Here's the evidence of VOTER FRAUD that big media can't seem to find.

The American media is on it's death bed.

My friend Christina Bobb explains the evidence of voter fraud mounting daily and the media’s refusal to acknowledge it.

The courts can't seem to find fraud either.

The courts couldn't even find their balls to make the right decision on PENN when they had the chance. They aren't going to be very unique when they start getting stacked with partisans.
The American media is on it's death bed.

My friend Christina Bobb explains the evidence of voter fraud mounting daily and the media’s refusal to acknowledge it.

The courts can't seem to find fraud either.

The courts couldn't even find their balls to make the right decision on PENN when they had the chance. They aren't going to be very unique when they start getting stacked with partisans.

Another right wing Hoax?
We need legal evidence ... not insinuation ... flash us two seconds of video and say this is compelling? ... c'mon, zoom in, frame by frame, let us see the poll worker filling out the ballot ... post this list of dead people voting ... give us proof positive these extra ballots didn't arrive via USPS ...

The logic here is "IF they could cheat, THEN they DID cheat" ... millions of people on the inside ... a vast conspiracy involving 72 million voters casting their ballots for Quid Pro Joe ... shocking Biden's name was even printed on the ballots to begin with ...

Every judge in every state working together to embarrass The Donald ... see how many lawsuits have been thrown out already due to a lack of legal evidence ... Brad Raffensperger (Georgia Sec. of State) is the linchpin, pretending to be a Republican just so he could throw the Georgia election blue ... them commie dogs have moles all up-and-down all levels of government ...

Or maybe The Donald lost ... meh ... snowflakes got to be snowflakes ...
It’s looks like incompetency, irresponsibility and cheating have won out. All part of the liberal mantra so it fits well
Just uncanny(impossible) that as Election Day became Election week that everything which trickled in went in favor of Biden
Another right wing Hoax?
I like how that woman had to explain what "direct evidence" is to her audience.

That's because her viewership aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, if you know what I mean.

Seriously, if there's a ton of fraud, it should be easy to bring forward and demonstrate to the courts.

But that's not going to happen because you are being LIED TO!

They know you really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really want to believe!

And they'll keep telling you what you want to hear so they can sell advertising.

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