Here we go again. Repeal Ocare with TCare take Three.

I haven't checked why Rand Paul is against it. I wonder if his state's number of ex-miners with Black Lung plays into it?

Paul is the typical Libertarian, the new plan doesn't make deep enough cuts to suit him.
I haven't checked why Rand Paul is against it. I wonder if his state's number of ex-miners with Black Lung plays into it?

ACA’s Medicaid Expansion a Huge Success in Kentucky
ACA’s Medicaid Expansion a Huge Success in Kentucky

March 10, 2017 at 4:45 PM

When Vice President Pence travels to Kentucky this weekend to make the case for House Republicans’ Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal bill, he’ll presumably echo President Trump’s claim that the ACA is failing in that state. Kentucky’s an odd choice to make that claim: it’s seen the sharpest drop in the adult uninsured rate of any state under the ACA, from more than 20 percent in 2013 to less than 8 percent in 2016.

Unfortunately, Kentucky’s Medicaid expansion is doubly at risk. The House Republican ACA repeal bill would effectively end the expansion across the country\

That's why Rand Paul isn't for it.

heres the deal - Obama did it so its fucked - repeal/replace no questions asked.

as long as Republicans can fuck you they could care less - as long as they are to party fucking you ..
Well it might be a good thing to let each state decide how to best use the money. But let's not lie about the facts. It DOES not repeal the Medicaid Expansion or the Obamacare Subsidies. It just rearranges the chairs on the deck. AND it will cut funding over time, and it does immediately mean less money overall for each Medicaid enrollee, and it DOES eliminate safeguards.

it's no more a repeal than I am an illegal alien. Wait, you don't know that I'm not an illegal alien (evil laughter.)
heres the deal - Obama did it so its fucked - repeal/replace no questions asked.

as long as Republicans can fuck you they could care less - as long as they are to party fucking you ..
Well it might be a good thing to let each state decide how to best use the money. But let's not lie about the facts. It DOES not repeal the Medicaid Expansion or the Obamacare Subsidies. It just rearranges the chairs on the deck. AND it will cut funding over time, and it does immediately mean less money overall for each Medicaid enrollee, and it DOES eliminate safeguards.

it's no more a repeal than I am an illegal alien. Wait, you don't know that I'm not an illegal alien (evil laughter.)

look at the states that have massive deficits ...

most are in the North East..

State Fiscal Rankings
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look at the states that have massive deficits ...

most are in the North East..

State Fiscal Rankings

Let's dive into how those states are doing, from your citation

Budget solvency.

Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, New York, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Vermont all improved their budget position significantly.

Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin worsened in the budget solvency ranking.
look at the states that have massive deficits ...

most are in the North East..

State Fiscal Rankings

Let's dive into how those states are doing, from your citation

Budget solvency.

Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, New York, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Vermont all improved their budget position significantly.

Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin worsened in the budget solvency ranking.

red states are sucking wind .. they cant manage state money so lets dump managing healthcare on them too ...

look at the states that have massive deficits ...

most are in the North East..

State Fiscal Rankings

Let's dive into how those states are doing, from your citation

Budget solvency.

Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, New York, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Vermont all improved their budget position significantly.

Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin worsened in the budget solvency ranking.

red states are sucking wind .. they cant manage state money so lets dump managing healthcare on them too ...

Well, Clinton used Medicaid waivers to let states experiment to see what might fly. Alaska has to have a different delivery system than say ... Calif. And NY has incredibly dense urban areas and largly "depeopled and really poor" rural areas. Healthcare was pretty much a state issue until 1965.

And nothing shows the Congress is any better at managing freebies.
LOL, the plan is just to just wreck current system, hand over grant money to states and let them deal with it.

The current system is already wrecked. Open your eyes! 45% of counties to have only one option or NO OPTIONS under the current system in 2018.

What counties? Is this just something you read or are you an insider?
LOL, the plan is just to just wreck current system, hand over grant money to states and let them deal with it.

The current system is already wrecked. Open your eyes! 45% of counties to have only one option or NO OPTIONS under the current system in 2018.

What counties? Is this just something you read or are you an insider?
I'm an insider. My contact is Google. He's pretty reliable.
LOL, the plan is just to just wreck current system, hand over grant money to states and let them deal with it.

The current system is already wrecked. Open your eyes! 45% of counties to have only one option or NO OPTIONS under the current system in 2018.

What counties? Is this just something you read or are you an insider?
I'm an insider. My contact is Google. He's pretty reliable.

Then why didn't you say that 45% of the counties will have ONE or no insurance companies? This map certainly doesn't look like 45%. You have to understand Centene and a couple other companies have taken over some counties that would be without, but there will still be a few.

Counties at Risk of Having No Insurer on the Marketplace (Exchange) in 2018
McConnell says they have till Sept 30th to pass it. I suppose since it eliminates the mandate & sends the money to the states I can support it.
Surprised Rand Paul would rather keep Ocare than pass this.
McConnell says they have till Sept 30th to pass it. I suppose since it eliminates the mandate & sends the money to the states I can support it.
Surprised Rand Paul would rather keep Ocare than pass this.
Grampa doesn't know how premiums will be affected, but hey. Let's piss off the libtards! He seems to argue.
I don't give a damn what anyone on the left thinks. You can play your petty games by yourself.
How much will premiums change?
Don't know, don't care. End the mandate. Period. If you were concerned about premiums you should have expressed that when Obamacare was force fed to you.
Unbelievable. You don't care about premiums. Wow. Just wow.
You are seriously comparing common pre-existing condition actuarial data analysis and pricing to trying to figure out wtf those Republicans are going to do next?

