Here We Go Again: Upcoming GOP Debate Moderator Comes Out Against Trump

The world is not fair well moderated. Whoever is going to be President should know how to adjust and adapt to the situation at hand. If Trump doesn't learn to control his temper and ego he does not deserve to be a leader in the competition to get the nomination. He could have answered the questions he was asked with diplomacy and wit. He could have done damage control the next day instead of doubling down on being a crude jerk.
Oh, there's no escaping the idea that Trump is not Presidential material, and that he will not get the nomination, and that he will not win the Presidency.

That said...

It is incumbent upon the Moderators or Facilitators of an open public debate to NOT voice opinions along those lines prior to undertaking their Moderation role.

Otherwise, one leaves one's self open to charges of bias and ill-will and bad-intent, which cheapen the event and its value in informing the American Voting Public, and which supporters of such a candidate can utilize to their own advantage, to elicit disproportionate sympathy for their 'injured or wronged champion'.

Do you really and truly want to give Trump supporters more ammunition?

That is what such declarations do, when served-up prior to the event.

File under: GOP infighting is FUN!!

Always fun to watch the Power Elites on EITHER side of the aisle go picnicking on each other's innards.
This is not what the Democrats want to hear, but I don't see them touting Clinton at all. It's as though they are sitting on the bleachers waiting to be told what team to root for...Clinton, Sanders or Biden...

While the Republicans have the opposite problem. They don't want to be told and are fighting the Establishment not to manipulate the party's nomination process.

Which Democrats are not touting Clinton, pray tell?
The world is not fair and well moderated. Whoever is going to be President should know how to adjust and adapt to the situation at hand. If Trump doesn't learn to control his temper and ego he does not deserve to be a leader in the competition to get the nomination. He could have answered the questions he was asked with diplomacy and wit. He could have done damage control the next day instead of doubling down on being a crude jerk.

Trump controlled his temper during the debate. Show me where he blew up in a rage.
The primary deal seems to be his habit of attacking those who attack him. Bush was the exact opposite. People attack him and he never responds. Trump is fired upon and immediately returns fire. Those questions were well thought out and designed to get a predictable response. That's why Megyn Kelly still has a job......although her ratings will most likely tank....because she betrayed her viewers. They won't trust her ever again.
The world is not fair well moderated. Whoever is going to be President should know how to adjust and adapt to the situation at hand. If Trump doesn't learn to control his temper and ego he does not deserve to be a leader in the competition to get the nomination. He could have answered the questions he was asked with diplomacy and wit. He could have done damage control the next day instead of doubling down on being a crude jerk.
Oh, there's no escaping the idea that Trump is not Presidential material, and that he will not get the nomination, and that he will not win the Presidency.

That said...

It is incumbent upon the Moderators or Facilitators of an open public debate to NOT voice opinions along those lines prior to undertaking their Moderation role.

Otherwise, one leaves one's self open to charges of bias and ill-will and bad-intent, which cheapen the event and its value in informing the American Voting Public, and which supporters of such a candidate can utilize to their own advantage, to elicit disproportionate sympathy for their 'injured or wronged champion'.

Do you really and truly want to give Trump supporters more ammunition?

That is what such declarations do, when served-up prior to the event.

Not presidential in a two-faced, smooth-talking snakeoil salesman.
The world is not fair and well moderated. Whoever is going to be President should know how to adjust and adapt to the situation at hand. If Trump doesn't learn to control his temper and ego he does not deserve to be a leader in the competition to get the nomination. He could have answered the questions he was asked with diplomacy and wit. He could have done damage control the next day instead of doubling down on being a crude jerk.
I will agree with what you say, but what about the other candidates? While Trump got asked 20 questions, the others were asked 5-7. The time allotted to Trump was way overboard and we didn't get to learn about the other candidates. And all of the questions asked of Trump were negative...not one issue asked about Fair? no.
File under: GOP infighting is FUN!!

Always fun to watch the Power Elites on EITHER side of the aisle go picnicking on each other's innards.
This is not what the Democrats want to hear, but I don't see them touting Clinton at all. It's as though they are sitting on the bleachers waiting to be told what team to root for...Clinton, Sanders or Biden...

While the Republicans have the opposite problem. They don't want to be told and are fighting the Establishment not to manipulate the party's nomination process.
Shockingly, the Republicans have a FAR deeper bullpen to play with this time around, and it's the Democrats who are stuck in One-Trick-Pony Land, with one Preordained Queen and one bold but very tired Socialist Scion bringing up the rear at a time in our history when The Nation and its People have had a bellyful of Autocratic Socialism Experimentation.

