Here's a novel idea.. why not collect royalties from politicians who gained


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
notoriety from their political office? And being a fair and balanced person...
Hillary Clinton net worth and salary: Hillary Clinton is an American politician who has a net worth of $45 million. Hillary Clinton most recently served as the Secretary of State under President Barack Obama. She is also served as United States Senator for the state of New York, from 2001-2009. Hillary is married to the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton. Hillary was one of the leading Democratic candidates for the presidential nomination in the 2008 election. She was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26th 1947. Hillary graduated from the Yale Law School in 1973. In 1974 she moved to Arkansas. She and Bill Clinton were married in 1975, and have one daughter, Chelsea.
Hillary Clinton Net Worth

Newt Gingrich Net Worth: $6.7 Million
American politician, author, and political consultant, Newton Leroy “Newt” Gingrich has an estimated net worth of $6.7 million Los Angeles Times. Newt Gingrich was the Speaker of the House of Representatives and one of the key leaders of the so-called Republican Revolution of the 1990s. A former professor of history at West Georgia College, Newt Gingrich was elected in 1979 to the U.S. House of Representatives. After a disappointing Republican showing in the 1998 election, Gingrich resigned the Speakership and his seat in Congress. Out of office, Newt Gingrich turned consultant, author and political pundit, and has been expert at keeping his name in the headlines despite not holding an elected position. He announced in May of 2011 that he was seeking the 2012 Republican nomination for president. The majority of this wealth comes “from a multimillion-dollar ‘promissory note’ from the Gingrich Group, LLC to Gingrich Productions, Inc., entities that are part of Gingrich’s eponymous network of nonprofit and for-profit organizations,” according to LA Times. TheRichest - The World's Most Entertaining Site

Almost the entire fortune of Hillary and Newt has come from their political exposure.

So we as taxpayers are helping pay the salaries of the above in the past and future.
I say we put a tax on their earnings ABOVE their federal income tax.
Call it a "public service" royalty. Calculate years of being paid by tax payer money times the
notoriety of the public servant times 10%.
So in the case of Hillary.. Her "Q" score..(The Q scores are actually a mathematical quotient derived by dividing the popularity of a personality by the sum of consumers rating the personality across a spectrum from positive (“one of my favorites”) to negative (“poor”).)
No telling how much additional tax revenue could be gained if these millionaire politicians were taxed on their gains made at the taxpayer's expense.
Another example: Harry Reid..

Almost all due to his "Public Service" Exposure quotient!
Rick Perry collected a Pension from Texas while he was getting paid to be the governor of….Texas. He is now the Secretary of Energy.

“I will pick the best people”….Donald Trump who earlier said that Perry was wearing glasses because “He was trying to look smart.”
Rick Perry collected a Pension from Texas while he was getting paid to be the governor of….Texas. He is now the Secretary of Energy.

“I will pick the best people”….Donald Trump who earlier said that Perry was wearing glasses because “He was trying to look smart.”

Good point. The only distinction is I don't know Perry's net worth. Care to find out for me or do I have to once again prove how lazy anti-Trump people are?
Rick Perry collected a Pension from Texas while he was getting paid to be the governor of….Texas. He is now the Secretary of Energy.

“I will pick the best people”….Donald Trump who earlier said that Perry was wearing glasses because “He was trying to look smart.”

Good point. The only distinction is I don't know Perry's net worth. Care to find out for me or do I have to once again prove how lazy anti-Trump people are?

I’ll let you do the work….I like proving how stupid Trump enablers are.
It's ok for Dems to get rich of their elected offices.

It's only bad when conservatives get rich.
Rick Perry collected a Pension from Texas while he was getting paid to be the governor of….Texas. He is now the Secretary of Energy.

“I will pick the best people”….Donald Trump who earlier said that Perry was wearing glasses because “He was trying to look smart.”

Good point. The only distinction is I don't know Perry's net worth. Care to find out for me or do I have to once again prove how lazy anti-Trump people are?

I’ll let you do the work….I like proving how stupid Trump enablers are.

Man are you a DUMB sh..T!
A) Once again proving idiots like you let productive people take care of you... I bet you are a SNAP recipient!
B) The only proving going on here is YOU are showing the world how dumb people like you are in that the ONLY proof in your post was showing how lazy you are!
Leave it up to productive people to help dumb f..ks like you!
Rick Perry collected a Pension from Texas while he was getting paid to be the governor of….Texas. He is now the Secretary of Energy.

“I will pick the best people”….Donald Trump who earlier said that Perry was wearing glasses because “He was trying to look smart.”

Good point. The only distinction is I don't know Perry's net worth. Care to find out for me or do I have to once again prove how lazy anti-Trump people are?

I’ll let you do the work….I like proving how stupid Trump enablers are.

Man are you a DUMB sh..T!
A) Once again proving idiots like you let productive people take care of you... I bet you are a SNAP recipient!
B) The only proving going on here is YOU are showing the world how dumb people like you are in that the ONLY proof in your post was showing how lazy you are!
Leave it up to productive people to help dumb f..ks like you!

Well, I informed you about Rick Perry. He was just one on the very long list of your profound ignorances. FOAD

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