Here's The United States Code The NFL Players Are Violating---36 U.S.C. § 301

Again as a repeat: during the war I was an MP at Fort Ord and when retreat sounded GI's made bee lines for cover. Under cover one did not have to stand and salute the flag. The Retreat ceremony took some time and those soldiers not under cover had to stand at attention and salute as the flag was lowered. As Military Policeman we were never to take any action against those trying to get under cover. I wonder if that has now changed?
Oh, here we go. If it were an actual federal crime to, for example, improperly display the flag, how could it then still be legal to BURN one?


So violating 36 U.S.C. 301 isn't a crime? No wonder you idiots think someone coming here illegally isn't a crime.

Show me the criminal penalties then.

Does that mean it's not a crime?

It's not a crime. The code is 'advisory'.

The code is LAW. Laws aren't advisory.

Like I said, burning a flag might be legal just not in your best interest.

Title 36 of the United States Code - Wikipedia

Chapter 3: National Anthem, Motto, Floral Emblem, and March
You idiots are sooooooooooo funny.

Here's the oath you should be concerned about -

Article II, Section I, of the Constitution --

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This whacked-out fucking LoonTard is right for once...Let's defend the Constitution....FUCK ALL THOSE DACA KIDS!
Good point Luddly the Loon.
So violating 36 U.S.C. 301 isn't a crime? No wonder you idiots think someone coming here illegally isn't a crime.

Show me the criminal penalties then.

Does that mean it's not a crime?

It's not a crime. The code is 'advisory'.

The code is LAW. Laws aren't advisory.

Like I said, burning a flag might be legal just not in your best interest.

Title 36 of the United States Code - Wikipedia

Chapter 3: National Anthem, Motto, Floral Emblem, and March
You idiots are sooooooooooo funny.

no, you are too funny...

it says SHOULD, it does not say MUST.... it is merely a nice suggestion for civilians, and the Supreme Court ruled on these codes already, they break our first amendment right of free speech, ie.- if we want to burn the flag, it is covered under ''free speech'' and the gvt can NOT interfere with our free speech expressions.

there are no penalties for civilians not following code, it is NOT is simply an etiquette request, not a demand.
Show me the criminal penalties then.

Does that mean it's not a crime?

It's not a crime. The code is 'advisory'.

The code is LAW. Laws aren't advisory.

Like I said, burning a flag might be legal just not in your best interest.

Title 36 of the United States Code - Wikipedia

Chapter 3: National Anthem, Motto, Floral Emblem, and March
You idiots are sooooooooooo funny.

no, you are too funny...

it says SHOULD, it does not say MUST.... it is merely a nice suggestion for civilians, and the Supreme Court ruled on these codes already, they break our first amendment right of free speech, ie.- if we want to burn the flag, it is covered under ''free speech'' and the gvt can NOT interfere with our free speech expressions.

there are no penalties for civilians not following code, it is NOT is simply an etiquette request, not a demand.

Yeah, seems I said that very thing in post #9, yet here you and others are in post 124 still pounding out pointless BS, just saying the same shit over and over and over and over and over a.................. Like I said earlier, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charges: What you did. Period. When then police charge someone with a crime, they don't list the potential punishment. They tell you that if you don't want what you say used against you, keep your trap shut. The courts decide what the punishment is.

Every defendant gets an arraignment, during which the judge reads the charges against them, and the possible punishments that can be imposed, and asks them to make a plea.

If there are no punishments to be imposed, the judge can't hold the defendant.

The possible punishments aren't given. You made that up.
Show me the criminal penalties then.

Does that mean it's not a crime?

It's not a crime. The code is 'advisory'.

The code is LAW. Laws aren't advisory.

Like I said, burning a flag might be legal just not in your best interest.

Title 36 of the United States Code - Wikipedia

Chapter 3: National Anthem, Motto, Floral Emblem, and March
You idiots are sooooooooooo funny.

no, you are too funny...

it says SHOULD, it does not say MUST.... it is merely a nice suggestion for civilians, and the Supreme Court ruled on these codes already, they break our first amendment right of free speech, ie.- if we want to burn the flag, it is covered under ''free speech'' and the gvt can NOT interfere with our free speech expressions.

there are no penalties for civilians not following code, it is NOT is simply an etiquette request, not a demand.

Why don't you tell us the next time you plan to burn the flag.
Here's the U.S. Code that these unAmerican malcontents are violating. Trump is right, fire them. Hell, even Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka, the former unconstitutional non-natural born citizen president, violated it when he was a candidate.


36 U.S. Code § 301 - National anthem

The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.

