Here is what I want to know from Democrats at USMB....

Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:
I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country

But I also think there is no way in hell that his proposals could be implemented by our fractured Congress

Hillary has the best understanding of what Washington is like today and how to get things done. Hillary's proposals are not as far reaching as Sanders but are more achievable

What's so great about someone that isn't the parent of a kid being forced to pay the taxes that funds what the kid's own parents won't do?
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Yeah, everything FREE FREE FREE, Free stuff for everyone, free education, free condoms, free food, free gas, free housing, free TV, free obozo phones.

You dumb shit, someone has to pay for all the free shit. and there aren't enough evil rich people to cover the cost even if we take 100% of what they have and what they earn.
I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country

But I also think there is no way in hell that his proposals could be implemented by our fractured Congress

Hillary has the best understanding of what Washington is like today and how to get things done. Hillary's proposals are not as far reaching as Sanders but are more achievable

What's so great about someone that isn't the parent of a kid being forced to pay the taxes that funds what the kid's own parents won't do?
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Yeah, everything FREE FREE FREE, Free stuff for everyone, free education, free condoms, free food, free gas, free housing, free TV, free obozo phones.

You dumb shit, someone has to pay for all the free shit. and there aren't enough evil rich people to cover the cost even if we take 100% of what they have and what they earn.
Hyperbole much?

Education benefits the whole country. Healthy citizens benefits the country

We have paid for FREE education for all for over a century. We are a better country because of it

Last edited:
And this is any less true of the GOP? I say its even worse with Republicans.

All those things you say she'll do, are basically what the Republicans will do. And funny didn't Republicans say the Clinton's were lefty liberals? Were they lying?

I see through the right wing talking points. One minute you argue she's a dino the next she's a socialist. Which is it?

I have never said Hillary is a socialist. Again, you try to lump everyone into one group. I have always maintained Hillary is for Corporations at the expense of the middle class.

You still haven't told me what the Democrats have done for the middle class in the last few years.
They weren't passing anti middle class policies like the Republicans. They weren't giving tax breaks to the rich which means they weren't shifting the tax burden more onto us.

When did Republicans ever shift the tax burden to the middle-class?

I'll challenge you right here and right now:

As a middle-class working man, I can easily list several expenses that I have to pay for thanks to the Democrat party and in particular, DumBama. I want you to show me one......just one expense I had to suffer under Republican leadership.

The truth of the matter is that under Democrat control, the wealthy and middle-class get screwed, because their money is transferred to the so-called poor, or otherwise those that don't feel like working.

The Republicans (and mostly the conservatives) are all for the middle-class. If there was never an Obama, nor a Democrat led Congress, I would be doing so much better today financially.
When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

Gov Rick Snyder gave corporations tax breaks and now says he has to raise our taxes to fix the roads. Because we don't have any money he says. That's a great example

When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

When did the corporations get huge tax breaks from Bush?
After the Bush tax cuts, the rich were paying a bigger chunk, the opposite of your claim.
When the rich get richer and the middle class and below get poorer, the rich will pay more of the tax burden..... it is a progressive tax system.... if the rich are successful in acquiring more income, while the others acquire less of the pie, it's only natural for their share of the taxes paid in dollars, go earn more income, you pay more income tax in dollars, even if your tax rate does not change, and even if your tax rate goes down....
And this is any less true of the GOP? I say its even worse with Republicans.

All those things you say she'll do, are basically what the Republicans will do. And funny didn't Republicans say the Clinton's were lefty liberals? Were they lying?

I see through the right wing talking points. One minute you argue she's a dino the next she's a socialist. Which is it?

I have never said Hillary is a socialist. Again, you try to lump everyone into one group. I have always maintained Hillary is for Corporations at the expense of the middle class.

You still haven't told me what the Democrats have done for the middle class in the last few years.
They weren't passing anti middle class policies like the Republicans. They weren't giving tax breaks to the rich which means they weren't shifting the tax burden more onto us.

When did Republicans ever shift the tax burden to the middle-class?

I'll challenge you right here and right now:

As a middle-class working man, I can easily list several expenses that I have to pay for thanks to the Democrat party and in particular, DumBama. I want you to show me one......just one expense I had to suffer under Republican leadership.

