Here's the guy that liberals want to make a "victim" in the Schaivo case


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
He's not a victim he's a SCUMBAG!

- He wasnā€™t exactly a loyal husband. Schiavo dated other women during her disability. Moreover, he lived with his ā€œfianceā€ for years before and during the Terri Schiavo court fights, siring two children with her before Terri died. Many would not hold that against him. But given those facts, I wonder who she would have wanted to decide her life and death: A man who had a family with another woman he couldnā€™t legally marry because of she was still alive or her blood family?

- He told a medical malpractice jury he would care for Terri for the rest of her life, continue to provide rehabilitation, and presented expert testimony she could live a normal life span. Once the money was in her account, he decided she wouldnā€™t want to live in such a compromised stateā€“a little matter he apparently forgot to tell the jury. Within months of the end of the legal case, he reportedly informed her father that there would be no further rehabilitation and tried to withhold antibiotics from Terri after she developed an infection, setting off the first legal fight with her parents.

- A guardian ad litem appointed in the original food and fluids case opined that Terri should not have her food and water removed. The trial judge dismissed the guardian at Michaelā€™s request and never appointed anotherā€“contrary to Florida statutory law.

- Michael went years without filing legally required reports to the court about his plans for Terriā€™s future care. The judge didnā€™t mind. Such was the ā€œrule of Terriā€™s case.ā€ The usual standards did not apply.

- He told a court official in 1993ā€“in the antibiotics caseā€“that he had taken her wedding and engagement rings melted down and made into a ring for himself.

- He had her cats put down.

- Michael used Terriā€™s money, with the approval of the court, to prosecute the legal case culminating in her death.

- As Terri was dying of dehydration, she wasnā€™t even allowed ice chips in her mouth.

- And this one has been bothering me for years: Schiavo put these words on Terriā€™s tombstone: ā€œI kept my promise.ā€ Who puts an honorific about oneself on someone elseā€™s tombstone?

The effort to save Terri Schiavoā€™s life was entirely bipartisan, including cooperation from those rigid fundamentalist Christian Republicans, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, and Tom Harkin. But never mind: Politics.

Politico s Michael Schiavo Smear Jeb Bush Put Me Through Hell

This is the "victim" that liberals want to use against Jeb.

This besides the belief by the parents that Terry was not a victim of Bulimia but her own husband tried to strangle her!

You libs sure picked a winner to use to attack Jeb, didn't ya?

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