Here We Go - Biden's DOJ Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Legal

I would make me have happy feelz....................just like you with your dumbass mask mandates. And it would do 1000X more for the betterment of mankind than your dumbass mask mandate.
Relax You don't have to keep trying to prove how fucking stupid you are
Libbies Love to declare “you must do this”
It decreases their abject failure in life to try and fake fear boss others around .
You have a warped view of who single parents are

What does that have to do with single women? Single women can have all the kids they like for all I care, provided they are supporting the kids themselves. But when women are having kids to obtain more government benefits, we are encouraging the dregs of our society to procreate at a higher rate than working couples. After all, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in most cases. They have kids, go on welfare, and it's likely their kids will do the same. It's a never ending cycle unless we have the guts to bring it to a stop.
Not one person, not one doctor, not one politician can state “That mask saved Mr Jones life” it’s All speculation. Whats not speculation is the freedom robbing For experimentation .
Except for one thing. Unmarried mothers are not a public health problem So single people choose to have a child and can do just fine as a single parent. Do you know who Anderson Cooper is? How stupid and out of touch with modern society are you?
Unmarried moms are a public health drain and frequently produce out of control males who endanger everyone
Private businesses do have the right to mandate their employees get vaccinated if they work on company property. That is called property rights. If you don't believe in property rights then you are a socialist.
No they cannot. Business do not have rights. Individuals do. Our Government has one EXPLICIT prime directive, to protect individual rights. They cannot mandate boob jobs for employees. They cannot mandate birth control for employees. They cannot mandate diets for employees. They cannot even choose which birth control they decide not to provide in their health care coverage. They especially cannot mandate an experimental treatment under emergency use authorization. Not only is that law (that they choose to ignore) it’s also insane.
That is moronic. Even if true, the vast majority were asymtomatic and few if any were hospitalized. It has become a pandemic of the unvaccinated. You would have to be really stupid to not know that that the vaccinations are doing a lot of good. Are you stupid?
That is kind of the crux of the problem though. If you maintain that there is compelling governmental interest in requiring a vaccination because not doing so endangers others it seems that is simply not the case here. Those that are vaccinated get and spread COVID just like the unvaccinated do. The difference is in how well you do when you actually get the illness. Those that are not vaccinated have a far higher chance of death or other life altering effects.

IOW, that is a problem for them and has nothing to do with you. If they want to take the additional risk then that is really on their own heads. It is stupid and in a free nation you have a clear right to be stupid to the point of death.
The problem is that this 600K number is pure BS. My Uncle is part of that figure. He died last year of colon cancer. It was long expected and on his final days, the family was called to his sons house (who was taking care of him) to say their final goodbyes. After they hauled him to the hospital, they claim he tested positive for covid even though the man never left the house, and anybody and everybody that went near him was tested including the dozen people that were at the house on his last day before leaving.

The one mistake Trump made was promising health facilities government handouts if they treated covid patients. That's why the doctors in charge ruled my 94 year old Uncles death as a Covid death instead of what he really died from which was cancer.
Sorry for your loss and I am not trying to be insensitive here or make any claims but I think it is pertinent: does the death certificate list COVID as the reason he died? Does it list it as a secondary factor? Or is COVID listed as the cause of death with the cancer as a factor?
The problem with mandates is that is illegal for something not even FDA approved, where you have to sign a waiver that prevents you from suing if things go wrong.

And clearly there is no way to tell if and when these new, experimental, GMO, synthetic vaccines will become fatal.
It actually seems fairly likely since covid is only fatal due to an allergic over reaction by the immune system.
And here they are proposing we take synthetic vaccines made with an entirely new and untested technology, that is almost bound to increase the allergic over reaction by the immune system, not reduce it.
For example, it could turn previously benign coronaviruses into fatal viruses like covid-19, only maybe worse?
It is worth noting that requiring the vaccine AND the waiver is a bit of a head scratcher.

That is the case with ALL vaccines though - any time the doctor gives you a shot they require a waiver and there are many required vaccines to access governmental services that I am required to pay for like schools.
Sorry for your loss and I am not trying to be insensitive here or make any claims but I think it is pertinent: does the death certificate list COVID as the reason he died? Does it list it as a secondary factor? Or is COVID listed as the cause of death with the cancer as a factor?

Not insensitive at all. They listed his primary cause of death as covid and cancer second.
No they cannot. Business do not have rights. Individuals do. Our Government has one EXPLICIT prime directive, to protect individual rights. They cannot mandate boob jobs for employees. They cannot mandate birth control for employees. They cannot mandate diets for employees. They cannot even choose which birth control they decide not to provide in their health care coverage. They especially cannot mandate an experimental treatment under emergency use authorization. Not only is that law (that they choose to ignore) it’s also insane.
They can't mandate anything. All they can do is request it as a condition of employment. That's NOT coercion. It violates no one's rights.
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They can't mandate anything. All they can do is request it as a condition of employment. That's NOT coercion. It violates no one's rights.
Wrong again. They’re doing it now. Either you take this experimental therapy (CANNOT even be called a vaccine anymore) or you no work here anymore. That’s a goddamn mandate. I’m not playing these fucking word games anymore. Roe v Wade is repealed, long live Jacobsen, you have no bodily autonomy. You have no right to decide what and how much of what goes into your body. But if you want one specific birth control that your company doesn’t offer, the government will jump right in to protect that “right”. How you could say this isn’t coercion is insane. It absolutely is. Precedent does not matter to these feckless judges. You could drive a hole through all the logic in these contradictory rulings. Doesn’t matter. They’re not playing that game. They’re playing we win, you loose. Government is here to protect itself, not you. Shut up and be quite plebe.
Wrong again. They’re doing it now. Either you take this experimental therapy (CANNOT even be called a vaccine anymore) or you no work here anymore. That’s a goddamn mandate.
No it's not. You're free to say no. Your rights aren't violated in any way.

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