Shockingly, the Republicans are where the Populist Revolt is occurring this time around - telling their own party leadership where to shove it - a very healthy development.
The world is not fair well moderated. Whoever is going to be President should know how to adjust and adapt to the situation at hand. If Trump doesn't learn to control his temper and ego he does not deserve to be a leader in the competition to get the nomination. He could have answered the questions he was asked with diplomacy and wit. He could have done damage control the next day instead of doubling down on being a crude jerk.
Oh, there's no escaping the idea that Trump is not Presidential material, and that he will not get the nomination, and that he will not win the Presidency.

That said...

It is incumbent upon the Moderators or Facilitators of an open public debate to NOT voice opinions along those lines prior to undertaking their Moderation role.

Otherwise, one leaves one's self open to charges of bias and ill-will and bad-intent, which cheapen the event and its value in informing the American Voting Public, and which supporters of such a candidate can utilize to their own advantage, to elicit disproportionate sympathy for their 'injured or wronged champion'.

Do you really and truly want to give Trump supporters more ammunition?

That is what such declarations do, when served-up prior to the event.


Ok, I give you some points about that. Voicing any strong opinions about a candidate before a debate is probably not a good idea.

But if the Trump people are smart (and they are not), they would use it as an opportunity to overcome what they see as adversity with intellect.
Not presidential in a two-faced, smooth-talking snakeoil salesman.


What does that have to do with whether or not a Presidential Debate Moderator should keep his mouth shut and NOT serve-up bias in-public, prior to executing his function?
File under: GOP infighting is FUN!!

Always fun to watch the Power Elites on EITHER side of the aisle go picnicking on each other's innards.
This is not what the Democrats want to hear, but I don't see them touting Clinton at all. It's as though they are sitting on the bleachers waiting to be told what team to root for...Clinton, Sanders or Biden...

While the Republicans have the opposite problem. They don't want to be told and are fighting the Establishment not to manipulate the party's nomination process.

Which Democrats are not touting Clinton, pray tell?
None that I have read about. Have you seen anyone talk about why Clinton would be a great president? I haven't. It's like everyone is holding their breath.
...Ok, I give you some points about that. Voicing any strong opinions about a candidate before a debate is probably not a good idea...
Thank you. Apparently, logic and reason still rule, in some quarters, without the taint of blind partisanship.

...But if the Trump people are smart (and they are not), they would use it as an opportunity to overcome what they see as adversity with intellect.
Never gonna happen - as you've already predicted.
The world is not fair and well moderated. Whoever is going to be President should know how to adjust and adapt to the situation at hand. If Trump doesn't learn to control his temper and ego he does not deserve to be a leader in the competition to get the nomination. He could have answered the questions he was asked with diplomacy and wit. He could have done damage control the next day instead of doubling down on being a crude jerk.
I will agree with what you say, but what about the other candidates? While Trump got asked 20 questions, the others were asked 5-7. The time allotted to Trump was way overboard and we didn't get to learn about the other candidates. And all of the questions asked of Trump were negative...not one issue asked about Fair? no.

One way to avoid this kind of conundrum is to have a list of 11-15 questions that could be asked of ANY of the candidates, put them in a box and also decide the order of questionees per chance, like a lottery-ball machine.

I am quite serious about this. In the machine would be one ball for each candidate, with his or her name on it. Let the machine run, spit out a ball, read the name of the person who gets a question, reach into the box, pull out a question, not knowing which question it is, and away we go.

Surely there are more than 15 major questions that could be asked of each and every candidate from both parties.

BTW, this is something I LOVE about you personally. You stay on the topic and you rarely, if ever, attack the person. This is why I am always delighted to see your name in USMB.

Now, what do you think of that idea with the box and the lottery machine?
File under: GOP infighting is FUN!!

Always fun to watch the Power Elites on EITHER side of the aisle go picnicking on each other's innards.
This is not what the Democrats want to hear, but I don't see them touting Clinton at all. It's as though they are sitting on the bleachers waiting to be told what team to root for...Clinton, Sanders or Biden...

While the Republicans have the opposite problem. They don't want to be told and are fighting the Establishment not to manipulate the party's nomination process.

Which Democrats are not touting Clinton, pray tell?
None that I have read about. Have you seen anyone talk about why Clinton would be a great president? I haven't. It's like everyone is holding their breath.

I think she will be an outstanding President and I have written it many times.
File under: GOP infighting is FUN!!

