctored.

Total rubbish. The intel was so cooked that Colin Powell basically had it out with his CIA briefers prior to going to the UN. If you think the CIA wouldn't dream of misleading Congress....well, you're stupid.
George W. Bush didn't just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse.

What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

That's not to say there aren't plenty of weeds. In 2008, the Center for Public Integrity completed a project in which they went over the public statements by eight top Bush administration officials on the topic of Iraq, and found that no fewer than 935 were false, including 260 statements by President Bush himself. But the theory on which the White House operated was that whether or not you could fool all of the people some of the time, you could certainly scare them out of their wits. That's what was truly diabolical about their campaign.
I, personally, remember that scare campaign crystal clear. I was a New Yorker during 911 and his entire administration. The papers were propagandist in posting pictures of clouds with the caption "WMDs Down There" on the front pages, multiple times on multiple local papers. Bush and his cronies were on the media whipping up people into a frenzy weekly talking about it's red now, then orange, it never got to green. Whenever things were getting politically sticky for them, some goon like Rumsfeld or another would go on air scaring the public talking about color codes.

Remember Bush'n'co saying "we gotta get 'em over there before they get us over here." It was pure BS, and it was dispicable. The ENTIRE administration should be under the jail.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Bush had a whole team of propagandists whose only role was to trump up support for a bogus war

They will treat us as liberators
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:
I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country

But I also think there is no way in hell that his proposals could be implemented by our fractured Congress

Hillary has the best understanding of what Washington is like today and how to get things done. Hillary's proposals are not as far reaching as Sanders but are more achievable

What's so great about someone that isn't the parent of a kid being forced to pay the taxes that funds what the kid's own parents won't do?
Bush selectively provided ONLY the intelligence that supported his invasion

Yellowcake anyone?

YOU said he "doctored intelligence" and now you are backing off that claim.

Thanks for admitting you're LIAR!
No, he doctored intelligence .......and ignored information that did not support his invasion plans

No, he DID NOT doctor intelligence. Three independent commissions examined this from top to bottom, searching fervently for ANY evidence that Bush or Blair lied, misled or doctored intel and found NONE! You're a partisan HACK who wants to promote a bunch of goddamn LIES. I guess you think that because some time has passed, you can make this lie sprout wings and fly. Not gonna happen on my watch.

This idiocy about yellowcake Uranium is from Paul O'neal's book but he's a lying hack like you. Saddam DID try to purchase yellowcake Uranium and it's well documented... but this was not used in Powell's presentation to the UN. Also, whenever you are attempting to convince the UN there is a need to take action, you don't present evidence that contradicts that. Powell wasn't sent there to talk them OUT of it.
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:
I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country

But I also think there is no way in hell that his proposals could be implemented by our fractured Congress

Hillary has the best understanding of what Washington is like today and how to get things done. Hillary's proposals are not as far reaching as Sanders but are more achievable

What's so great about someone that isn't the parent of a kid being forced to pay the taxes that funds what the kid's own parents won't do?
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club
Oh really, then do tell, how do we stop them Joe? Meet them at the shipping yards and not allow them to hop on the boats?

Oh, here's what I would do.

Let a company that outsource know that they will get absolutely no government contracts.

Let them know they and their officers will be audited by the IRS on a regular basis. When you find that he's been paying his mistress on the payroll, let his wife know.

My personal favorite. When a CEO outsources, PUBLICLY SHAME HIM. Run a commercial with pictures. "This is Bob. Bob moved his factory overseas, putting all these nice Americans out of work. This is where Bob lives. This is Bob's Wife. This is where that bitch gets her hair done. These are Bob's kids. This is where those little douchebags go to college."

The government has all sorts of way to make rich people miserable.

You liberals blame everybody else except the people that are to blame because most of them are liberals--the consumers.

It's all those Democrats at Walmart's that's causing manufacturers to look for cheaper ways to do things. Quit blaming the rich people, the Republicans, the Chinese. It's the consumer that causes manufacturers to make products as cheaply as possible.

Horseshit. Most things we consume are made here. Can't make the food in China.

You see, the one thing I like about Trump is he gets it on fair trade.

Ah... So you are a FASCIST now?
Oh really, then do tell, how do we stop them Joe? Meet them at the shipping yards and not allow them to hop on the boats?

Oh, here's what I would do.

Let a company that outsource know that they will get absolutely no government contracts.

Let them know they and their officers will be audited by the IRS on a regular basis. When you find that he's been paying his mistress on the payroll, let his wife know.

My personal favorite. When a CEO outsources, PUBLICLY SHAME HIM. Run a commercial with pictures. "This is Bob. Bob moved his factory overseas, putting all these nice Americans out of work. This is where Bob lives. This is Bob's Wife. This is where that bitch gets her hair done. These are Bob's kids. This is where those little douchebags go to college."

The government has all sorts of way to make rich people miserable.

You liberals blame everybody else except the people that are to blame because most of them are liberals--the consumers.

