Here’s a story that should be the lead across the nation:

You clueless and duped denier cultists are soooooo pathetic.
Grow a brain before you post again, you poor cretin.
* * * *
And there's another pathetic cretin who really should grow a brain before posting his meaningless drivel again.

LOL.......but the clueless, cultist cretins.............are WINNING!!!!:fu::fu::fu:

From Tuesday's Huffington Post.....................commenting on the recent conventions........

"Nobody is speaking out in a sufficiently loud way," said Bill McKibben, the founder of the climate change advocacy group "We just came through a summer that saw the warmest month ever recorded in American history -- July. There's never been any month in any year warmer than that. And as far as I know, that went entirely unremarked by any of our political leaders."

Like Ive been saying for years on here................nobody cares about the science.


But hey............if k00ks like Rolling Thunder and the other climate radicals want to feel like hero's in this internet land of make believe, I say.........go.........go........go!!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Everybody in this world needs someplace to be at least somewhat relevant!!!
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Great post.........actually..........awesome post by HARDCANDY!!

Unfortunately, the thinking of those on the far left does not enable them to think on the margin........WHAT....... like we have this open checkbook and can mindlessly launch into spending lots and lots of $$ on dinosaur technology to "combat climate change". These are the same people who look at 16 trillion in debt and say, 'meh". These mental cases ( and that is what it is......thought processing issues......not retardation) think we have a card in our back pocket to play, "tax the wealthy at 90% and defund the military and anything is possible". But for those who think on the margin, that, of course, is absurd. And thankfully, those who do have the ability to think on the margin vastly outnumber the fringe alarmist contingent ( see the death of Cap and Trade). So they worry about this shit in a state of perpetual angst when it is 100% certain there is no fact, to even bring up the issue is tooth fairy stuff. This does not matter to the k00k left..............which is what makes this forum such a hoot to come into each day. They can spend 10 minutes putting together this seemingly brilliant presentation of their hand selected data and then I come along and post up a single photoshopped pic and it blows their shit to shit. The eccentric of the world are always so easy to make fun of and for some reason, Ive always excelled in it!!!:rock::rock::coffee: When they come off the rails with the anger, you know theyve been fucking pwned!!! Thats the single most satisfying part of posting up in this forum..................s0ns!!!!

Thanks Skooky, I'm glad someone like you noticed my Dr Jekyll.

My blondness and trashy facade distracts the less observant but, oh well.

After reading your post I have come to the conclusion that you're brilliant.

I have no idea what you are doing in this place but I'll be watching you.

Hope you don't mind.

Hardcandy..........let me tell you something..........make sure to stop in here lots because its a fucking hoot. Welcome to Realville as brought to you by myself, West, Daveman, Frank, Ian and Wirebender and an occassional hysterical stop in from Oddball who makes me split my sides laughing. Your presence just makes it all the more hysterical.

What we have in here is a few people who wandered off the reservation long fuck-ups who went looking for a "cause" to back in life.......and any cause will do, as long as its grounded in pronounced levels of alarm and angst. These nuts really think they are going to persuade the whole world from this shitty forum.........that the world is going to be under water in a few years!!! My longtime denier pals in here school these far lefties with the unpopular ( for them) science. I put the icing on the cake by presenting the political realities of their spectacular efforts of fAIL and do it with volumes of gay MSPAINT Photobucket Classics..........and Im laughing my balls off everytime I click on the SUBMIT REPLY button.

Meanhwhile, you will notice the responses to all of our posts are these mental case rants of anger and misery...........we can almost see these cheesedicks spitting on their PC monitors as they mash their keyboard letters.:D:D:2up:

Anyway Hardcandy.........where the hell else can you go in life and show up and win every single day??? Especially this meathead Rolling Thunder...........funnier than a frog in a glass of milk. And dont mind FlaCalTenn's jealousy rant........he gets real pissed when the rare conservative blonde hottie drops in and falls for my gay MSPaint stuff...........but hes really become the shit in this place for the last 6 months or so, I have to admit.
Hello again Skooky, I see ya been busy bustin balls...

