Here is why capitalism needs major progressive reform

And in terms of this country specifically, it leads to massive inequities that push us closer to our version of the French Revolution.

I say it all the time: Proper, efficient regulation is not the bane of capitalism, it's a critical component of capitalism. Those who push this quasi-libertarian notion of capitalism are stuck in a shallow, simplistic, ignorant binary world. And it's hurting capitalism, badly.
Allowing the unlimited ownership of land by the wealthy is nonsense. How can there be a right to life without a place to live? We are dealing with economic warfare based on Europeans stealing all of the land.
And in terms of this country specifically, it leads to massive inequities that push us closer to our version of the French Revolution.

I say it all the time: Proper, efficient regulation is not the bane of capitalism, it's a critical component of capitalism. Those who push this quasi-libertarian notion of capitalism are stuck in a shallow, simplistic, ignorant, binary world. And it's hurting capitalism, badly.
Capitalism will not change, it and the survivability of this planet are at odds with one another. It simply isn't workable anymore. Change is inevitable and badly needed. We cannot keep raped the natural world and expect anything else.
Capitalism will not change, it and the survivability of this planet are at odds with one another. It simply isn't workable anymore. Change is inevitable and badly needed. We cannot keep raped the natural world and expect anything else.
I'd hate to see it, but arrogant ignorance could kill it.
I'd hate to see it, but arrogant ignorance could kill it.
When it finally comes down to mere survivability it's demise will be welcomed. Change is good in this case. Man's arrogance and ignorance seems to be on the rise when the reverse is badly needed.
Unregulated/ out of control capitalism has one clear ending using up all the earth's resources and it's destruction. It's not a good ending for anyone and everything
And you think Communism is the answer?
And you think Communism is the answer?
No, whatever comes next. I don't know what that will be. Hopefully something like star trek culture, where attaining material wealth and possessions goes by the wayside for lofty goals and achievements like mankind is capable of. A society that brings out the best in people not the worst.
And you think Communism is the answer?
Oh no, another binary thought attack!

Capitalists, socialists and communists cannot think of mandatory accounting in the schools.

A high school teacher claiming to be a socialist said he objected to mandatory accounting on the grounds that the math would make Capitalism seem logical to the students.

Our problems cannot be solved because this is a planet of idiots.

Why don't you try some real science fiction?

Voyage from Yesteryear by James P Hogan
I see the humans of this world on a precipice, it can go either way. You are going to tear each other apart and finish destroying this world, or it's going to enter a new and better age, the choice is up to you. I am already out of the picture.
Then how did you type that post?

Are you a ghostwriter or a bot on the internet? LOL
By the time things get really serious in 5 or 10 years my visit to this world will be long over and I have no intention on coming back.
Is consumerism with planned obsolescence while economists ignore the depreciation of durable consumer junk really capitalism?

Adam Smith and Karl Marx never saw anything like this. Adam Smith's writings are being distorted and used for propaganda to rationalize this economic insanity.

Calculate the depreciation, publicize the depreciation, win the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.
Today, the mainstream of academic, business, political, and media leaders mostly celebrates how government programs are “solving” the crisis just as before it had celebrated capitalism as never needing government “intrusion.” Democrats have replaced Republicans in Washington; Keynesians have replaced traditional laissez-faire champions; the pendulum that swung rightward after the 1970s is now swinging back to the center. An unreconstructed fundamentalist minority fights the mainstream shift by insisting on the old religion of “private enterprise and free markets” as if the crisis were a minor blip or maybe even the fault of the demon government
No, whatever comes next. I don't know what that will be. Hopefully something like star trek culture, where attaining material wealth and possessions goes by the wayside for lofty goals and achievements like mankind is capable of. A society that brings out the best in people not the worst.
Never happen because mankind is evil, reprobate, and already condemned. The ONLY hope is the Cross of Christ.
The bottom line in all of this and every other problem we're facing is overpopulation. And that creates the climate change crisis. Which is creating sustained natural and humanitarian disasters. This in turn, will continue to increase as the crisis accelerates and will eventually overwhelm the capacity of governments to cope. This will result in civil strife, genocide and the growth of terrorism. In response to this chaos and uncertainty people will become increasingly irrational ( as is already being witnessed today ). When science and technology are unable to control events people revert to magical thinking and behavior. The far-right's attack on democracy and science denial are good examples of this. It is an act of self-deception complete with conspiracy theories that grow increasingly wilder and more destructive. Yes, a bandaid must be put on capitalism until we reach the next level of our evolution. I cannot see the current system surviving more than 10 more years. We must embrace the future not fear it. And it's going to take all of US working together to make it.
Hahahaha….yep, The American Way has timed-out and ran it’s course…..because beggars / collective leftist whackos say so…..hahahahahahaha
And in terms of this country specifically, it leads to massive inequities that push us closer to our version of the French Revolution.
Hahaha…I thought you lefties were fixing “inequalities” by expanding the underclass…isn’t that why you‘re recruiting tens of millions of filthy Mexicans from the thirdworld?
I say it all the time: Proper, efficient regulation is not the bane of capitalism, it's a critical component of capitalism. Those who push this quasi-libertarian notion of capitalism are stuck in a shallow, simplistic, ignorant, binary world. And it's hurting capitalism, badly.
Hahahaha….yep, The American Way has timed-out and ran it’s course…..because beggars / collective leftist whackos say so…..hahahahahahaha

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