Here’s a story that should be the lead across the nation:

ANybody else notice that the alarmist contingent cant run far enough away from this thread? Theyve been taking about ice for decades and it turns out, on the southern part of the world, its gowing like weeds!!!

Im just laughing still because for well over ten years, Ive called this whole phenomena a gigantic hoax and as every year goes by, Im proven right over and over and over.

I love winning............
shit.....the k00ks want nothing to do with this thread!!!

still laughing.

Dollar to a stale donut, the k00ks are still working on their backyard emergency arks..............heres Rolling Thunders prototype, for example. Not bad for a first try Id say.........

Check it out. I take a couple days off, and the gibbering denialist loons go into full circle jerk mode. Frank omes up with the most interesting deflections, being he's obviously just not very bright. Flac strings together random gibberish that makes sense only to him. Katz does a parrot-like deflection to Antarctic sea ice. Koshergirl tosses in some standard red herrings, to confirm her loyalty to the cult. IanC states discredited crap about Antarctic ice sheets growing. Eflat rants classic political conspiracy theories. And Skook plays loyal little playground suckup to 'em all.

The commonality is that if a denialist says it, one can safely assume the exact opposite is true, unless independent evidence indicates otherwise. They get everything wrong every time -- the logic, the physics, the history, the statistics, everything. Why? Because their political cult orders them to hate the intelligent people and declare the exact opposite of what the intelligent people say. Since the intelligent people almost always get it right, auto-opposing that means the denialists always get it wrong.
BBC News - Arctic sea ice reaches record low, Nasa says

The ice cap has hit a record low, full melt is now considered inevitable, it has begun,.

The question remains, will we awake?

I do feel the economic concerns are paramount getting money out of government will at least give us a chance to address the question.

**Will we allow each of us in the name of nation and freedom destroy the very condition that our lives depend on?**

Will we allow those that make decisions decide that they can find a nice place to live and that to fix the problem would be just too expensive.

One thing seems to be set, that the longer we wait the more expensive it becomes, so we are set in a classic build of tension the longer the wealthy keep *“winning”* the worst the resolution will be.

UPDATE (8/31)

Great link to info:

Climate Change : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

UPDATE: (9/7/2012)

still not hit low yet

BBC News - Arctic ice melting at 'amazing' speed, scientists find

UPDATE: ( 9/18/2012)

I believe when you look at the data it is reasonable to predict that the Arctic Ice will drop below one million square Kilometers next year, you read it here first.

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

'Staggering' Arctic ice loss smashes melt records

The ice cap has hit a record low

Record low? Since when? Last 100 years? Last 1000? 10,000?
1,000,000? The last billion years?
BBC News - Arctic sea ice reaches record low, Nasa says

The ice cap has hit a record low, full melt is now considered inevitable, it has begun,.

The question remains, will we awake?

I do feel the economic concerns are paramount getting money out of government will at least give us a chance to address the question.

**Will we allow each of us in the name of nation and freedom destroy the very condition that our lives depend on?**

Will we allow those that make decisions decide that they can find a nice place to live and that to fix the problem would be just too expensive.

One thing seems to be set, that the longer we wait the more expensive it becomes, so we are set in a classic build of tension the longer the wealthy keep *“winning”* the worst the resolution will be.

UPDATE (8/31)

Great link to info:

Climate Change : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

UPDATE: (9/7/2012)

still not hit low yet

BBC News - Arctic ice melting at 'amazing' speed, scientists find

UPDATE: ( 9/18/2012)

I believe when you look at the data it is reasonable to predict that the Arctic Ice will drop below one million square Kilometers next year, you read it here first.

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

'Staggering' Arctic ice loss smashes melt records

The ice cap has hit a record low

Record low? Since when? Last 100 years? Last 1000? 10,000?
1,000,000? The last billion years?

Well now, if you weren't such a lazy ass, you might look that up yourself.
Record low? Since when? Last 100 years? Last 1000? 10,000? 1,000,000? The last billion years?

Maybe 1.1 million years, as shown by the sediment cores.

Once you get past that, the point becomes moot, given that the continents start being in different positions.

But what's your point? It's really awful logic to state that since natural cycles were the only force at play in the past, natural cycles must be the only force at play now.
BBC News - Arctic sea ice reaches record low, Nasa says

The ice cap has hit a record low, full melt is now considered inevitable, it has begun,.