My social life pretty much revolves around the biker culture...My boyfriend is a biker, my dad, mom and brothers are bikers and most my friends are bikers and, your basic scooter-trash...(altho you shouldn't say that to their face)

Their intelligence ranges from dumb motherfucker all the way to genius but for the most part they are all basically down to earth, no nonsense, realist and I have personally never met a single one that buys into this man-made global warming bullshit.

As you're probably aware, Rolling Thunder is an annual cross country motor cycle run to the capital in honor of war veterans, which is made up basically of people who are part of this biker culture, other than a few rice-burners and middle class wanna-be weekend warriors who don their leathers and take to the highway on their Harleys every saturday morning.

This member, Rolling Thunder, who has adopted the name of this annual event, sounds very much like one of these middle-class wanna-bees who jumps on his scoot every weekend after hugging trees all week and making sure his Prius is charged up for monday morning.....People like him give Scooter Trash a bad name!

See ya round bro!
My social life pretty much revolves around the biker culture...My boyfriend is a biker, my dad, mom and brothers are bikers and most my friends are bikers and, your basic scooter-trash...(altho you shouldn't say that to their face)

Their intelligence ranges from dumb motherfucker all the way to...
...'mildly retarded'. There, fixed it for you so it is more accurate.

LOLOLOL. Might have know that you were a dumbfuck biker, BlowHard. No wonder you've fallen in with the moronic denier cultists.

but for the most part they are all basically down to earth, no nonsense, realist and I have personally never met a single one that buys into this man-made global warming bullshit.
Well, there's your 'peer-review' - a bunch of cretins think AGW is 'bullshit'. LOLOLOLOL.

As you're probably aware, Rolling Thunder is an annual cross country motor cycle run
As you're most certainly not aware, given what a narrow minded little imbecile you are, Rolling Thunder refers to other things besides the activities of you biker boneheads.

Rolling Thunder (person)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rolling Thunder was a Native American medicine man. He was born in Oklahoma and later moved to Nevada and lived with the Western Shoshone.

When the denialists go into yet another fevered circle-jerk like this, there's no point in trying to talk to them. They are all otherwise occupied. It's best to just step way, way back and say "ew". After they're all spent, they'll settle down a bit.
When the denialists go into yet another fevered circle-jerk like this, there's no point in trying to talk to them. They are all otherwise occupied. It's best to just step way, way back and say "ew". After they're all spent, they'll settle down a bit.

And in the real world we have this.....Deny it all you want but the science is's you who deny science...not the sceptics. Furthermore....there's still nothing like this happening today! 3 subs at the North Pole. In open water...impossible today and for the forseeable future.

But that would be a fact and cultist deniers don't do facts. You do "models", and not the curvy pretty kind.

"But PBS and Dr. Meier have ignored the elephant in the room. The elephant is the Antarctic Icecap. While satellite data shows that Arctic ice has been declining for the last 30 years, the same satellite data shows that Antarctic ice has been expanding for 30 years.

It’s interesting that climate scientists are so alarmed by declining Arctic ice. The Arctic Icecap is only 1 to 2 percent of Earth’s ice, while the elephant, the Antarctic Icecap, contains about 90 percent of Earth’s ice. The climate models underestimated the decline in Arctic ice, but they are confounded by the growth in Antarctic ice. Data from Dr. Meier’s own National Snow and Ice Center shows that the extent of Antarctic sea ice for 2012 is greater than the 1979-2000 average. I wonder why he didn’t mention the good news about Antarctic ice on the PBS segment."

Sounding the ice cap alarm while ignoring the elephant - Oped: physical geography, glaciology, earth, environment, arctic


  • $3-subs-north-pole-1987.jpg
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My social life pretty much revolves around the biker culture...My boyfriend is a biker, my dad, mom and brothers are bikers and most my friends are bikers and, your basic scooter-trash...(altho you shouldn't say that to their face)

Their intelligence ranges from dumb motherfucker all the way to...
...'mildly retarded'. There, fixed it for you so it is more accurate.

LOLOLOL. Might have know that you were a dumbfuck biker, BlowHard. No wonder you've fallen in with the moronic denier cultists.

but for the most part they are all basically down to earth, no nonsense, realist and I have personally never met a single one that buys into this man-made global warming bullshit.
Well, there's your 'peer-review' - a bunch of cretins think AGW is 'bullshit'. LOLOLOLOL.