(b)Conduct During Playing.—During a rendition of the national anthem—

(1) when the flag is displayed—

(A) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note;

(B) members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and

(C) all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and

(2) when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.
There is a big difference between "should" and "shall".

"Should" means, that it is optional.

"Shall" means, you gotta do it.
Why do righties hate free speech ?
Yep, many of them are acting like Regressives on campus (and other places). Why are these wingers so similar to each other?

They're both extremist...At least when you're talking about extreme liberalism you're talking about people that are protecting mistreated groups like gays and trans. The far right aims to do the same shit as the taliban to people they don't like.
Charges: What you did. Period. When then police charge someone with a crime, they don't list the potential punishment. They tell you that if you don't want what you say used against you, keep your trap shut. The courts decide what the punishment is.

Every defendant gets an arraignment, during which the judge reads the charges against them, and the possible punishments that can be imposed, and asks them to make a plea.

If there are no punishments to be imposed, the judge can't hold the defendant.

The possible punishments aren't given. You made that up.

There is no possible punishment IDIOT. It's a damn administrative statute, not criminal. It declare the Stars Spangled Banner our National Anthem and suggests how to properly observe when it's played in your presence.

So violating 36 U.S.C. 301 isn't a crime? No wonder you idiots think someone coming here illegally isn't a crime.

Show me the criminal penalties then.

Does that mean it's not a crime?

It's not a crime. The code is 'advisory'.

The code is LAW. Laws aren't advisory.

Like I said, burning a flag might be legal just not in your best interest.

Title 36 of the United States Code - Wikipedia

Chapter 3: National Anthem, Motto, Floral Emblem, and March
You idiots are sooooooooooo funny.


Those guidelines are not criminally enforceable. That has been well established.
Charges: What you did. Period. When then police charge someone with a crime, they don't list the potential punishment. They tell you that if you don't want what you say used against you, keep your trap shut. The courts decide what the punishment is.

Every defendant gets an arraignment, during which the judge reads the charges against them, and the possible punishments that can be imposed, and asks them to make a plea.

If there are no punishments to be imposed, the judge can't hold the defendant.

The possible punishments aren't given. You made that up.

There is no possible punishment IDIOT. It's a damn administrative statute, not criminal. It declare the Stars Spangled Banner our National Anthem and suggests how to properly observe when it's played in your presence.


You're thinking on too narrow of a level.
Show me the criminal penalties then.

Does that mean it's not a crime?

It's not a crime. The code is 'advisory'.

The code is LAW. Laws aren't advisory.

Like I said, burning a flag might be legal just not in your best interest.

Title 36 of the United States Code - Wikipedia

Chapter 3: National Anthem, Motto, Floral Emblem, and March
You idiots are sooooooooooo funny.


Those guidelines are not criminally enforceable. That has been well established.

You're thinking narrowly.
Does that mean it's not a crime?

It's not a crime. The code is 'advisory'.

The code is LAW. Laws aren't advisory.

Like I said, burning a flag might be legal just not in your best interest.

Title 36 of the United States Code - Wikipedia

Chapter 3: National Anthem, Motto, Floral Emblem, and March
You idiots are sooooooooooo funny.


Those guidelines are not criminally enforceable. That has been well established.

You're thinking narrowly.

No, I'm telling you what the facts are.
It's not a crime. The code is 'advisory'.

The code is LAW. Laws aren't advisory.

Like I said, burning a flag might be legal just not in your best interest.

Title 36 of the United States Code - Wikipedia

Chapter 3: National Anthem, Motto, Floral Emblem, and March
You idiots are sooooooooooo funny.


Those guidelines are not criminally enforceable. That has been well established.

You're thinking narrowly.

No, I'm telling you what the facts are.

No, you're enforceable thinking is too narrow.
I've seen reports over the last few days that NBA teams are planning to do something.

Didn't a baseball player take a knee, too?

Just like a Milo visit to a campus, this all could have been avoided by just ignoring it by letting people express themselves, live and let live.

Silly stuff.
Show me the criminal penalties then.

Does that mean it's not a crime?

It's not a crime. The code is 'advisory'.

The code is LAW. Laws aren't advisory.

Like I said, burning a flag might be legal just not in your best interest.

Title 36 of the United States Code - Wikipedia

Chapter 3: National Anthem, Motto, Floral Emblem, and March
You idiots are sooooooooooo funny.


Those guidelines are not criminally enforceable. That has been well established.

They aren't criminal statutes, they are administrative. I established there was no punishment in post #9, yet here you and others are just talking past each other.


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