The truth of the matter is that under Democrat control, the wealthy and middle-class get screwed, because their money is transferred to the so-called poor, or otherwise those that don't feel like working.

The Republicans (and mostly the conservatives) are all for the middle-class. If there was never an Obama, nor a Democrat led Congress, I would be doing so much better today financially.
When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

Gov Rick Snyder gave corporations tax breaks and now says he has to raise our taxes to fix the roads. Because we don't have any money he says. That's a great example

When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

When did the corporations get huge tax breaks from Bush?
After the Bush tax cuts, the rich were paying a bigger chunk, the opposite of your claim.
now Todd, look at the whole picture.
I have never said Hillary is a socialist. Again, you try to lump everyone into one group. I have always maintained Hillary is for Corporations at the expense of the middle class.

You still haven't told me what the Democrats have done for the middle class in the last few years.
They weren't passing anti middle class policies like the Republicans. They weren't giving tax breaks to the rich which means they weren't shifting the tax burden more onto us.

When did Republicans ever shift the tax burden to the middle-class?

I'll challenge you right here and right now:

As a middle-class working man, I can easily list several expenses that I have to pay for thanks to the Democrat party and in particular, DumBama. I want you to show me one......just one expense I had to suffer under Republican leadership.

The truth of the matter is that under Democrat control, the wealthy and middle-class get screwed, because their money is transferred to the so-called poor, or otherwise those that don't feel like working.

The Republicans (and mostly the conservatives) are all for the middle-class. If there was never an Obama, nor a Democrat led Congress, I would be doing so much better today financially.
When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

Gov Rick Snyder gave corporations tax breaks and now says he has to raise our taxes to fix the roads. Because we don't have any money he says. That's a great example

When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

When did the corporations get huge tax breaks from Bush?
After the Bush tax cuts, the rich were paying a bigger chunk, the opposite of your claim.
When the rich get richer and the middle class and below get poorer, the rich will pay more of the tax burden..... it is a progressive tax system.... if the rich are successful in acquiring more income, while the others acquire less of the pie, it's only natural for their share of the taxes paid in dollars, go earn more income, you pay more income tax in dollars, even if your tax rate does not change, and even if your tax rate goes down....

Yes, it's called penalizing success and rewarding failure. How's that working out for us so far? And if you think that's a good social system, then why don't you try doing the same with your children and see how they turn out.
And yes, after WWII, we had a top marginal rate of 93%

And as Reagan pointed out... 93% of ZERO isn't very much revenue!

This would be the same Reagan who quadrupled the national debt after cutting taxes for the rich and shifting the burden on the poor?

Then Clinton made the rich pay their fair share again, and lo and behold, we had balanced budgets.

See, Right Wing Math. It's like Right Wing Science... talking snakes and pixie dust.

This would be the same Reagan who quadrupled the national debt

He raised it from $800 billion all the way up to $2.4 trillion. And we won the Cold War.
Obama raised it from $10.6 trillion to $18.9 trillion, so far. And all he did was make us weaker.

after cutting taxes for the rich and shifting the burden on the poor?

Cool story, bro. How'd he shift the burden to the poor?

Then Clinton made the rich pay their fair share again,

39.6% was a fair share for the rich? Why not 70% or 93%?
Don't forget, Clinton promised a middle class tax cut but then raised middle class taxes.
What's so great about someone that isn't the parent of a kid being forced to pay the taxes that funds what the kid's own parents won't do?
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Yeah, everything FREE FREE FREE, Free stuff for everyone, free education, free condoms, free food, free gas, free housing, free TV, free obozo phones.

You dumb shit, someone has to pay for all the free shit. and there aren't enough evil rich people to cover the cost even if we take 100% of what they have and what they earn.
Hyperbole much?

Education benefits the whole country. Healthy citizens benefits the country

We have paid for FREE education for all for over a century. We are a better country because of it


We are?

