Here We Go Again: Upcoming GOP Debate Moderator Comes Out Against Trump

I love his chairperson out in Iowa. She said "mess with the bull and you're gonna get the horns".

I guess Hewitt better be prepared for battle wearing more than a matador suit. Because he should expect to be gored.

C(ommunist) N(etwork) N(ews)?

Big surprise.

It would be more honest to put Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo in charge of moderating.

At least the Loony Leftist Leaning would be a bit more obvious.

With a guy - rather than a woman - it's a good guess that Trump will take the gloves all the way off, if the Bias gets out of hand.

And we'll then have another Lamestream Media 'moderator' bleeding out of a 'whatever' - in this case, on the whatever would be on the reverse-slope.

Sound like it'll be worth watching, for the entertainment value, if nothing else.

Bread and circuses.
You think a moderator ought to be in the bag for your favorite candidate? You find out who you are really supporting when they are asked difficult questions and they have no ready answer.
1. Moderators should manifest and maintain an aura of Neutrality, in order to properly execute their duties.

2. He's not my favorite candidate.
He has not even moderated yet. Being fair does not require one to have no opinions beforehand. How could anyone be knowledgeable enough to moderate a political debate and not have some very definite views?
If you do not understand (or buy into) the need for Moderators to publicly demonstrate neutrality prior to a political debate, then you may wish to obtain a second opinion.
As a deliberately polarizing figure Trump has forced nearly everyone to have an opinion on his campaign at this point, you just keep sounding like you want someone more on his side. Keep wishing. At this point Trump is facing the full brunt of the GOP propaganda/smear/manipulation machine, welcome to what the democrats have been fighting for years. Trump gets no sympathy from me for any bad treatment, real or imaginary, he gets from the establishment. I think it is terribly funny how the people who most gleefully participated in the smear machine, teabagger types, are catching the most hell from it.
C(ommunist) N(etwork) N(ews)?

Big surprise.

It would be more honest to put Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo in charge of moderating.

At least the Loony Leftist Leaning would be a bit more obvious.

With a guy - rather than a woman - it's a good guess that Trump will take the gloves all the way off, if the Bias gets out of hand.

And we'll then have another Lamestream Media 'moderator' bleeding out of a 'whatever' - in this case, on the whatever would be on the reverse-slope.

Sound like it'll be worth watching, for the entertainment value, if nothing else.

Bread and circuses.
You think a moderator ought to be in the bag for your favorite candidate? You find out who you are really supporting when they are asked difficult questions and they have no ready answer.
1. Moderators should manifest and maintain an aura of Neutrality, in order to properly execute their duties.

2. He's not my favorite candidate.
He has not even moderated yet. Being fair does not require one to have no opinions beforehand. How could anyone be knowledgeable enough to moderate a political debate and not have some very definite views?
If you do not understand (or buy into) the need for Moderators to publicly demonstrate neutrality prior to a political debate, then you may wish to obtain a second opinion.
As a deliberately polarizing figure Trump has forced nearly everyone to have an opinion on his campaign at this point, you just keep sounding like you want someone more on his side. Keep wishing. At this point Trump is facing the full brunt of the GOP propaganda/smear/manipulation machine, welcome to what the democrats have been fighting for years. Trump gets no sympathy from me for any bad treatment, real or imaginary, he gets from the establishment. I think it is terribly funny how the people who most gleefully participated in the smear machine, teabagger types, are catching the most hell from it.
If Atilla the Hun was a candidate for either party, I would expect the Moderators of any such debates to maintain a strict public neutrality and objectivity.

America has a right to expect that level of impartiality from those purporting to serve as credible Moderators for such events.

America is not getting that objectivity from the partisan hack in question.
You think a moderator ought to be in the bag for your favorite candidate? You find out who you are really supporting when they are asked difficult questions and they have no ready answer.
1. Moderators should manifest and maintain an aura of Neutrality, in order to properly execute their duties.

