Here we go again. Repeal Ocare with TCare take Three.

You are seriously comparing common pre-existing condition actuarial data analysis and pricing to trying to figure out wtf those Republicans are going to do next?

You don't know what you are talking about.
Yes I am. While the idea of forced coverage is nice it is not practical. Insurance companies are created as a for profit gamble, but you idiots are trying to turn them into a government charity. It will never work.

Ok now WE KNOW you don't know what you are talking about.

Insurance companies are not "gambling", they use statistical models to predict expenses and price their premiums accordingly - IT IS THEIR JOB.

What they CAN'T realistically price in is the possibility of Republicans turning the whole market upside down tomorrow.
Delusions. Statistical models can not predict bank breaking terminal or other bank breaking medical emergencies & situations.


Yes they can, because guess what, THEY HAPPEN AT MORE OR LESS COMMON FREQUENCIES among a population large enough.
More of less.

So exactly as I said. GAMBLING. A calculated risk you called it right? Which is GAMBLING.

You're an idiot and I'm done here

Still laughing at your ignorance.

Bye now.
How in the world do they determine what percentage of the available pool of funds goes to each state?

Medical costs vary by area, often by county. Utilization rates vary by area. Age varies by area. General health varies by area. Access varies by area.


So the states get it from the feds based on population. The state's give it to counties and they administer it locally.

But you prefer a fed government one size fits all where individual needs are ignored?
In the words of Winston Churchill:

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."

So it looks like we'll have to go thru a few variations of market based healthcare systems until we finally get to the inevitable: Fully Socialized Healthcare.
I would exactly call that 'finally doing the right thing'.

The Democrats completely destroyed the previously existing health care system, replacing it with govt-defined minimum-mandated coverage.

Once the ACA collapses, Americans will struggle in the aftermath to rebuild/re-create, all the while facing the same pro-Single Payer forces that continue to manipulate markets and factors, continuing to HERD Americans towards Single payer...

Those evil people that want everyone to have access to healthcare! Oh how Horrible!
Republicans are punting and dumping healthcare on the states without funding

What? Its not our fault if the states don't provide healthcare
The money is being sent to the states. Next year 45% of the counties in the US will have ONE OR NO Insurance options.
That is a recipe for huge plan hikes & fraud.

Very little is known about Trumpcare

Will states require coverage of pre-existing conditions?
Will as many Americans have coverage as under Obamacare?
What will be the premiums?
Will I be able to keep my doctor under Trumpcare?
All questions that you should have asked before obiecare.
How in the world do they determine what percentage of the available pool of funds goes to each state?

Medical costs vary by area, often by county. Utilization rates vary by area. Age varies by area. General health varies by area. Access varies by area.


So the states get it from the feds based on population. The state's give it to counties and they administer it locally.

But you prefer a fed government one size fits all where individual needs are ignored?
No, you totally missed my point. Each state has variables (those I describe) that make it unique. So the same dollar that goes to one state won't be as efficient as a dollar that goes to another.

Bottom line, you'll have World War III among the states as to who gets what. And then, of course, rationing.
Republicans are punting and dumping healthcare on the states without funding

What? Its not our fault if the states don't provide healthcare

You hit the head on the nail. That is exactly what this is all about. When the horror stories come out, congressional Republicans can say we have nothing to do with it. Millions will lose their coverage due to low incomes, pre-existing conditions, or age. Also Rand Paul has said that this is a transfer of federal money from blue states to red states. States that support Democrats will be punished and states that support Republicans will be rewarded.
Those evil people that want everyone to have access to healthcare! Oh how Horrible!
Oh put a sock in it, snowflake. Libtards are not the only ones who want people to have health coverage.

The are, however the only ones who lied their assess off to the American people (will pay for itself, will not cost a dime, will lower health care prices, you can keep your plan / doctor, you will have 72hrs to read it before a vote is cast...) and the only ones to ram the MINORITY-SUPPORTED socialist agenda-driven Obama / DNC 'EDICT' into law in the wee hours of the morning, forcing it into law against the majority opposition of the American people.

This was not 'representative government' but a political coup against the American people by the self-appointed Rulers of the American people.
Just like I told you rubes the other 60 times the GOP pretended to repeal ObamaCare, this is theater put on for your credulous entertainment.

Trump and the GOP played you. They never had a replacement. They had no intention of repealing ObamaCare. You have been massively hoaxed.