The Unites States pays more per capita for education than any other industrialized country on earth, yet we only have mediocre results to show for it. I don't see our education system making us a better country.
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:
I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country

But I also think there is no way in hell that his proposals could be implemented by our fractured Congress

Hillary has the best understanding of what Washington is like today and how to get things done. Hillary's proposals are not as far reaching as Sanders but are more achievable

What's so great about someone that isn't the parent of a kid being forced to pay the taxes that funds what the kid's own parents won't do?
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Then let Bernie and the Democrats pay for it.
I have never said Hillary is a socialist. Again, you try to lump everyone into one group. I have always maintained Hillary is for Corporations at the expense of the middle class.

You still haven't told me what the Democrats have done for the middle class in the last few years.
They weren't passing anti middle class policies like the Republicans. They weren't giving tax breaks to the rich which means they weren't shifting the tax burden more onto us.

When did Republicans ever shift the tax burden to the middle-class?

I'll challenge you right here and right now:

As a middle-class working man, I can easily list several expenses that I have to pay for thanks to the Democrat party and in particular, DumBama. I want you to show me one......just one expense I had to suffer under Republican leadership.

The truth of the matter is that under Democrat control, the wealthy and middle-class get screwed, because their money is transferred to the so-called poor, or otherwise those that don't feel like working.

The Republicans (and mostly the conservatives) are all for the middle-class. If there was never an Obama, nor a Democrat led Congress, I would be doing so much better today financially.
When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

Gov Rick Snyder gave corporations tax breaks and now says he has to raise our taxes to fix the roads. Because we don't have any money he says. That's a great example

When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

When did the corporations get huge tax breaks from Bush?
After the Bush tax cuts, the rich were paying a bigger chunk, the opposite of your claim.
now Todd, look at the whole picture.

You can't show me when corporations got a huge tax break? That's surprising.
Maybe you can show me when the rich got a huge tax break from Bush?
I have never said Hillary is a socialist. Again, you try to lump everyone into one group. I have always maintained Hillary is for Corporations at the expense of the middle class.

You still haven't told me what the Democrats have done for the middle class in the last few years.
They weren't passing anti middle class policies like the Republicans. They weren't giving tax breaks to the rich which means they weren't shifting the tax burden more onto us.

When did Republicans ever shift the tax burden to the middle-class?

I'll challenge you right here and right now:

As a middle-class working man, I can easily list several expenses that I have to pay for thanks to the Democrat party and in particular, DumBama. I want you to show me one......just one expense I had to suffer under Republican leadership.

The truth of the matter is that under Democrat control, the wealthy and middle-class get screwed, because their money is transferred to the so-called poor, or otherwise those that don't feel like working.

The Republicans (and mostly the conservatives) are all for the middle-class. If there was never an Obama, nor a Democrat led Congress, I would be doing so much better today financially.
When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

Gov Rick Snyder gave corporations tax breaks and now says he has to raise our taxes to fix the roads. Because we don't have any money he says. That's a great example

When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

When did the corporations get huge tax breaks from Bush?
After the Bush tax cuts, the rich were paying a bigger chunk, the opposite of your claim.
When the rich get richer and the middle class and below get poorer, the rich will pay more of the tax burden..... it is a progressive tax system.... if the rich are successful in acquiring more income, while the others acquire less of the pie, it's only natural for their share of the taxes paid in dollars, go earn more income, you pay more income tax in dollars, even if your tax rate does not change, and even if your tax rate goes down....

When the rich get richer and the middle class and below get poorer, the rich will pay more of the tax burden.....

But why are you talking about Obama?
What on earth does that have to do what I posted?

You don't support every expenditure your tax dollars go to? Well....welcome to the club

YOU said, "I like Bernie Sanders and think his proposals would be great for the country". One of his proposals is college tuition. It addresses what you posted unless you're going to say Bernie doesn't support that.

Difference is you support things for which no constitutional authority is delegated.

Free education for all is what made this country great

Used to be eighth grade was good enough, then High it looks like college

Bernie is ahead of the power curve

Yeah, everything FREE FREE FREE, Free stuff for everyone, free education, free condoms, free food, free gas, free housing, free TV, free obozo phones.

You dumb shit, someone has to pay for all the free shit. and there aren't enough evil rich people to cover the cost even if we take 100% of what they have and what they earn.
Hyperbole much?

