Here's why Ebola is no longer in the news....

And so fucking stupid when you are a liberal!
yes, people like yourself do look stupid to liberals.

To you mentally ill scum, that's a forgone conclusion.... you have no logic, or common sense, so everything you see and do is skewed!
says the man who started a thread on ballot stuffing in arizona.

Which is true! :badgrin:
no. it's true you started the thread. it's not true that there was anything illegal going on, as you claimed there was.

but then just like you're hyperbole on ebola, it's no surprise that the truth interests you far less than who you can damage with a lie.

Of course I started the thread! Of course there was, we have Democrat voter fraud EVERYWHERE!

Then why does the Pentagon hold ALL returning soldiers from the Obola fight in Africa in quarantine?????:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Look at all the armchair doctors in this thread. Think you know disease better than the experts in the field? Only the best of the best are allowed into the CDC.
Look at all the armchair doctors in this thread. Think you know disease better than the experts in the field? Only the best of the best are allowed into the CDC.

Perhaps you came in late and MISSED this?

Up to date Ebola central

This reminds me of sticking fingers in the holes of a sinking boat


Breaking news on Ebola virus -

Thousands in Sierra Leone are being forced to violate Ebola quarantines to find food because deliveries are not reaching them, aid agencies say - @AP


Pentagon says there are no plans to shrink Ebola mission in West Africa - @DefenseBaron
end of alert

President Obama to meet with national security and public health teams Tuesday to receive update on Ebola response, White House announces - statement
end of alert

UNICEF announces it's doubling its staff in West Africa, where children make up 20% of all Ebola cases - @AP

Mali currently has no Ebola cases but 39 people are being sought after sharing public transport with a 2-year-old who died from the disease in the country's only case of the virus, World Health Organization says - @Reuters
end of alert
yes, people like yourself do look stupid to liberals.

To you mentally ill scum, that's a forgone conclusion.... you have no logic, or common sense, so everything you see and do is skewed!
says the man who started a thread on ballot stuffing in arizona.

Which is true! :badgrin:
no. it's true you started the thread. it's not true that there was anything illegal going on, as you claimed there was.

but then just like you're hyperbole on ebola, it's no surprise that the truth interests you far less than who you can damage with a lie.

Of course I started the thread! Of course there was, we have Democrat voter fraud EVERYWHERE!

Then why does the Pentagon hold ALL returning soldiers from the Obola fight in Africa in quarantine?????:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
because they're soldiers and the Pentagon can tell them to stand on one foot for three weeks if they choose to. the quarantine of soldiers doesn't change anything for volunteers choosing to donate their time to prevent a global epidemic.
To you mentally ill scum, that's a forgone conclusion.... you have no logic, or common sense, so everything you see and do is skewed!
says the man who started a thread on ballot stuffing in arizona.

Which is true! :badgrin:
no. it's true you started the thread. it's not true that there was anything illegal going on, as you claimed there was.

but then just like you're hyperbole on ebola, it's no surprise that the truth interests you far less than who you can damage with a lie.

Of course I started the thread! Of course there was, we have Democrat voter fraud EVERYWHERE!

Then why does the Pentagon hold ALL returning soldiers from the Obola fight in Africa in quarantine?????:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
because they're soldiers and the Pentagon can tell them to stand on one foot for three weeks if they choose to. the quarantine of soldiers doesn't change anything for volunteers choosing to donate their time to prevent a global epidemic.

Oh, so our government thinks we should quarantine soldiers because THE GOVERNMENT says so, but NOT CIVILIAN VOLUNTEERS that have come INTO CONTACT with the disease DIRECTLY..... YOU, my pond scum subversive, are a complete lunatic!
Unfortunately you mental disorder is beyond current medical skill... a lobotomy is recommended in your case!
You've got the same problem dude, irrational anxiety combined with gullibility off the charts that makes fear mongering almost a daily habit for you.

But passing of time is your enemy,you chicken littles have been wrong about Ebola spreading in the US and each week passes makes you look more like a demented laughing stock.
Unfortunately you mental disorder is beyond current medical skill... a lobotomy is recommended in your case!
You've got the same problem dude, irrational anxiety combined with gullibility off the charts that makes fear mongering almost a daily habit for you.

But passing of time is your enemy,you chicken littles have been wrong about Ebola spreading in the US and each week passes makes you look more like a demented laughing stock.

My GOD idiot, how long has it been since the fucker from Africa died? Even the WHO suggest 42 day quarantine, and THEY have been monitoring Obola for YEARS longer than the inept CDC who couldn't make up their minds if riding on a bus with an Obola victim, would be dangerous to your health or not!

I swear, you fucking Liberals ACTUALLY have mental disorders.... Savage was RIGHT!
says the man who started a thread on ballot stuffing in arizona.

Which is true! :badgrin:
no. it's true you started the thread. it's not true that there was anything illegal going on, as you claimed there was.

but then just like you're hyperbole on ebola, it's no surprise that the truth interests you far less than who you can damage with a lie.

Of course I started the thread! Of course there was, we have Democrat voter fraud EVERYWHERE!

