Here’s a sob story about a college%educated professional who can’t support his four kids without the enchanted government child support

It’s called whataboutism and deflection.

Nothing in your post was an actual response to mine.

It was a response to that one specific post. I responded to the other ones on topic.

You delved into fuh fuh fuh Trump, I responded.
It was a response to that one specific post. I responded to the other ones on topic.

You delved into fuh fuh fuh Trump, I responded.
You started bringing up Trump’s tax plan and I responded. The ACA has nothing to do with it.

You guys talk about not helping the poor, but the biggest change to the CTC was making it refundable. Before it was refundable, most of the benefit went to the upper middle class and very little went to the poor.
You started bringing up Trump’s tax plan and I responded. The ACA has nothing to do with it.

You guys talk about not helping the poor, but the biggest change to the CTC was making it refundable. Before it was refundable, most of the benefit went to the upper middle class and very little went to the poor.

And the story they chose to went with was someone from the upper middle class.

How do you think this plays over with someone making $50k with 2-3 kids?
And the story they chose to went with was someone from the upper middle class.

How do you think this plays over with someone making $50k with 2-3 kids?
Ten years ago $250k was considered middle class. We have no idea what this guy makes.

To someone making $50k, I’m sure it sounds very whiny. But, this family isn’t their problem. Their problem is Republicans wanting to strip down the CTC and make it non-refundable. The family in the story wants what the family making $50k wants. To keep the CTC as it was.
Ten years ago $250k was considered middle class. We have no idea what this guy makes.

To someone making $50k, I’m sure it sounds very whiny. But, this family isn’t their problem. Their problem is Republicans wanting to strip down the CTC and make it non-refundable. The family in the story wants what the family making $50k wants. To keep the CTC as it was.

Show me where $250k was considered "middle class"

Even in NYC that isn't middle class.
This poster above is another example of leftists rewarding irresponsible behavior and having contempt for people who lived their entire lives responsibly, as tax-paying citizens.
The previous generation built up tens of trillions trillion in debt and $163 trillion in unfunded liabilities that they’re sure as hell not going to pay for.

But yeah, we are the irresponsible ones for having children.
I can do this all day. It was Republican Party line under Obama.

It was the Democratic socialists that expanded it into a fully refundable tax credit, and raised the per-child amount to boot. Thank G-d Manchin blocked the continuation of the massive inflation policy.
It was the Democratic socialists that expanded it into a fully refundable tax credit, and raised the per-child amount to boot. Thank G-d Manchin blocked the continuation of the massive inflation policy.
But as you’ve already stated, the ability to refund it is irrelevant. It’s that the government is giving ANY tax benefit to families with kids.
And yet we have an entire thread of right wing outrage that someone making somewhat over $100k is too rich for a tax cut.
Au contraire…. We have an entire thread with a liberal who thinks he/she is morally superior and more compassionate arguing that a father earning a six-figure income deserves other people’s money because the wife doesn’t want to work and pitch in, while a retiree on a modest income needs to tough it out.
But as you’ve already stated, the ability to refund it is irrelevant. It’s that the government is giving ANY tax benefit to families with kids.
So that means I have to go along with Democrats‘ excessive giveaway to the affluent that has caused inflation and hardship on middle Americans? I didn’t object when there was a modest tax break to families, but the libs have made the program so extreme that it is causing big problems.

You’re too much of a partisan back to realize it, but you are arguing that the affluent deserve tax breaks, while those on modest incomes need to pay the price for that. It is the OPPOSITEof what you sanctimonious, hypocritical libs say you’re for.
Au contraire…. We have an entire thread with a liberal who thinks he/she is morally superior and more compassionate arguing that a father earning a six-figure income deserves other people’s money because the wife doesn’t want to work and pitch in, while a retiree on a modest income needs to tough it out.
No where does it say he’s getting other peoples money.

The retiree on the other hand is getting other people’s money.

And the one claiming moral superiority is the one telling this family how terrible they are for having goddamn children.

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