Always fun to watch the Power Elites on EITHER side of the aisle go picnicking on each other's innards.
This is not what the Democrats want to hear, but I don't see them touting Clinton at all. It's as though they are sitting on the bleachers waiting to be told what team to root for...Clinton, Sanders or Biden...

While the Republicans have the opposite problem. They don't want to be told and are fighting the Establishment not to manipulate the party's nomination process.
Shockingly, the Republicans have a FAR deeper bullpen to play with this time around, and it's the Democrats who are stuck in One-Trick-Pony Land, with one Preordained Queen and one bold but very tired Socialist Scion bringing up the rear at a time in our history when The Nation and its People have had a bellyful of Autocratic Socialism Experimentation.

Shockingly, the Republicans are where the Populist Revolt is occurring this time around - telling their own party leadership where to shove it - a very healthy development.
And it is a great feeling !! ;)
Trump should announce he wont participate and that he will have a televised press conference for 2 hours at the same time as the debate and see who gets more viewers.
Trump needs to quit the primadonna/victim act and quit complaining that the media is not in the bag for him.

No, all he needs to do, is more of the same. It wins voters

File under: GOP infighting is FUN!!

Always fun to watch the Power Elites on EITHER side of the aisle go picnicking on each other's innards.
This is not what the Democrats want to hear, but I don't see them touting Clinton at all. It's as though they are sitting on the bleachers waiting to be told what team to root for...Clinton, Sanders or Biden...

While the Republicans have the opposite problem. They don't want to be told and are fighting the Establishment not to manipulate the party's nomination process.

Which Democrats are not touting Clinton, pray tell?
None that I have read about. Have you seen anyone talk about why Clinton would be a great president? I haven't. It's like everyone is holding their breath.

I think she will be an outstanding President and I have written it many times.
File under: GOP infighting is FUN!!

Always fun to watch the Power Elites on EITHER side of the aisle go picnicking on each other's innards.
This is not what the Democrats want to hear, but I don't see them touting Clinton at all. It's as though they are sitting on the bleachers waiting to be told what team to root for...Clinton, Sanders or Biden...

While the Republicans have the opposite problem. They don't want to be told and are fighting the Establishment not to manipulate the party's nomination process.

Which Democrats are not touting Clinton, pray tell?
None that I have read about. Have you seen anyone talk about why Clinton would be a great president? I haven't. It's like everyone is holding their breath.

I think she will be an outstanding President and I have written it many times.

What's clear is you don't think things through very well.

Trump should announce he wont participate and that he will have a televised press conference for 2 hours at the same time as the debate and see who gets more viewers.
Trump needs to quit the primadonna/victim act and quit complaining that the media is not in the bag for him.

No, all he needs to do, is more of the same. It wins voters


It wins REPUBLICAN voters.

But when you look at the internals from national and state one-on-one matchups with Trump against either Hillary, Sanders or even Biden, you will cringe.
Not presidential in a two-faced, smooth-talking snakeoil salesman.


What does that have to do with whether or not a Presidential Debate Moderator should keep his mouth shut and NOT serve-up bias in-public, prior to executing his function?
A moderator is supposed to moderate the debate and make sure that it doesn't turn into a fist-fight. They're not supposed to conspire to destroy front-runners and help along the rest of the wannabes.
Trump should announce he wont participate and that he will have a televised press conference for 2 hours at the same time as the debate and see who gets more viewers.
Trump needs to quit the primadonna/victim act and quit complaining that the media is not in the bag for him.

No, all he needs to do, is more of the same. It wins voters


It wins REPUBLICAN voters.

But when you look at the internals from national and state one-on-one matchups with Trump against either Hillary, Sanders or even Biden, you will cringe.

Hillary is going to get reamed. You need to move on. Top Secret files are a no.... no......

Trump should announce he wont participate and that he will have a televised press conference for 2 hours at the same time as the debate and see who gets more viewers.
Trump needs to quit the primadonna/victim act and quit complaining that the media is not in the bag for him.

No, all he needs to do, is more of the same. It wins voters


It wins REPUBLICAN voters.

But when you look at the internals from national and state one-on-one matchups with Trump against either Hillary, Sanders or even Biden, you will cringe.
Course it's still early. Chances are none of the above will even be nominated. Bernie Sanders has no chance of being elected once it become evident that he wants 80% of your paycheck to go to government. Biden is such a fool that he makes Trump look intelligent. Hillary will most likely have to bow out because she's going to be charged with a felony. Trump probably won't actually run. He has to form a Super PAC and he hasn't done that yet.

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