You don't know what you are talking about.
Yes I am. While the idea of forced coverage is nice it is not practical. Insurance companies are created as a for profit gamble, but you idiots are trying to turn them into a government charity. It will never work.

Ok now WE KNOW you don't know what you are talking about.

Insurance companies are not "gambling", they use statistical models to predict expenses and price their premiums accordingly - IT IS THEIR JOB.

What they CAN'T realistically price in is the possibility of Republicans turning the whole market upside down tomorrow.
Delusions. Statistical models can not predict bank breaking terminal or other bank breaking medical emergencies & situations.


Yes they can, because guess what, THEY HAPPEN AT MORE OR LESS COMMON FREQUENCIES among a population large enough.
More of less.

So exactly as I said. GAMBLING. A calculated risk you called it right? Which is GAMBLING.

You're an idiot and I'm done here

Nope, gambling is not a guaranteed payout at some point.
There is only one thing collapsing Obamacare right now - REPUBLICANS and all the market uncertainty they are whipping up that makes any future planning for insurance companies a guessing game.
While snowflakes continue to declare Americans will lose coverage if the ACA is repealed there are already millions of Americans who are out of coverage due to insurers leaving exchanges, leaving no insurers left. Many are left, due to massive increases, unable to afford 'affordable' health care.

And as long as the Federal Govt continues to pay into / for the Obama program sworn to pay for itself, not cost a dime, and which would lower the cost of health care it can survive.

If left to operate as it was always promised, it would have already collapsed.

It is not true. Obamacare was actually stable before Trump came into office. There is no doubt it has problems that need to be fixed. Companies cannot do business when they have to see whether the subsidies will be released for the next month. This is typical of Trump. His MO was to make agreements with suppliers and then refuse to pay for the services. Trump is dishonest.

Lowering premiums by kicking low income people off their insurance or forcing people with pre-existing conditions or raising rates on seniors is cruelty. Do you know who came up with the mandate? The conservative Heritage Foundation. They also had refundable tax credits in their plan. That was before it was corrupted by Jim DeMint.

Some companies filed two sets of rates, a low and a high. Most have conceded they will need the higher rates because of the uncertainty of Trump renewing the cost share reductions from month to month. They are whopping rates too.
But they are the only ones with plans that get people covered.
The ACA does NOT cover everyone.

Even With Obamacare, 29 Million People Are Uninsured: Here’s Why

"An estimated 20 million people have gained insurance since health care reform was signed into law in 2010, but in the six years since, a significant group of Americans remain uninsured.

Estimates vary, but as many as 29 million Americans – about one in 10 – lack coverage. Why is that?

One of the biggest factors is cost, which still hinders many Americans from purchasing insurance. It may seem obvious, but the data shows many of the uninsured can’t afford coverage, even after reforms were passed."

So much for the 'AFFORDABLE Care Act'...more like the UN-Affordable Care Act'! :p

The fact is that more people did get insurance than bef0ore Obamacare. However it does need to be fixed in a way that preserves the gains made. That is why kicking people of their insurance is not the answer.
Snowflakes say we should just help bolster / improve the ACA. Why couldn't we do with that with the system we had - just improve it? Instead they replaced it with the ACA...that has not lived up as advertised / lied....

If the repubs plan includes letting insurance companies formulate a highly catastrophic plan you may see affordable half way insurance. If not it's not going to matter if it does or doesn't pass, your rates will still go up.
LOL, the plan is just to just wreck current system, hand over grant money to states and let them deal with it.

The current system is already wrecked. Open your eyes! 45% of counties to have only one option or NO OPTIONS under the current system in 2018.
You're not likely to have a lot of options available in counties where only a few people live. May as well offer a public option to Medicare.
In the words of Winston Churchill:

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."

So it looks like we'll have to go thru a few variations of market based healthcare systems until we finally get to the inevitable: Fully Socialized Healthcare.
I'd rather they just cut to the chase.
Bullshit - what was predicted was a period of market volatility and restructuring followed by a settling period. The settling period CAN'T HAPPEN is the legislative ground is constantly getting shaken up.
Lies. Completely fabricated bullshit.

Yea? Put yourself in the shoes of insurance companies for a few min and consider how you'd plan for 2018 in this environment of total uncertainty about the future of the market.
Yea? Put yourself in the shoes of insurance companies who are now forced to cover bankrupting pre existing conditions. What future is left after that sinks in?


You are seriously comparing common pre-existing condition actuarial data analysis and pricing to trying to figure out wtf those Republicans are going to do next?

You don't know what you are talking about.
Yes I am. While the idea of forced coverage is nice it is not practical. Insurance companies are created as a for profit gamble, but you idiots are trying to turn them into a government charity. It will never work.
I'm with you. Let millions of Americans die. Hopefully in pain and broke before they kick the bucket.

See? Lot's people feel the you do.

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