But now they will come back to your districts and tell you, "W-w-w-w-we tried! But those durned RINOs and Democrats stopped us! Even though we own the whole Congress in record numbers and the whole White House, those rascally libruls cheated!"

Trump's empty pockets. Trump's empty hands. Trump's empty promises.

For empty heads.

McConnell says they have till Sept 30th to pass it. I suppose since it eliminates the mandate & sends the money to the states I can support it.
Surprised Rand Paul would rather keep Ocare than pass this.

If I'm not mistaken, it is because he views Trump care as Obama care lite. He feels it doesn't go far enough!
You are correct but sometimes you have to take what you can get.
Yeah but when 90% of GrahmnestyCare is Obamacare, it's not a repeal at all, it's just reshuffling some money. There's no provision to allow insurance companies to compete across state lines either. I think this is really a farce, and if it passes and Trump signs it, I think he can kiss a second term goodbye.
I want the mandate gone. That mandate stiffles growth in businesses.
I don't disagree that it's a shit bill BUT this may be the only shot we get at the mandate. If the GOP continues fucking around they're done. I'm less concerned with Trump winning in 2020 than I am with keeping the dems out of control in the house & Senate.

LOL, the plan is just to just wreck current system, hand over grant money to states and let them deal with it.

The current system is already wrecked. Open your eyes! 45% of counties to have only one option or NO OPTIONS under the current system in 2018.

Many of the firms have cited Republicans as the reason for leaving. The fact is that you cannot do business on a month to month basis.
Many of the firms have cited Republicans as the reason for leaving. The fact is that you cannot do business on a month to month basis.
And of course you have the quotes and links to back that up, right...?
Republicans are punting and dumping healthcare on the states without funding

What? Its not our fault if the states don't provide healthcare
The money is being sent to the states. Next year 45% of the counties in the US will have ONE OR NO Insurance options.
That is a recipe for huge plan hikes & fraud.

Very little is known about Trumpcare

Will states require coverage of pre-existing conditions?
Will as many Americans have coverage as under Obamacare?
What will be the premiums?
Will I be able to keep my doctor under Trumpcare?
All questions that you should have asked before obiecare.

They were asked and answered in open public forums and congressional debates

Why won't the Republicans allow the public to comment or Congressional debate on Trumpcare?
Those evil people that want everyone to have access to healthcare! Oh how Horrible!
Oh put a sock in it, snowflake. Libtards are not the only ones who want people to have health coverage.

You SAY that, but liberals are the only ones with plans that get people covered. All Republican plans since ACA decrease coverage rates, increasing number of people without insurance by tens of millions.

...unless of course you count Trump's "We'll take care of everyone at a fraction of a price!" a plan haha.
But they are the only ones with plans that get people covered.
The ACA does NOT cover everyone.

Even With Obamacare, 29 Million People Are Uninsured: Here’s Why

"An estimated 20 million people have gained insurance since health care reform was signed into law in 2010, but in the six years since, a significant group of Americans remain uninsured.

Estimates vary, but as many as 29 million Americans – about one in 10 – lack coverage. Why is that?

One of the biggest factors is cost, which still hinders many Americans from purchasing insurance. It may seem obvious, but the data shows many of the uninsured can’t afford coverage, even after reforms were passed."

So much for the 'AFFORDABLE Care Act'...more like the UN-Affordable Care Act'! :p
There is only one thing collapsing Obamacare right now - REPUBLICANS and all the market uncertainty they are whipping up that makes any future planning for insurance companies a guessing game.
While snowflakes continue to declare Americans will lose coverage if the ACA is repealed there are already millions of Americans who are out of coverage due to insurers leaving exchanges, leaving no insurers left. Many are left, due to massive increases, unable to afford 'affordable' health care.

And as long as the Federal Govt continues to pay into / for the Obama program sworn to pay for itself, not cost a dime, and which would lower the cost of health care it can survive.

If left to operate as it was always promised, it would have already collapsed.

It is not true. Obamacare was actually stable before Trump came into office. There is no doubt it has problems that need to be fixed. Companies cannot do business when they have to see whether the subsidies will be released for the next month. This is typical of Trump. His MO was to make agreements with suppliers and then refuse to pay for the services. Trump is dishonest.

Lowering premiums by kicking low income people off their insurance or forcing people with pre-existing conditions or raising rates on seniors is cruelty. Do you know who came up with the mandate? The conservative Heritage Foundation. They also had refundable tax credits in their plan. That was before it was corrupted by Jim DeMint.

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