Here It Is! Newly Discovered Hunter Biden Maltese Bank Account Is Linked to the $10 Million Burisma Official’s Bribe

Sloppy Joe, the other one, didn't understood the answer.

No, your answer didn't make sense in terms of the question.

If Bursima gave Biden a bribe, what do they have to show for it?

It's a pretty simple question a real person could answer.
No, your answer didn't make sense in terms of the question.

If Bursima gave Biden a bribe, what do they have to show for it?

It's a pretty simple question a real person could answer.
Yes, Chatbot, you were befuddled by the answer. Burisma offered bribes to Biden because he was running an influence peddling scam. Burisma found an avenue to Joe Biden via hiring Hunter Biden. The younger Biden had no qualifications for the position at Burisma but his daddy was VP.

Vice President Joe Biden, opened the money spigot for US cash to Ukraine. That money was routed thtough Ukraine's biggest financial institution, PrivatBank. Who was a principal of PrivatBank? Igor Kolomoisky, a client of Hunter Biden.

Yes, Chatbot, you were befuddled by the answer. Burisma offered bribes to Biden because he was running an influence peddling scam.

What specifically did they get for that?
Not what the Ukraine got because both parties agreed they should get aid at the time. (The Ukraine didn't become the enemy of the right until AFTER Trump got caught shaking down Zelensky)

This should be a pretty simple equation. If there was a quid pro quo, you should be able to demonstrate what Bursima supposedly got for their bribes that you can't document.
What specifically did they get for that?
Not what the Ukraine got because both parties agreed they should get aid at the time. (The Ukraine didn't become the enemy of the right until AFTER Trump got caught shaking down Zelensky)

This should be a pretty simple equation. If there was a quid pro quo, you should be able to demonstrate what Bursima supposedly got for their bribes that you can't document.
They got, influence and cash, Chatbot. You didn’t understand post #64.
Finally! Here's the smoking gun, the evidence linking the bribe money.

The Biden bribe from Burisma was deposited in a Maltese bank account opened by Burisma Executive Vadym Pozharskyi.

The Gateway Pundit again.......let's not vote for Hunter Biden, ok?
hey got, influence and cash, Chatbot. You didn’t understand post #64.

You mean they got something they would have gotten regardless.

You do get that the Vice President doesn't really have all that much power, right? I mean, if you are going to bribe someone, you bribe a member of Congress.
You mean they got something they would have gotten regardless.

You do get that the Vice President doesn't really have all that much power, right? I mean, if you are going to bribe someone, you bribe a member of Congress.
You mean you want to defend influence peddling on behalf of the Biden Crime Family.

I mean, if you’re going to bribe someone, why not go big and bribe a VP, career hack politician.

October 14, 2020
In The News

Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.
You mean you want to defend influence peddling on behalf of the Biden Crime Family.

Um, you haven't proven that happened. What did Bursima get, specifically. It's an easy enough question you should be able to answer.
Um, you haven't proven that happened. What did Bursima get, specifically. It's an easy enough question you should be able to answer.
Um, you're having difficulty paying attention. What came out of the House hearings is that an introduction of a business partner by Hunter to his then VP daddy greased the wheels that resulted in a Ukranian prosecutor getting canned. That prosecutor was lnvestigating Burisma.

You should be able to under the concept of influence peddling because the Ukranian business deals with Hunter resulted in his receiving enormous paychecks.
Um, you're having difficulty paying attention. What came out of the House hearings is that an introduction of a business partner by Hunter to his then VP daddy greased the wheels that resulted in a Ukranian prosecutor getting canned. That prosecutor was lnvestigating Burisma.

Um, yeah, except.

The guy wasn't investigating Burisma.
the IMF, EU and Republicans in Congress had already called for his firing.

So Bursima bribed Biden to do something everyone already wanted done and had no benefit to them?


No wonder they needed Hunter to tell them how to run their business.
Um, yeah, except.

The guy wasn't investigating Burisma.
the IMF, EU and Republicans in Congress had already called for his firing.

So Bursima bribed Biden to do something everyone already wanted done and had no benefit to them?


No wonder they needed Hunter to tell them how to run their business.
Um, yeah except the prosecutor was already investigating Burisma per the information from the House committee. Whether others wanted the prosecutor fired is irrelevant as "The Big Guy" was the apparent reason he was fired.

No wonder Hunter Biden, someone with no qualifications for anything, was hired. He had influence he could bring to the table.


Defending the Biden Crime Family.
If Trump did something so bad that he deserves to be prosecuted for it — that’s fine by me. However if Hillary and Joe Biden can get away with doing anything they please and the FBI will cover up for them then we no longer live in a well functioning constitutional republic.

That may be fine with you as you are not a Trump supporter but in the long run you will wish you had a fair legal system with one rule of law for all.
Explain using facts what Hillary Clinton got away with.

Explain with facts what President Joe Biden has gotten away with.

Then explain with facts why the former 1-term president didn’t break federal law by hiding classified documents after actually reading the indictment.

Until then just suck it sycophant.
Explain using facts what Hillary Clinton got away with.

Explain with facts what President Joe Biden has gotten away with.

Then explain with facts why the former 1-term president didn’t break federal law by hiding classified documents after actually reading the indictment.

Until then just suck it sycophant.
So rather than do your own research you want me to do all this work for you because you are too lazy.

I do my own research on items I am interested in but when I do research for other people who request it, I expect to get paid for my effort. Since I am retired I no longer work for anyone anyhow.

To be honest this nation is so corrupt that I can’t see Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton ever held responsible for their malfeasance and influence peddling. They will waltz away scot-free and richer than they ever dreamed they would be.

You have nothing to fear especially if you are old enough that the Chinese will not take over the USA until after you die. They will not have to take us over with their military. They will just buy us out, lock, stock. barrel and politician.

China “Owns” Us: How The Chinese Are Buying UpAmerica​

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Um, yeah except the prosecutor was already investigating Burisma per the information from the House committee. Whether others wanted the prosecutor fired is irrelevant as "The Big Guy" was the apparent reason he was fired.

Wow, what a vivid imagination you have.

Here's what Congress was ACTUALLY saying at the time Shokin was shown the door.

The reality is that the Obama administration — as well as many other Western European officials — wanted the prosecutor, a man named Viktor Shokin, removed because he was believed to be trying to stymie anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine. In other words, if anything, Biden’s efforts could have put his son in more legal jeopardy, not less.

Yet the conspiracy theory persists and has been repeated by Trump’s Republican allies on Fox News and in Congress. But it turns out Republicans have failed to mention one important thing: At least three GOP senators at the time also wanted that Ukrainian prosecutor fired.

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following month when Ukraine’s Parliament voted him out)

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