Then why does the Pentagon hold ALL returning soldiers from the Obola fight in Africa in quarantine?????:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
because they're soldiers and the Pentagon can tell them to stand on one foot for three weeks if they choose to. the quarantine of soldiers doesn't change anything for volunteers choosing to donate their time to prevent a global epidemic.

Oh, so our government thinks we should quarantine soldiers because THE GOVERNMENT says so, but NOT CIVILIAN VOLUNTEERS that have come INTO CONTACT with the disease DIRECTLY..... YOU, my pond scum subversive, are a complete lunatic!
you lack the capacity to understand the difference between a medical volunteer and a soldier ordered on deployment. i understand you have limited cognitive powers, perhaps someone can draw you a picture so you can grasp the distinction.
I knew this would be more a media control problem instead of a health problem to this administration.

Control the media and you control Ebola.
or, and this is crazy, i know, actually allow the medical community to control ebola - as they have.
Which is true! :badgrin:
no. it's true you started the thread. it's not true that there was anything illegal going on, as you claimed there was.

but then just like you're hyperbole on ebola, it's no surprise that the truth interests you far less than who you can damage with a lie.

Of course I started the thread! Of course there was, we have Democrat voter fraud EVERYWHERE!

Then why does the Pentagon hold ALL returning soldiers from the Obola fight in Africa in quarantine?????:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
because they're soldiers and the Pentagon can tell them to stand on one foot for three weeks if they choose to. the quarantine of soldiers doesn't change anything for volunteers choosing to donate their time to prevent a global epidemic.

Oh, so our government thinks we should quarantine soldiers because THE GOVERNMENT says so, but NOT CIVILIAN VOLUNTEERS that have come INTO CONTACT with the disease DIRECTLY..... YOU, my pond scum subversive, are a complete lunatic!
you lack the capacity to understand the difference between a medical volunteer and a soldier ordered on deployment. i understand you have limited cognitive powers, perhaps someone can draw you a picture so you can grasp the distinction.

Are they American citizens? What is the difference if either one spread the disease when coming back?..... One has the POSSIBILITY of doing so, the other MUCH LESS possibility.... You sir, are getting to be even a bigger fucking idiot, for NOT UNDERSTANDING this potentially critical condition..... One has to wonder about the 25% or so, brain damaged liberals in this population... they have the potential to have us all killed for their PC bullshit!
My GOD idiot, how long has it been since the fucker from Africa died?
They have lifted the watch on people he came in contact with, and for added fun even when he was sick and among the community he didn't infect anyone. That shows how much you are over hyping how easily this shit spreads.

But again, time isn't on your side. We'll check in with you again in a few more weeks to see how the epidemic you've been foaming at the mouth about has spread in the US, and if it hasn't you will have every opportunity to explain where your logic failed.

I swear, you fucking Liberals ACTUALLY have mental disorders.... Savage was RIGHT!
Sure to someone with severe paranoia issues like you all the sane people around them seem strange and you might rant about them. This is natural.

They have meds for you.
I knew this would be more a media control problem instead of a health problem to this administration.

Control the media and you control Ebola.
or, and this is crazy, i know, actually allow the medical community to control ebola - as they have.

Thank GOD they far.... now what happens when ISIS starts sending them across the Southern OPEN border, as has been suggested!
My GOD idiot, how long has it been since the fucker from Africa died?
They have lifted the watch on people he came in contact with, and for added fun even when he was sick and among the community he didn't infect anyone. That shows how much you are over hyping how easily this shit spreads.

But again, time isn't on your side. We'll check in with you again in a few more weeks to see how the epidemic you've been foaming at the mouth about has spread in the US, and if it hasn't you will have every opportunity to explain where your logic failed.

I swear, you fucking Liberals ACTUALLY have mental disorders.... Savage was RIGHT!
Sure to someone with severe paranoia issues like you all the sane people around them seem strange and you might rant about them. This is natural.

They have meds for you.

Yes, I see your hoping your right, what happens if your wrong, and a simple quarantine could have prevented it.... remember AIDS, said it couldn't spread!

CDC Director We Have To Work Now So Ebola 8216 Is Not The World 8217 s Next AIDS 8217 CBS DC

Yes, the CDC, which you are so fond of actually made those remarks!... :ahole-1:
Yes, I see your hoping your right, what happens if your wrong, and a simple quarantine could have prevented it.... remember AIDS, said it couldn't spread!
I'm hoping we don't get invaded by martians too, that doesn't mean it makes sense to spend so many of your 60-70 posts per day fretting about it. You're going to run out of cartoons at this rate.

Zero Hedge ^

ZeroHedge: Here's why Ebola is no longer in the news Forbes’ David Kroll – an adjunct professor at Duke University Medical Center - notes: The Associated Press and other press outlets have agreed not to report on suspected cases of Ebola in the United States until a positive viral RNA test is completed. In other words, the mainstream media has agreed not to report on any suspected Ebola cases. I guess the Ebola czar has been a busy boy, after all ... you know, preventing panic and all that.


Not in the news anymore because it was never news-worthy.
How many have died in the US from ebola? 2? More people die slipping in the shower than from ebola. Everyone showers so you'd expect that to garner more media attention but it doesn't.

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