Education benefits the whole country. Healthy citizens benefits the country

We have paid for FREE education for all for over a century. We are a better country because of it


We are?

The Unites States pays more per capita for education than any other industrialized country on earth, yet we only have mediocre results to show for it. I don't see our education system making us a better country.
Not quite true
The 10 Nations That Spend The Most On Their Students
Why are you not supporting Bernie Sanders?

Hillary and Bill went on vacation with the Bush family! They are big buddies! Friends with Trump too!

In the 2008 primaries, Hillary was dumped for Obama because she was TOO CONSERVATIVE!

She voted for the Iraq War.
She opposed Saddam Hussein.
She said Iraq had WMDs!

Yet SHE is your frontrunner and it seems everyone here is carrying the water for Hillary. I see no posts from Bernie's supporters attacking her or criticizing her on anything. She is up to her eyeballs in scandals and corruption and you people just keep right on defending her like she's some kind of fucking saint.

Meanwhile, Bernie is representative of WHO you are! His ideas and policies are what YOU advocate! His record as a left-wing ideologue is stellar.... it's even better than Obama's. He has a proven track record of standing up for what he believes in and doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, while Hillary will pander to whatever crowd she is speaking to at the moment. She has never accomplished a thing, as a Senator, First Lady or Secretary of State. In fact, she has done nothing but FAIL at everything. There is nothing to show that she has affected any kind of positive change for any American.

Why do you support HER but not the guy who truly represents your core values?

I don't get it. :dunno:

What I dont get is ppl voting for the ppl that give everything to the rich and corporations while lowering wages and bennies while our tax base gets depleted then they want to get rid of cash to make up the diff. Bleed the working and working poor so the rich can profit. The economy is built by the working. Not the rich. Thats why we are in trouble.
clinton,(lmfao) the corporatist trump....all but Bernie will give you more of the same. And Bernie is not perfect. He ignores 1 of 3 probs here. The illegals. This is a cancer that needs to be cut out with a very sharp scalpel....or a claw hammer...doesnt matter to me how its done.

The economy is built by the working. Not the rich. Thats why we are in trouble.

I agree. Obama made things worse. Just awful.
When the rich get richer and the middle class and below get poorer...

This is the nature of ANY free market system. The ONLY way to not have this is to have a Communist system like North Korea. You wanna be North Korea?
They weren't passing anti middle class policies like the Republicans. They weren't giving tax breaks to the rich which means they weren't shifting the tax burden more onto us.

When did Republicans ever shift the tax burden to the middle-class?

I'll challenge you right here and right now:

As a middle-class working man, I can easily list several expenses that I have to pay for thanks to the Democrat party and in particular, DumBama. I want you to show me one......just one expense I had to suffer under Republican leadership.

The truth of the matter is that under Democrat control, the wealthy and middle-class get screwed, because their money is transferred to the so-called poor, or otherwise those that don't feel like working.

The Republicans (and mostly the conservatives) are all for the middle-class. If there was never an Obama, nor a Democrat led Congress, I would be doing so much better today financially.
When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

Gov Rick Snyder gave corporations tax breaks and now says he has to raise our taxes to fix the roads. Because we don't have any money he says. That's a great example

When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

When did the corporations get huge tax breaks from Bush?
After the Bush tax cuts, the rich were paying a bigger chunk, the opposite of your claim.
now Todd, look at the whole picture.

You can't show me when corporations got a huge tax break? That's surprising.
Maybe you can show me when the rich got a huge tax break from Bush?
No, you asserted the richest were paying more of the total fed tax, which is true, but you intentionally chose no to look at how much their share of gnp earnings increased.

The rest of your post is simply nonsense having nothing to do with your original post or my response to it.
When the rich get richer and the middle class and below get poorer...

This is the nature of ANY free market system. The ONLY way to not have this is to have a Communist system like North Korea. You wanna be North Korea?
BS. Just because a country manages free markets to make sure one person doesn't win it all like in monopoly doesn't mean they're commies.
lmao....the last time a bush was in office...we got 5000 dead and 30,000 families ruined all so the 5 American oil companies can start pumping. We get screwed on the prices too! And thats not even counting the other sides deaths. Lol, Ya wanna talk about the lies we were told to to us to git us in that crap?

you mean the lies that every prominent democrat told, that the UN told, that every nation in Europe told, that Saudi Arabia told? those "lies" ?