It's all those Democrats at Walmart's that's causing manufacturers to look for cheaper ways to do things. Quit blaming the rich people, the Republicans, the Chinese. It's the consumer that causes manufacturers to make products as cheaply as possible.

Horseshit. Most things we consume are made here. Can't make the food in China.

You see, the one thing I like about Trump is he gets it on fair trade.

No but they can send our meats to China and have them processed there and then shipped back to the U.S. For us to buy.
lmao....the last time a bush was in office...we got 5000 dead and 30,000 families ruined all so the 5 American oil companies can start pumping. We get screwed on the prices too! And thats not even counting the other sides deaths. Lol, Ya wanna talk about the lies we were told to to us to git us in that crap?

you mean the lies that every prominent democrat told, that the UN told, that every nation in Europe told, that Saudi Arabia told? those "lies" ?

We agree that the Iraq war was a stupid waste of money and lives, but they all believed the bad intel, Bush did not make it up. Or, are you saying that Bush was such a brilliant orator that he fooled the entire world? I thought you said he was an idiot. Cant be both.
Bush doctored his intelligence to support his war plans. Just because others trusted him does not make them equally culpable

bullshit, the dems in congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. Nothing was doctored.

Total rubbish. The intel was so cooked that Colin Powell basically had it out with his CIA briefers prior to going to the UN. If you think the CIA wouldn't dream of misleading Congress....well, you're stupid.
And their true purpose was to invade Iraq to find WMD they knew wasn't there so they could look good? And send the troops with masks, have gas attack drills, etc.

Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:
By the same token, I'd like to know why the gop itself is dumping on Cruz, who is actually a conservative. LOL
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:
I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country

But I also think there is no way in hell that his proposals could be implemented by our fractured Congress

Hillary has the best understanding of what Washington is like today and how to get things done. Hillary's proposals are not as far reaching as Sanders but are more achievable

What's so great about someone that isn't the parent of a kid being forced to pay the taxes that funds what the kid's own parents won't do?
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:
I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country

But I also think there is no way in hell that his proposals could be implemented by our fractured Congress

Hillary has the best understanding of what Washington is like today and how to get things done. Hillary's proposals are not as far reaching as Sanders but are more achievable

What's so great about someone that isn't the parent of a kid being forced to pay the taxes that funds what the kid's own parents won't do?
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.
I don't care for Bernie, and certainly am no fan of "free" education, although I think it should be affordable for all those who apply themselves. But, if you are attempting to say there's no constitutional foundation for public support of higher education. That's false, unless you are asserting only state govts supported higher education..
Workers don't create wealth, they create work.

well, if they save their salary or buy assets with it they are creating or perhaps accumulating wealth but more importantly they are getting paid the free market price for their labor contribution to the economy. And, the employer is getting paid the free market price for his contribution to the economy.

Liberals lack the IQ to understand the free market so want to intervene at the point of gun in 1000 ways so that people get paid the liberal price rather than the free market price.
Global warming, she will side with corporations. Middle class, you still have not answered how Democrats differ. Labor, big corporations. Regulations, she will probably go less on regs, that is a good thing. EPA, depends on what her corporate base wants.

She is going to owe some corporations lots of favors, that is for sure.
And this is any less true of the GOP? I say its even worse with Republicans.

All those things you say she'll do, are basically what the Republicans will do. And funny didn't Republicans say the Clinton's were lefty liberals? Were they lying?

I see through the right wing talking points. One minute you argue she's a dino the next she's a socialist. Which is it?

I have never said Hillary is a socialist. Again, you try to lump everyone into one group. I have always maintained Hillary is for Corporations at the expense of the middle class.

You still haven't told me what the Democrats have done for the middle class in the last few years.
They weren't passing anti middle class policies like the Republicans. They weren't giving tax breaks to the rich which means they weren't shifting the tax burden more onto us.

When did Republicans ever shift the tax burden to the middle-class?

I'll challenge you right here and right now:

As a middle-class working man, I can easily list several expenses that I have to pay for thanks to the Democrat party and in particular, DumBama. I want you to show me one......just one expense I had to suffer under Republican leadership.

The truth of the matter is that under Democrat control, the wealthy and middle-class get screwed, because their money is transferred to the so-called poor, or otherwise those that don't feel like working.

The Republicans (and mostly the conservatives) are all for the middle-class. If there was never an Obama, nor a Democrat led Congress, I would be doing so much better today financially.
When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

Gov Rick Snyder gave corporations tax breaks and now says he has to raise our taxes to fix the roads. Because we don't have any money he says. That's a great example

When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

When did the corporations get huge tax breaks from Bush?
After the Bush tax cuts, the rich were paying a bigger chunk, the opposite of your claim.
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:
I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country

But I also think there is no way in hell that his proposals could be implemented by our fractured Congress

Hillary has the best understanding of what Washington is like today and how to get things done. Hillary's proposals are not as far reaching as Sanders but are more achievable

What's so great about someone that isn't the parent of a kid being forced to pay the taxes that funds what the kid's own parents won't do?
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

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