Here We Go Again: Upcoming GOP Debate Moderator Comes Out Against Trump

Wow, a surge in Minority Republican vote? Ummmm...... No.......


Well, then, since you are so sure, I am sure you can cough up the poll or polls in question.... right?

The article does not state 'A surge in Minority "Republican" Voter sample.
You draw that conclusion on your own. To me, a sample of 'Minority' voters consist of illegals, Somalis, and legal citizens alike.

How refreshing to see that even the 'takers' like Trump more and more each day


And yet, you have no hard, provable information to based that upon.

Where is the actual poll or polls? Where are the internals?

Surely you can cough that data up since you are obviously sure it exists, right?

Um, you need to prove it doesn't exist. Kind of like, innocent until proven guilty.

Go ahead and question whey 2x2=4. Ask for those internals. :badgrin:

One doesn't prove negatives.
What's with you libs? If it's not true, prove it!

What is wrong with Republicans? They have given over their party machinery to a tv channel. How cowardly have they become?

Republicans give far too much credibility to Faux News which is a tiny cable tv channel with 2 million viewers a day, a tiny demographic. And the average age of viewers for Faux is 65 years old.

So the Republican party is terrified of less than 2 million people over 65.

Cons, you have no idea how much giddy satisfaction this ridiculous spectacle provides the rest of us. Don't stop.
What is wrong with Republicans? They have given over their party machinery to a tv channel. How cowardly have they become?

Republicans give far too much credibility to Faux News which is a tiny cable tv channel with 2 million viewers a day, a tiny demographic. And the average age of viewers for Faux is 65 years old.

So the Republican party is terrified of less than 2 million people over 65.

Cons, you have no idea how much giddy satisfaction this ridiculous spectacle provides the rest of us. Don't stop.
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but the sheer and unwarranted Arrogance dripping off The Left at-present is a great show in its own right.

With any luck, they'll continue in their smug arrogance throughout the campaign, and not see the trap that Middle America has set for them, until it's too late to avoid it.

Vae victus.
What is wrong with Republicans? They have given over their party machinery to a tv channel. How cowardly have they become?

Republicans give far too much credibility to Faux News which is a tiny cable tv channel with 2 million viewers a day, a tiny demographic. And the average age of viewers for Faux is 65 years old.

So the Republican party is terrified of less than 2 million people over 65.

Cons, you have no idea how much giddy satisfaction this ridiculous spectacle provides the rest of us. Don't stop.
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but the sheer and unwarranted Arrogance dripping off The Left at-present is a great show in its own right.

With any luck, they'll continue in their smug arrogance throughout the campaign, and not see the trap that Middle America has set for them, until it's too late to avoid it.

Vae victus.

"Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch". Ok that made me laugh.

It isn't an us vs them zero sum gain. It doesn't matter what anyone else is or isn't doing, the Republican party is giving up their party machinery to a tv station.

No amount of spin can explain this. A major political party giving itself up entirely to a tv channel.

If Trump is so awesome what does it matter? You people have been so well trained by conservative media to see media criticism of republicans as a political attack that you will even accuse Fox of it, the Irony is delicious.
Trump thinks he could get a deal with the Iranians 100 times better than the pending one but he can't cope with with some unpleasant fuck at a debate?

Trump thinks he could get a deal with the Iranians 100 times better than the pending one but he can't cope with with some unpleasant fuck at a debate?


He has a hard time with Rosie O'Donnell. Yet he's going to school Putin and the Chinese?

WTF who thinks and talks like this?
It would be more honest to put Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo in charge of moderating.
What does it matter who is moderating? Either you can answer the questions or you can't. The ones who can't are the ones who bitch.
Trump thinks he could get a deal with the Iranians 100 times better than the pending one but he can't cope with with some unpleasant fuck at a debate?