The question remains, will we awake?

I do feel the economic concerns are paramount getting money out of government will at least give us a chance to address the question.

**Will we allow each of us in the name of nation and freedom destroy the very condition that our lives depend on?**

Will we allow those that make decisions decide that they can find a nice place to live and that to fix the problem would be just too expensive.

One thing seems to be set, that the longer we wait the more expensive it becomes, so we are set in a classic build of tension the longer the wealthy keep *“winning”* the worst the resolution will be.

UPDATE (8/31)

Great link to info:

Climate Change : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

UPDATE: (9/7/2012)

still not hit low yet

BBC News - Arctic ice melting at 'amazing' speed, scientists find

UPDATE: ( 9/18/2012)

I believe when you look at the data it is reasonable to predict that the Arctic Ice will drop below one million square Kilometers next year, you read it here first.

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

'Staggering' Arctic ice loss smashes melt records

The ice cap has hit a record low

Record low? Since when? Last 100 years? Last 1000? 10,000?
1,000,000? The last billion years?

Well now, if you weren't such a lazy ass, you might look that up yourself.

Wasn't my claim, why would I look it up?
Record low? Since when? Last 100 years? Last 1000? 10,000? 1,000,000? The last billion years?

Maybe 1.1 million years, as shown by the sediment cores.

Once you get past that, the point becomes moot, given that the continents start being in different positions.

But what's your point? It's really awful logic to state that since natural cycles were the only force at play in the past, natural cycles must be the only force at play now.

But what's your point?

They should have said record low, in the last 1.1 million years.
Of course that might cause less panic.
Record low? Since when? Last 100 years? Last 1000? 10,000? 1,000,000? The last billion years?

Maybe 1.1 million years, as shown by the sediment cores.

Once you get past that, the point becomes moot, given that the continents start being in different positions.

But what's your point? It's really awful logic to state that since natural cycles were the only force at play in the past, natural cycles must be the only force at play now.

But what's your point?

They should have said record low, in the last 1.1 million years.
Of course that might cause less panic.

With your head stuck so deep in the sand, how do you breath?

Make no mistake here........this news is devastating to the AGW alarmist contingent and they know it. It completely blows apart their whole narrative with regular folks. And that is the key....nobody likes to look like a total jcakass when the issue of global warming comes up. The AGW nutters can talk about their "consensus science" until the cows come hom............lecture people about this and that and at the end of the day, the whole line gets nuked with one single piece of data.:D:D


And all these days later, IM still laughing my balls off.
BBC News - Arctic sea ice reaches record low, Nasa says

The ice cap has hit a record low, full melt is now considered inevitable, it has begun,.

The question remains, will we awake?

I do feel the economic concerns are paramount getting money out of government will at least give us a chance to address the question.

**Will we allow each of us in the name of nation and freedom destroy the very condition that our lives depend on?**

Will we allow those that make decisions decide that they can find a nice place to live and that to fix the problem would be just too expensive.

One thing seems to be set, that the longer we wait the more expensive it becomes, so we are set in a classic build of tension the longer the wealthy keep *“winning”* the worst the resolution will be.

UPDATE (8/31)

Great link to info:

Climate Change : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

UPDATE: (9/7/2012)

still not hit low yet

BBC News - Arctic ice melting at 'amazing' speed, scientists find

UPDATE: ( 9/18/2012)

I believe when you look at the data it is reasonable to predict that the Arctic Ice will drop below one million square Kilometers next year, you read it here first.

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

'Staggering' Arctic ice loss smashes melt records

The ice cap has hit a record low

Record low? Since when? Last 100 years? Last 1000? 10,000?
1,000,000? The last billion years?

Well now, if you weren't such a lazy ass, you might look that up yourself.

Uh OldieRocks --- you know the answer to that one.. It's since 1979.. Just the last 40 years of mankind's history.. WHY? because this sea ice thingy can only be measured by satellite accurately enough to track this way..

PLENTY of historical evidence that Arctic Sea Ice has been as low or lower in the past 1000 yrs even...

Now apologize to the nice man for hiding the simple truth from him... (LOL).
Last edited:
Wait the ice hasn't been this low in over 1MM years?

Are you sure?

Funny how you forgot to grab the quote, could be because you're working on your straw man?

Go ahead stick your head back in the sand and pretend that the damn north pole being ic free is no big deal....

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