As you're probably aware, Rolling Thunder is an annual cross country motor cycle run
As you're most certainly not aware, given what a *narrow minded little imbecile you are, Rolling Thunder refers to other things besides the activities of you biker boneheads.

Rolling Thunder (person)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rolling Thunder was a Native American medicine man. He was born in Oklahoma and later moved to Nevada and lived with the Western Shoshone.

He looks like just another taxpayer dependent reservation wino that still hates the white eyes for shooting all his great-great grandpa's buffaloes.

Typical liberal, demanding that government and the taxpayers keep your little tootsies dry...This is the 21st century chief, get with the program!

If you're seriously worried about the icecaps melting then quit whining like a helpless baby and move your wannabeaindian ass to a reservation in the mountains.

*A gullible sucker like you is calling me a "narrow minded little imbecile"[/B]???

You're obviously the "narrow minded" one here and I'm 6'-2" in my MaryJane pumps so don't call me "little" and you're the only "imbecile" in this exchange chief.
Furthermore....there's still nothing like this happening today! 3 subs at the North Pole. In open water...impossible today and for the forseeable future.

Open leads of water near the North Pole have always happened. You literally don't seem to understand the difference between a temporary open lead and an entire ice cap melting. As usual, your knowledge of pretty much everything stinks.

the same satellite data shows that Antarctic ice has been expanding for 30 years.

No. Antartic land ice is crashing, in both east and west Antarctica, as measured by the GRACE satellites. Where do you get this stuff? You've got a knack for getting it all wrong.

Now, Antarctic sea ice has been expanding a bit, due to the loss of the ozone greenhouse gas, and due to increasing precipitation, and a strengthening of the circumpolar wind. No one is "confounded" by it. It's only denialists who make such crazy claims. And the tiny temporary seasonal gain in Antarctic sea ice is nothing compared to the massive loss of Arctic Sea ice. Anyone trying to equate the two reveals themselves as remarkably ignorant of the facts.
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My social life pretty much revolves around the biker culture...My boyfriend is a biker, my dad, mom and brothers are bikers and most my friends are bikers and, your basic scooter-trash...(altho you shouldn't say that to their face)

Their intelligence ranges from dumb motherfucker all the way to...
...'mildly retarded'. There, fixed it for you so it is more accurate.

LOLOLOL. Might have know that you were a dumbfuck biker, BlowHard. No wonder you've fallen in with the moronic denier cultists.

Well, there's your 'peer-review' - a bunch of cretins think AGW is 'bullshit'. LOLOLOLOL.

As you're probably aware, Rolling Thunder is an annual cross country motor cycle run
As you're most certainly not aware, given what a *narrow minded little imbecile you are, Rolling Thunder refers to other things besides the activities of you biker boneheads.

Rolling Thunder (person)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rolling Thunder was a Native American medicine man. He was born in Oklahoma and later moved to Nevada and lived with the Western Shoshone.

He looks like just another taxpayer dependent reservation wino that still hates the white eyes for shooting all his great-great grandpa's buffaloes.

Typical liberal, demanding that government and the taxpayers keep your little tootsies dry...This is the 21st century chief, get with the program!

If you're seriously worried about the icecaps melting then quit whining like a helpless baby and move your wannabeaindian ass to a reservation in the mountains.

*A gullible sucker like you is calling me a "narrow minded little imbecile"[/B]???

You're obviously the "narrow minded" one here and I'm 6'-2" in my MaryJane pumps so don't call me "little" and you're the only "imbecile" in this exchange chief., you're a fat-assed dumbshit biker chick.....might have known.......OK, won't call you 'little' again, BlowHard.......unless I'm referring to your mental capacities.....
AGW has been debunked, just like the DDT thing....

It is fascinating, how the political cult of the denialists demands blind adherence to a whole bunch of idiot conspiracy theories. Denialists are required to swear allegiance to at least these conspiracy theories:

1. AGW denialism
2. Ozone depletion denialism.
3. "DDT banning was a liberal plot!" retardation.

There are others they may believe in -- Birtherism, 9/11 trutherism, antivaxism, zionist bankers, global cabals, homeopathic medicine, UFO abductions, and so on. The same gullible mindset that will fall for one conspiracy tends to fall for many others.

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