As president, Trump promises to post really, really un-PC tweets at Iran. That'll show 'em.
It would be more honest to put Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo in charge of moderating.
What does it matter who is moderating? Either you can answer the questions or you can't. The ones who can't are the ones who bitch.

It obviously matters. Just consider when that Bitch Candy Crowley stepped in a took Obama's side in the middle of Romney's response to a question. You can't expect fair debates when liberals are moderating.
It would be more honest to put Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo in charge of moderating.
What does it matter who is moderating? Either you can answer the questions or you can't. The ones who can't are the ones who bitch.
No - and forgive me, but - you're dead-wrong on this.

A candidate's ability to answer questions provides Voters with information that they can use, to decide whom to vote for.

A biased moderator draws attention away from important questions and answers, and introduces distracting questions as to the credibility and objectivity of the venue.
It would be more honest to put Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo in charge of moderating.
What does it matter who is moderating? Either you can answer the questions or you can't. The ones who can't are the ones who bitch.

It obviously matters. Just consider when that Bitch Candy Crowley stepped in a took Obama's side in the middle of Romney's response to a question. You can't expect fair debates when liberals are moderating.
I cannot believe that some our Democratic colleagues here are this stupid.

It must be an act.

Their refusal to acknowledge the need for impartial moderation during the course of a Presidential debate cannot represent their Real World views.

Nobody other than the very worst partisan hacks - and those from the other side of the aisle hoping for debate-sabotage that triggers yet more in-fighting - would support that.

Funny... I would be just as alarmed - and offended - by a moderator for an upcoming Democratic debate, coming-out publicly in favor-of, or against, Dem Hopeful A or B.

Pity, we don't see the same commitment to impartiality, extended by the True Believers on The Left, as it applies to their counterparts.
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It would be more honest to put Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo in charge of moderating.
What does it matter who is moderating? Either you can answer the questions or you can't. The ones who can't are the ones who bitch.

It obviously matters. Just consider when that Bitch Candy Crowley stepped in a took Obama's side in the middle of Romney's response to a question. You can't expect fair debates when liberals are moderating.
Why do journalists have to act as moderators?
It obviously matters. Just consider when that Bitch Candy Crowley stepped in a took Obama's side in the middle of Romney's response to a question. You can't expect fair debates when liberals are moderating.
That cow is as much of a Leftist Shill as Anderson Cooper or Chris Cuomo - every time they open their mouths, CNN loses Credibility Points.
It would be more honest to put Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo in charge of moderating.
What does it matter who is moderating? Either you can answer the questions or you can't. The ones who can't are the ones who bitch.

It obviously matters. Just consider when that Bitch Candy Crowley stepped in a took Obama's side in the middle of Romney's response to a question. You can't expect fair debates when liberals are moderating.
I cannot believe that some our Democratic colleagues here are this stupid.

It must be an act.

Their refusal to acknowledge the need for impartial moderation during the course of a Presidential debate cannot represent their Real World views.

Nobody other than the very worst partisan hacks - and those from the other side of the aisle hoping for debate-sabotage that triggers yet more in-fighting - would support that.

Funny... I would be just as alarmed - and offended - by a moderator for an upcoming Democratic debate, coming-out publicly in favor-of, or against, Dem Hopeful A or B.

Pity, we don't see the same commitment to impartiality, extended by the True Believers on The Left, as it applies to their counterparts.
Still beating this drum? What you want is practically impossible in this age where political reporting is wide-spread, opinionated and operated 24/7. If you find someone who has no opinion at this point then you have someone who is not paying attention and would be a lousy moderator anyway. Why don't you wait and see how it turns out and then cry foul when he does not let Trump talk over everyone and squirm out of difficult questions.
It would be more honest to put Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo in charge of moderating.
What does it matter who is moderating? Either you can answer the questions or you can't. The ones who can't are the ones who bitch.

It obviously matters. Just consider when that Bitch Candy Crowley stepped in a took Obama's side in the middle of Romney's response to a question. You can't expect fair debates when liberals are moderating.
I cannot believe that some our Democratic colleagues here are this stupid.

