Here's the chart that dems wish they could unsee

Come on dems, compare the number of blue years to the number of red years and then tell us how the GOP has screwed up the country.

Bumped for my democrat friends.

Come on now, tell us how republicans are responsible for the fiscal mess when dems controlled congress for most of the last 50 years.
This thread is based upon fact, so you won't find a progressive anywhere near it. They're busy littering the world with propaganda meant to hide the craven despotism of their leaders and their abject devotion to an agenda that will bring America, and all Americans (except, they foolishly believe, themselves) to its knees.
It's not so black and white. You can't blame either party for the fiscal mess. While one party is in the majority, it doesn't mean the other party is sitting on the bench. Both were there and both made some terrible deals that aided the crisis.
This thread is based upon fact, so you won't find a progressive anywhere near it. They're busy littering the world with propaganda meant to hide the craven despotism of their leaders and their abject devotion to an agenda that will bring America, and all Americans (except, they foolishly believe, themselves) to its knees.

absolutely correct, their silence is very telling.
It's not so black and white. You can't blame either party for the fiscal mess. While one party is in the majority, it doesn't mean the other party is sitting on the bench. Both were there and both made some terrible deals that aided the crisis.

of course, there is plenty of blame to go around and both parties are responsible. I merely posted this thread to counter some of the left wing lies about the repubs being totally responsible for the fiscal mess we are in today.
It's not so black and white. You can't blame either party for the fiscal mess. While one party is in the majority, it doesn't mean the other party is sitting on the bench. Both were there and both made some terrible deals that aided the crisis.

This is what you guys say when the facts show you for what you are...

"It's not that simple."

It's part of the "Yes that's what he said but what he MEANT was something else" propaganda train.

deficit spending is nothing new, what is new is the magnitude of it. When obama took office the debt was 9 trillion, now after just over 4 years its almost 17 trillion. What will it be in 2016 if the dems are not stopped? How will our kids and grandkids ever pay it off?

Right now we are borrowing 46 cents of every dollar spent and some of that borrowing is being used to pay the interest on previous borrowing.

Its insanity, and you seem to condone it.
it's not even about paying it's about the fact that it will end with Americans starving and freezing to death.

I could give a shit about "paying it off". But when you spend money that isn't there, eventually you end up homeless, cold and hungry. And that is where we are headed. Quickly. Food prices are climbing, gas prices are prices are climbing....there are fewer and fewer jobs because the progressives are shutting down EVERYTHING that produces income and jobs...while moving steadily and quickly to disarm us.

Next they'll start attacking and closing the churches, and throwing people in jail (and killing people) for speaking their mind.

Get used to it, it isn't going to get better. We're on the downhill run of a dying world.
Obama added as much debt in 4 years as Bush did in 8. As I recall all the Liberal claimed Bush's spending was bad and his debt unconscionable but Obama gets a pass.
Because they don't care. They are supportive of it...the ultimate goal is to cripple America.
Because they don't care. They are supportive of it...the ultimate goal is to cripple America.

sadly, I think you are right. Obama and the progressives hate this country and are determined to bring it down to the level of Greece or Portugal.

they are practicing treason of the worst kind.

deficit spending is nothing new, what is new is the magnitude of it. When obama took office the debt was 9 trillion, now after just over 4 years its almost 17 trillion. What will it be in 2016 if the dems are not stopped? How will our kids and grandkids ever pay it off?

Right now we are borrowing 46 cents of every dollar spent and some of that borrowing is being used to pay the interest on previous borrowing.

Its insanity, and you seem to condone it.

deficit spending in relation to the reality on the ground at the moment. On that score, the GOP since the days of Reagan fails with flying colors. Why deny it and attempt diversion?

The GOP will never become a power house like the DNC has been for the last few generations because of this kind of denial.
Because they don't care. They are supportive of it...the ultimate goal is to cripple America.

Agreed to an extent. But at this point, given the general lack of anything productive going on from both camps in 2012, I think we can all agree that both parties are at fault. Both of them are failing at their jobs.
looks like America starting getting into trouble after the GOP came back into a seat of power

U. S. National Debt History

deficit spending is nothing new, what is new is the magnitude of it. When obama took office the debt was 9 trillion, now after just over 4 years its almost 17 trillion. What will it be in 2016 if the dems are not stopped? How will our kids and grandkids ever pay it off?

Right now we are borrowing 46 cents of every dollar spent and some of that borrowing is being used to pay the interest on previous borrowing.

Its insanity, and you seem to condone it.

deficit spending in relation to the reality on the ground at the moment. On that score, the GOP since the days of Reagan fails with flying colors. Why deny it and attempt diversion?

The GOP will never become a power house like the DNC has been for the last few generations because of this kind of denial.

I did not say that the GOP was blameless. Liberal thought by republicans is as bad as liberal thought by democrats.

Why is everything you post partisan? why can't YOU face the reality that both parties caused the mess, but that the dems must take more responsibility because they have been in power more?

Anyone who subscribes to economics by John Maynard Keynes is an abject fool and a mental midget. No society can ever spend itself into prosperity. Keynes was wrong in everything he ever said or wrote.
Because they don't care. They are supportive of it...the ultimate goal is to cripple America.

Agreed to an extent. But at this point, given the general lack of anything productive going on from both camps in 2012, I think we can all agree that both parties are at fault. Both of them are failing at their jobs.

This year I've come to realize that the Republican Party is now Democratic..and the Dem party is straight up fascist progressive.

If I have to choose, I'll still choose the Repubs....but eventually they will go the same way that the original dem party did.

Not that it matters, our country is doomed. We fell asleep and let the pigs take control.
deficit spending is nothing new, what is new is the magnitude of it. When obama took office the debt was 9 trillion, now after just over 4 years its almost 17 trillion. What will it be in 2016 if the dems are not stopped? How will our kids and grandkids ever pay it off?

Right now we are borrowing 46 cents of every dollar spent and some of that borrowing is being used to pay the interest on previous borrowing.

Its insanity, and you seem to condone it.

deficit spending in relation to the reality on the ground at the moment. On that score, the GOP since the days of Reagan fails with flying colors. Why deny it and attempt diversion?

The GOP will never become a power house like the DNC has been for the last few generations because of this kind of denial.

I did not say that the GOP was blameless. Liberal thought by republicans is as bad as liberal thought by democrats.

Why is everything you post partisan? why can't YOU face the reality that both parties caused the mess, but that the dems must take more responsibility because they have been in power more?

Anyone who subscribes to economics by John Maynard Keynes is an abject fool and a mental midget. No society can ever spend itself into prosperity. Keynes was wrong in everything he ever said or wrote.

It is when the GOP was in power that debt started to grow without reason.

“Reagan taught us that deficits don’t matter.” - Dick Cheney

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