Here's what's tucked in the spending bill


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Here's what's tucked in the spending bill

Blocking new marijuana legalization bill in Washington, D.C.: Voters in D.C. approved a measure to decriminalize recreational marijuana use last month. But Congress has authority over the city's finances, so the bill bars the District from using any of its own money or federal funds to regulate the use of pot.

Wealthy donors allowed to give more to political parties: The bill increases the individual limits that donors can give to national parties to help fund conventions, building funds and legal proceedings, such as recounts. The change would effectively allow rich donors to give ten times more than they can today to support political parties. Republicans who pushed for the change say they are substituting more private money for the taxpayer money that was collected for national political campaign committees, but instead used to fund a pediatric cancer bill that passed earlier this year.

More wheat bread for school lunches: Republicans wanted to block new nutritional requirements for school lunches under a program championed by First Lady Michelle Obama. But instead of wiping out the rule, Republicans and Democrats agreed to give local schools more flexibility on how they decided to include whole grain items on school menus.

The sage grouse faces uncertain future: The Fish and Wildlife Service wanted to add the sage grouse - a type of bird found in some western states - to the endangered species list, but Republicans argued that would have a negative economic fallout for energy companies developing resources in those states.

No more taxpayer money for expensive portraits: Committee chairs and other high ranking government officials in Washington often commission large, often very pricey portraits of themselves to hang in hearing rooms. Under the bill they would need to use private money to pay for any new portraits.

Old fashioned light bulbs still allowed: The bill blocks new energy efficient standards that would have made incandescent light bulbs obsolete. Consumers had complained about the new requirements.

White potatoes get top billing: A new provision was added requiring that the Women, Infants and Children program that provides food assistance to low income families include fresh vegetables, and includes an explicit requirement for white potatoes.

Truckers won't be required to get more sleep: Safety advocates wanted to require truck drivers to get a full two night's sleep before beginning their new shift on the road, but the bill blocks that requirement.

Farmers get a reprieve from some clean water rules: The deal prevents the Environmental Protection Agency from enforcing some of its clean water act rules in some agricultural regions.

Gitmo prisoners can't come to the United States: The bill bars money for transferring any detainees held at the facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to any prisons in the U.S.

Banks allowed to use taxpayer money to engage in potentially risky trades: The bill rolls back a provision that was part of financial reforms for Wall Street banks. It reverses a rule that was enacted in 2010 that barred banks from using taxpayer backed funds from trading in derivatives. Democrats argue these often risky trades helped contribute to the financial collapse in 2008.

Blocks IRS from targeting certain groups: The bill prevents any federal money to be used by the Internal Revenue Service to target any advocacy group based on their ideological leanings. This practice is already not allowed, but Republicans wanted to underline it after internal documents showed that some IRS employees targeted some groups when investigating their tax-exempt status.

New sexual harassment training for Hill staffers: The measure requires the Chief Administrative Officer, the office that oversees the thousands of aides working on Capitol Hill, to develop an online training program focused on sexual harassment. Earlier this year, Louisiana GOP Rep Vance McAllister was caught kissing a member of his own staff.
Fuck the sage grouse.

Obama grants the wind generating industry waivers so they can go on allowing the deaths of endangered migratory birds, yet you shouldn't drill a well within a mile of a nesting sage grouse?
There are probably a thousand little things tucked into that monstrosity that will never get reported - until they take effect.
Meanwhile Obama supported it so any attack on the bill is an attack on Obama.

meanwhile the bill is still in congress, Obama hasn't signed it, when he signs it he supports it.
He already said he was gonna sign it idiot. Or did you believe he wanted a public feud with Pelosi just for fun.....


Suddenlink Cable ... great link, but it doesn't say a damn word about Obama.

Meanwhile Obama supported it so any attack on the bill is an attack on Obama.

meanwhile the bill is still in congress, Obama hasn't signed it, when he signs it he supports it.
He already said he was gonna sign it idiot. Or did you believe he wanted a public feud with Pelosi just for fun.....


Suddenlink Cable ... great link, but it doesn't say a damn word about Obama.

Ground control to Major Tom.....
meanwhile the bill is still in congress, Obama hasn't signed it, when he signs it he supports it.
He already said he was gonna sign it idiot. Or did you believe he wanted a public feud with Pelosi just for fun.....


Suddenlink Cable ... great link, but it doesn't say a damn word about Obama.

Ground control to Major Tom.....

Suddenlink Cable ... great link, but it doesn't say a damn word about Obama.

What the bill doesn't do:

The bill doesn't block the president's executive action on immigration.

The deal doesn't roll back any major portions of Obamacare

Of course not. If it did, Reid would never allow it to even come up for debate. He's still in charge of the Senate, remember?
What the bill doesn't do:

The bill doesn't block the president's executive action on immigration.

The deal doesn't roll back any major portions of Obamacare

Of course not. If it did, Reid would never allow it to even come up for debate. He's still in charge of the Senate, remember?
Then Ted Cruz is even dumber than I thought.

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