It must be an act.

Their refusal to acknowledge the need for impartial moderation during the course of a Presidential debate cannot represent their Real World views.

Nobody other than the very worst partisan hacks - and those from the other side of the aisle hoping for debate-sabotage that triggers yet more in-fighting - would support that.

Funny... I would be just as alarmed - and offended - by a moderator for an upcoming Democratic debate, coming-out publicly in favor-of, or against, Dem Hopeful A or B.

Pity, we don't see the same commitment to impartiality, extended by the True Believers on The Left, as it applies to their counterparts.
Still beating this drum? What you want is practically impossible in this age where political reporting is wide-spread, opinionated and operated 24/7. If you find someone who has no opinion at this point then you have someone who is not paying attention and would be a lousy moderator anyway. Why don't you wait and see how it turns out and then cry foul when he does not let Trump talk over everyone and squirm out of difficult questions.
Trump doesn't talk over anyone. He doesn't get into shouting matches like Chris Christie and RandPaul.
...Still beating this drum?...
Yep. It's the Main Theme of this thread. If you've tired of it, you can always move on.

...What you want is practically impossible in this age where political reporting is wide-spread, opinionated and operated 24/7...
No, it's not; as a matter of fact, a statement by the moderator of an impending Presidential Debate, indicating extreme bias, is soooooo out-of-the-ordinary that we've actually started and are participating in a discussion-thread on the subject, yes?

...If you find someone who has no opinion at this point then you have someone who is not paying attention and would be a lousy moderator anyway...
Did any of the moderators of the August 6th debate make public statements indicating bias, within a matter of days prior to that debate?

Did any of the moderators of any other mainstream Presidential debate that you can think of, make public statements indicating bias, prior to those events?

Do you not understand the difference between forming opinions about candidates and keeping those opinions to yourself until you had successfully discharged your obligations as a Moderator, versus shooting-off your mouth ahead of time, and (a) demonstrating your bias and (b) helping to contaminate public opinion before the event even takes place?

Do you not understand just how wrong that is - within an Ethics framework?

I cannot believe you are that stupid.

You and I are worlds-apart with respect to our politics, but I've formed a casual observer's opinion of your intelligence that far exceeds what you're manifesting here.

I have no choice but to assume that you're being intentionally obtuse as a partisan tactic.

...Why don't you wait and see how it turns out and then cry foul when he does not let Trump talk over everyone and squirm out of difficult questions.
I couldn't give a frog's fat ass about Trump, in this context.

I'm focused upon a level playing field for ALL candidates within the framework of a Presidential Debate event.

IMHO, you should be, too.

Regardless of which side of the aisle they're on.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

If a Moderator stupidly manifests bias in advance of such an event, that Moderator should recuse himself, and thereby PREVENT charges of bias and mishandling, later.

That, or his EMPLOYER (the hosting news-service) should remove him from the roster, and assign him to other duties.

CNN went over to the Leftist Dark Side, and lost much of their credibility, ages ago.

One need look no further than the daily antics and bias manifested by Chris Cuomo or Anderson Cooper or Candy Crowley to ascertain the accuracy of that observation.

If this were a Democratic Presidential Debate, and one of CNN's event-moderators had come out with a statement of bias against Hillary or Bernie, etc., in advance of the event, there would be a tidal wave of protest coming from the Left over the unfairness of it all.

But, because it's a Republican -focused event, well, not so much, eh?

If we don't advocate for a level playing field within BOTH a Democratic AND a Republican debate framework, then, we do ourselves and our country a disservice.

Or so it seems, to this observer.
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A biased moderator draws attention away from important questions and answers, and introduces distracting questions as to the credibility and objectivity of the venue.
Are candidates incapable of calling out bias if it is included in a question?

You want to handles these people with kid gloves and extreme deference. I want them to be able to think on their feet and argue persuasively.

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