Here it comes folks. Starvation mass execution. Told you all how many times? This is how its done.

It’s going to cost a lot of you your lives.

Obviously. If we spend nothing on food, we'll all starve.
When the supply chain is shut down, money won't matter.

In order for them to execute the plan, they need to prop up the great scapegoat. CAPITALISM....which is what THEY always do.

Did you notice how THEY blamed Trump for the biological attack that CAME FROM CHINA?

They blame everything on CAPITALISM or whites. Btw, they equate in their warped minds FASCISM AND CAPITALISM. To them, the nazis were CAPITALISTS. They virtually claim that America and the nazis were on the same side.

Anyway, you see in the article and the title? The "AMERICAN FOOD SUPPLY" is to BLAME. So, the hype will begin and it will be all that will be discussed and anyone that resists the claims will be called knuckle dragging flat earthers...."CHRISTIANS."

This is how THEY DO IT. You haven't been noticing it?
I know plenty of lefties growing and canning and plenty of righties that don’t. Can you come up with something that isn’t a broad generalization?

Speaking of broad generalization, what precisely do phrases like like lefties and righties actually mean?

Whenever I see those two phrases tossed around I tend to think to myself that this is not someone with whom intellectual discussion is possible.
Yeah. They really do.

In all seriousness, I see this pretty regularly in real life. I have several Trumpster clients, and they STILL call me, wanting to talk with me face to face, about how this country is going commie and how that affects their money and future. They are SCARED.

These people are dead serious. The fear in their eyes is troubling. This stuff is real to them. This isn't a political game.
Why is anyone worry about communism? It’s worked great everywhere. AOC, Sanders etc all tell us so.
Yeah. They really do.

In all seriousness, I see this pretty regularly in real life. I have several Trumpster clients, and they STILL call me, wanting to talk with me face to face, about how this country is going commie and how that affects their money and future. They are SCARED.

These people are dead serious. The fear in their eyes is troubling. This stuff is real to them. This isn't a political game.
Why is anyone worry about communism? It’s worked great everywhere. AOC, Sanders etc all tell us so.
Please provide an example of either one of them saying that.

Can you do that for me, slugger?
Washington Post

The health and climate consequences of the American food system cost three times as much as the food itself​

Laura Reiley
Fri, July 16, 2021, 6:33 AM·6 min read

The true cost of food is even higher than you think, a new report out Thursday says.

The U.S. spends $1.1 trillion a year on food. But when the impacts of the food system on different parts of our society - including rising health care costs, climate change and biodiversity loss - are factored in, the bill is around three times that, according to a report by the Rockefeller Foundation, a private charity that funds medical and agricultural research.

Get ready folks. This is the main way the marxists execute masses. Been saying this for how long now?

They already showed their card by having their dingbats talk about cow farts and THE global warming.

Well, that was the start of it. Washington Post, commie rag, now calling the shot. Fake bs about the "American food system" causing mass "environmental problems."

Folks, this is going to be bad and Jesus is the only answer. Not kidding.
when people realize the majority of food consumed literally grows out of the ground with little effort starvation will no longer be a problem,,
It doesn’t happen with no effort. It takes a lot of effort and a shitload of expertise. I’ll tell you one benefit of making these left wing assholes produce their own food, there won’t be any time left for them to spend on fucking gender studies and the stupid shit they spend their time on now. Let’s see how good these worthless fucks are at canning.
I know plenty of lefties growing and canning and plenty of righties that don’t. Can you come up with something that isn’t a broad generalization?
No you don’t.
Yeah. They really do.

In all seriousness, I see this pretty regularly in real life. I have several Trumpster clients, and they STILL call me, wanting to talk with me face to face, about how this country is going commie and how that affects their money and future. They are SCARED.

These people are dead serious. The fear in their eyes is troubling. This stuff is real to them. This isn't a political game.
Why is anyone worry about communism? It’s worked great everywhere. AOC, Sanders etc all tell us so.
Please provide an example of either one of them saying that.

Can you do that for me, slugger?
WTF do you think democratic socialism is? Retard.
Yeah. They really do.

In all seriousness, I see this pretty regularly in real life. I have several Trumpster clients, and they STILL call me, wanting to talk with me face to face, about how this country is going commie and how that affects their money and future. They are SCARED.

These people are dead serious. The fear in their eyes is troubling. This stuff is real to them. This isn't a political game.
Why is anyone worry about communism? It’s worked great everywhere. AOC, Sanders etc all tell us so.
Please provide an example of either one of them saying that.

Can you do that for me, slugger?
WTF do you think democratic socialism is? Retard.

And no, it's not.

Back up your words.
Washington Post

The health and climate consequences of the American food system cost three times as much as the food itself​

Laura Reiley
Fri, July 16, 2021, 6:33 AM·6 min read

The true cost of food is even higher than you think, a new report out Thursday says.

The U.S. spends $1.1 trillion a year on food. But when the impacts of the food system on different parts of our society - including rising health care costs, climate change and biodiversity loss - are factored in, the bill is around three times that, according to a report by the Rockefeller Foundation, a private charity that funds medical and agricultural research.

Get ready folks. This is the main way the marxists execute masses. Been saying this for how long now?

They already showed their card by having their dingbats talk about cow farts and THE global warming.

Well, that was the start of it. Washington Post, commie rag, now calling the shot. Fake bs about the "American food system" causing mass "environmental problems."

Folks, this is going to be bad and Jesus is the only answer. Not kidding.
Generally, it's wise owl to read the link before posting it to support an ideology it does not support. Just a nod to the wise.
We created the food system with a particular objective - low-cost and abundant calories - and we didn't understand what that impact was going to be," said Steiner, one of the authors of the report.
WAPO threatens the greatest Country in the world with starvation unless we comply with the fake data of MMGW. The ironic thing is the last time we actually had cases of starvation in the U.S. was during the first two terms of democrat icon FDR. Nobody starves today unless they choose to do so.
WTF is your point? Yes if you don’t spend time growing or money buying food you die.. congrats you’re a fucking scholar.

WTF is your point?

The U.S. spends $1.1 trillion a year on food. But when the impacts of the food system on different parts of our society - including rising health care costs, climate change and biodiversity loss - are factored in, the bill is around three times that,

Whiney twats whining that $3.3 trillion for food is too much.
I'm mocking their whiney twatiness by pointing out that $0 for food would cost us more.
You can pull that stick out of your ass now.
Here we go again.

Define communism.

I can do it in one medium-sized sentence.

You and that dimwit coyote. There are a lot of Venezuelans today who were just like you twelve or so years ago. It’s not communism, it’s democratic socialism, you don’t know what it even means, Chavez isn’t a communist. That was then, when everything was just going to be fairer and more just. Free education, healthcare, fair wages for all. But not communism.

You’re self destructive idiots.
You and that dimwit coyote. There are a lot of Venezuelans today who were just like you twelve or so years ago. It’s not communism, it’s democratic socialism, you don’t know what it even means, Chavez isn’t a communist. That was then, when everything was just going to be fairer and more just. Free education, healthcare, fair wages for all. But not communism.

You’re self destructive idiots.
Yeah, I didn't think so. You can't even define it.


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