Here's Why Obama Will Lose.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. " John Kass, Chicago Tribune columnist and the son of an immigrant,... describes how his father worked his fingers to the bone every day of his life to run his small business. And how the government, not only didn’t help, it was like a hammer over his head.

2. 'Just two immigrant brothers and their families risking everything, balancing on the economic high wire, building a business in America. They sacrificed, paid their bills, counted pennies to pay rent and purchase health care and food and not much else. And for their troubles they were muscled by the politicos, by the city inspectors and the chiselers and the weasels, all those smiling extortionists who held the government hammer over all of our heads.

3. “You didn’t get there on your own,” Obama said. “I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

4. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that? Somebody else made that happen?
Somebody else, Mr. President? Who, exactly? Government?

5. One of my earliest memories as a boy at the store was that of the government men coming from City Hall. One was tall and beefy. The other was wiry. They wanted steaks.

We didn’t eat red steaks at home or yellow bananas. We took home the brown bananas and the brown steaks because we couldn’t sell them. But the government men liked the big, red steaks, the fat rib-eyes two to a shrink-wrapped package. You could put 20 or so in a shopping bag.

6. “Thanks, Greek,” they’d say.'

7. Like so many of our grandparents and parents, no one gave them subsidies, they didn’t take food stamps, they didn’t take welfare. They didn’t spend their money on frivolous things. They just worked and worked and worked. Every day of the summers I was a child my Mom would drop me and my brothers off at my Grandma’s so she could work for no pay at my Dad’s start up law firm. This was after he worked days at a railroad so he could go to law school at night. And that was after he went into the army, so he could go to college, where he took any job he could get. Both of them worked so hard, and never complained. This is the legacy of the entrepreneurial spirit.

8. People like Obama hold the hammer and say, “Thanks Greek,” because they have never known what it’s like to get up every day, work hard to make a business successful, never take time off, never golf, never go on vacation, much less the Hamptons. Obama doesn’t know. Most people in the government don’t know."
Pres. Obama Swinging The Government Hammer | TexasSparkle | a blog

I hope all have the time to read Mr. Kass's entire article at
Who else, Mr. President? -
why would we read lies?

you did not quote Obama you hacked up his worlds to make them say something other than what he said.

You reflect the NOT GOOD imagine you have stated you have about Americans.

we are not all like you
who is doing the stabbing?

your party is the one who is living on lies and working to keep legal American voters from voting.
[ame=]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]
He just doesn't understand business because he has never been exposed to free enterprise. He grew up in a racist church, had associates who hate the US. We have to get him out of there or our problems are going to get worse.
that is the truth.

the more Americans who vote the fewer elections the republicans win.

the antidemocracy party
He just doesn't understand business because he has never been exposed to free enterprise. He grew up in a racist church, had associates who hate the US. We have to get him out of there or our problems are going to get worse.

dear idiot you have just maligned every office holder that came from a military background
Obamas a schmuch.

A schmuck who's never had a real job in his entire life.

The only sweating he does is on the Golf course.

Business is the backbone of this nation and I shudder to think what America would be like without the hard driving folks who run those businesses.

Jesus he's such a loser.
government IS NOT business.

they do not have the same desired outcome.

did you NOT know that?
The truth is there are so many reasons why Obama should lose, and in years past would lose by a record landslide.
Unfortunately we live in such a divided country now, to the point that Obama has so many built-in voters, that will vote for him no matter what.
Will it be enough? I don't know, but in saner times the election would be a laughingstock.
why would we read lies?

you did not quote Obama you hacked up his worlds to make them say something other than what he said.

You reflect the NOT GOOD imagine you have stated you have about Americans.

we are not all like you


You have a tapeworm????
Obamas a schmuch.

A schmuck who's never had a real job in his entire life.

The only sweating he does is on the Golf course.

Business is the backbone of this nation and I shudder to think what America would be like without the hard driving folks who run those businesses.

Jesus he's such a loser.

He worked for the Business International Corporation and at the New York Public Interest Research Group.

your a lair
why would we read lies?

you did not quote Obama you hacked up his worlds to make them say something other than what he said.

You reflect the NOT GOOD imagine you have stated you have about Americans.

we are not all like you


You have a tapeworm????

look you dumb assed hate filled nutter.

the American people are way better than you.

you reflect the NOT GOOD people you think are all arround you.
Obamas a schmuch.

A schmuck who's never had a real job in his entire life.

The only sweating he does is on the Golf course.

Business is the backbone of this nation and I shudder to think what America would be like without the hard driving folks who run those businesses.

Jesus he's such a loser.

He worked for the Business International Corporation and at the New York Public Interest Research Group.

your a lair

Your lies are causing your party to die a stabbing death....

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