2. He's not my favorite candidate.
He has not even moderated yet. Being fair does not require one to have no opinions beforehand. How could anyone be knowledgeable enough to moderate a political debate and not have some very definite views?
If you do not understand (or buy into) the need for Moderators to publicly demonstrate neutrality prior to a political debate, then you may wish to obtain a second opinion.
As a deliberately polarizing figure Trump has forced nearly everyone to have an opinion on his campaign at this point, you just keep sounding like you want someone more on his side. Keep wishing. At this point Trump is facing the full brunt of the GOP propaganda/smear/manipulation machine, welcome to what the democrats have been fighting for years. Trump gets no sympathy from me for any bad treatment, real or imaginary, he gets from the establishment. I think it is terribly funny how the people who most gleefully participated in the smear machine, teabagger types, are catching the most hell from it.
If Atilla the Hun was a candidate for either party, I would expect the Moderators of any such debates to maintain a strict public neutrality and objectivity.

America has a right to expect that level of impartiality from those purporting to serve as credible Moderators for such events.

America is not getting that objectivity from the partisan hack in question.
If the moderator in question had only favorable comments about Trump would he cease to be a partisan hack in your eyes? You are still sounding like you want someone who is not going to give him a hard time no matter what atrocious crap he might say. Did you people think hijacking the republican party was going to be easy?
...If the moderator in question had only favorable comments about Trump would he cease to be a partisan hack in your eyes? ...

I have already made my position clear.

Those responsible for moderating a debate have an ethical obligation to demonstrate a public appearance of Neutrality.

...You are still sounding like you want someone who is not going to give him a hard time no matter what atrocious crap he might say...

Merely someone objective and neutral, who will earnestly strive to keep the playing field level PRIOR to the debate for which he-or-she is responsible for moderating.

... Did you people think hijacking the republican party was going to be easy?
Who-in-the-hell are 'you people'?

I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012 - although I held my nose both times while I was doing it.


What part of "A debate moderator should demonstrate impartiality in order to ensure fairness and credibility." do you not understand?

This is not a difficult concept, fer Crissakes.
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Merely someone objective and neutral, who will earnestly strive to keep the playing field level PRIOR to the debate for which he-or-she is responsible for moderating.
That has been the issue with many of us since Trump started talking. We aren't necessarily going to vote for Trump, we just want the debates to be neutral and fair.
Someone said that Trump is saying the same things people have been shouting at their TV sets. There is a lot of truth in that and probably why Trump has flown so high.

Merely someone objective and neutral, who will earnestly strive to keep the playing field level PRIOR to the debate for which he-or-she is responsible for moderating.
That has been the issue with many of us since Trump started talking. We aren't necessarily going to vote for Trump, we just want the debates to be neutral and fair.


It appears that some of our Moral Relativist -leaning colleagues have difficulty understanding concepts such as fairness and impartiality.
The world is not fair and well moderated. Whoever is going to be President should know how to adjust and adapt to the situation at hand. If Trump doesn't learn to control his temper and ego he does not deserve to be a leader in the competition to get the nomination. He could have answered the questions he was asked with diplomacy and wit. He could have done damage control the next day instead of doubling down on being a crude jerk.
If Trump is so awesome what does it matter? You people have been so well trained by conservative media to see media criticism of republicans as a political attack that you will even accuse Fox of it, the Irony is delicious.
I think you fail to see that leftists and this time rightwingers are once again trying to rig another election by selecting our candidates for us.
File under: GOP infighting is FUN!!

Always fun to watch the Power Elites on EITHER side of the aisle go picnicking on each other's innards.
This is not what the Democrats want to hear, but I don't see them touting Clinton at all. It's as though they are sitting on the bleachers waiting to be told what team to root for...Clinton, Sanders or Biden...

While the Republicans have the opposite problem. They don't want to be told and are fighting the Establishment not to manipulate the party's nomination process.

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