We agree that the Iraq war was a stupid waste of money and lives, but they all believed the bad intel, Bush did not make it up. Or, are you saying that Bush was such a brilliant orator that he fooled the entire world? I thought you said he was an idiot. Cant be both.
Bush doctored his intelligence to support his war plans. Just because others trusted him does not make them equally culpable

Bush doctored his intelligence to support his war plans.

Even while Clinton was president. That Bush, what an evil genius.
When did Republicans ever shift the tax burden to the middle-class?

I'll challenge you right here and right now:

As a middle-class working man, I can easily list several expenses that I have to pay for thanks to the Democrat party and in particular, DumBama. I want you to show me one......just one expense I had to suffer under Republican leadership.

The truth of the matter is that under Democrat control, the wealthy and middle-class get screwed, because their money is transferred to the so-called poor, or otherwise those that don't feel like working.

The Republicans (and mostly the conservatives) are all for the middle-class. If there was never an Obama, nor a Democrat led Congress, I would be doing so much better today financially.
When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

Gov Rick Snyder gave corporations tax breaks and now says he has to raise our taxes to fix the roads. Because we don't have any money he says. That's a great example

When the rich and corporations got huge tax breaks and the debt doubles, that shifts more of the tax burden on us.

When did the corporations get huge tax breaks from Bush?
After the Bush tax cuts, the rich were paying a bigger chunk, the opposite of your claim.
now Todd, look at the whole picture.

You can't show me when corporations got a huge tax break? That's surprising.
Maybe you can show me when the rich got a huge tax break from Bush?
No, you asserted the richest were paying more of the total fed tax, which is true, but you intentionally chose no to look at how much their share of gnp earnings increased.

The rest of your post is simply nonsense having nothing to do with your original post or my response to it.

No, you asserted the richest were paying more of the total fed tax,

And they absolutely are.

which is true

You feeling okay? LOL!

but you intentionally chose no to look at how much their share of gnp earnings increased.

What is their proper share? How do you know?
Did Bush give corporations a huge tax cut?

I don't care for Bernie, and certainly am no fan of "free" education, although I think it should be affordable for all those who apply themselves.

Well, we used to have that system. Many corporations and wealthy organizations contributed billions to scholarship funds which made college available for those who apply themselves. They still do this but the cost of college has gone through the roof because we started government backed student loans which are guaranteed money. So colleges jacked up their tuition to soak up all this "free money" and now you can't afford to go unless you get the loan.
When the rich get richer and the middle class and below get poorer...

This is the nature of ANY free market system. The ONLY way to not have this is to have a Communist system like North Korea. You wanna be North Korea?
BS. Just because a country manages free markets to make sure one person doesn't win it all like in monopoly doesn't mean they're commies.

We've had anti-trust laws on the books for many generations. This is not about monopolies controlling everything. The statement was made that "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer" and this is a byproduct of free market capitalism. The rich get richer because they know better about how to acquire and use wealth to generate more wealth. The poor remain the same or get poorer because they lack the skill set to do this, or the motivation, drive, ambition, etc.

To have a system whereby no one can obtain much more than the next person, is a communist system and it generally results in everyone but the ruling class living in squalor.
No, you asserted the richest were paying more of the total fed tax,

And they absolutely are.

I hate to have to keep pointing this out... I guess it must be because we've heard it repeated so often we assume it must be true.... RICH people do not pay income taxes! They don't have to earn incomes anymore because they are RICH. Their wealth generates more wealth for them and it can do so without earning taxable income because... funny thing... people are interested in using their wealth and willing to pay them for that opportunity.

Top income earners pay income taxes. That's who the left means by "the rich" but these are certainly not rich people... oh, they may be "rich" by some people's standards but they are not really the uber-wealthy. Mostly, this category is the small business entrepreneur who is building and growing a business and trying to become wealthy. The Left wants to close that door so that NO ONE can ever become wealthy and we all have to line up for the government soup.

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