Here’s a sob story about a college%educated professional who can’t support his four kids without the enchanted government child support

Software architects are senior developers who may or may not still write production code. They develop, set, publish, or help with application design and design standards or patterns across a project, team, or even the enterprise. It's among the highest paid titles in IT.

Wow, thanks for the information. So this guy is well into the 6 figures.
Wow, thanks for the information. So this guy is well into the 6 figures.
When the market crashes, he’ll lose everything.
It’s happened before and it will happen again.
It’s not a hard skill set to acquire which is why all the kids I know who went into software development have hard science degrees.
Look at all the extra expenses we have today that we didn't have even 30 years ago. Cable TV/Internet, Cell Phones, various streaming services, all of them monthly costs. It used to be things were point costs.

Monthly costs sneak up on you.
Not sure of your point, but one can get a cheap cell phone for $80 a year, and there are basic internet plans for TV and internet for another $80 a month.

As far as various streaming services, any family getting a kick-back of their taxes or outright monthly payment AKA child tax credit has no business with a streaming service.
Not sure of your point, but one can get a cheap cell phone for $80 a year, and there are basic internet plans for TV and internet for another $80 a month.

As far as various streaming services, any family getting a kick-back of their taxes or outright monthly payment AKA child tax credit has no business with a streaming service.
This gimmick is simply a symptom of a much larger problem.
Not sure of your point, but one can get a cheap cell phone for $80 a year, and there are basic internet plans for TV and internet for another $80 a month.

As far as various streaming services, any family getting a kick-back of their taxes or outright monthly payment AKA child tax credit has no business with a streaming service.

The thing is people like this think they don't have to skimp on things like this. If his job is a senior as another poster told me, he's got a pretty hefty salary.

The other thing I don't get is him not having his family on his company health insurance.
Women moving into the workforce had little to do with needing the extra wages. It was WWII and they were needed by the war effort because the men were at war. When the men came home, the women found they liked the independence and the money. And the government likes the extra tax income.

You think doubling the AMerican work force didn't lower the value of men's wages?


It's called the "two income trap" and it very much happened. If you removed all women from the work force tomorrow the value of the people left over who do work would sky rocket...

Not that complicated.
The thing is people like this think they don't have to skimp on things like this. If his job is a senior as another poster told me, he's got a pretty hefty salary.

The other thing I don't get is him not having his family on his company health insurance.
Agree. If you notice, the article - from a liberal media trying to garner sympathy - never disclosed his salary. He is well into the six figures, and his wife doesn’t want to get a job, even though her four kids are all school-age now. She would prefer, doncha know, that other people pitch In to pay with the earnings from THEIR jobs rather than she herself have to work.

It also shows how completely tone-deaf the liberal media is. If they wanted to garner sympathy, they should have written about a high-school educated car mechanic earning $55,000, and with a stay-at-home wife with a four-year-old and a baby. Instead, they choose to feature an affluent family headed by a college-educated professional.
Agree. If you notice, the article - from a liberal media trying to garner sympathy - never disclosed his salary. He is well into the six figures, and his wife doesn’t want to get a job, even though her four kids are all school-age now. She would prefer, doncha know, that other people pitch In to pay with the earnings from THEIR jobs rather than she herself have to work.

It also shows how completely tone-deaf the liberal media is. If they wanted to garner sympathy, they should have written about a high-school educated car mechanic earning $55,000, and with a stay-at-home wife with a four-year-old and a baby. Instead, they choose to feature an affluent family headed by a college-educated professional.

Because the former is their base now, and the latter is not.
You think doubling the AMerican work force didn't lower the value of men's wages?


It's called the "two income trap" and it very much happened. If you removed all women from the work force tomorrow the value of the people left over who do work would sky rocket...

Not that complicated.
There commercials complaining that men make 7% more than women.
The corporate solution will be to fire enough men to change the narrative.
It’s happened before and it will happen again.

They shouldn't be allowed to saddle other people with the results of their bad choices.

They could have exercised self-restraint. Or had tubes tied, or a vasectomy. Or used birth control. Or, used their fucking brains.
Agree 100%.

Abolish public schools.
The retirees of today had an agreement that if they paid into Social Security for 40 years, they would get some basic living stipend.
Funny how that agreement was made without the people who are now responsible for paying for it.

Retirees all got together and agreed their kids will pay for their retirement.
Funny how that agreement was made without the people who are now responsible for paying for it.

Retirees all got together and agreed their kids will pay for their retirement.
Because our borders weren’t supposed to be porous so that trespassers could take so many jobs and not pay into the system.
Funny how that agreement was made without the people who are now responsible for paying for it.

Retirees all got together and agreed their kids will pay for their retirement.
For someone with an MD, you’re quite unintelligent.
Wow, thanks for the information. So this guy is well into the 6 figures.
CTC starts phasing out at $150k. If he is near that spot, then this is a tax credit, and little if any is refunded.

Finally conservatives found a tax cut they oppose.
CTC starts phasing out at $150k. If he is near that spot, then this is a tax credit, and little if any is refunded.

Finally conservatives found a tax cut they oppose.

STARTS phasing out at $150k.

We also opposed non capped SALT, which Dems support.

In both cases it isn't the poor being impacted in these stories, it's some middle class professional, the new base of the Democratic Party.
STARTS phasing out at $150k.

We also opposed non capped SALT, which Dems support.

In both cases it isn't the poor being impacted in these stories, it's some middle class professional, the new base of the Democratic Party.
I support capping salt (or more broadly a blanket cap on deductions which could replace AMT) and that was actually one of the proposals Trump mentioned briefly during the campaign if I recall correctly. What we got was a lot different than some of the ideas being tossed around.

Remember too that Republicans expanded the CTC to $2k and rose the phase out to a mind boggling $400k which makes ZERO sense. This was compensating for the fact that individual deductions were eliminated. Had they not done that, their tax bill probably could have increased taxes on a lot of families with more than two kids.

SALT is gone. I’m fine with it. I think a lot of democrats have similarly come to terms with this.
I support capping salt (or more broadly a blanket cap on deductions which could replace AMT) and that was actually one of the proposals Trump mentioned briefly during the campaign if I recall correctly. What we got was a lot different than some of the ideas being tossed around.

Remember too that Republicans expanded the CTC to $2k and rose the phase out to a mind boggling $400k which makes ZERO sense. This was compensating for the fact that individual deductions were eliminated. Had they not done that, their tax bill probably could have increased taxes on a lot of families with more than two kids.

SALT is gone. I’m fine with it. I think a lot of democrats have similarly come to terms with this.

Removing SALT caps was a cornerstone of their tax plan. Their base is now upper middle class lower upper class professionals, as well as many of the ultra-wealthy.
Funny how that agreement was made without the people who are now responsible for paying for it.

Retirees all got together and agreed their kids will pay for their retirement.
Funny how you’re so opposed retirees with modest incomes getting a basic monthly stipend after paying into the program for 40 years, and championing six-figure families who haven’t put in even half the time getting thousands upon thousands of dollars for doing nothing other than having more kids then they can support.

THIS ^^^ is what today’s leftists support: they are fine with useless old people eating cat food but in favor of of giving affluent families other people’s money so they can have all the latest techno gadgets.

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